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  • 3 weeks later...
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09:45 | May 4th, 2022 (03.05.2022)
DSGP-Gadutea Region Party Headquarters

Päskär-on-Morthal, Gadutea

          Valentin Blücher slammed Der Morthal's latest paper on the desk once more after reading it, the headline: "BLÜCHER'S LEAVING". The votes had already been cast on the 2nd and then counted on the 3rd. The result was a narrow victory for Volkhardt Isenhour's self-proclaimed pro-democracy coalition, receiving 34% of the vote, whilst Blücher's Gemotamists received 32%. Thanks to Gadutea's election system, only a plurality is required for a State President to be elected, something that Blücher and the Gemotam Party took advantage of on numerous occasions, though now finally Blücher was getting a taste of his own medicine. That doesn't mean, however, that Valentin was going to accept it.

          Valentin picked up the phone and started dialing; he already had a plan, but he needed to get its instructions out. He needed to speak to Stefan Klügmann, the speaker of the Gadutean parliament and high-ranking Gemotam party member alongside Valentin. Just as it seemed that the phone was about to forward to voicemail, the line picked up.

          "Stefan, do you see this shit?" said Valentin, not even giving time for Stefan to say a hello, gesturing with his hand toward the paper even though Stefan couldn't actually see him or the paper."I was told multiple times that we were safe; that we would win without any problems! What the hell is this?" Valentin was livid, to say the least, whilst polls did predict a close race between the Gemotam Party and Democracy! coalition, much of the Gemotam Party leadership were confident that they would win another term. The loss came as a shock to much of the party.

          "Calm yourself, Valentin, we can't change the past, but we can certainly change the future. I'm already planning ways we hamper that bastard Isenhour's coalition. They're only held together by their dislike for us; a few blows and their coalition should collapse. Whilst we still have our parliamentary majority, we can't simply impeach him; the Supreme Court will overturn it if we try without any valid reasons; besides, the Chief Justice, Engelbert Eßig, has sympathies towards Isenhour's lot. I'm already planning to have the party officially challenge the election result with international election observers. If we can damage the election's integrity, then we've already gotten a head start against Isenhour. Don't forget, Isenhour's 'inauguration' isn't until the 23rd; we have a lot of time to stop him." Stefan responded calmly. As soon as he heard that the election had been called for Isenhour, he had started planning ways to stop him, either by stopping the election's validity itself or by hampering Isenhour and his coalition until and after his inauguration. None of his plans included any violent means however, something that Valentin was sure to advocate for, though Stefan realised that it could be potentially needed in the case that his plans didn't work.

          "Good, but it still isn't enough. Prepare to mobilise the Party's paramilitary, the Self-Defence League. Don't have them do anything yet, however. Should your more peaceful ideas not work, we need a fallback; the Self-Defence League needs to cause chaos and unrest the moment Isenhour is inauguarated. Anything that can be done to destabilise him, we must do. Refuse any proposed legislation by his coalition, the more he fights with parliament, the easier it'll be to find justification to remove him. Get in contact with a high up in the Gendarmerie, Diätmar Florabel. I know him well, he's a gemotamist and we can trust him. He can sway the Gendarmerie's commander, Antonin Mangold, towards us. I'm not saying we need the Gendarmerie's support behind us for this, but we can't take any risks here. I'm sure you know that."

          "Very well, I'll do that too. However, we must only use your options if all other non-violent options fail; violence could have the opposite effect: instead of dividing Isenhour's coalition, it'll just serve to strengthen them and bring them closer. Even if we're forced to use violence, we'll still be taking a gamble." Stefan replied. If Isenhour's coalition was brought further together through any violent actions by paramilitaries, then any actions against him would be much harder. Further strength in the coalition could also result in more support for Democracy!, meaning that even if the Gemotam Party's actions to hinder or oust Isenhour were successful, the fallout from the public could be disastrous.

          "I know, but it's one that'll be in our favour. Anyways, our ideas seem like enough to stop Isenhour in any case. If you have any further ideas, or if anything isn't going to plan, tell me immediately. We still have lots of time to react to this; the real work will start after the swearing-in of Isenhour. We'll talk more later." Valentin replied, hanging up almost before Stefan could eke out a goodbye; Valentin was always an individual prone to rushing, one of the main reasons he didn't fear resorting to violence and authoritarian governance if he saw a political benefit to it. Valentin smirked to himself; the election was simply a battle that he and his party had lost. The real "war" hadn't even begun yet.

Edited by Stedoria
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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

09:45 | June 30th, 2022 (30.06.2022)
Chamber of the National Assembly of Gadutea
Saint Mark's Square, Päskär-on-Morthal, Gadutea

          The chamber of the National Assembly of Gadutea, located within Gadutea's capital, Päskar-on-Morthal, was much quieter than expected, especially considering the imminent oath and swearing in of Volkhardt Isenhour as the new State President of the Free State of Gadutea. The chamber was only filled with members, supporters, and parliamentarians of his democratic alliance, along with a modest amount of foreign representatives, mainly diplomatic bureaucrats and attachés from the Ceriser states, Seylos, and Delamaria. The losing Gemotam Party, and its leader and now outgoing premier Valentin Blücher, had been surprisingly quiet rhetorically, something that Isenhour hadn't expected, with the Gemotamist and Blücher's only announcement being that they wouldn't attend Isenhour's official swearing in, a first in Gadutean politics, and an obvious sign of the former's hostility at the latter's victory; even the Assembly's speaker, Stefan Klügmann, was absent. Far-right and far-left representatives were also absent, despite both blocs not announcing their intention to do so, something that Isenhour partially expected, yet, at the same time, didn't. Nevertheless, Isenhour's pride nor confidence were damaged; he knew that, whilst the first few months of State President would bring immense difficulty, Gadutea was about to be in much better and more respectable hands.

          Though having been quiet in their announcements, the Gemotam Party hadn't remain this way within Gadutea's courts. Immediately after the election, the Gemotam Party demanded multiple recounts of all ballots to ensure the election's integrity, something that had been refused by the Supreme Court of Gadutea. Furthermore, the Gemotam Party had launched multiple and continuous legal complaints and lawsuits against Isenhour's democratic alliance, the national elections commission, and even Isenhour himself. These, however, proved to be fruitless for the Gemotam Party; virtually all legal complaints had been thrown out by the time of the swearing-in ceremony, with the only real "accomplishment" being made by the Gemotam Party with these complaints was jamming up Gadutea's already-strained legal and court system, and issue that had persisted within Gadutea since the free state was established.

