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The Emperor could stay disabled for life

Yesterday, 24 October 2022, at 2pm, Ambrose III fainted in his palace while trying to climb stairs. He was immediately taken to the nearest private clinic by the imperial medical team, accompanied by the Empress Angela and his sons Célestin and Ambroise-Alexandre.

Emperor Ambroise III yesterday, 12 pm, 2 hours before his fainting.

Only an hour ago, we learned that the doctors have managed to stabilise the situation. Although the Emperor is still alive, the impact broke his right tibia and both ankles. According to the medical team, the bones may not repair sufficiently, forcing the Emperor into a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Nevertheless, the imperial family puts it into perspective : "Parkinson's is a daily struggle for my husband, but we are all here to support him through this difficult time. We will do everything we can to help him walk again, there is always hope." Empress Angela said when interviewed.

Many personalities have expressed their support for the Emperor and his family, including King Octave of Javiosia, stating that "Ambroise III has always been an honest and popular monarch, the second grandfather of all the children of Florentia, as well as my mentor and a close friend. I can only hope for his recovery."

Unfortunately, we were not allowed into the Emperor's room to interview him directly. We can only pray to God for his recovery.

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The State welcomes natives fleeing Florentia's Slavery

Since the revolution, barely two years ago, the number of people seeking asylum within our borders has continued to increase. Between 14 October this year and 14 November, an estimated 20,000 to 25,000 refugees came from Florentia. The number keeps increasing.


Recently, our government has been working with the International Red Cross to provide the best possible shelter for refugees. Camps have been set up in the small frontier towns of Gila, Ytms and Qomelsd. President Passereau is even planning to visit the Gila camp in person in about a week's time - along with other influential figures such as Atsila Monjoie, leader of the Agali and a member of parliament, and Chea Sequah Pietrouge, Minister of the Interior - to inspect the infrastructure.

Most of the former slaves come from Narizonia, Abalavier and Tyronnie, which are among the most racist and oppressive states. However, the origin is still fairly spread out. Even from supposedly liberal states such as Javiosia and Saint Isidore, which is further proof of the disgusting hypocrisy of the Lysians.

In parallel to the humanitarian aid, the state is requisitioning the buildings abandoned by the Lysians in order to house the refugees. Already, around 7,000 people have managed to find a real home thanks to this initiative. Many citizens have also taken the decision to open the doors of their homes, giving a warm welcome to their brothers and sisters in need.

In order to prevent people from escaping, the Florentian government is firmly controlling the borders. Be very careful if you try to reach the free zone. Under no circumstances should you try to cross the Red river (or Saint-Elme river) : the border is in the state of Narizonia, the most dangerous of all, and any refugee would be immediately arrested or even shot by the local army. We advise you to cross at the state of Saint Isidore, which has the least regulated border.

With the current situation, the state should soon become even more actively involved in the rescue of our fellow human beings, if we believe Tsula Passereau's latest declarations.


Edited by Florentia (see edit history)
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Cashari militiamen having murdered a Florentian soldier on our territory, the armistice is broken


M. Désiré de Belleville, Chancelier confédéral, a prononcé cette après-midi, devant le micro de son cabinet, l'allocution suivante :
        "Florentiens, Florentiennes,
        La nation a été marquée par l'infamie. Hier, des membres de la milice nationale cashari ont traversé la rivière Saint-Elme, se sont introduits illégalement sur notre territoire souverain, et ont froidement abbatu un soldat de l'Armée Narizonienne alors qu'il s'était rendu. Son nom était Kévin Hétraicon et il n'avait que 19 ans. Que son âme repose en paix.
        Bien que nos relations diplomatiques ont toujours été extrêmement tendues avec Cashar, j'ai plusieurs fois déclaré être ouvert à la négociation, mais je parlais dans le vide. Pire : leur réponse est le sang. Nous ne pouvons pas rester ensensibles.
        La cause de la Florentie s'est toujours confondue avec celle de la justice et de la liberté. Voilà pourquoi elle sera victorieuse. 

        Florentiens, Florentiennes,
        Nous faisons la guerre car on nous l'a imposée. Chacun de nous est à son poste. Sur le sol de Florentie, sur cette terre de liberté que Dieu nous a offert dans sa miséricorde, vous associerez tous vos efforts dans un profond sentiment d'union et de fraternité pour le salut de la Florentie. 

