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[Map Request] The Grand Sultanate of Tusis


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Nation on Eurth:

The Grand Sultanate of Tusis

National Flag: spacer.png

Capital Name:


Capital Location:

On coast, well placed for a successful port city, river, temperate csa, middle-ish area on coast

Starter Stats:

Population- 2 (34,120,000)

GDPPC- 0 (3,700)

Land Area- 2

Berber with Phoenician, Arabic, and Islamic influences

Climate and Geography:

Mostly arid deserts and mountains with a dry temperate coast, mainly coastal


The city of Tusis was founded by Phoenician settlers in the 3rd century B.C.E. The city didn’t become relevant till the 1st century C.E. with the rise of the Tusisian Empire, a trade and naval hegemon. The empire collapsed in the 4th century, primarily by other empires. After centuries of differing controls over the once great city, the now primarily Berber populous revolted, forming the Kingdom of Tusis. The kingdom rebuilt the decaying city and brought a new golden era of trade and power to the Tusisian people. This trade brought Arab contact to the kingdom and Salam. In the 12th century Tusis officially converted to Salam. With centuries of wars, conflicts, peace and stability eventually in the 18th century, and more rapidly in the 19th century, foreign powers economically, and then politically, took over Tusis. In 1962 with a dissatisfied and distrustful society towards the government, a socialist rebellion occurred for freedom. The Socialist Republics of Tusis gained independence seven months later. Nine months before the state’s decade long independence could be realized, in 1971 a revolution by radical Salamists and conservatives brought down the socialist state and installed the Utica family as Tusis’s monarchs. Decades of stability, but stagnation occurred, until 2012 when ideas of freedom, a better future, and distaste of the Utica family brought the country into civil war. Only in 2023 has peace officially been made, with the Utica family, and the new sultan, Tawfiq Naji al-Utica, still in control.

Front Desk:

Vision Statement:

Desired Location:


Other Critical Information:

The Phoenician, Arabic, and Salam people and influences came from trade and migration. The Berbers are native, although the Phoenicians still built and were the original settlers of the city of Tusis.

Edited by Tusis (see edit history)
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Welcome and congratulations on passing the academy! Now let's complete the final hurdle: getting you on the map!

Your stats appear to be in order, your population and GDP per capita are within your chosen ranges. 2 points in land would give you a range of 260,000 - <350,000km^2.

Culture & Climate
With an Afro-Asiatic culture and a desert climate, you would be in central and western Alharu.

Below I have 4 proposed locations for your country. Once you've chosen one (or none) of the proposed locations, I will request consent from your would-be neighbours, and afterwards we can tweak borders and add your cities in Discord

Proposal 1 - South Hei Sea
With an area of 348,900km^2, your country would be a mix of different arid climates, with the north-west Mediterranean, interior steppe that comes more arid the further south, and a very small semi-humid coastal climate in the south-west. You would have a pretty good position in the Hei sea, perfect for an ancient sea-fearing empire.

Proposal 2 - North Hei Sea
Probably one of the best locations for an ancient port city connecting the Hei Sea to Argis. At 341,000km^2, your country would be split in half with a warm temperate climate to the west, giving you a nice coastal climate along the peninsula, and a hot Mediterranean climate to the east. You would have a large highland region to the east as well, with most of your country very flat.

Proposal 3 - Southern Central Alharu (Enlarge)
A bit of an unorthodox position, you could still have an ancient trade port city, but instead of it being along the coastline of Alharu, it would be at the centre of commerce travelling through Alharu, rather than around it. The climate would be almost entirely desert, though along the western edge of the southern lake's coastline there would be some steppe and even humid climate. If you decide to go with a landlocked nation you would also get a free extra point into land area. I'm happy to bump that so that you start with a nation with 4 points in land area, and 2 in population so that your new land area range is 350,000 - <790,000km^2. This enlarged central Alharu state has a land area of 752,300km^2. If you'd prefer to stick to your 2/0/2 points, below is a reduced version:

Proposal 4 - Southern Central Alharu (Reduced)
A similar location to the enlarged version, but shrunken down to 331,800km^2. This proposal is entirely desert.

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