          Upon finishing brief handshakes and greetings with his parliamentarians and foreign representatives, Isenhour made his way to the front of the chamber where the lectern was located, the typical spot in which the swearing in ceremony for the new State President would take place. Isenhour stopped a meter away from Engelbert Eßig, the Chief of Gadutea's Supreme Court, and someone whom Isenhour knew he could place his trust in. Unlike much of the other judiciary, which had been replaced by Gemotamist-sympathetic individuals, Eßig had been appointed by the previous and more liberal-democratic minded government before the Gemotamists' gradual yet quick rise to power. Much of Eßig's time after this had been spent fighting with the Gemotamist-led legislature and executive; owing to the lack of term limits and methods to remove a Supreme Court Chief, the Gemotamists had to stick with Eßig, waiting for his eventual death; something that, fortunately for Isenhour, still hadn't come. This had made him a target for assassination, presumably by the Gemotam Party's paramilitary, the Self-Defence League, on more than one occasion, with authorities never investigating these attempts seriously under the Gemotam Party's rule.

          The two faced each other; though Eßig's face remained serious for the ceremony, Isenhour couldn't help but detect a hint of relief from the chief judge, apparently happy that the Gemotamists would no longer be a thorn in his side for the time being. Eßig held a copy of the Gadutean Constitution and the Treaty of Tenby, the two things that the Gemotamists despised the most. Isenhour place his left hand upon the consitution and the treaty, and prepared to take the oath, something that Blücher had always refused to swear during the swearing-in ceremony; being solely a ceremonial procedure, he was always able to get away with it without incident or problem.

          "Volkhardt Isenhour, raise your right hand and start the oath when you are ready." Eßig said, his voice serious, with it echoing throughout the chamber for all to hear. Isenhour confidently raised his right hand in the traditional oath-taking manner and started to loudly recite the oath he had memorised for the chamber to hear.

          "I, Volkhardt Isenhour, citizen of the Free State of Gadutea and president-elect, swear, with full confidence and truth, to respect and uphold the laws of the Free State of Gadutea, to uphold and respect the constitution of the Free State of Gadutea, and to uphold and respect the Treaty of Tenby until I am no longer in my office or until my death. I swear to respect democratic values and to uphold the democratic institutions of the Free State of Gadutea, or give my life in doing so; so help me God." Isenhour finished the oath pridefully. He knew that today was just the start of a democratic, safer Gadutea.

          "Volkhardt Isenhour, I, through the powers vested to me within the constitution and by the law of the Free State, grant upon you the office and title of State President of the Free State of Gadutea, free to lead us into a better futu-"


          An explosion; then darkness. A safe Gadutea was still far away.

Edited by Stedoria
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


The inauguration of newly elected democratic State-President Volkhardt Isenhour, taking place within the National Assembly chamber in the capital, Päskar-on-Morthal, was unexpectedly yet barbarically cut short yesterday by a devastating terrorist attack at the hands of a bomb placed within the National Assembly chamber. According to first response and rescue crews which rushed to the scene immediately following the bombing, State-President Isenhour, taking the traditional oath to the constitution prior to the attack, suffered only minor injuries; Chief Justice Engelbert Eßig was also unscathed by the attack. Seven newly elected lawmakers, all of whom were elected to Isenhour's alliance, are confirmed dead in the attack. Twelve other lawmakers, all of whom were also from Isenhour's alliance, were also injured.

Speaking today for the first time since the attack, Isenhour called the attacks "barbaric", and "an attack on Gadutea's very institutions and instruments of democracy", and has called on the nations of the wurld to continue its opposition and condemnation of all forms of political, violent, and otherwise extremist acts of terrorism, along with any threats to democracy by authoritarianism. Isenhour furthermore stated that an immediate investigation had already been launched into the culprits of the terrorist attack, promising that "those seeking only terror will find only unforgiving justice". He also expressed Gadutea's openness into allowing any foreign and third-party investigations to be launched in order to find out more information regarding the attack.

Much of the National Assembly Chamber was damaged in the attack and has been rendered unusable for the time being, it being clear that not only were the terrorists attempting to stop Isenhour's swearing-in, but also attempting to stop Gadutea's institutions and instruments of government from function following the terrorist attack. Not allowing Gadutea to be bested by cowardly acts of terrorism, State-President Isenhour claimed in his speech that the National Library of Gadutea has offered itself as a temporary legislature until rudimentary repairs can be made to the National Assembly to allow it to be functional once more.

No group as of yet has claimed responsibility for the terror attack; official authorities at this time have also not released their lists of groups suspected of carrying out the bombing. What is known, and has been made clear through the attack, however, is that the terror attack is an obvious act of political terrorism, rather than any lone-wolf acts or religious acts of terrorism. It is also highly unlikely, according to terror and political experts, that the group responsible will claim responsibility, with many experts claiming that had the terror group desired to claim responsibility, then such responsibility would have already been claimed.

Political experts at Der Morthal have already voiced their suspicions and beliefs that the Self-Defence League, the de facto paramilitary of the Stedorian-led and backed Dolchic Socialist Gemotam Party, is responsible for the attack. Experts have pointed to the recent hostility the outgoing Gemotamist government of Gadutea had to Isenhour's incoming government, quietly launching failed legal battles to either postpone or halt Isenhour's confirmation, along with the Gemotamists' refusal to attend Isenhour's swearing-in ceremony, where the attack took place. 

Der Morthal's political experts have also pointed out that the Self-Defence League has a history of political terrorism and violence, both within Gadutea and the Stedorian People's Republic; Gadutean gemotamists have allegedly been responsible for multiple assassination attempts on Chief Justice Engelbert Eßig, along with many successful assassinations of outspoken critics of gemotamism. Within the Stedorian People's Republic, their latest election months ago was marked by deliberately unreported political intimidation and violence at polling stations by Self-Defence League squads, resulting in a landslide victory for the National Party of the Stedorian Revolution, Stedoria's branch of the Dolchic Socialist Gemotam Party.

The Self-Defence League, the likely perpetrators of this terrorist attack, being the paramilitary wing of the Dolchic Socialist Gemotam Party which is backed and funded by Stedoria, has by proxy carried out an act of political violence and terrorism with the backing of the Stedorian state, who has made no secret of their hatred of Gadutea's existence as an independent state. Anti-Gadutean rhetoric within Stedoria has only increased in recent times thanks to the ultranationalistic and pan-Dolchic attitudes of Stedoria's authoritarian leader, Tamäj Köseg. Stedoria and its terroristic Gemotamist movement must not be allowed to its acts of barbarity and terrorism on those who simply want a free voice in a democratic society. 

