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The earliest ancestors of the modern Leszczak people originated from the far northern steppes of the Argis continent, having migrated southwards around approximately the fifth and sixth centuries, displacing the native population and settling the southeastern region of the continent in an area bordering the Mediargic sea. The nation derives its name from the tribe of the Leszczawie, who initially occupied the river by that same name.

After its unification, and eventual baptism into the Orthodox faith during the 10th century, the Kingdom experienced its golden age of prosperity, via the expansion of its borders by military conquest, the construction of cathedrals and universities across its realm, and the flourishing of its cultural, artistic and literary works. Until the Kingdom entered its period of eventual decline, and was ultimately annexed by the Ahranian empire during the mid 15th century after having suffered significant military and territorial losses by several invading Kingdoms during the period.

It remained a dutchy and vassal of Ahrana until the 17th century, whereby it was recognised as a sovereign state and unionised with the Ahranian empire, finally gaining its full independence during the early 1800s. The result of a popular uprising against Ahrania on behalf of the Leszczak nobility, which saw to the enthroning of its own new monarch and new ruling dynasty.

Although since then it has remained independent, and following a brief period of unified prosperity, the nation has been subject to two separate civil wars within the past 200 years. The first between parliamentarians and monarchists during the mid 1800s, and the second between socialist radical parties and the crowned government during the early 20th century. Following both conflicts, The Crown and its government remained victorious, but ultimately with having made concessions in the hopes that by limiting monarchical and state powers, further civil crises may be averted.

Even still to the modern day, and for many decades past the nation has remained further behind its neighbours in almost every aspect of industry, economy and technology. Having faced consistent challenges to modernisation, especially posed by the tendency for resistant and incompetent factions to form within its society and its government. Nonetheless, such is truly a testament to the nation's values of self determination and at times ardent traditionalism, which with a new government recently elected, have yet to be exercised, or testedโ€ฆ


Existing within the western temperate region of Argis, the landmass is predominantly covered with mixed deciduous forests and grasslands in lowland and coastal regions, and by mixed coniferous forests further inland. As a result of its humid climate the landmass is seasonally subjected to large amounts of rainfall, leading to its extremely biodiverse environment and being particularly suited for agricultural use, an important and historically significant national industry. Topographically, the western and central portion of the nation is flat, with hilly and mountainous terrain occurring further inland and towards the south, occupied by an abundance of dense forests, rivers and lakes.

Since the inception of the Leszczak culture, the territory's mountainous regions have behaved as its natural border, enabling for the development of its unique customs and traditions distinct from even its closest neighbours. Amongst its multitude of forests, grasslands, riverlands and farmlands can be found many populous species of wild mammals, several including wild bison, boars, beavers and deer, the mighty stag being the most revered, from which the nation's seal is derived. Additionally, other animals such as brown bears, grey wolves, lynxes and moose may be found further eastward and southward amongst the nation's more mountainous regions, most of which are classed as protected species by the Leszczawkan government.


Leszczawkas government is formally a parliamentary monarchy, with a king as its sovereign ruler and head of state, and a first minister as its head of government, being the leading member of the majority party within parliament, whose duty it is to form a ministerial cabinet by the authority of the sovereign. It is the responsibility of individual cabinet ministers to represent and appropriately govern their respective national duties, whether it be healthcare, agriculture or transportation, and it is the responsibility of parliament and its elected members to produce, amend and pass primary legislation. Elections take place every five years, with members of parliament being elected on the basis of constituent regions, but may occur on a shorter timescale if the leading government no longer commands the confidence of parliament.


The leszczawkan economy is classified as an industrial mixed economy. Its primary industries include the production of industrial machinery and transportation vehicles, agricultural goods, coal and steel. Its energy sector is largely dependent on fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas. Attempts have been made towards modernising the economy within the past 30 years including the move from a centralised economy towards a more market based economy, as well as the establishment of more renewable sources of energy.ย  Although, such efforts have been hampered by resistant national industries, stubborn corporations and widespread corruption.


Leszczawkans make up roughly 71% of the population, with the next two largest population groups consisting of Ahranians, mostly located along its northern border, and Balticans Towards its southern regions. There also exist minority subcultures very closely related to Leszczawk culture, yet who retain their distinct presence within the nation. The most predominant of these include the Guralye, who originate and live mainly within the nation's mountainous regions.




Population: (High | 2 pts)

GDP: (Low | 0 pts)

Land: (High | 2 pts)

Edited by Leszczawka (see edit history)
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