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[VISION STATEMENT] The Charkov Peninsula

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The Charkov Peninsula (as the name implies) is a peninsula. It has a relatively cold climate, with heavy snow in the winter. On the inland part of the territory owned by the nation, there are large mountains dominated by the clans from the timeline. (Although I have been eyeing a spot on the map and its more hills than mountains, but the rest of it is flat like how I imagine it) It is similar to North-Eastern Europe, North-West Russia and Siberian Russia. Much of the country is dominated by low to medium density forests, although in some places it can reach quite a high density.



I imagine the people of The Charkov Peninsula looking like irl eastern Europe descent, although IC they would also have a mix of people from nearby countries. TCP is not a very ethnically diverse nation though, as very few people have emigrated since the 1970s, there are only descendants of people from before the civil war and Volkov era plus the few people that have emigrated in recent years.

Approximate ethnic percentages:

Charkovian: 87%

Nearby country 1: 8%

Nearby country 2: 3%

Other ethnicities: 2%



The Charkov Peninsula's government is fairly unique. It went from a monarchy to a presidential democracy, before briefly becoming a dictatorship for 2 years. It then devolved into anarchy for a few decades, before going back to a presidential democracy. However, once they returned to a presidential democracy, they created a system where there were 2 presidents and vice-presidents. This was done to assist in reducing corruption while also letting there be more representation. The people and government tend to be socialist. (not communist, there is a difference but i would assume most people in Eurth now this)



Religious freedom exists in TCP, although there is a quite high atheism and non-religious rate. In recent surveys, 53% of the population claimed to not adhere to any particular religion. Of the total population, around 21% of them claimed to be atheist. Overall, a bit over a quarter of the population does not adhere to a religion while not being atheist, while a bit under a quarter is atheist. The remaining population of a bit under a half of them claim to be religious, although most are not extremely religious (2% of population called themselves extremely religious). Questionnaires have revealed that much of the non-religious population either was either born into an atheist/non-religious family or 'stopped believing in it due to the suffering of the 70s to 2000s'. Much of the population that was religious but stopped believing said that they thought the horrors the clans committed would've been punished sooner by god/gods if it were real.

Approximate religion percentages:

Non-religious (including atheist): 53%

Non-religious (not including atheist): 22%

Atheist: 21%

Major religion in Eurth 1: 17%

Major religion in Eurth 2: 13%

Croulch (religion from Charkov royal family): 4%

Other: 13%



The Charkov Peninsula is a nation with a few goals. One of their priority's was maintaining national security with remnants of the clans still existing, this quickly became the top priority after the attack of June 29th. Another goal was to rebuild the cities and villages, this is approximately 85-90% completed. Once the official government was formed in 2015, it made time to reach out to neighboring and nearby countries. It largely stayed isolated as it focused on rebuilding, but recently it has started to reach out to more countries and expanding relations with both close and distant nations. OOC vision wise, I hope to create interesting roleplays with other countries in the wurld create more goals for TCP while also achieving any goals it would want/need IC. To update it (my front desk is a bit outdated), on nationstates it is classified as 'Democratic Socialists', this is not why I said earlier that the government and people are socialist, I imagine it would be that way anyways.



Population: 7 476 000 (0 points)

GDP: 17 846 (2 points)

Land area: Around 300 000 to 350 000 (based off a rough guess on the place I'm eyeing on the map compared to a nearby country (2 points))

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