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[Academy Rp] Tusis


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Signing of the Treaty of Tusis


Tusis has been under constent civil war for the past decade, and all contenders to the state's throne has been delt with. The national government has won by crushing the communists, and militant junta; conceding to some of the Salam radical's demands, and out lasting the traditionalists and democrats. Now comes the final peace talks between the Tusisian government, the traditionalists, and the deomcrats.


Doors swing open for the two conceding representatives, Saamir Muhammad el-Addir (traditionalist), and Mamoon al-Zephon (democrat). Both walk a through the Balzer Palace's (an ancient palace built in the 2nd century by the first settlers of Tusis; it has been rebuilt many times through history and is still used today by the Utica family) halls till they reach the dinning room. The room has old semetic architecture decorated in arabic designs. The room outlooks the bay with a wall of detailed glass. The glass wall has doors that lead to a patio outside. The room is swarmed with news reporters,cameras and Tusisian soldiers. In the middle of the room a thirty foot long arabic styled table stands, with the diplomats from other countries and the sultan, Tawfiq Naji al-Utica, seated. The two diplomates bring false confidence as they prepare to beg for scrapes. The democrats have finally lost support as the last supporter dropped out with an isolationist taking power; the trationalists have lost their rual support with the constant raid on farms and cattle.


Tawfiq: Good afternoon gentlemen, I hope your stay has been plesent so far.

Both take a seat next to the sultan.

Mammon: Yes, thank you for the hotel rooms.

Saamir: Yes, thank you.

Tawfiq: I wish not to waist too much of your time gentlemen, so I will be more blunt then I have been advised.

The forgien diplomates look to the sultan disapprovingly.

Tawfiq: I know fully what both of your positions are, and they are not too good. My list of demands are few and simple, for peace I wish your top officials banished, life imprisonment for your generals, and for every recorded rebel that you and I know of a required fourty years of community service will be placed.

Saamir: Hmmm...

Mammon: No.

Tawfiq: No? May I remind you that you will run through the rest of your funds if you keep fighting in at most four months.

Mammon: I can accept the banishment, but the life imprisonment and the fourty years of community service, I cannot accept those extreme terms.

Saamir: I agree, I won't dishonor these great warriors with...

Tawfiq: Oh shut up, you'll be saving your own asses with this deal.

Both representatives are taken aback with the sultans brashness.

Mammon: Fourty years of community service to many is a life of indentured servitude, and our generals will not be punished so harshly.

Tawfiq: To what they did to our nation, they deserve more; you all deserve more. But I am a reasonable man, who wishes peace, so let us negotiate.

A twenty hour long negtiation occurs, interupted with food brought by the palace's servents. In the end the community service time is dropped to twenty years, and a few selected generals may also enjoy banishment with the top officials while the rest are imprisoned for life. With the last of the news crews packing up, the three officals take their leave.

Tawfiq: For peace my brother, and a gloriously bright future.

Both smile and wave. They leave the room.

Mammon: Yeah, what a "gloriously bright futre" will occur with continued a Utica still in control.

Saamir: It's over, we lost, no need to complain.

Mammon: Tusis could have had a gloriously bright future if...

Saamir: You anarchists won? Ha, no.

Mammon: Whatever goat herder. I don't even know why you lot revolted, the monarchy was always conservative.

Saamir: They wanted, and still want to centralize the sultanate, and our local independance would be gone.

Mammon: You would still agree on their policies.

Both argue till they reach their respective chauffers outside the palace doors. Unknown to the representatives Tawfiq watches them from his patio above.

To his advisor. Tawfiq: Finally, I may rule without their interruptions.

Advisor: So now shall we begin to deal with the Viziers?

Tawfiq: No, we must at least have a few months of stability before we rock the system. For now we play their game.

Advisor: Understood sir.

A clear Tusisian sky commands the night, revealing a hopeful future for this ancient and war-torn country.

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