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[Vision Statement] The Federal Kingdom of Bergenaria


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Vision Statement: the Federal Kingdom of Bergenaria.






"Yo te juro a ti, Rey de Bergenaria, como Líder y Señor, lealtad y valentía.

Te juro a ti y a aquellos que tú nombres obediencia hasta la muerte.

Dios me bendiga."

Oath of the Bergenarian Imperial Armed Forces (1765 - 1987)






To many people, usually, revolutions are about federalists overthrowing an evil monarch for reasons that can vary. But when the Cempasuchil Revolution (Estiliano: Revolución del Cempasúchil) triumphed on New Year’s Eve of 1873, no one expected that the “evil monarch” would take the shape and form of a republic. Overthrowing the previous República Centralista de Bergenaria, the victorious royalist group Frente de Acción Nacional established the modern-day Federal Kingdom of Bergenaria (Estiliano: Reino Federal de Bergenaria) with Enrique de Bergenaria as Emperor, uniting all the Bergenarian states over the course of fifteen years.


But before we can go further in the present, let’s analyze the whole past of Bergenaria.


The land we currently know as Bergenaria was inhabited by very loose Estilian-speaking duchies, nations, and feudal states. Most of these nations were born after the Tratado de Grenica, in which the sons and daughters of the deceased Supreme Leader Aureliano, el Cid divided the lands amongst themselves in a sense of cooperation and unity. The most notable states within these divided lands were the warmongering Duchy of Caronia, the Grand Duchy of Lacornia, and the Arianzan Ascendancy.

Bergenaria traces its humble beginnings in the Sagrado Imperio Bergenaro (Eng.: Holy Bergenaran Empire), established by Empress Anastasia de Zamora in 1248. At its height, the HBE comprised almost the entire territory of present-day central Bergenaria, as well as parts of southern Bergenaria. Due to its supranational character, the Holy Bergenaran Empire never became a nation state or a modern state; rather, it maintained a monarchical government and an imperial estate tradition. In 1678, however, the neighboring states were constitutionally integrated as imperial states as the Empire had to ensure political stability and the peaceful resolution of conflicts by restricting the dynamics of power: it offered protection to the subjects against the arbitrariness of the lords, as well as to the lower estates against any infringement of rights committed by the highest estates or by the Empire itself.

By the 19th century, the Empire was no longer able to continue protecting its members from the expansionist policies of internal and external powers. This was his greatest shortcoming and one of the causes of his decline. The defense of law and the preservation of peace became its fundamental objectives. At the onset of the Revolución liberal (Eng.: Liberal Revolution) in 1834, the HBE as a state ceased to exist as King Ludovico I was assassinated by liberal revolutionaries in the Siege of Serenno.

The Revolución Liberal gave rise to the Bergenaran United States (Estiliano: Estados Unidos Bergenaros), which subsequently reformed to the Centralist Republic of Bergenaria (Estiliano: República Centralista de Bergenaria) in 1848. As monarchist nationalism arose in the state by the dawn of the 1860s, the autonomous kingdoms and duchies around the Bergenaran borders formed the Confederación, around the monarchist party Frente de Acción Nacional (Eng.: National Action Front). On November 2, 1867, the Cempasuchil Revolution would officially begin after the Confederación invaded the EUB. The ending I have already mentioned at the beginning of this writing.


Bergenaria, now the Kingdom of Bergenaria would enter a brief Renacimiento in the early 20th century, advancing technologically far beyond the predictions of the former monarchists that oversaw the collapse of the HBE. However, the Renacimiento would stagnate in the late 1910s and officially stop with an economical crisis across the land in 1926. Turmoil and federalist sentiment soon spread across the land in crisis, with violence erupting into the Guerra de los dos mil días (Eng.: Two Thousand Years War) in 1948.

Following the civil war and victory of the monarchists, the country would reinvent itself for the second time. The once strictly monarchist kingdom went to the Reformación (Eng.: Reformation) in 1961, opening the kingdom to liberal and progressive ideals once considered to be abhorrent due to their close connection to the long-gone Centralist Republic. In the modern-day, the Federal Kingdom of Bergenaria has a healthy respect to human rights, a semi-stagnant economy, and a society that has combined monarchist traditions with modernity. 

Almost 150 years after the unification of modern-day Bergenaria, the country has shown moderate growth and success in the wurld of Eurth, with a few hiccups along the way.  Alongside the capital of Serenno, other major cities including Santiago de Ángeles, Caronia, Izquina, Arianza, San Cristóbal de Grenica, Zamora, Santa Catarina de Compostela and Aniria.


We hope your visit to Bergenaria can be the most satisfying of your visits.


Manual de Bergenaria: 1000 cosas que hacer en Bergenaria. Edición 2011.

Alfonso Salazar Medina. 



Appearances can be tricky, and Bergenaria is no exception.

A server aims to express the issues of Bergenaria as if you were in said country, focusing on issues most of our real-life nations can and will face in the nearby future. 

A list of events and issues I have set to tackle through my stance:

  1. Mi ducado, mi decisión. (Autonomy can bring many good things to the table, but when the region asking for autonomy has show clear wishes for complete independence from the central government, ¿who will be the bad guy? P.D. This will also has the chance to have a good insight in the states that shaped Bergenaria.)
  2. Linea flaca. (With an aging population and very slow young populace growth, many economists may fear a crash and attempt to boost the economic output and growth of Bergenaria. ¿Will it enter another Renacimiento or Bergenaria will burn the frying pan?)
  3. Un juego de tronos: (With the day of death of aging King Clemente VIII in the distance, succession, and preparation are near essential to the apparent heirs. ¿It isn’t a true monarchy with succession line problematics, ya?)
  4. Entre bomberos, no se pisan las mangueras. (To many people, political corruption is one of the many hiccups that has stagnated such a promising country. The scandal that will begin a “domino game” will be exposed soon enough. ¿is there any honor amongst thieves?)
  5. Guerra y Paz  (Peace seems to be the law through Bergenaria. However, the usual debate of increasing military spending puts in great risk a speech promoted since the 1600s. ¿can peace be stopped?)

    To name a few... I have many more issues I will like to tackle on.

Desired Stats

Population: [Medium] (29,000,000)
GDP: [High] (15,150.)
Land Area: [Medium] (238,400. The overall size of Romania)



P.D.: Sorry if any misspells might slip on the first post. Despite might seem like an English-speaking native, I'm from Mexico so you can also expect a few regionalisms or Spanish-speaking sentences along the way. You can ask me what any regionalism means and I'll give my best to explain it to you!

Edited by Bergenaria (see edit history)
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