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[ 外交庁 ] Ministry of External Affairs - Democratic People's Republic of Mikochi


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Posted (edited)


Country Details

Name: 瀚国 (Democratic People's Republic of Mikochi)
Capital: 海京市 (Umikyo)
Head of State: 山本 亮 (Prime Minister Yamamoto Akira)
Factbook: https://iiwiki.us/wiki/Mikochi

Ministry Details

Current Minister for External Affairs: 伊藤 美桜 (Ito Mio)
Ministry Address: 瀚国, 〒054-0082, 海京市,  恵区, 政町,  外交通, 外交庁の建物
Ministry Address Romaji: Mikochi, 054-0082, Umikyo, Megumi Ward, Seimachi, Gaiko Street, External Affairs Ministry Building

Mission Statement

  1. Ensuring the safety and rights of Mikochinese People abroad.
  2. Ensuring the safety and rights of Tourists, Expatriates, and Immigrants in Mikochi.
  3. Represent the Democratic People's Republic of Mikochi, its interests, and its people through diplomacy.
  4. Build and maintain positive and proactive relationships with other sovereign states in Eurth.
  5. Maintain a permanent mission to the Assembled Nations.

Diplomatic Missions


Assembled Nations

The Democratic People's Republic of Mikochi maintains a permament mission to the Assembled Nations as a full member. The current ambassador to the AN is Ono, Kagura (小野神楽).

Cultural Considerations 

  • When referring to Mikochi in an official setting, “The Democratic People's Republic of Mikochi” should be used. “Mikochi” may be used in a sentence where “Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku” has already been used.
  • The Democratic People's Republic of Mikochi” should not be shortened to “The DPRH” in any official uses.
Edited by Hangoku (see edit history)
Posted (edited)

OOC: new diplomacy form in testing, dont use this, use the one below!!


Please fill out this form to clarify the stance of your nation's relations with Mikochi

Section 1: Details of Foreign Nation & Protocol

Country Name: [Full, official name of your country]
External Affairs Minister: [Full, official name of your External Affairs minister of equivalent]
Ambassador Name: [Full, official name of your ambassador to Mikochi]
Cultural Considerations: [Are there any rules/protocols that Mikochi officials should follow when interacting with officials of your nation?]

Section 2: Details of your Embassy

Your Embassy is: [Please select either 1, 2, 3 or 4]

  1. Building Access: Gaiko Street: Your embassy will consist of 2 floors within a high-density office block, close to the External Affairs Ministry Building.
  2. Small Property: Gaiko Street – Your embassy will be a converted medium density building on Gaiko Street, on the same road as the External Affairs Ministry Building.
  3. Large Property: Seimachi – Your embassy will be a large, traditional building, around 10-20 minutes away from the External Affairs Ministry Building
  4. Significant Property: Your embassy will be a large, purpose-built embassy, 20-40 minutes away from the External Affairs Ministry Building. (Talk to me OOC about this first)

Section 3: Details of Mikochi's embassy

Address: [Address of Mikochi's embassy in your nation] (OOC, just a city is fine if you don't want to make up an entire address

Section 4: Consulates
Details of the consulates in Mikochi and your country.

Your Consulates are: [Please write the names of the cities you would request a consulate in, or just simply 'None']

  • Sakurazaki City - (OOC: Second biggest city, and on Mikochi's largest island. 
  • Akahama City - (OOC: Third biggest city, and only a few hours from Umikyo. I'd only advise this if our nations are particularly close)
  • Kinko City (OOC: I'd only advise this if our nations are particularly close)
  • Umikyo Special Economic Area (OOC: Your embassy is already in Umikyo but it is a very big city. I'd only advise this if our nations are particularly close. I'll pick a location for you in one of Umikyo's many special wards.)

Consulates you'd recommend for Mikochi: [Please write the names of cities in your nation you'd recommend for Mikochi to have a consulate.]

Section 5: Response
For Mikochi to fill out



Edited by Hangoku (see edit history)
Posted (edited)

Diplomatic Relations Request Form

To be filled out and sent back to the Ministry of External Affairs, Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku.

Section 1: Details of requesting nation

Name of your Country*:
Name of External Affairs Minister or Equivalent:
Name of your Ambassador-to-be to Hangoku: 
Purpose of relations with Hangoku (Optional):
Cultural considerations (Optional):

* Whichever name you put here is the name The Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku will use for your country in any official documentation.