Edited by Stedoria (see edit history)
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

13:00 | October 21st, 2022 (21.10.2022)
Cabinet's Chamber, National Assembly of Gadutea
Saint Mark's Square, Päskär-on-Morthal, Gadutea

          After the terrorist bombing by presumed Gemotamist sympathising paramilitants, things had rather surprisingly and quickly calmed down, much to the surprise of Isenhour, his cabinet, security officials, much of the island's media outlets, and even some lower ranks of the Gadutean Gemotamist opposition. Many suspected that the investigation launched into the perpetrators of the bombing may have scared off Gemotamists from engaging in any further violent action. This calm finally allowed the battered yet new government of Gadutea to finally start implementing their promised policies, specifically the privatisation of certain state-owned businesses, enacting a more laissez-faire economic policy, the banning of the Gemotamist paramilitary, the Self-Defence League, but most significantly, the breaking of foreign relations with the Stedorian People's Republic. Although the calming down of violent activities may have seemed like the end of post-election political troubles plaguing the island, allowing the government to start getting day-to-day affairs done, troubles still persisted on a different front for Isenhour and his government: diplomacy. 

          The breaking of diplomatic ties was, of course, taken extremely negatively by the Stedorian government, resulting in Gadutean diplomats being expelled, the cancellation of visa friendly policies for Gaduteans, and most significantly, Stedorian state-owned businesses pulling out of the Gadutean economy, which, although hurt the Stedorian economy somewhat, hurt the Gadutean even more, resulting in many of these former employees in Gadutea simply losing their jobs. Stedoria, prior to the election of Isenhour, didn't hesitate in stating its intention for Gadutea to be peacefully be re-incorporated back into Stedoria; this rhetoric continued after Isenhour's election, though in a more forceful, irredentist tone, directly threatening the Gadutean government and the very independence of Gadutea itself. As such, Isenhour was quick in finding ways to protect Gadutea's independence from the growing threat of Stedoria. 

          Another factor had recently entered into the fray, however: Dolchland. The very recent outbreak of war in Gadutea's backyard with the invasion of Iwenland, along the very likely prospect of war between Dolchland and Velaheria had prompted a new concern for Isenhour: seeing Seylos as a key guarantor of Gadutea's independence, the war with Dolchland provided a short but very vulnerable opening for Stedorian interests to manifest themselves further within the politically divided island. Initially, Isenhour was hopeful that he could request a Seylosian show of naval force in Gadutea's waters to deter any Stedorian actions, but with a war already starting, this had now become highly unlikely. 

          "War between Seylos and Dolchland has broken out, and from here it's only going to get bigger; Velaheria is likely soon to join against Dolchland, with Stedoria joining shortly after. The formation of the 'Argic Defence Coalition' which include both Seylos and Stedoria among many others, serves as a problem for Gadutea's interests. As long as this provisional alliance persists, it is clear that Seylos and Stedoria will presumably avoid any hostile actions against each other in the face of Dolchland's aggression. Along with this, Seylos and its allies are highly unlikely to send military support of any sort to Gadutea due to more urgent matters—that is Dolchland." Aloyse Bausch, Gadutea's foreign minister, finished giving his lecture to Isenhour on the state of Argic affairs. Bausch was an experienced expert in Argic geopolitical affairs, though also someone who deliberately remained out of politics, making Isenhour unsure as to if he had Bausch's full support, or if he could even fully trust Bausch. 

          "Dammit, so there's nothing we can do to stop these damned Stedorian agents from interfering within our own affairs?" Isenhour asked, annoyed and already knowing Bausch's likely answer to his question. 

          "No, but as a previously stated, it's likely that Stedoria will also risk any actions perceived hostile by Seylos, this including interference within our government." Bausch said, confident in his response, though still clearly trying to speak with little expression in what Isenhour assumed to be an attempt at being completely serious. 

          "Still, it's not a risk I'm willing to take. You've already seen what they're willing to do: they tried to kill me, for God's sakes. We can't take any gambles or risks." Replied Isenhour. Being a man of caution, Isenhour understood that risks needed to be taken at times, especially within the wurld of politics, and even more so in Argis. Despite this, however, his carefulness persisted, and he only took risks when left with no other choice. Letting the Stedorians have an open window to Gadutea was a risk, and something was needed to stop this. 

          "Every act of diplomacy is a risk; it's one of diplomacy's tenants." He quipped at Isenhour's remark. 

          "Yes, yes, I know. With that being said, however, we need to do something." He paused for a moment to think, quickly sharing his thoughts on an idea he'd already as the prelude to the Dolchland War as building up "Send a request to the Seylosian government requesting our entry to the Argic Defence Coalition on the grounds of self-defence, and offer port to Seylosian and allied naval ships; we already know that Dolchland is going to be fighting in the Dolch See, but there's also going to be the same in the Morthal Bay. Providing these nations with port will make it easier for them to fight Dolchland's navy in the Morthal Bay; after all, we do still have massive dockyards fit for use—probably the only good thing the Stedorians left for us." 

          "That's… a drastic decision. It would mean officially getting involved in the war against Dolchland, which also includes risks of attacks against our country at the hands of Dolchland and its allies. I'm also unsure of the public's perception of the idea of war; I don't believe it'd be accurate to say all Gaduteans are opposed though, it'd also be inaccurate to say all are for war, not to mention the size of our Defence Forces; they're only equipped for defensive capabilities." Bausch was surprised by Isenhour's idea, given his reputation of meticulousness. He wasn't opposed to the idea, but, at the same time, didn't really know how to feel about it. 

          "We can't be stuck debating this; it's decided. Draft a letter to the North Adlantic Union, requesting entry to the Argic Defence Coalition in exchange for opening our ports to Defence Coalition members; in the meantime, I'll be making an announcement to the public regarding our intentions of joining this coalition." 

          "Yes, State-President." 

          Isenhour didn't want to be known as the only State-President to have involved Gadutea in a war, at the same time however, he didn't want to be known as Gadutea's last State-President; he was willing to make peace much easier with the former though. 

Edited by Stedoria
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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

15:50 | December 10th, 2022 (10.12.2022)
Chief Consul's Office, Residence of the Chief Consul
Sizen District, Kapojvar, Stedoria

          Isenhour's decision to officially join the Argic Defence Coalition, and by extension the war against Dolchland had caught the Stedorian government by surprise, as had been intended by him. It appears Isenhour's plan might work after all; that Stedoria wouldn't be foolish enough to engage in hostile actions against Gadutea whilst the two nations had a de facto common enemy. While Gadutea's security forces had no real means by which to contribute militarily to the conflict, their offer of welcoming naval vessels from most nations part of the Argic Defence Coalition had helped clear up logistical problems regarding combat with Dolch naval vessels in the Morthal Bay. Gadutea's refusal to allow Stedorian and Velaherian ships to dock within Gadutean ports hadn't gone unnoticed, however; no less by the Stedorian government, especially.

          The Stedorian government had made severe diplomatic protests, both to the Gadutean government directly, and within the loosely-formed Argic Defence Coalition. However, owing to the coalition's provisional and informal nature, Gadutea's sovereignty was respected and the ban on Stedorian and Velaherian ships continued, forcing Stedorian and Velaherian naval vessels to only operate out of their own respective ports. Stedoria-Gadutea relations were already tense following Isenhour's election and the assassination attempt against his life. This new rift was finally the breaking point for Stedoria and its government: it was finally time to act; it was finally time for Stedoria to take back what belonged to them.

