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The Emperor wasn't happy, and Chancellor Godfrey and everyone else in the room could see it plainly written all over his face. "God Save the King but Long Live Europtima? Which is it?" When the Chancellor tried to speak, the Marshal cut him off. "No, never mind. I have the feeling I don't want to know. You want independence, you got it." The Chancellor's face brightened. "On one condition: we keep a few key military bases in your country so we can defend you easier. Sound like a deal?" The Emperor's face had also brightened ever so slightly. "We'll be removing the rest of our troops to another location, if you agree to this."

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Background information: Since the beginning of Vanarambaion history, the criminals, dissidents, and society rejects have been sent on a one way trip to the end of the Central Penninsula, an area known for its advanced war-loving natives, and general unrest. As time went on, the motherland increased its control over the area, but kept its distance from the neo-culture of Irish criminals and bellophile natives. However, tension began to grow until, at last, a riot began in the colonial capital of Zeldor, which, after door-to-door fighting, was razed to the ground by the Van's forces. However, this show of force did nothing to stop the violence, only gave it a cause. The leader of the rebellion was the petty theif Donalbain MacMillen, who became the first to successfully unite all tribal leaders and criminals, and created a coalition. This was enough force to bring about peace negotiations and occupation terms. However, despite Donalbain's best efforts, the Vanarambaion government would not recognize the coalition as a government, and therefore would not grant independence. Borders were not possible, because it was a mutual peace, so zones of control were set up.

For nearly 200 years, this peace has lasted, until now. With the recent events in Thule (the governmental overthrow), the Vanarambaion forces were called back to the motherland. Seeing this golden opportunity, the coalition declared its independence from the motherland, effective with the signing of the Constitution, dated March 17th (Saint Patrick's Day, the Irish rejoiced), 2005. The people immediately created armed forces to defend their claims of freedom, and elected a Parliament and Chancellor. The great (X 6 generation) grandson of Donalbain's bastard child, Marcus Godfrey, was named Chancellor and Holy Protector of the new Allied States of Europtima. The Chancellor has stated repeatedly that these are not actions of hostility against the motherland, and fervently wishes for Emporer Tinsman's blessing. In his acceptance speech he shouted "God save the King, but long live Europtima!" His first act as Chancellor is to oversee the construction of roads, runways, city walls, governmental buildings, and a stock market, and then to go on tour to discuss Europtimitian policy for foreign leaders.


Who will recognize his claims to power, and discuss policy?


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Putting on his best poker face, Chancellor Godfrey responded to the Emporer's request: "But of course. We are still the greatest supporter of the Vanarambaion military, we simply want our freedom. I believe we could negotiate on a few bases near the borderlands and northeastern coast? However, we will have no-fly zones, and cooperation between the nations on security issues. At the same time, we would like an embassy in his majesties kingdom, and for the Vanarambaion government to recognize us as an independent nation. These are our requests, formally written in the Hrothgar Accords. Will you sign?"

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To: Donalbain MacMillen, Europtima *Coded Message*

From: The S.S.S.S.

Re: Talks



President Pot would first like to congratulate you on your newly founded independence. He would also like to speak with you on certain issues. We see your military as a bit smaller than that of your former oppessors and would like to speak on matters concerning this. We may be able to tip the scales in your favor. This is stricly secret, any meantioning of this will result in our immediate denial.

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Europtima is invited to join the Central Peninsular Alliance. We believe that would be in your best interest: you are a young nation, close to the SSSS, and could be receiving an SSSS-ally as your neighbour.

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*Coded Message Transmitted @ SS*

We are very pleased to hear from our larger, stronger neighbors. In these times of uncertainty, we are looking to improve our military capabilities and become a regional player. Perhaps we could look into some type of stategic agreement? This would please the Chancellor mightily. We will prepare a team of embassadors to discuss such matters. Good day.

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To: Europtima *Coded Message*

From: The S.S.S.S.

Re: Talks



We regrete to inform you that President Pot wishes to halt any attempts of talks between our two nations. With your parliaments choice to join the C.P.A. we cannot support you in any way. The C.P.A. is something we do not want any allies associated with. If you ever wish to denounce the C.P.A. then we feel we could continue talks. For the time being though, we cannot help build a military that is allied with a disgraceful organization such as the C.P.A.

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What are you talking about? Europtima isn't up for induction into the CPA. That has to come to a vote of existing members of the alliance, which hasn't happened. Vanarambaion would probably try and block that vote from happening, in which case it would be on the RP boards. Europtima may be invited into the alliance, after such a vote is taken, but he hasn't and he certainly hasn't accepted, as you can see. unsure.gif Do you need new glasses, Pot? wink.gif

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To: Europtima *Coded Message*

From: The S.S.S.S.

Re: Talks


Below is a statement from the C.P.A. stating you signed off on the pact. You may want to clear this up with them.



In order to achieve a more peacefull region, the government of Orioni would like to found an alliance between all great nations that are situated on the central penisula of Europa.


All parties that want to be part of this strong alliance should agree to the following terms:


(1) Any member of the alliance may freely request assistance from any other nation. Other members of the alliance may also freely aid any other member of the alliance.


(2) All members have permission to move their military units trough other members area after informing the other party of the movement.


(3) All members agree to inform the other parties if they are negotiating about military matters with any third party.


(4) If a new nation wants to join the C.P.A., a majority of the current members of the alliance must agree on this. The new nation must be located in the Central Peninsula.



Signed by:




Great Kings

Phil IV



Invited are:

(Karpathos, if he's interested in RP)

Owner of area 43 (Kant?)

Owner of area 105

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