Section 2: Your Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Location: (Please select 1-3)

  1. Building Access: Gaiko Street: Your embassy will consist of 2 floors within a high density office block, next to the External Affairs Ministry Building.
  2. Small Property: Gaiko Street – Your embassy will be a converted medium density building on Gaiko Street, near the External Affairs Ministry Building.
  3. Large Property: Seimachi – Your embassy will be a large, traditional building, around 20 minutes away from the External Affairs Ministry Building

Consulate Request: (Please select 1-4)

  1. Akahama City (The third-largest city in Hangoku, located on another part of the Central Island)
  2. Sakurazaki City (The second-largest city in Hangoku, located on Hangoku's Southern Island)
  3. Akahama City and Sakurazaki City
  4. None

Reason for Consulate Request:

Section 3: Our Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Address of Hangoku's Embassy:
Description of Hangoku's Embassy:
Recomendation for Consulates of Hangoku:

Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y/N
Embassy Request Accepted: Y/N
Address of Embassy:
Consulate Request Accepted: Y/N
Address(es) of Consulate(s):
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation:
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation:

End of Diplomatic Relations Request Form



[ OOC Notes ]

  • Cultural Considerations refers to things that diplomats of Hangoku should do when interacting with your country (certain greetings, dress etc).
  • Establishment of diplomatic relations can be backdated if you wish, just make an OOC note in your message. Backdates can occur no earlier than 1978.
  • For the “Address of Hangoku's Embassy” question, if you don't have an address system for your nation right now, you can just give me the name of a city.
  • Feel free to give me any advice on anything I have missed in this form, or if you want to discuss relations before you send a request, feel free to DM me!
  • Please let me know if there is anything about your nation I should know that could impact relations. I'm still new, so getting to know everyone still.
Edited by Hangoku (see edit history)

Diplomatic Relations Request Form

Section 1: Details of requesting nation

Name of your Country*: Orioni
Name of External Affairs Minister or Equivalent: Mrs Anna Hackney, Councillor of Foreign Affairs
Name of your Ambassador-to-be to Hangoku: Mr Yasui Sugimoto
Purpose of relations with @Hanguoku (Optional): To deepen diplomatic ties, stimulate shared economic prosperity, bolster security collaborations.
Cultural considerations (Optional): To enrich cultural exchanges, thereby reinforcing mutual understanding and respect between our countries.

* Whichever name you put here is the name The Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku will use for your country in any official documentation.

Section 2: Your Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Location: (Please select 1-3)

  • Large Property: Seimachi – Your embassy will be a large, traditional building, around 20 minutes away from the External Affairs Ministry Building

Consulate Request: (Please select 1-3)

  • Sakurazaki City (The second-largest city in Hangoku, located on Hangoku's Southern Island)

Reason for Consulate Request: Orinese diaspora

Section 3: Our Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Address of Hangoku's Embassy: O'polis
Description of Hangoku's Embassy: The embassy of Hangoku in O'polis features a mix of traditional and modern architectural elements. The layout is designed for diplomatic and cultural functions. It incorporates green technologies, showcasing the commitment of both nations to sustainability.
Recommendation for Consulates of Hangoku: Zuidhaven

Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y/N
Embassy Request Accepted: Y/N
Address of Embassy:
Consulate Request Accepted: Y/N
Address(es) of Consulate(s):
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation:
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation:

End of Diplomatic Relations Request Form

OOC. Yes, I would like to backdate the establishment of diplomatic relations to the earliest possible date, in this case 1978.


Diplomatic Relations Request Form

Section 1: Details of requesting nation

Name of your Country*: Ionio
Name of External Affairs Minister or Equivalent: Mr Mario Frattini, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ionio
Name of your Ambassador-to-be to Hangoku: Mr Antonio Spano
Purpose of relations with @Hanguo (Optional): Economic, cultural and continental security collaboration
Cultural considerations (Optional): Cultural exchanges to better understand the cultures and mutual respect among our nations

* Whichever name you put here is the name The Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku will use for your country in any official documentation.

Section 2: Your Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Location: (Please select 1-3)

  • Building Access: Gaiko Street: Your embassy will consist of 2 floors within a high density office block, next to the External Affairs Ministry Building.

