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[Pentium] Letter of Procurement for Seylosian Goods

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To: Seylosian Ministry of Defense @Seylos

From: Lachlan Sinclair, Minister of Defense


My name is Lachlan Sinclair, I represent the Republic of Pentium's MoD.  After extensive research and internal appraisals of the equipment that the Seylosian Military utilized to great effect on a daily basis, we were interested in purchasing some of your equipment.  Specifically, we were interested in the Harrier III Ground Support Aircraft to replace our aging support craft inventory.  Our Navy has also expressed interest in acquiring a single carrier and support cruiser for the Warden Navy.  Funds are already prepared and set aside for the acquisition if you are willing and able to send these over in a timely manner.  If you are interested, we are open to in-depth discussion and negotiation on a price that we both find acceptable.

Best Wishes,

Lachlan Sinclair, Minister of Defense.

Edited by Orioni (see edit history)
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Above Messages Forwarded from the Seylosian Ministry of Defense

<<Cleared for Purchase>>

<<Promissory of 8.41 Billion Adapton Solidus>>


FROM: Vice President of Acquisitions Shae Åkesson, Aamotech South

TO: Lachlan Sinclair, Minister of Defense, Republic of @Pentium

Aamotech South is pleased to make your acquaintance, and we are more than positive that we are capable of fulfilling your requested orders. We have heard from your representatives that your nation required 100 Harrier IIIB strike craft? Our Prymontian and Seylosian factories can begin the process of fulfilling these orders as we have received confirmation of a declaration of payment. An order of this size will be broken into ten deliverable orders in order to ensure that your nation is receiving the Harrier IIIB in a timely manner. Each order will take approximately one month to fulfill.

Of course, these orders will continue to receive air frame support as per our contract.

We thank you for choosing Aamotech South.


FROM: Vice President of Foreign Relations Reagan Kuroki, Norfolk Naval Yards

TO: Lachlan Sinclair, Minister of Defense, Republic of Pentium

The Kingdom of Seylos is delighted to have the Republic of Pentium as a valued defense partner during these trying times. We've had the needed conversations with the Ministry of Defense and have been given clearance to construct your orders. Normally a carrier class vessel would be restricted to a very select group of nations, however it appears the Ministry of Defense has classified Pentium as an ally.

We've received your requests for:

Akira-Class Cruiser

  • One of our most technologically advanced ships, only behind the Brushfire-Class in its complexity. As such, production time on this ship is estimated to be [X] months.

Defiant-Class Carrier

  • The Defiant Class is the figurehead of Seylosian Naval dominance and one of the most formidable ships to sail every ocean on Eurth. Its service has helped ushered in a new era for the Kingdom of Seylos and the North Adlantic Union. With such a large and complex craft, construction time is estimated at [X] months.
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To: Vice President of Acquisitions Shae Åkesson, Aamotech South @Seylos

From: Lachlan Sinclair, Minister of Defense

It is good to make yours as well, we are pleased to hear that you can meet our request for the Harrier IIIB.  100 was the number that we were looking to acquire, in addition, the proposed timeline of ten per month until completion is acceptable to the Ministry, Airforce and Navy.  You may also consider this letter a confirmation and declaration of our intent and payment for these projects, I will have our acquisition team reach out to your department to make payments and discuss the final price of the deal.

My Thanks,

Lachlan Sinclair, Ministry of Defense, Republic of Pentium

To: Vice President of Foreign Relations Reagan Kuroki, Norfolk Naval Yards

From: Lachlan Sinclair, Minister of Defense, Republic of Pentium

Thank you for the promptness and legwork that you have put in to make this deal happen so smoothly, it is good to know we stand in good graces with the Kingdom of Seylos and her defence providers.  I will have our naval acquisition team reach out to discuss payment and the timeline around these vessels being completed and handed into Pentian hands.  You may also consider this letter a confirmation and declaration of our intent and payment for these projects.

My Thanks,

Lachlan Sinclair, Ministry of Defense, Republic of Pentium

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