Vive la Liberté ! vive l'Empereur ! vive la Florentie !"


Mr. Désiré de Belleville, Confederal Chancellor, delivered the following speech this afternoon at the microphone in his office:
        The nation has been marked by infamy. Yesterday, members of the Cashari National Militia crossed the St. Elme River, illegally entered our sovereign territory, and coldly shot and killed a surrendered Narizonian Army soldier. His name was Kévin Hétraicon and he was only 19 years old. May his soul rest in peace.
        Although our diplomatic relations have always been extremely tense with Cashar, I have repeatedly stated that I am open to negotiation, but I was talking to a wall. Worse: their only response is blood. We cannot remain insensitive.
        The cause of Florentia has always been the cause of justice and freedom. That is why it will be victorious. 

        We are at war because it has been forced upon us. Each of us is at his post. On the soil of Florentia, on this land of liberty which God has offered us in his mercy, you will combine all your efforts in a deep feeling of union and brotherhood for the salvation of Florentia. 

Long live Liberty ! Long live the Emperor ! Long live Florentia !"

Edited by Florentia
Typo errors. (see edit history)
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waifus.com celebrates its 20th anniversary


Described as the Hell of the internet by almost every media and at the heart of many outrages, waifus.com is known for its virulent community.
For example, in 2015 the site managed to convince the internet and the mass media that white chocolate is a white supremacist symbol. More recently, in 2022, Lysian users leaked an Anglian air force bomber model, causing it to be completely banned from Anglian-controlled territories.
This 13 February 2023 marks twenty years since the creation of the Florentian website waifus.com, often abbreviated to WC. On this occasion, Le Montcharmant proposes to look at this long file.

What is waifus.com?

Created in 2003 by Esonian students living in Belleville, the initial goal of the site was to discuss manhas, Esonian comics that are now very popular among Florentian youth. Since then, the site has grown and now has around ten million unique users each month. Although the majority of users are Lysiophones, and more particularly Florentians, there are also many foreign users.
The site operates on a forum system. Each forum is dedicated to one manga, with the exception of five: the 'pipelette under 15', 'pipelette 15-18', 'pipelette 18-25', 'pipelette 25-35' and 'pipelette over 35' forums. In order to post on the forums, it is necessary to create an account with a name and password. However, as the creation and suppression of accounts is unrestricted, it is difficult or impossible to be sure that you are always addressing the same person, and account theft/usurpation is very easy. In addition, private messages cannot be sent. These characteristics make this social network so unusual that several sociologists are already studying it.

A race to scandal

Although the site has never lost its original purpose, waifus.com is best known for hosting a community that is regularly described as one of the most toxic in the wurld, both in terms of its size and the motivations of its users. The 'Pipelette 15-18' and 'Pipelette 18-25' forums are particularly active, with several hundred messages posted per minute.
Within these forums, the content of the messages is very varied. As is their relationship to the law. Indeed, for these young people, it is a lawless zone where they can let off steam. Repeated insults, harassment campaigns and calls for murder are commonplace.
The users' main aim is to get people talking about them, often in a bad way, and they are happy when public opinion boos them. "We want to spread chaos and waifus on the internet. We have no limits", one user proudly declares.

Hyper-politicised forums

Users show a strong interest in politics and international affairs. Many posts are dedicated to discussing the Great War against Anglia, generally reflecting a growing hostility against the Anglian alliance. This hostility has resulted in the theft and publication of an Anglian bomber model on the 'pipelette 18-25' forum, resulting in its complete banning in Anglia and Lysia.
This interest in politics was also evident during the 2022 Senate elections. Discussion forums were flooded with photomontages glorifying Hugo Dellague, the Popular Party favourite and Senator of Bayave, known for his populism and authoritarianism. During his campaign, the candidate saluted them for their support, describing them as "young people full of creativity". The site is also characterised by its anti-liberalism and distrust of democracy. The political extremes mix, regularly mocking those they call 'little d***s'. However, although racist comments are common, the community shows strong anti-slavery tendencies.