Consulate Request: (Please select 1-3)

  • Akahama City and Sakurazaki City

Reason for Consulate Request: To ensure continuous support for Ionian citizens living in the country and/or who are tourists

Section 3: Our Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Address of Hangoku's Embassy: San Foca
Description of Hangoku's Embassy:The embassy in Hangoku in San Foca consists of a medium-density art deco building. 
Recommendation for Consulates of Hangoku: Galdurmar - Rossano (The choice of locations is with description of the country)

Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y/N
Embassy Request Accepted: Y/N
Address of Embassy:
Consulate Request Accepted: Y/N
Address(es) of Consulate(s):
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation:
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation:

End of Diplomatic Relations Request Form

OOC: This document was transmitted in 1978.

Posted (edited)

Diplomatic Relations Request Form

Section 1: Details of requesting nation

Name of your Country*: the United Republic of Aurelia
Name of External Affairs Minister or Equivalent:  Secretary of State: Benjamin Maynard -> Minister FA: Christopher Hill -> High Commissioner for Aurelian Affairs Christina Rogers
Name of your Ambassador-to-be to Hangoku: Ambassador, Her Excellency, Mrs Edith Norton
Purpose of relations with Hangoku: Free Trade Agreement, Visum Travel Arrangements, Cultural & Educational Exchanges
Cultural considerations (Optional):

* Whichever name you put here is the name The Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku will use for your country in any official documentation.

Section 2: Your Embassies and Consulates (Optional)


Large Property: Seimachi – Your embassy will be a large, traditional building, around 20 minutes away from the External Affairs Ministry Building

Consulate Request:

Akahama City and Sakurazaki City

Reason for Consulate Request: Consular Services Coverage

Section 3: Our Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Address of Hangoku's Embassy: 453 Shield St. NE. Embassy Row, Aurelian Quarter. Grant, D.C., DC 1780
Description of Hangoku's Embassy: Picturesque Brick Medium Density Rowhouse, Neolysian Architecture. 10-20 minutes from the Department of International Relations & 25 minutes from Penrose House, the Executive Residence.
Recommendation for Consulates of Hangoku:
The northern part of the Country: Condor, Amarillo.
The southern part of the Country: Springfield, Doylesylvania.
Biggest City: New Chester City, New Chester.

Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y/N
Embassy Request Accepted: Y/N
Address of Embassy:
Consulate Request Accepted: Y/N
Address(es) of Consulate(s):
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation:
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation:

End of Diplomatic Relations Request Form



OOC: backdating this to 1980

Edited by United Republic (see edit history)

Diplomatic Relations Request Form

To be filled out and sent back to the Ministry of External Affairs, Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku

Section 1: Details of requesting nation

Name of your Country*: Neswetej Per-Aten
Name of External Affairs Minister or Equivalent: Imy-r Remet Wer (High Overseer of the Foreigners) Meritites
Name of your Ambassador-to-be to Hangoku: Imy-r Remet (Overseer of the Foreigners) Neferuti
Purpose of relations with Hangoku (Optional): Anti-EOS alliance building, Prostletizing of the Holy Ma'at of Aten
Cultural considerations (Optional): 


Section 2: Your Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Location: (Please select 1-3)

Large Property: Seimachi – Your embassy will be a large, traditional building, around 20 minutes away from the External Affairs Ministry Building

Consulate Request: (Please select 1-3)

Only Embassy

Reason for Consulate Request: N/A

Section 3: Our Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Address of Hangoku's Embassy:  Foreign Wing of the Per-A
Description of Hangoku's Embassy: Several adjoining rooms, and Apartmens in the royal Palace in Akhetaten.
Recomendation for Consulates of Hangoku: We only suggest a location of in Sobekhotep, if you insinst.

Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y/N
Embassy Request Accepted: Y/N
Address of Embassy:
Consulate Request Accepted: Y/N
Address(es) of Consulate(s):
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation:
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation:

End of Diplomatic Relations Request Form


Diplomatic Relations Request Form

Section 1: Details of requesting nation

Name of your Country*: Third Republic of Hisera
Name of External Affairs Minister or Equivalent:  Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexandra Alar-Rotsa
Name of your Ambassador-to-be to Hangoku: Ambassador Petrod Imgrott
Purpose of relations with Hangoku: Diplomatic relations, Economic agreements
Cultural considerations (Optional):

* Whichever name you put here is the name The Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku will use for your country in any official documentation.