          "It's finally time to act, it's finally time to show this sellout-puppet Isenhour that our nation shall not be made a fool of; that the Dolchic peoples shall not bicker and make fools of each other." Tamäj said, his voice calm, yet determined. Since the day the Gemotamists had lost the election in Gadutea, he had already tasked Tädrik Fogl, head of Stedoria's secret police, and intelligence service, both internal and external, with plotting ways in which to re-establish control over Gadutea, either through political means within the island nation, or by less conventional and more devious means. Tädrik had stressed that now wasn't the time to act, that Stedoria had to bide its time until the right moment; he had always been meticulous and calculative, the reason for which Tamäj viewed him as belonging as chief of Stedoria's intelligence service. Recently, however, Tädrik had informed Tamäj that the time was right, that Stedoria had a great opportunity: the war against Dolchland.

          "Indeed, now's the perfect time. The Dolchland War is greatly affecting Delamaria and Seylos along with their puppet Iwenland and more regrettably our ally, Velaheria. However, although we're also involved in this war, we don't need to worry about any pressing issues within our own territory; Iwenland and Velaheria are doing that job for us. With that happening, we've now the perfect opportunity to strike." replied Tädrik. The Gadutean joining of the Dolchland War had, like everyone else in Stedoria, caught him off guard. However, he soon realised that Isenhour's gamble played both ways, and that it was now Stedoria's turn to play their cards.


          "It's simple: Isenhour played a gamble in joining the war and the Argic Defence Coalition; he thinks that because we're fighting a common enemy, that either we'll be too busy with Dolchland, or we'll just be unwilling to act against him in any sort of way. However, our hand is better than Isenhour realises; Gadutea's protector, Seylos, is too busy dealing with Dolchland in Iwenland. Any action that we take, they'll be too pre-occupied dealing with Dolchland's hordes to even care about what's going on in Gadutea. Secondly, the longer this war goes on, the better our position will be for us in Gadutea: Argic Defence Coalition ships should become more and more reliant on Gadutea's massive ports for conducting naval operations against the Dolch. This means that they won't be able to react too harshly to any upheaval in Gadutea caused by us, even if it's obvious that we're involved. All we'll need to do is threaten expelling their vessels from Gadutea's ports, and they'll quiet down real quickly." Tädrik could hardly hide the enthusiasm in his voice. It truly did feel like a card game, and it felt as if he had caught Isenhour in the largest bluff of his life, a bluff so large that it'd cost him his nation.

          "Excellent. What sort of upheaval shall we be conducting?" replied Tamäj, impressed at Tädrik's reasoning and eager to hear more.

          "The classic: a military coup, or rather, a corrective action." Tädrik gave a small chuckle with his "corrective action" joke, a reference to the official name of Stedoria's 1971 military coup, now revered by Gemotamists; corrective action sounds a lot less threatening than "coup", although more ominous. The term had been used so much that, in recent years, "corrective action" had evolved into Stedorian slang to mean any illegal action done to fix a problem. "Most of the high ranking officers of Gadutea's security forces were put in place by the Gemotamists. As such, it can be safely assumed that most will prefer Gemotamists over liberal-democrats, especially knowing our pro-military stance on many policies. Isenhour hasn't removed any of these high ranking officers yet, likely because he fears of a coup if he did so, but he won't remain this way for long, so we can't waste our time. All we need to do is offer something to Gadutea's army chief, Antonin Mangold, to entice him to help us. I already know of something, however, there is a downside to what we'll need to offer to him. After power is seized, a referendum will be held quickly to have Gadutea formally join Stedoria, and boom, that's it."

          "What's this downside?"

          "Well, the most guaranteed way to have Mangold help us is to offer him the position as leader of a potential Gadutean province within Stedoria--"

          "And what of Blücher? He's the leader of the Gadutean branch of the Gemotam Party, not Mangold."

          "I was just getting to that, which is the downside. I don't think Blücher will take too kindly or even accept being removed as head of the Gemotam Party in Gadutea, so we're left with only one other option: we need to eliminate him." replied Tädrik matter-of-factly. He wanted to avoid killing fellow Gemotamists, but he knew that sometimes the ends justified the means.

          "Hm." Tamäj hesitated and pondered. He knew Blücher well, with the two meeting one another many times since the Stedorian Revolution. The two weren't necessarily friends, but they did know each other fairly well. Since Blücher had been elected as Gadutea's State-President, he had virtually been at the forefront of the Gemotamist movement in Argis until the revolution in Stedoria. He was by no means a revolutionary or groundbreaking theorist, but he had played an important role in both the history and very survival of the Gemotam Party. He sighed, "Fine… If there's no other alternative. But if there is, let me know immediately." Although, Tamäj knew that there probably wasn't going to be an alternative.

          "Believe me, if there was an alternative, I would've already told you. The best way to do this is to have one of our own agency conduct the termination and frame it on Isenhour's supporters. This should also get Gemotamists in Gadutea more supportive of the corrective action when it takes place."

          "Alright, alright. I don't want to think about Blücher right now. Have one of our agents contact Mangold and inform him of our offer. Report back to me with his replied immediately." Tamäj replied, wanting to end talk about Blücher. He would be lying to himself if he didn't feel guilty about essentially ordering Blücher's murder. Sometimes people need to be sacrificed for the great good of a cause, even if they don't know that they'd been sacrificed; at the very least, Blücher will be made into a martyr rather than a tool for the Stedorian Gemotamists. There was much work to be done.

Edited by Stedoria
spelling (see edit history)
  • 2 weeks later...

The Dolch Surface group had made a quick stop at the Iwish capital of Zestrahaven to pick up three hundred marines that had already been deployed the the country following the Dolch invasion. The Dolch attacks so far had been harsh, but as of now had been unable to break Union lines, and with fresh waves of reinforcements coming in from other countries, an offensive was considered by Union leadership, though nothing had been firmly decided yet. Still the troops could be spared, and Seylos intended to honor its promise to Gadutea by deploying them and the Dolch Surface Group to the small island nation. The HMS Argos, Lindsey, Savidge, and Manchester would pick up the additional supplies and troops and quickly move on.

At the docks the three members of SF-13 were waiting for the ships to arrive, initially believing they'd be deployed to the mountains of Iwenland, instead they had their orders changed and ended up right back at the docks. It wasn't long before the trio spotted a small motorcade riding up to where they had been waiting, which they at first thought was just another group of soldiers coming in, before they recognized the vehicles as more government issue, not military.

Oswin stood up from where he had been sitting and winced slightly as he spoke, "Something is about to get incredibly complicated for us isn't it?"

