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OOC: The Ahranaian Union

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This thread will be focused mostly on the Ahranaian Union, which is a union of former Colonies of Ahrana across the Glube that joined to create what is now known as the Ahranaian Union. Though through the decades the Union would have had many names before settling with this name. 

So, what is the Ahranaian Union?

The Ahranaian Union is an International Organization made up of former Ahranaian Colonies that are independent and have their own Governments and leaders but have come together to create a union that is connected through a shared history of colonial times, as well as other things.

Here is the basic rundown of the brief history.

The first union related to the AU was called the Union of Ahranaian States or the UAS. This was created when the states were still part of the Colonial Empire of Ahrana which would last till after the fall of the Republican Government of Ahrana which would see the Ahranaian Royal Government ruling in exile in one of these colonies. It was during this time period that the Exiled-Imperial Government would make a promise to all of the Colonies that once the Imperial Government was re-instated that the Colonies would be given their independence for their support during the Republican Era.

The second organization after the UAS would be the Organization of Independent Ahranaian States or the OIAS. This organization would be the precursor to what would be found today. The OIAS would establish a free trade agreement among all former colonies and Ahrana Proper to trade independently and allow the use of the Ahranaian Krone as Currency in all Members of the OIAS. The OIAS would go on till around the 1950s when the AU would be established.

As a Member of the Ahranaian Union a Nation has access to the Ahranaian Krone as its official currency, Ahranaian Proper Market, free trade amongst all Member Nations, Humanitarian Aid, and so much more that is available to only the Members of the AU. The Union acts as an Economic, Defense, and Humanitarian Protector to all of its members. These members of the AU also share the Ahranaian Language which connects these nations together along with their own native languages.

Since these Nations were granted their independence from the Ahranaian Central Government they have been free to create their own governments with the help of the Ahranaians. During the Ahranaian Revolution some of the Nobility would have fled to these former colonies for refuge. However, some of these States would have been sympathetic to both the Socialists and the Royalists. Since the expulsion of the Communists, Socialists, and any other Ivanoff Ideaological followers from mainland Ahrana some of the Member States also expelled or locked up these people due to the danger they posed to the general public. A good amount of these groups did flee to the Member States to which they were arrested and trialed by the court of law. 

As of today, almost each member of the AU have established a Human Rights Doctrine in their nation and have a Democratic Elected Government. Some of the Member States are lagging behind some of the others but they are progressing to what Ahrana would call a Democratic Nation based on Democratic Values of Freedoms.

So, currently the AU is a combination of the following RL Organizations: NATO, NAFTA, EU, Commonwealth of Nations, OIF, Francophone, and a few more just to name. The plan for the AU currently is to exist among the rest of the Wurld and to help promote Democratic Values and to encourage trade among all Members and Non-Members alike.

These States would also be part of the Ahranaian Orthodox Community in religious aspects. So, in many ways these states share a lot with Ahrana as a whole due to the impact that was made on them by the government and the Imperial Family during their exile. 

I will also post more about the AU as I continue to explore this idea!



So it most certainly is an interesting idea, I do have some questions that go along with it.

What colonies did the Ahranan's establish and when did this colonial phase happen?

You do describe it as a mix of a lot of different organizations. How similiar is it to the already existing entities like the North Adlantic Union or the Iverican Federation? Depending on what it is, this could give Ahrana massive quantities of soft power very quickly and would require expansions to be planned.

If you know where the colonies would be, have you been able to talk to the locals of that area?

On 5/18/2022 at 5:36 PM, Seylos said:

So it most certainly is an interesting idea, I do have some questions that go along with it.

What colonies did the Ahranan's establish and when did this colonial phase happen?

You do describe it as a mix of a lot of different organizations. How similiar is it to the already existing entities like the North Adlantic Union or the Iverican Federation? Depending on what it is, this could give Ahrana massive quantities of soft power very quickly and would require expansions to be planned.

If you know where the colonies would be, have you been able to talk to the locals of that area?

In general, the number of colonies Ahrana would have established is far less than say the average Colonial Power of the time. So, when looking at the map colonial wise in Alharu there would have been three Colonial Provinces that in present day would be divided up into their own states due to cultures and so forth., plus a conference that would have been held by the Ahranaian Government of the time to settle the border disputes and so forth. Outside of Alharu it is possible Ahrana would have first colonized Islands close to Argis in the Sakspati and Ygros Sea. The Colonial Phase would probably have happened around perhaps the 1750s which is when the Ahrana you see today would have officially rebounded back from the Empire.

What makes this organization a bit different is that the sole effort of the Ahranaian Union in the original creation and current creation (if this is able to manifest) was to help bring stability to those former colonies. In addition to that, the organization was to start and to oversee the De-Colonization process of the colonies that would have been promised due to the support of the Ahranaian Monarchy during its exile. So, with all that the modern formation of the organization is to promote cooperation among the former colonies with each other and Ahrana naturally, and to also help them step into the international realm. I also mentioned that these States would have access to the Ahranaian Economy and currency, that would have been an agreement made with the Royal Government at the time that has since been honored.

I have been talking with the nations that these colonies would have been around in Alharu and the majority of them are all okay with the idea and are actually excited with the idea as it would give them some lore to build with.


So attached to this post there are two maps, the first map is the colonial possessions at the time when they would have been colonized by the Ahranaian Kingdom in 1750. The second map would be the modern division and makeup of the former Colonies as modern-day states.



So, after talks with several people it has been decided that the Colonies would be treated as an Expansion and therefore going forward, I will be talking about the Colonies as an expansion.

The Islands next to Argis would have been the first place where Ahrana would have landed in an attempt to Colonize, with that the islands would be a colony before 1750. The Islands would have become a Colony around 1730-1735 and this was the first attempt like I said. As time went on after several trade missions with Andalla Ahrana would go into Alharu to make more trading points with Andalla and the natives in this area of Alharu. This land that would become a colony of Ahrana would be divided into three Colonies and administered as three separate Colonies.

The name of these Colonies like most colonies are not all that interesting, they have some connection with Ahrana, In Alharu the name of the three colonies were New Skaro, New Elde, and New Vulga. The two Island Colonies were called New Francis and the other was New Albert both named after two Ahranaian Kings in Ahranaian History associated with the Navy.

These areas would remain as colonies till 1937 When the Monarchy was ruling as Government-in-Exile under the Republican Government which the colonies refused to recognize. The troops stationed in the Colonies did not support the Republican Government but instead supported the Monarchy. It was that during this period of time that ended in 1937, the Colonies and the Monarchy came to an agreement due to the unwavering support for the Ahranaian Monarchy the colonies would have their wish of De-Colonization and Independent Status given to them by the Monarchy.

Since then, the former Colonies have been divided up into 19 Independent States that still enjoy a close relationship with Ahrana and even share the Ahranaian Krone as their official Currency.

I am tagging the following people that this idea will affect for their approval: @Hemahat@Esonice@Andalusia Francien@Vostau@Iverica


This may affect the "Wild West" idea that @Esonice and myself had for that region. I think we need to discuss in some more depth how we can accommodate this with minimal changes to the existing idea.

14 hours ago, Iverica said:

This may affect the "Wild West" idea that @Esonice and myself had for that region. I think we need to discuss in some more depth how we can accommodate this with minimal changes to the existing idea.

Okay! Whatever is needed for this I am willing to hear all sides.

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