Section 2: Your Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Location: (Please select 2-3)

Large Property: Seimachi – Your embassy will be a large, traditional building, around 20 minutes away from the External Affairs Ministry Building

Consulate Request:

(Please select 2-3)

Reason for Consulate Request: Hiseran diaspora, ease of access

Section 3: Our Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Address of Hangoku's Embassy:  101 Aurel Avenue, 2nd Parallel. 2TA A64. Talord
Description of Hangoku's Embassy: Traditional High-Density Building in the Lysian-Hiseran Grande-Artis style. 5-15 minutes from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and 40 minutes from the Presidental Residence at the Marble Palace.
Recommendation for Consulates of Hangoku:
The northern part of the Country: Parlahaven, Greater Parlahaven Area
The southern part of the Country: Talord, Talord Administrative Region
The western part of the Country: Szlescagrunt, Wolnagrunt Province

Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y/N
Embassy Request Accepted: Y/N
Address of Embassy:
Consulate Request Accepted: Y/N
Address(es) of Consulate(s):
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation:
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation:

End of Diplomatic Relations Request Form


[ OOC: I am replying to all of these in one post to avoid forum spam. It was kinda difficult doing all of these at the same time, so if I made a mistake, it's an OOC mistake, please let me know and I'll fix it. ]


Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y
Embassy Request Accepted: Y
Address of Embassy: 054-1034, Umikyo, Megumi Ward, Seimachi, Orient Road, Embassy of Orioni
Consulate Request Accepted: Y
Addresses of Consulate: Sakurazaki City
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation: Ito, Ryo (伊藤涼)
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation: Zuidhaven Consulate - Sato, Rina (佐藤理奈)



Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y
Embassy Request Accepted: Y
Address of Embassy: 054-0082, Umikyo, Megumi Ward, Seimachi, Gaiko Street, Embassy of Ionio
Consulate Request Accepted: Y
Address(es) of Consulate(s): Akahama City, Sakurazaki City
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation: Watanabe, Haruka (渡辺遥)
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation: Galdurmar Consulate - Kobayashi, Hiroki (小林大樹)


@United Republic

Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y
Embassy Request Accepted: Y
Address of Embassy: 054-1034, Umikyo, Megumi Ward, Seimachi, Murasaki Road, Embassy of The United Republic of Aurelia
Consulate Request Accepted: Y
Address(es) of Consulate(s): Akahama City, Sakurazaki City
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation: Yamamoto, Ayumi (山本歩美)
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation: New Chester City Consulate - Nakamura, Aiko (中村愛子)


@Neswetej Per Aten

Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: On Hold - The Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku will not actively support nor endorse an Anti-EOS alliance, and has no desire to partake in any Anti-EOS alliance building. If Neswetej Per-Aten accepts The Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku's stance on the EOS, then the Ministry of External Affairs will further consider the Diplomatic Relations Request. Ambassador Yamada will serve as a preliminary ambassador to Neswetej Per-Aten in the meantime.
Embassy Request Accepted:
Address of Embassy:
Consulate Request Accepted:
Address(es) of Consulate(s):
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation: Yamada, Yuto (山田裕人)
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation:



Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y
Embassy Request Accepted: Y
Address of Embassy: 054-1012, Umikyo, Megumi Ward, Seimachi, Kirumachi Road, Embassy of Hisera
Consulate Request Accepted: Y
Address(es) of Consulate(s): Sakurazaki City
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation: Suzuki, Takashi (鈴木隆)
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation: N/A - Hangoku does not believe a consulate in Hisera is needed at this time.



Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y
Embassy Request Accepted: Y
Address of Embassy: 054-0082, Umikyo, Megumi Ward, Seimachi, Gaiko Street, Embassy of the Most Serene People's Florentian Empire
Consulate Request Accepted: N/A - None Requested.
Address(es) of Consulate(s): N/A - None Requested.
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation: Tanaka, Yumi (田中由美)
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation: Belleville Consulate - Taniguchi, Ren (谷口蓮)


From: Imy-r Remet Wer Meritites

To: The Demorcatic People's Republic of Hangoku's Government

At this time The Kingdom of Per-Aten has no interest in your country other than stopping the growth of EOS, so we will not be offering or allowing diplomats with the DPRH unless we have a written agreement for the DPRH to not pursue further EOS membership. Further pursuit of EOS relations will result in Travel Bans and Embargoes. You are so warned.