"When... isn't it complicated?" Kieron asked from behind him.

"Never," Maura said, standing next to Oswin, "Let's just hope it isn't Sentist crazy."

The motorcade came to a stop not too far from the three. When the doors opened the King and some of his general staff emerged from the lead car as long as a few other people from the other vehicles. Both Maura and Oswin quickly snapped to attention while Kieron looked on in curiosity.

"Well I'm glad you three could make it, at ease." Aidan said as he walked up to them, "Your probably thinking the world's about to explode again aren't you?"

Oswin and Maura relaxed while Kieron spoke up, "Isn't the world already exploding?"

"OK, fair enough," Aidan replied, "Well regardless of the dire state of the world I thought it best to come here in person to tell you your mission. I hope you can glean how important it is from this."

"What's the mission sir?" Maura asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Before we get to the Captain," another officer approached them, a colonel from General Padraig's staff, "We want to introduce another member to your team."

"Another member sir? Right now?" Oswin asked. "Wouldn't it be best to break in someone else when we aren't on a mission."

Another man stepped up to them looking as stoic as the day they had met him.

"Hey! Tiradates!" Kieron yelled out.

"Hello Kieron." Tiradates replied. SF13 had met Tiradates on their mission in Ceris, though he was a member of Monarch at the time doing hired work from the Ivericans. Though the rest of the team was confused as to why he was here.

"It doesn't have to do with the mission now, but rumors from Cussia are growing that the Haru are up to something in Europa. Unfortunately the Cussians are the last to know these sorts of things. Your old friend Tiradates here has left Monarch and has joined the New Cussian Militia, and considering the lack of military experience with that force, the Militia was ecstatic to get a veteran from the Haruspex-Cussian conflict."

The creation of a New Cussian militia wasn't out of the ordinary, though it was something the team had never thought about. Each autonomous territory in Seylos had its own militia for home defense. Even Llalta, though it only tended to fluctuate between three or four people.

"I had no idea one had been formed, how big is it now?" Oswin asked.

"Incredibly small." Tiradates replied raising an eyebrow.

"Well I'm glad we've had this catchup, but we've got more pressing matters," Aidan said crossing his arms, "Gadutea is on a precipice, and unfortunately @Stedoria has caught us at the worst time. We were hoping getting Gadutea into the Coalition would protect them from whatever scheme they've been planning, but its clear there are forces at work to try and stoke revolution in the country. All of you are going to Päskar-on-Morthal with the Dolch Surface Group to provide security for Gadutea against any possible Dolch incursion."

Aidan raised his finger, his tone slightly more serious, "However your mission specifically is to protect State-President Isenhour. The Tädrik Fogl has been far more active than we are comfortable with recently and as of now we have no idea what they are going to try. If assassination is on their agenda I'd rather your team be near the President in case anything we to happen. You're authorized to do whatever you need to to keep him and his family safe, within reason of course. I need you to understand though, that if the worst does happen and the Stedorians manage to stoke a revolution that the Gadutean government can't contain, our people aren't there to suppress it. Your mission will be to work with Captain MacRae to get the President and his officials out alive, and after them as many people as you can who'd be harmed in a regime change."

The now four strong SF-13 glanced at each other before Maura looked at Aidan, "We'll get it done sir."



  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

March 22nd, 2023 (22.03.2023)

          Isenhour had readily accepted the Seylosian Dolch Surface Group into Gadutea's ports; Isenhour has undoubtedly hoped that basing rights for the Argic Defence Coalition would not only deter the Stedorian government from making moves against Gadutea throughout the course of the Dolch War, but also following the war's conclusion through Gadutea's portrayal as suitable for foreign military bases. He has also, just as enthusiastically, accepted a small contingent of Seylosian special forces, the SF-13, to act as a bodyguard force for the state-president himself. Since his election, Isenhour had not fully trusted Gadutea's security forces as loyal to democratic institutions, something caused by years of political cronyism in the security forces by the previous Gemotamist-led administration.

          Isenhour had made sure to keep the knowledge of Seylosian special forces acting as a guard force for him to a minimum; their presence alone had already displeased some high ranking officers of the security forces as a failure of trust in them by Isenhour. Furthermore, if such news were to be broken to the Gadutean public, Gemotamists political figures would undoubtedly use this as an opportunity to feed a populist rhetoric of Isenhour selling out to foreigners. Despite the secret nature of this guard force, this hadn't stopped rumours from spreading with the arrival of the Dolch Surface Group; there had already been minor accusations of Isenhour selling out and being protected by foreigners, but without any sufficient proof to back this up other than pure speculation, these accusations had gone largely ignored by the Gadutean public.

          Just as with the assassination attempt against Isenhour, things had remained relatively calm, both politically and socially, after Gadutea's entry into the war and the arrival of the Dolch Surface Group. Again, Isenhour and his cabinet had expected some sabre-rattling at the hands of the Gemotamists, but following the absence of this, they had chalked it to the Stedorian-led branch of the party ordering the Gadutean Gemotamists to not make trouble. However, this didn't mean Isenhour's fears were alleviated: he had warned SF-13 to expect much political chaos and violent rhetoric by the Gemotamists, as had been the case during their time in power. With this failing to materialise, he feared that SF-13 might not take his fears or warnings seriously due to his incorrect predictions; he hadn't pressed SF-13 on this, though, so he was unsure of SF-13's thoughts on him. 


Parking Lot NO. 14
Downtown, Päskär-on-Morthal, Gadutea

          Kolaus Tavyidacil glanced again around the multi-storey parking lot, carefully observing as to if anyone was coming. Upon seeing the lot still absent of people, he once again crawled under the car, continuing to work on the arming process. His Stedorian background following the revolution undoubtedly contributed to his nervousness. Stedorians are nosy people, while this may not have been too significant during the time of the monarchy, this was amplified following the revolution. Working in the Committee of Public Safety since its founding, he already knew of the massive amounts of unofficial informers the Committee had in the Stedorian public. As such, while he could likely pass off what he was doing in Gadutea as fixing his car, he knew this wouldn't work in Stedoria. Though he could tell a Stedorian he was fixing his car, they would check to see that he was fixing his car, that is, if they would even ask you in the first place, instead of just snooping around.

          He'd already planted the detonator in the car's engine; he was sure that as soon as the car was turned on, the bomb would do its job. Rather conveniently for the Committee and its plan, the bomb's target, Valentin Blücher, leader of Gadutea's Gemotamist party, favoured driving himself to and from events. Though he naturally kept guards around him being the former state-president, political assassinations in Gadutea were rare, if any occurred at all; Blücher's guards wouldn't be worrying about the threat of bombs, instead only for the occasional heckler.

