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NationStates: Best Nation in the World: Especially Yours This Valentine's Day

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For two decades now, hordes of scientists with PhDs have painstakingly compiled terabytes of data on every nation on NationStates. They have drawn fancy tables, run complex algorithms and compiled countless census tables. The features are multivariate. The correlations are significant. The statistics are all so… lame?

Why do we need these people anyway? If we really want to know what the coolest, bestest and most amazing nation in the wurld is, we don't need numbers. We need good old-fashioned democracy! We need the return of Best Nation in the wurld!

When voting opens, for 28 hours, you will gain access to this page. Two nations will be shown: just click the one you think is better. What does "better" mean? We don't know! But we do know that after thousands of votes, the nations on the leaderboard will be the objective best. If you want to know how your nation is doing, you'll be able to see it on your nation page.

Check below to see the start time of the event for you.

Voting opens in:

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For two decades now, hordes of scientists with PhDs have painstakingly compiled terabytes of data on every nation on NationStates. They have drawn fancy tables, run complex algorithms and compiled countless census tables. The features are multivariate. The correlations are significant. The statistics are all so… lame?

Why do we need these people anyway? If we really want to know what the coolest, bestest and most amazing nation in the wurld is we don't need numbers. We need good old-fashioned democracy! We need the return of Best Nation in the wurld!

When voting opens, for 28 hours, you will gain access to this page. Two nations will be shown: just click the one you think is better. What does "better" mean? We don't know! But we do know that after thousands of votes, the nations on the leaderboard will be the objective best. If you want to know how your nation is doing, you'll be able to see it on your nation page.

Check below to see the start time of the event for you.

Voting opens in:

Update! Congratulations to the best nation in the wurld, The Commonwealth of Felpolandia.

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