With little surprise,

Imy-r Remet Wer Meritites



Section 1: Details of requesting nation

Name of your Country*:
Full Form: The United Kingdom of Gallambria
Short Form: Gallambria
Name of External Affairs Minister or Equivalent: Rt. Hon. Sir Elliot Phillips KCTM CG
Name of your Ambassador-to-be to Hangoku:  Dr. Sally-Anne Eccles CTM PSM
Purpose of relations with Hangoku (Optional): To provide an avenue for diplomatic discourse and relations between our two countries.
Cultural considerations (Optional): Nil - Further information can be obtained from the FDO's Protocol Section

* Whichever name you put here is the name The Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku will use for your country in any official documentation.

Section 2: Your Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Location: (Please select 1-3)
Large Property: Seimachi – Your embassy will be a large, traditional building, around 20 minutes away from the External Affairs Ministry Building

Consulate Request: (Please select 1-3)
Akahama City and Sakurazaki City

Reason for Consulate Request: To provide Consular Services to visiting Gallambrians, and the Citizens of Hangoku.

Section 3: Our Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Address of Hangoku's Embassy: Proposed embassy to be housed at 120 Queen Street, Paddington SW1
Description of Hangoku's Embassy: 1800's-era Semi Detached House
Recomendation for Consulates of Hangoku:

  • Ayr, Ayrshire
  • Tamworth, Loddon
  • Pembroke, Cambria

Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y/N
Embassy Request Accepted: Y/N
Address of Embassy:
Consulate Request Accepted: Y/N
Address(es) of Consulate(s):
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation:
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation:

End of Diplomatic Relations Request Form



Section 1: Details of requesting nation

Name of your Country*: Dominion of Kōri-Chi
Name of External Affairs Minister or Equivalent: Hagana Nosha
Name of your Ambassador-to-be to Hangoku: Kate Michio
Purpose of relations with Hangoku (Optional): seconding the Kingdom of Gallambria’s interests
Cultural considerations (Optional): tight diplomatic protocol.

*Whichever name you put here is the name The Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku will use for your country in any official documentation.


Section 2: Your Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Location: (Please select 1-3)

1- Building Access: Gaiko Street: Your embassy will consist of 2 floors within a high density office block, next to the External Affairs Ministry Building.


Consulate Request: (Please select 1-3)

Akahama City (The third-largest city in Hangoku, located on another part of the Central Island)

Sakurazaki City (The second-largest city in Hangoku, located on Hangoku's Southern Island)

Akahama City and Sakurazaki City

Reason for Consulate Request: to have a local anchor, as to improve bilateral contracts (between private companies) through organization of events on hotels and co / and develop cultural institutes/schools. Those would be small offices in business centers preferably.


Section 3: Our Embassies and Consulates (Optional) / Hangoku got to decide if it is interesting to open an embassy in KC, knowing that it may manage diplomatic relations through its embassy in Gallambria given the status of Dominion of KC

Address of Hangoku's Embassy:
Description of Hangoku's Embassy:
Recomendation for Consulates of Hangoku:

Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y/N
Embassy Request Accepted: Y/N
Address of Embassy:
Consulate Request Accepted: Y/N
Address(es) of Consulate(s):
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation:
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation:


End of Diplomatic Relations Request Form


OOC. I would like to backdate the establishment of diplomatic relations to the earliest possible date.


