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[Map Application] Mavran/The Mavranai Federation

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#Nation on Eurth: Mavranai Federation
National Flag: spacer.png
Capital Name: Mavris
Capital Location: On the Mouth of a River

Starter Stats:

Population - 2 points - 33 million

GDP - 1 point - 14,500

Land Area - 1 point
Culture: Mostly French-Inspired with a small mix of Spanish, but ethnically whatever works best for the area
Climate & Geography: A river splits the nation mostly in two, a mostly consistent climate

Before the federation, many thought that Farisia and Illeux were completely antagonistic to each other, with no hope of them being anything but enemies. This changed during the liberal revolutions of the early 1800s when revolutionaries from both countries cooperated in taking down their respective monarchies and nobilities. This helped to ease the prior animosity between the people of the two nations, and over time they would consistently grow closer together after respective guarantees of independence, economic and defensive pacts, and the eventual connection of infrastructure and the implementation of free movement between the nations in 1899. As such, when the Federalist movement was born, it found itself with plenty of willing supporters, ready to see the two nations unite under one banner. 

The Articles of Federation would be signed in 1925, officially bringing the two nations into one, but all legislative work wouldn't be nearly done for many years. Since then, the Federation has consistently only grown closer, with a unified military, foreign policy, and much of its economic direction.

Front Desk + Vision Statement:

Desired Location: (optional):

Having looked around the map for a little while, I found a nice area on Argis which would work well for my nation. As you can see from the screenshot, I used Google Eurth Pro and the guide to get the map onto a glube and measured out the area covered by my idea for my nation. As you can see, it fits comfortably in the 150,000 km^2 area limit for 1 point of area. For the borders of the nation, I used the climate map to not include the non-continental climate areas in the North and used the river on the Eastern side as a natural boundary. I hope that if possible I could get this area for my nation.
Other Critical Information: (optional)

Edited by Mavran (see edit history)
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Congratulations on graduating from the RP academy! Now let's get you on the map.

With one point in land area, your country can be anywhere from 50,000km^2 to just under 250,000km^2.

After reading your vision statement, front desk, and your application, I don't think the location you've picked for your desired location would fit the best. Lysia's colonisation of mainland Argis is scant, and that particular location would require the Lysians to somehow maintain a navy that could control the Keelpijp something thats already difficult on its own for a local power, much less one who's navy would've already been stretched thin due to its glubal colonies. Also I'd much prefer keep that area open to native nations then colonists.

Nevertheless, there are plenty of locations on Eurth a country likes your could fit with your desired parameters. Below I've chosen 4 locations I believe your country could fit. It's up to you to decide which location you prefer the most. Afterwards all necessary countries (lore / proximity / etcetera) will be pinged for consent. If they don't object within the next 5 days your country will be added to the next map update.

1. Raga Sea, Europa
With a land area of around 232,900km^2, rather then being a French colony your country would be native to the region (like Lysia itself). Rather then Spanish influence it would probably either be Romanian (from Suverina), and/or a kind of neo-Latin from Tagmatium/Adaptus. Your climate would be split between two main climates - a temperate/continental climate on your peninsula, and a dry steppe/desert within the interior due to a rainshadow effect caused by the Byphean-Dacvoro mountain range. Your country would be split in half by a large river though!

2. Northern Island, Marenesia Major

With approximately 248,800km^2 of land area your country would be situation on the northern coastline of the northern island of Marenesia Major. Your country's climate would be almost entirely a tropical savannah with some steppe climate in the very south around the mountains. Your country would most likely be an ex-colony of Lysia (to the north). The indigenous peoples of the island are the Marenai (Maori) and likely influences would be Neo-latin again in SIC/Salvia, or English from Gallambria/New Marenesia (Anglian ex-colonies).

3. Cashar Island #1, Alharu
Removed - conflicted with an existing claim

4. Cashar Island #2, Alharu
Or if not, you can go on the other island of the island with a few highlands between yourself and Florentia. Your land area would be around 187,200km^2 and a country split into 3 climate zones (hot steppe in the west, temperate continental in the north, and humid sub-tropical in the middle).

