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[Map Request] Erdland

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National Flag: 

Capital Name: Asgalstat
Capital Location: By Coast

Starter Stats: Pop: 1 (27,441,541)/ GDP: 2 (19,933 per Capita)/ Land Area: 1 (231,421 sq)
Culture: Finno-Ugric with Icelandic Influence
Climate & Geography: Largely temperate forested flats with hills and mountains to the south.
History: A former colony of Ahrana, Erdland has a tumultuous past and present - from the start of its independence as a sovereign nation, crises griped the country as economic nightmares and political cataclysms left over from the Ahranan colonial rule existed in this new country. In the 50s and 60s, the political situation worsened as paramilitary violence in the streets was a common sight to behold. A party claimed to have the ability to save Erdland from guaranteed ruin: The Erdlandish People's Party. The EPP assumed total control of the country through the usage of a self-coup and emergency measures, creating the totalitarian one-party state that Erdland is today. 

Front Desk:

Desired Location: North Alharu

Edited by Erdland (see edit history)
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Congratulations on passing the academy, now let's get you on the map!

Your requested numbers for your GDP per capita and population fit into the ranges for your point allocations. However your requested land points are in square miles not square kilometres (Eurth uses metric for standardisation :)) which would actually give you a km^2 of 599,378 lol. Though it's obvious you meant 231,421km^2 and that's what I would be working off of. Do note it's very unlikely I will be able to get this exact land area for your proposals (as borders are often anchored to geographic features and my proposals only have a resolution of 10km^2.

Culture, Climate, Desired Location
These all line up, I assume the Icelandic influence came from @Ahrana?

Below I have proposed 3 locations for your country. Once you've chosen one (or none) of the proposed locations, I will request consent from your would-be neighbours, and afterwards we can refine the exact borders and add any other cities you would like shown on the map (a maximum of 4, including your capital city). For each proposal I did a 'natural' borders and a 'colonial' borders version, so you can decide how artificial you wish your borders to be. All land area stats are for the natural borders, though the artificial borders would not be very different.

Proposal 1 - Western Peninsula
eMYZ89R.png     sSQVRK4.png
With a land area of 256,220km^2 you country would occupy this sizeable peninsula which is entirely a cold temperate climate similar to Eastern Europe. There are some very small mountains to the south, but otherwise your country will be largely flat (and forested if you so desire).

Proposal 2 - Middle North Alharu
Xazds3k.png    OVdf7bN.png
Taking up an area of 256,120km^2 your country would still be an Eastern European-like climate though now you will have highlands and mountains along your south-eastern border and be neighbours with the other Finno-Ugric nation on Eurth :D. As an ex-colony of Ahrana I expect you would also control the island(s) above you.

Proposal 3 - Idk uhhh tiny pp peninsula
j4bjncE.png    jkhyucx.png

Lastly with 258,630km^2, like the previous 2 proposals your country would still all be Eastern European-like, with highlands strew across your country, though with few true 'mountains'. Not much else to say.

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With Ahrana's consent, we can finally place you on the map:

Is there any other cities you would like to have on the map (max of 4 including capital), and if these borders and the capital placement fit you well @Erdland

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