[ OOC: Once again, replying to multiple things in 1 message to avoid spam. @Neswetej Per Aten I do intend on making an IC response, however I need to figure out a little bit more about my nation first. Again, any mistakes I make please let me know.  ]

External Affairs Office release update to diplomatic relations form

  • Added 'None' as an option to consulate request.
  • 'Notes' questioned added to Section 4



Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y
Embassy Request Accepted: Y
Address of Embassy: 054-1002, Umikyo, Megumi Ward, Seimachi, Seinaru Road, Embassy of The United Kingdom of Gallambria
Consulate Request Accepted: Y
Address(es) of Consulate(s): Akahama City & Sakurazaki City
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation: Matsuda, Yuki (松田裕樹)
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation: Pembroke Consulate - Shimizu, Hana (清水花)
Notes: N/A


@Kori Chi

Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y
Embassy Request Accepted: Y
Address of Embassy: 054-0082, Umikyo, Megumi Ward, Seimachi, Gaiko Street, Embassy Building, Embassy of the Dominion of Kōri-Chi
Consulate Request Accepted: N - Sakurazaki Consulate granted, however we do not believe a consulate in Akahama City is needed at this time.
Address(es) of Consulate(s): Sakurazaki City
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation: Itagaki, Renji (板垣蓮司)
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation: N/A
Notes: Given the similarity in our languages and cultures, I believe it to be beneficial for Hangoku to have a diplomatic presence in the Dominion of Kōri-Chi.

  • 3 weeks later...

Section 1: Details of Requesting Nation

Name of your Country:
     Republic of Aurora
Name of External Affairs Minister or Equivalent:
     Director of External Relations Olivia Montoya
Name of your Ambassador-to-be to Hangoku:
     Saranna Domingo
Purpose of relations with Hangoku:
     To facilitate official diplomatic exchange between Aurora and Hangoku, and to facilitate possible collaborative endeavors such as exchange programs or trade agreements.
Cultural considerations:

Section 2: Your Embassies and Consulates

     [3] Large Property in Seimachi
Consulate Request:
     [2] Sakurazaki City
Reason for Consulate Request:
     Aurora's proximity to and potential for cultural exchange from Hangoku means that establishing effective communication and infrastructure for both individual citizens and governmental organizations necessitates further infrastructure and resources.

Section 3: Our Embassies and Consulates

Address of Hangoku's Embassy:
     1001 Channelside Ave., Tavares, County Tavares, Aurora
Description of Hangoku's Embassy:
     Mid-century, modern architecture concrete structure in downtown Tavares
Recomendation for Consulates of Hangoku:
     Catalina (designated consulate location for countries of Aurelia, Thalassa, & Alharu)
     Ashbourne (3rd largest city in Aurora after Catalina and Tavares, located in south-central Aurora)
     Santa Petra (4th largest city in Aurora, located across Tavares Bay from the Auroran capital of Tavares)

Posted (edited)

Diplomatic Relations Request Form

Section 1: Details of requesting nation

Name of your Country*: Socialist Federal Republic of Advocatius / République Fédérale Socialiste d'Avouélos
Name of External Affairs Minister or Equivalent: Zachary Monroe, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Name of your Ambassador-to-be to Hangoku: Pierre-François Dagoutte
Purpose of relations with @Hangoku (Optional): Establishment of diplomatic ties with another Socialist and Aurelian nation.
Cultural considerations (Optional):

* Whichever name you put here is the name The Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku will use for your country in any official documentation.

Section 2: Your Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Location: (Please select 1-3)

Large Property: Seimachi – Your embassy will be a large, traditional building, around 20 minutes away from the External Affairs Ministry Building

Consulate Request: (Please select 1-3)

Sakurazaki City (The second-largest city in Hangoku, located on Hangoku's Southern Island)

Reason for Consulate Request: Potential cultural exchange opportunities

Section 3: Our Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Address of Hangoku's Embassy: 20 Kingston Avenue, Jamestown Sub-District, Victoires
Description of Hangoku's Embassy: (Something similiar to the Portuguese Embassy in London), located in Central Victoires
Recommendation for Consulates of Hangoku: Port-Louis, second largest city in Advocatius

OOC. I would like to backdate the establishment of diplomatic relations to 1984, the establishment of the Socialist Federal Republic.

Edited by Advocatius (see edit history)
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Diplomatic Relations Request Form

To be filled out and sent back to the Ministry of External Affairs, Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku.

Section 1: Details of requesting nation

Name of your Country*: Kingdom of Rinava
Name of External Affairs Minister or Equivalent: Peter Dvoran, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Name of your Ambassador-to-be to Hangoku: Radovan Skalickí
Purpose of relations with Hangoku (Optional): To promote international cooperation and lay foundations for future diplomatic and trade agreements.
Cultural considerations (Optional): Diplomatic posts in the Kingdom of Rinava are not recommended for people suffering from cynophobia, as dignitaries are often accompanied by dogs who are seen as a status symbol in Rinava.

