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My Intro

Guest Salkia

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Guest Salkia

Full Name of Nation: Kingdom Of Salkia

Government type of nation: capitalist

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Salkians

Give us a short description of your nation: A caring nation

Do you have an IIWiki page?: Don’t know what that is

How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? Medium

How would you describe yourself? Kind

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? Kinda

Why do you want to join this region?: The teligram was good

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: idk

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it.

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? Yes I have experience and I will become a member of the wa soon

Edited by Orioni
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