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NationStates: N-Day 11: Glow Big or Go Home

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It's just like any other day, except it isn't. Muted explosions, like divine thunder, rumble through buildings and rattle your very bones. Alarms, sirens, and cries for help echo in the distance. Lizard-worshiping cultists emerge from their homes and assorted encampments to welcome the end of the wurld. And as you gaze out upon your glorious nation, now blanketed in smoke and illuminated by napalm skies, you are filled with two things -- irradiated dust and a sense of inescapable doom. That's the nuclear apocalypse for you, and once again, it's arrived.

Sorry, jumped the gun there. Almost arrived. You can find the exact time total armageddon commences using our nifty and well-worn Nuclear Countdown clock below. It's a lot easier to understand than the one the Doomsday Clock people run, at least.

Time until Nuclear Apocalypse:

Click here for your local time: @@JGConfig::time_ago(1727560800)@@

As megafactions and minor-league hopefuls converge this September for a clash uncertain to be as legendary as others long past, be sure to pre-register for your chosen faction here, head on over to Vault 41 for your usual pre-annihilation banter, and prepare yourself for inevitable destruction with the dispatch below: @@JGConfig::parse_nscode("https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=874170", 2)@@

The changelog for this NDay can be found here: @@JGConfig::parse_nscode("https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=2558821", 2)@@

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