* Whichever name you put here is the name The Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku will use for your country in any official documentation.

Section 2: Your Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Location: (Please select 1-3)

2. Small Property: Gaiko Street – Your embassy will be a converted medium density building on Gaiko Street, near the External Affairs Ministry Building.

Consulate Request: (Please select 1-4)

2. Sakurazaki City (The second-largest city in Hangoku, located on Hangoku's Southern Island)

Reason for Consulate Request: To provide consular services to visitors.

Section 3: Our Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Address of Hangoku's Embassy: Nava Promenade 41, Kalava, Kingdom of Rinava
Description of Hangoku's Embassy: The Embassy is a two-story neoclassical building with art deco ornaments, located in the city center close to other embassies and government buildings.
Recomendation for Consulates of Hangoku: Kelpurk, the second largest city and center of mining operations, or Jelšava, the third largest city and center of tourism.

Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y/N
Embassy Request Accepted: Y/N
Address of Embassy:
Consulate Request Accepted: Y/N
Address(es) of Consulate(s):
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation:
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation:

End of Diplomatic Relations Request Form

OOC Notes: I would like to set the date of establishment of our diplomatic relations as the current year, 2024.

Edited by Rinava (see edit history)
  • 4 weeks later...

[ OOC: sorry for the huge delay in these 😛 ]


Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y
Embassy Request Accepted: Y
Address of Embassy: Mikochi, 054-0082, Umikyo, Megumi Ward, Seimachi, Nezumi Street, Embassy of the Republic of Aurora
Consulate Request Accepted: Y
Address(es) of Consulate(s): Sakurazaki City
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation: Kondo Yu
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation: Fukuda Arisa (Catalina)


Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y
Embassy Request Accepted: Y
Address of Embassy: Mikochi, 054-0083, Umikyo, Megumi Ward, Seimachi, Tōketsu Avenue, Embassy of the Socialist Federal Republic of Advocatius
Consulate Request Accepted: Y
Address(es) of Consulate(s): Sakurazaki City
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation: Ishikawa Mika
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation: Endo Shun (Port Louis)


Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y
Embassy Request Accepted: Y
Address of Embassy: Mikochi, 054-0082, Umikyo, Megumi Ward, Seimachi, Gaiko Street, Embassy of the Kingdom of Rinava
Consulate Request Accepted: Y
Address(es) of Consulate(s): Sakurazaki City
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation: Saito Daiki
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation: Kaneko Misaki (Jelšava)



Diplomatic Request Form

Section 1: Details of requesting nation

Name of your Country: the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium

Name of External Affairs Minister or Equivalent: Grand Minister of Foreign Affairs, Eugenios Goulielmos

Name of your Ambassador-to-be to Hangoku: Eudokia Tzotzaina

Purpose of relations with Hangoku (Optional): To establish bilateral relations between our nations and to foster cultural, economic and political ties and cooperation.

Cultural considerations (Optional): None.


Section 2: Your Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Location: (Please select 1-3)

1. Large Property: Seimachi – Your embassy will be a large, traditional building, around 20 minutes away from the External Affairs Ministry Building

Consulate Request: (Please select 1-4)

4. None


Section 3: Our Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Address of Hangoku's Embassy: 54 St Pancras' Road, Tagmatika.

Description of Hangoku's Embassy: The embassy is a converted 19th Century Neoclassical terraced townhouse with a limestone with a sub-basement and four floors. It will be roughly half an hour away from the Imperial Palace Complex, the seat of the Tagmatine government.

Recomendation for Consulates of Hangoku: It would be recommended that consulates are also opened in the other Imperial Capitals of Arome and Europatorion.


Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Hangoku upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y/N

Embassy Request Accepted: Y/N

Address of Embassy:

Consulate Request Accepted: Y/N

Address(es) of Consulate(s):

Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation:

Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation:

Posted (edited)

Diplomatic Relations Request Form

To be filled out and sent back to the Ministry of External Affairs, Democratic People's Republic of Mikochi.