A seamless brotherhood

Despite the almost complete anonymity, waifus.com users consider themselves a family. They refer to each other as "oniisan", an Esonian word meaning "brother" or "big brother". For many frequent users, the site has become a second home.
This brotherhood, revolving around their love of manhas and public outrage, is also based on puerile and grotesque humour. Their favourite mascot is a Lasodan comedian, Javier Golritas, whose communicative laughter has charmed users.

What are the owners doing?

Faced with the leak of the Anglian military documents, the Arachné telecom group - owners of waifus.com - promised to make the site less uncontrollable by hiring paid moderators to assist the volunteer moderators. Although these measures have resulted in the banning of about a hundred problematic users, the site remains a kind of modern-day "Far North".

Whether army of chaos, worshippers of Esonian culture and giant family, the users of waifus.com will not stop being talked about any time soon.

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Senator Hugo Dellague appointed Confederal Chancellor

Yesterday, January 28, 2023, the new Emperor Ambrose IV dismissed the Senator of Javiosie, Désiré de Belleville, from his position as Confederal Chancellor and entrusted it to Hugo L. "Lys" Dellague, the Senator of Bayave. This decision did not come as a surprise as the Emperor is known to be sympathetic to the People's Party, notably through his wife, Empress Rosie, who was already a party member when they met.

Hugo Dellague, nicknamed the 'King of the Bayous' because of his control of the Marquisate of Bayave, is known for his radical ideas, opposing both the provincial nobility and the Bellevillian capitalists. His populism made him particularly popular among the peasant and working classes. Moreover, his extreme progressivism, promoting racial equality and the end of slavery, caused a scandal among the elite but appealed to the Casharis, both slaves and freedmen, who saw in him a hope.

In his inaugural speech, Dellague said that for the time being he wanted to concentrate on the war against the Federation, as it is an obvious embarrassment for both domestic and foreign policy, while making sure that it is not dirty, as the country's reputation is at stake.

The speech ended with a torchlight parade of the People's Party militia, while singing "The Fortunate Nation", a hymn written and composed entirely by Dellague. With Dellague saying little about his progressive agenda, one wonders if he realized he is the only populist Senator, preferring to stick to more realistic reforms.

Only time can tell...



Original lyrics of "The Fortunate Nation" ("L'heureuse nation") :

Ô Florentie, terre de félicité,
Patrie bénie par le Seigneur sacré.
Le peuple entier te salue avec ferveur,
Les yeux brillants, la main contre le cœur.

Marchant au pas, le buste bien bombé,
Chacun brandit sa belle torche enflammée.
Et d’une voix de géant, la nation s’exclame :
« Pour le progrès, la gloire, la liberté chérie ! »
Et d’une voix de géant, la nation s’exclame :
« Pour le progrès, la gloire, la liberté chérie ! »

Ô Florentie, terre de liberté,
La nation reine s’avance, pleine d’orgueil,
L’esprit léger et les épaules d’acier.
Le bonheur se trouve juste à notre seuil.

Le glorieux peuple, guidé par le Seigneur,
Lève haut le point enfin sans crainte ni peur.
Et d’une voix de géant, la nation s’exclame :
« Pour le progrès, la gloire, la liberté chérie ! »
Et d’une voix de géant, la nation s’exclame :
« Quitte à mourir, en sacrifiant ma vie ! »

English lyrics :

O Florentia, land of felicity,
Fatherland blessed by the sacred Lord.
The whole people salute you with fervour,
Eyes shining, hand to heart.

Marching at a pace, their chests well rounded,
Each one brandishes his beautiful flaming torch.
And with a giant's voice, the nation exclaims:
"For progress, for glory, for beloved liberty!"
And with a giant's voice the nation exclaims:
"For progress, for glory, for beloved liberty!"

O Florentia, land of freedom,
The queen nation steps forward, full of pride,
Light in spirit and strong in shoulders.
Happiness is right on our doorstep.

The glorious people, guided by the Lord,
Raise the point finally without fear or dread.
And with a giant voice the nation exclaims:
"For progress, for glory, for beloved liberty!"
And with a giant's voice the nation exclaims:
"Even if I have to die, sacrificing my life!"

Edited by Florentia (see edit history)
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