          Kolaus thought to himself the implications of the bombing; he'd been informed on the plan's target, which the Committee initially was hesitant to do, knowing Blücher's important role in Gemotamism. Kolaus was a committed Gemotamist, thus the assassination of Blücher was difficult for him to participate in it. However, despite his commitment to his ideology, he understood the rationale for the assassination, and he knew that it would, in the end, help the Stedorian government in taking back Gadutea, which it had owned for much of its history. Despite this internal debate he faced in the morality of his actions, he knew what one of the strongest motivators to carry out the assassination was: fear. While he naturally would be rewarded for the assassination, he knew that if he had refused, he would not only lose his position in the Committee, but also become a kondanäb in Stedoria, a condemned person, societally and politically blacklisted from government jobs, benefits, and education. This was a common punishment for those against the Stedorian government, especially opposition figures, instead of simply having them arrested. While not an officially recognised status nor punishment by the Stedorian government, it had de facto become an open secret within Stedoria.

          Kolaus also knew of the plan's future following the assassination. He knew that following Blücher's assassination, Gemotamist and aligned propaganda outlets would quickly start spreading a rumour that the assassination had been conducted by Seylosian elements within Gadutea. It was no secret that Stedoria and Seylos had tense relations, thus capitalising on this as crucial. Political violence would likely start soon after, after which Kolaus had not been told of plans after that. He believed that no matter if Isenhour responded violently or peacefully in the upcoming chaos, he'd likely be removed by Gadutea's security forces under the pretence of restoring order.

          As he finally finished the wiring under the car, he once again glanced around. Seeing nobody once again, he got up. He had been instructed to find a suitable location to observe the bomb to ensure that Blücher was successfully assassinated. However, he could already feel the guilt from his internal thoughts. He started walking away, back to his vehicle, to leave the car park. This is something that he didn't want to see, no matter how much he was told of the necessity of it. As long as he believed in a better wurld, one for the Gemotamists, he could do this.

Edited by Stedoria
spelling (see edit history)
Posted (edited)



The small island nation of Gadutea was shook yesterday by a deadly car bombing, in which the country's former State-President, Valentin Blücher, was killed. The assassination comes at a time of political strife on the island, in which Gemotamists have dealt with grow repression at the hands of the State-President Isenhour's liberal-conservative coalition administration, elected last year in a highly polarised and controversial election. This was not the island's first assassination; months ago, during Isenhour's inaguration, a daring bomb attack had been conducted against Isenhour. Though the attack failed and Isenhour's suffered minor injuries, several lawmakers were killed. As of yet, the perpetraitors of the bombing against Isenhour have not been found, with authorities unsure if the bombing had been conducted by anti-Gemotamist extremists, Gemotamists, or foreign agents. Blücher's succesful assassination will undoubtedly flair growing tensions that have been exacerbated by Isenhour's administration.

Blücher had been Gadutea's leading figure in Gemotamist politics, and equally, a leading figure in the history of the wider pan-Dolchic Gemotam Party. Following the collapse of the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces, a Stedorian Gemotamist military government, Stedoria had spiralled into civil war. Though the anti-Gemotamists were successful in defeating the Gemotamist rebels, much of the party's leadership fled to Gadutea, resulting in Blücher taking a guiding position in the party. Blücher had already been active in the Gadutean branch of the Gemotam Party prior to the fall of the military government in Stedoria, thus his experience in Gadutean politics allowed him to easily be chosen as the party's interim leader during the imprisonment of Chief Consul Tamäj Köseg by Stedorian royalist authorities. Following the Stedorian Revolution and election of Tamäj Köseg as Chief Consul, Blücher officially stepped down as interim leader of the Gemotam Party before being elected as State-President of Gadutea in 2014. Blücher's administration was marked with significant developments in Gadutean-Stedorian relations, along with heavy Stedorian investment in the Gadutean economy, and a decrease in wealth disparities on the island.

Following the terrorist attack, Chief Consul Köseg was quick to react to Blücher's death, citing it as a significant loss for the Gemotamist movement throughout the wurld. Chief Consul Köseg also criticised the Isenhour government for allowing such an attack to occur in the first place, accusing the island's president of failing to keep the Gadutean population safe and failing to properly combat terrorism. With this, it is clear that Chief Consil Köseg and the Gemotam Party hold Isenhour indirectly responsible for Blücher's death by allowing for political violence to continue in Gadutea with no serious action to combat it, instead focusing more on the Dolch War in Argis.


"Valentin Blücher's assassination is a great blow to the Gemotam Movement in Gadutea and the wurld. His assassination shows the failure of Isenhour's government to gaurantee safety in Gadutea and to combat terrorism."

So far, it is unknown who the perpetraitors of the assassination are. The Gadutean police have announced an investigation into the assassination, and have stated that while it is highly likely that the attack was politically motivated, they will not make any assumptions as to who the perpetraitors may have been. Much of the Gemotam Party's supporters have been quick to blame Isenhour-supporting anti-Gemotamist extremists for being responsible, citing the growing political chaos in Gadutea and the growing persecution of Gemotamists following Isenhour's election. Others within the island's Gemotamist movement have blamed the recent arrival of Seylosian forces to the island, with the Seylosian Navy having been granted permission to use Gadutean ports by the Gadutean government, with some believing this is the first step of Isenhour stripping Gadutea of its sovereignty. Isenhour himself has remained quiet following the assasination save for condemning it as an act of terrorism. However, his failure to be more vocal in his political rival's assassination may indicate potential sympathies to the terrorists responsible for Blücher's assassination.

Protest rallies led by the island's Gemotamists have already started throught many towns, including the capital, Päskar-on-Morthal, where so far, protests have remained generally peaceful. However, many political analyst suspect that as time goes on, riots are likely to develop, having been fueled by anger at Blücher's death after the period of political "mourning" ends. Gadutean riot police have already been mobilised on standby should violence break out. Gemotamists have criticised this decision as inflammatory, and have said that the mobilisation of riot police makes it more likely for violence to break out in the first place. Undoubtedly, the island faces significant political challenged following the death of Blücher. Isenhour's response to the the protests and likely ensuing riots will likely shape how Isenhour, and more broadly the island of Gadutea, will be goverened in the future.

Edited by Stedoria (see edit history)
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)


Breaking news has emerged within the past day from official government sources of State-President Isenhour. In a nationally broadcasted speech, both on radio and television stations throughout the island, State-President Isenhour has announced the official declaration of martial law throughout the entire territory of the Free State of Gadutea, to be effective at 00:00 tomorrow, on May 1st. Policing duties will be supported by the Gadutean Security Force in order to ensure that order is maintained throughout the country in the face of deadly and escalating riots. State-President Isenhour did not specify the length of the period of martial law; it is believed, however, that the period of martial law will last until the end of hostilities between the Argic Defence Coalition and hostile forces of Dolchland. This is the first time in the country's history that martial law has been declared.