Section 1: Details of requesting nation

Name of your Country*: the Empire of Ymutztlaclan-Mizlanuzco
Name of External Affairs Minister or Equivalent: Imperial Secretary of External Affairs Tenoch Zedillo
Name of your Ambassador-to-be to Mikochi:  Pantlicoatl Olea Nájera

Purpose of relations with Mikochi (Optional): To establish, promote, and maintain positive bilateral relations and to promote cooperation, cultural ties, and economic ties between both nations

Cultural considerations (Optional): The favored shorthand of the official name is Ymutz-Mizlan. The shorthand name also serves as the desired demonym. 

  • Ymutz-Mizlan may not be substituted by “Ymutz” or “Mizlan” alone. 

* Whichever name you put here is the name The Democratic People's Republic of Mikochi will use for your country in any official documentation.

Section 2: Your Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Location: (Please select 1-3)

Small Property: Gaiko Street – Your embassy will be a converted medium density building on Gaiko Street, near the External Affairs Ministry Building.

Consulate Request: (Please select 1-4)

Sakurazaki City (The second-largest city in Hangoku, located on Hangoku's Southern Island)

Reason for Consulate Request: Ideological similarity and geographic proximity.

Section 3: Our Embassies and Consulates (Optional)

Address of Mikochi's Embassy: 042 Avenida Misericordia, Ferrescan, Distrito Imperial. 

Description of Mikochi's Embassy: A converted office with art deco elements. It is located on the same street as the Office of the Imperial Secretariat of External Affairs.

The best cities for hosting foreign consulates within the Empire are:

  • Villasol (second largest city, largest port)
  • Yorrenahuaxa (third largest city)
  • San Jacinto  

Section 4: Diplomatic Relations Response (To be filled out by the Democratic People's Republic of Mikochi upon receival of a request)

Diplomatic Relations Request: Y/N
Embassy Request Accepted: Y/N
Address of Embassy:
Consulate Request Accepted: Y/N
Address(es) of Consulate(s):
Name of Hangoku's ambassador to nation:
Name of Hangoku's consulate general(s) to nation:

End of Diplomatic Relations Request Form

OOC: I would like the establishment of diplomatic relations to be backdated to 1989, with the creation of the Imperial Secretariat of External Affairs of Ymutz-Mizlan

Edited by Ymutz Mizlan (see edit history)
  • 1 month later...

[ OOC : This letter is sent to each nation individually. Any information inside the square brackets is an OOC note to show what should be there, IC. ]

Minister for External Affairs, Ito Mio

054-0082, Umikyo
Megumi Ward, Seimachi
Gaiko Street
External Affairs Ministry Building
Office of the Minister for External Affairs

Eighth of July, 2024

[Your Ambassadors Name]
[Embassy Adress Line 1]
[Embassy Adress Line 2]
[Embassy Adress Line 3]
[Embassy Adress Line 4]


Dear [Your Nation's Ambassador to Mikochi],

Warmest greetings from Mikochi. As you will be aware, the 2024 election in Mikochi recently occured, resulting in a change of government from the Centralist party, to a coalition between the SDP and Rural Party.

With this change in government, comes a change in the Ministry of External Affairs. I, Ito Mio, will be taking over the position of Minister for External Affairs, from my predecessor, Kaneko Kiyoshi. 

As before, I would like to remind you all that any diplomatic queries and requests should go towards the ambassador to [your country name], [name of Mikochi's ambassador to your nation], however I will aim to accomodate any requests myself, should it be appropriate.

In addition to the change in governance, Mikochi's national flag has changed in the recent referended on the Forth of July. Mikochi will take responsibility for the costs, procurement and distribution of any new flags and will be sending these out within the next two months to all of our embassies. Until this time, the previous flag will continue to represent Mikochi where needed.

The Ministry of External Affair's mission statement will remain the same. These missions include:

  • Ensuring the safety and rights of Mikochinese People abroad.
  • Ensuring the safety and rights of Tourists, Expatriates, and Immigrants in Mikochi.
  • Represent the Democratic People's Republic of Mikochi, its interests, and its people through diplomacy.
  • Build and maintain positive and proactive relationships with other sovereign states in Eurth.
  • Maintain a permanent mission to the Assembled Nations.

I look forward to working with you over the next six years.

Best regards

Ito Mio

Ito Mio, Minister for External Affairs

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