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[A-RP] Independance day

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Part 3/3: Breaking news!

July 5, 2024, 10:50 AM, Headquarters of the Intelligence Services of Lysia

General “Merlin” sat somewhat nervously at the large meeting room table: he was bearing bad news. Around him were politicians, intelligence officers, and various high-ranking officials, with the president and the council president seated across from him.

“So, General, what do we have here?” inquired the representative of the nation, as the stenographer behind him began typing. Merlin glanced at his deputy, “Viviane”: she would soon likely become the first woman to head domestic intelligence, given the overseas fiasco. This reassured him, knowing his service would be in such capable hands. He then spoke with a bit more confidence, fully assuming his role as the informant.

“Ladies and gentlemen, As you are likely already aware, the island of Nuevalta has been seized by rebels supported by local resistance movements against what they call our occupation. The situation remains unclear, especially since our legal representative, Prefect Lissol, has disappeared. I am authorized to tell you that he has likely fled, although we would like to maintain, at least to the media, the narrative of his capture, death, or disappearance for as long as possible. We suspect the agitators also have numerous talents, support, and funding from the capital; a large operation is already underway to try to trace their network, with some success.”

As he said this, the attendees straightened in their seats, each casting furtive glances at their neighbors, suspecting an adversary. He waited a bit to build suspense, knowing he had so far only stated information they must already know from their sources. What he read on their faces was simple curiosity.

“I won't remind you further of what you already know. We have new information: they have declared their independence, and this video is already circulating on various more or less legal networks. It's only a matter of time before it's picked up by our media and other troublemakers… I don't know how they managed to film and disseminate it so quickly, but they must have some very skilled people and likely foreign assistance.”

Since no one seemed to react, Agent Merlin took out the disk he had viewed two hours earlier in his office, then inserted it into the projector slot and pressed the play button. After a few seconds of music that some recognized without being able to name, and the image of a purple flag waving on the central mast of Nuevalta, a man appeared on the dilapidated balcony, smiling and dressed in dark attire, his face ageless, while the crowd below shouted:

**Speech presented by Agent Merlin to the members of the emergency meeting, broadcast by Vril-media.**

My dear fellow citizens,

Today marks a historic turning point for all of us. We stand here not as mere men and women, but as builders of a dream, bearers of a vision for a new wurld. Under this purple banner, a symbol of our determination and aspiration for greatness, we proclaim our independence, the creation of a futuristico-poetic nation!

Look at our flag waving proudly, adorned with the radiant armillary sphere. This symbol is not just an emblem but a promise, a commitment to a future where science, art, and poetry converge to forge a society where every individual can fully flourish. But we also make this promise to the wurld. Whatever name the old and decrepit dinosaurs may give us, Nuevalta is not merely a nation; it is a collective dream made reality. We are not rebels without a cause but builders of a new wurld. And since our relentless quest for ideals and action has brought us to this moment, where we break free from the chains of the past to embrace an infinite horizon of possibilities, we have the duty to carry this flame high. Do not be mistaken, their criticisms and gloomy forecasts are just a facade they show their people to stifle the cries that rise up.

Here ends the old wurld, on these shores once conquered and ravaged. Here begins a new era of promise and progress. We have nothing, it is true; we lack everything. Our infrastructure is non-existent, and famine threatens us. But it is in these challenges that our true strength lies. Every difficulty we encounter will be an opportunity to reaffirm our determination and strengthen our unity.

Economic development will be a hard-fought battle. We will have to build our prosperity from nothing, or worse, from the remnants of an extraction industry where everything was imported, even food. We will have to invent our own methods and adapt quickly to the changing needs of our diverse people. We will leave no one behind, and we will not cut the thin branch we have climbed by relentlessly consuming the products of a generous yet fragile land. Let us remember that others lived here before us, driven into the forests, and that this place is primarily theirs; our unity will depend on our survival. In this struggle for survival and development, we will not be alone for long, I hope: beyond the seas, other nations thrive with whom we will need to communicate, who could be allies and partners or against whom we must protect ourselves. We will not renounce this independence nor the dream we have just seized; our blood will not be sold.

Faced with these challenges, faced with these perils, the greatest danger will not come from the outside but from within. Whatever difficulties we face, let us remain true to this ideal, to our Visions, without which our audacious endeavor loses all meaning, without which we are merely bandits. Our adversaries will be quite content with another country like theirs; they will push us with all their might in that direction, for a few starving utopists are far more dangerous than many well-fed slaves under a tyrant. Let us beware of devouring too quickly the fruits they will offer us. But if we remain steadfast, we will have the opportunity to forge a strong identity, develop a unique culture, and solidify our values. Every poet, every artist, every thinker will help create a society rich in ideas and innovations, a true futuristico-poetic utopia that will shine across the wurld.

This speech I deliver here will cross the seas, the oceans, and the skies, I know it: I send a vibrant call to all visionaries, dreamers, and innovators of this wurld! Join us in this great human adventure! We need your talents, your creativity, your courage. Artists, scientists, philosophers, inventors, you who aspire to a better wurld, Nuevalta is your land, not promised but to be shaped. Our nation will be a laboratory for the future, a crucible of creativity and innovation, but without metal to melt, the fire is useless.

To those who wish for our downfall, who speculate on our ruin, I have but one word to say: tremble. Tremble, for the oppressed you martyr will become a citizen and free his brothers. Tremble, for the light you smother with your fists will burst here until it consumes your old scarecrows. Tremble, for what you declare impossible, justifying the inadmissible, will soon be as real as your old regimes. Then you will have to fear, dictators and demagogues, not our weapons, for we will not strike first, but your own, aimed at you by those you despised.

And you, Visionary, arm yourself with patience, courage, and resolve, for this balcony is but the promontory that will lead us to the stars. So raise your gaze and remember to always dare!

**End of the tape**

The spectators looked at each other as the light returned to the room; they would not soon forget…

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