Edited by Xio (see edit history)
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Hi! Thanks for the quick feedback. In response to your original comment about the place in Argis, I have been told that it is similar to a more slavic area. Could it be possible that the nation would consist of ethnically slavic peoples which have taken heavy inspiration from Lysian culture over many years due to interactions and an idolisation of Lysian customs? Just would like to know if this would be an option.

If this is not possible/not allowed, I'd be more inclined to choose Option 3. My original plan did not include having the federation states be former colonies, but I'm willing to compromise for this if need be 

One again, thank you for the quick response!

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Unfortunately proposal 3 had to be revoked as it would've overlapped with an approved expansion that has already begun (unless you mean proposal 4, the 3rd proposal available). If you like I can offer 2 similar proposal to the original offer 3 that don't infringe on another member's claims if it was your main preference.

A Slavic country is okay, but I'm not sure how you'd Lysiafy your country w/o Lysian control - direct or indirect. It's not something that happens.

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Perhaps a sufficient enough time scale alongside royal culture could be enough. I was thinking that perhaps Lysian imports could be brought over for nobility and royalty as luxury goods, prompting an obsession in these upper echelons of society over all things Lysian. Perhaps with monarchs that would help fund Lysian-style architecture and the import of Lysian books on many topics, Lysian culture could come to overtake much of the traditional culture of the royalty. This would then inevitably spread down through the middle and lower classes, however with the language growing further away from proper Lysian and mixing more with the slavic languages of the common folk. If this sounds feasible/plausible, I can write more and a proper timeline when I am back at my computer in a few hours.

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If you can, please. I don't want to dismiss the idea out-right but as it was originally written it was a bit hard to believe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright. I see the google doc you sent me, read through it. I'm feeling a bit more confident in allowing you in your desired location. All I ask is for consent from @Velika for location,
@Florentia for lore, and a quick thumbs up or note of apprehension from @Ahrana and @Garindina as the big naval powers of the 4 Argic seas on how you feel about light Lysian and Florentian interference in the area. And @Baltica for good luck (+ feelings on Lysia presence in the Keelpijp).

They'll have until the 18th to get their foot in the door if they have any questions/critique/desired changes.

Edited by Xio (see edit history)
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Mavran already discussed the topic with me so I give my full support to his proposition. Though I'm curious to know how Farisian and Illieux revolutionaries saw the Second Republic's authoritarian nature.

To quote the wiki : "While the National Assembly remained and parliamentary elections were regularly held, Lysia became a de facto military junta, with officers being appointed to key positions. Furthermore, while the regime is nowadays referred to as the second Lysian Republic because of the absence of a monarch, the [constitutional monarchist] constitution of 1768 was still being used."

Edited by Florentia (see edit history)
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I am a bit standoffish because I don't know how exactly the Lysian influence got there. My only two questions are: 1. How did the Lysian Influence come to be? 2. Is there any Slavic influence at all?

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@Mavran, thank you for the link to the Document. I see no reason why this couldn't work. As long as it is a light influence within the modern time frame, I am happy to see this happen!!

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Here is the link for anyone interested. @Ahrana This should hold all the answers to your questions.

In regards to @Florentias question, I think that it would ultimately result in a pretty big split between Illieuxnai and Farisian politicians, but the general consensus amongst the public would lie somewhere around "It's an unfortunate but necessary evil." It would most likely cause some tension initially, but once the Junta gives up power, this tension would disappear and the Junta would appear "redeemed for giving up power."

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10 minutes ago, Mavran said:

@AhranaGreat! Seems that I would only require consent from Garindina now, so I'll keep the link to the document up here.

Garindina and Baltica

Sorry I didn't see the messages fast enough regarding the google doc, but it appears you managed to sort things out amongst yourselves :)

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Probably as much as you want. If you do not want any influence, then you do not have to have any influence and vice versa.

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I give my consent. There’s a lot of history to be worked out, even now, but I don’t see any problems with Mavran. An idea I would like to suggestion, is the arrival of the Lysia to have coincided with the Dolch arrival to the Keel. It sort of adds on to this idea that the area around the Keel was in a sort of power vacuum, and the arrival of foreign powers is what caused the rise of both “native” states within the area, and outsider ones like Baltica. 

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That should be everyone then! If any of you guys are willing, I would be more than happy to be contacted by you on Discord to figure out any history relating to our nations and Mavran in the region.

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