The declaration of martial law comes as violent riots have severely escalated. Protests had initially started at the start of April in response to the assassination of former Gemotamist State-President Valentin Blücher. Whilst initially peaceful, they spiralled into increasingly devastating riots after the initial death of a first protester, a 19-year-old student, on April 21st. The exact manner of death of the protester still remains unknown, with state authorities remaining silent on the issue, and protesters blaming either corrupt security forces paid by State-President Isenhour, or spreading conspiracy theories of Seylosian forces being used to quell the protests. Following the growing violence, multiple deaths having been occurring virtually during every day of riots after this event. Authorities have not released official statistics into how many deaths there have been so far. Gemotamist-backed sources has claimed up to 100 have already been killed in the protests; meanwhile, independent monitors of the riots have concluded that between 50 and 60 people have been killed in the protests. Many instances of death have occurred due to protesters' violent actions against the police. 

The imposition of martial law allows for the suspension of specific civil liberties granted to Gadutean citizens. Such suspensions include restrictions of movement freedoms by Gadutean citizens, the allowance for arresting individuals without habeas corpus, restrictions, and censorship of media outlets responsible for the peddling of misinformation, among various other suspensions. While this will undoubtedly cause controversy among much of the Gadutean public, State-President Isenhour, his cabinet, and various officials associated with the Isenhour government have all stressed that the island's citizens, and foreigners residing on the island, will have their rights respected in as many instances as possible whilst, at the same time, ensure that order is restored to the island. Official sources have also claimed the Security Forces have been briefed and instructed on the appropriate treatment of Gadutean citizens whilst respecting rights granted to them. Overall, it is important to note that the daily schedules of Gaduteans uninvolved in riots and chaos will only be minimally affected.

The Gadutean public's reaction to Isenhour's declaration has been mixed, and has been largely divided among political lines, only furthering political polarisation throughout the island. Liberal and conservative leaning citizens, organisations, and political parties have expressed their support for the declaration of martial law, expressing their desire for the return to normality of Gadutean society. Far-left, far-right, and Gemotamist supporting citizens, organisations, and political parties have expressed their strong opposition to the move, and have expressed deep criticism of State-President Isenhour's actions, citing potential violations of human rights of Gadutean citizens. Regardless of the outcome of the imposition of martial law, State-President Isenhour's decision will undoubtedly have long-lasting political implications.

Experts' reactions to the situation have also remained mixed. Some experts have noted that the imposition of martial law shows State-President Isenhour's unwillingness to negotiate nor sympathise with Gadutean political opposition figures. As a result, this may embolden protesters, rioters, and other dissatisfied individuals to continue or heighten their violent actions against the government, causing further damage and deaths. Others have lauded Isenhour's decisions, citing that the continuation of riots in a period of war and heightened military action will hinder the efforts of Gadutea and the Argic Defence Coalition in dealing with Dolchland's aggression; thus, they note it is imperative that order quickly be restored in order to ensure that military action against Dolchland can continue. They have also praised the decision of martial law, noting that it makes Isenhour's stance on violence as a political solution clear: that violence will be met with zero tolerance in a functioning liberal-democracy.

Edited by Stedoria
spelling (see edit history)
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

July 1st, 2023 (01.07.2023)

          While large scale riots organised by the Gemotamists had largely died down after a few weeks, the reluctance of many divisions of Gadutea's security forces to intervene had become clear. There had been multiple reports of security forces allowing protesters through police barricades, failing to arrest rioters, and turning a blind eye to looting. Whilst these reports were deliberately kept away from the press, they were the main concern with Isenhour and his cabinet in handling the city-wide riots. To worsen the situation, although rioting had largely stopped, rotating strikes and peaceful demonstrations had emerged instead, damaging the island's small economy.

          Meanwhile, the Stedorian intelligence service, the Committee of Public Safety, had largely infiltrated the higher ranks of Gadutea's security forces, especially after the death of Blücher in favour of Mangold leading the Gemotamist-led coup. All the pieces were in position; the coup was ready to take place. It was planned for a battalion of 500 soldiers led by senior officers, along with around 200 militants of the Self-Defence League (SDL), the Gemotam Party's militia-paramilitary, to make their way to the State-President's residence on the outskirts of Päskar-on-Morthal, where they would surround the palace and cut off the building's electricity and communications, from there, they would then wait for Isenhour to give himself up. At the same time, smaller companies of soldiers and SDL militants would travel throughout the city to the homes of Isenhour's cabinet minister where they would be detained immediately. All remaining soldiers and militants were to patrol the island for any presence of @Seylos' contingent of soldiers, whereupon they would be disarmed, detained, and eventually removed from the island. Additionally, all radio stations and television stations were to be stopped from making any broadcasts. Mangold and his staff were unsure of the exact location of the Seylosi contingent; he postulated that they could possibly guarding Isenhour's residence at the time of the coup alongside Isenhour's small contingent of secret service, in which case, a possible siege and diplomatic crisis would be guaranteed. After all ministers were successfully detained, the Stedorian Revolutionary Defence Forces would send a contingent of soldiers to the island under the guise of peacekeeping.

          Following this seizure of power, a new revolutionary government would be proclaimed, and preparations for a referendum to reunify with the Stedorian People's Republic would commence immediately. The plan utilised almost the entirety of Gadutea's small security force, which numbered around 8,000; it was imperative that everything went to plan.


State-President's Residence
Outskirts, Päskär-on-Morthal, Gadutea

          The road towards the State-President's residence was quiet, lit only by streetlamps. The road toward the residence branched off from a main road, resulting in the road being devoid of any other buildings other than the State-President's. Militants from the SDL had blocked the road to stop all cars and civilians from getting closer, save for the coupists. The only sounds that could be heard were the boots of soldiers walking along the asphalt, along with some quiet, idle chit-chat among the soldiers. They had been vaguely informed of what was taking place, but they only knew little; they had been told that they were being tasked with "saving" and then "fixing" the island.

          Colonel Reto Grünbelan had been the one tasked by Mangold and his staff with leading the soldiers to the residence to capture Isenhour. To his own disappointment, he was kept largely in the dark as to the coup's plan; apparently he wasn't important enough for that. Irregardless, he had been promised a higher position within the military if he helped, thus his decision to take part in the coup was obvious. Politically he simply was apathetic; he didn't care about the government he worked for. He only cared about his family and his future, and he'd do anything to help secure this future, even at the expense of his island.

