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[OOC] Thalassan War

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Good afternoon everyone.

To turn my question upside-down: was really nobody from Alharu or Aurelia involved on either side of this massive conflict in neighbouring Thalassa?

If so, that's an astounding containment of this conflict within only Thalassa itself.

How would you explain this containment?

Would it be reasonable to suggest everyone had signed a non-aggression pact with Mat Troi Lan?

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Kolhar may have wanted to be involved at some point, but things get a bit awkward because of the time period its set in.

Kolhar at the onset of it would have been a protectorate of @Mito that was just starting to try to break away. Unless Mito was involved in some capacity, it would be difficult for Kolhar to be involved.

I do remember some brief discussions about having Kolhar break away from protectorate status in a war with Mito, but nothing concrete has been hashed out. If Mito is interested we could have Kolhar's independence struggle be folded into the Thalassan War, but that would be entirely up to Mito.

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@Orioni again it would depend entirely on @Mito. Only way I could see it working is if Mito is on one side, and Kolhar is on the other motivated mostly out of opposition to Mito and a desire for its own independence.

But this could easily also be folded into the Second Aurelian War so I'm not sure what Mito would prefer in that regard.

EDIT: It would also depend on what started the Thalassan War. Wiki isn't clear on this (at least not on a quick glance), would you be able to elaborate for me?

Edited by Kolhar (see edit history)
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@Kolhar Thank you. I really appreciate your feedback on this. It seems like the most important questions are reserved for Ā @Mito. You, as protectorate, are best placed to bring him into this discussion. I'm sure all the Mitonese protectorates are in frequent contact, to solve questions like this.

On 9/9/2023 at 12:07 AM, Kolhar said:

It would also depend on what started the Thalassan War. Wiki isn't clear on this (at least not on a quick glance), would you be able to elaborate for me?

Not my story. This is part of what we are trying to figure out. The working theory is an expansionist Mat Troi Lan.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/22/2023 at 6:07 PM, Orioni said:

Do you happen to have any news from @Mito?

Last I spoke to him on discord, it was that it would probably make more sense to fold Kolhar's independence struggle into the Second Aurelian War. However, @Mito also has relations with some of the countries involved, so there will likely need to be further discussions on discord.

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