          Grünbelan had already received radio contact that SDL militants and soldiers had raided both radio and television stations that hadn't shut off for the night; even those that were closed were targeted by the SDL to prevent any news from spreading once morning arrived. Grünbelan had also heard rumours that all foreign sailors not on their respective ships, be they Tagmatine or Seylosi, would be detained and escorted back to their ships. Several ministers had already been successfully detained without any problems; he knew, however, that the success of the coup depended almost entirely on Isenhour's successful capture. He thought to himself that the coup couldn't have happened at a better time; he had only just recently heard of rumours of a potential offensive happening in Iweenland. Naval combat in the Morthal Bay would undoubtedly distract Dolchland's navy from this offensive; Gadutea's role as a naval base for battles in the Morthal Bay couldn't be underestimated. Foreign fleets using Gadutea's ports would have to accept the coupists' government, lest they be denied access to ports.

          As the battalion got close, Grünbelan radioed to his commanding officer, Yurian Vongut.

          "Commander, we're approaching the residence in about 300 metres. What are your instructions once we arrive?" Grünbelan said, trying to remain quiet but at the same time intelligible.

          "Colonel, there will be a gated fence surrounding the property; all of the State-President's guards will be located by the house itself. There's distance of around 200 metres between the fence and the building. Take your soldiers and have them set up defensive positions 100 metres away from the fence around the entire property, there's only one entrance and exit to the property, but we can't let them get up to any tricks, especially if those foreigners are guarding Isenhour. Place the SDL militants at the sides, they're the least trained so they'll need to be placed in the least risky spots. Once you're in position, make yourself known to the residence and order them to stand down immediately. Do NOT fire on them unless you are shot at first, we need as little deaths as possible, is that clear?"

          "Yes, commander." replied Grünbelan. 

          Upon getting closer to the residence, the coupists got off the road and into the forest surrounding the property where he explained the plan to both the SDL militants and the his battalion of soldiers, emphasising the significance of not shooting unless shot at. Upon giving the order, the troops started to move around the fence of the property, being sure to do so quietly. As Vongut had said, the fence was empty of any guards, although he was unsure if this was normal or if some guards were bribed. Having been handed a megaphone by one of his junior soldiers, he crawled up to the fencegate with junior soldier to watch over him. Once he alerted them, he knew there was no going back. He rose the megaphone and spoke:

          "Volkhardt Isenhour! Isenhour! I am Colonel Grünbelan of the 5th Battalion! Reveal yourself now and order your guards to stand down! Do this and you will not be harmed! Stand down and nobody will be harmed!"

          The future of the island was now in the hands of everyone inside the house.

Edited by Stedoria (see edit history)



To: Their Excellency, Ernö Bartok, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the @Stedorian People's Republic

From: the Holy Imperial Government of the Greater Holy Empire of the Aromans


Your excellency,

Whilst it is politic for your excellency to deny that the situation in Gradutea is at the bidding of your government, and politic for the Holy Imperial Government to pretend that that is also the case, both of us know that this is not true.

The government of Stedoria has a history of being quite effusive on its opinions on pan-Dolchism and pan-Buranism. The Holy Imperial Government recognises that cooperation between nations and the unity between peoples is something to be lauded. It is not necessarily the business of the Holy Imperial Government to tell other nations how to interact with others, but it must be pointed out that the Holy Imperial Navy is acting in support of your nation's ally, the Democratic People's Republic of Velaheria (@DPR Velaheria) , in the face of Dolch imperialism. This cooperation currently exists to the point that there are Aroman naval officers on the ground, directing air and missile strikes in support of Velaherian advances.

Therefore, it is requested by the Holy Imperial Government that the revolutionaries in Gradutea allow the personnel of the Holy Imperial Navy to continue their operations unmolested. If your government so wishes, then a cordon may be introduced to prevent any confused incidents taking place. Once hostilities have ceased, then the Aroman forces will relinquish the facilities that it has utilised for the duration of the conflict. The offer of monetary repayment that was offered to the previous Gradutean government will be extended to the new one, the one under the control of Stedoria.

The ultimate fate of Gradutea is not something that interests the Holy Imperial Government. Indeed, Aromania would be willing to recognise the unity of your nations, if the continuing military operations in the Morthal Bay are allowed to continue smoothly. If my nation's forces are prevented from carrying out those operations, then it would be unfortunate for all concerned. After all, there is a significant amount of Aroman naval shipping operating out of Gradutea, and it would be unfortunate if those vessels were distracted from the targets that they are striking.

I should hope that it does not come to that.

May God grant peace to the citizens of the nations of the Morthal Bay.


Konstantinian Makarios

First Minister

of the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

of the

Greater Holy Empire of the Aromans

  • 1 month later...

"Volkhardt Isenhour! Isenhour! I am Colonel Grünbelan of the 5th Battalion! Reveal yourself now and order your guards to stand down! Do this and you will not be harmed! Stand down and nobody will be harmed!"

Isenhour had a look of concern on his face as the members of SF13 got together to figure out what was going on. His guards were in a frenzy running around the residence trying to secure the building.

"Kieron, please tell me they were being nice." Maura said looking at the chaos around her.

Kieron, as a Ceriser, had a better understanding of the Dolch language than the rest of SF13, "If you consider demanding our surrender nice?"

"Oswin, the satellite phone, give it to Kieron, we need to report in." Maura said, gesturing towards Kieron.

Oswin took the satellite phone out of his pack and gave it to Kieron, afterwards looking back to Maura, "Alright, now what? We've got an entire battalion out there, if I heard them right."


King Aidan Redmond was alone in his office, one of the few times he could finally be to himself. The war had strained him for awhile now, and taking any time he could get to himself was a blessing. Unfortunately he was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Irritated he called out, "Listen, unless someone is dying..."

He was interrupted as Foreign Minister Tatum walked through the door, apparently without bothering to listen to him, "Aidan, take the phone."

"What the hell are you talking about Geoffrey?" Aidan said standing up.

"There's been a coup in Gadutea, we've got people stuck in it."

"You're fucking kidding me." Aidan said, his anger starting to show. He wasn't much for going off the deep end, but what Geoffrey said was making him close, "It was the fucking Stedorians wasn't it. Those fucks betrayed the Coalition?"

Geoffrey held out his hand, holding his phone, "I've spent the past few hours trying to get their Chief Consul on the line, and he's about to be on here, take the phone and deal with this,"

Normally Geoffrey didn't try and put matters of international diplomacy in the hands of King Aidan, but in this case he felt that his... terse response would be the best. Aidan wasn't known for being the most diplomatic, and tended to be more aggressive with foreign diplomats he felt were slighting Seylos in any sort of manner. As a result Geoffrey tended to just leave the diplomatic work to himself, but on the rare occasion it was worth letting Aidan's frustration bubble over into a conversation in order to give him and edge, especially if the other party was fairly belligerent.

Aidan took the phone and picked it up waiting for a moment before the voice of Chief Consul Tamäj Köseg came over the line, "Tamäj, what the hell is going on. Why am I hearing about a revolution in Gadutea."

Tatum could hear the sounds of a voice responding to Aidan on the phone.

"We've got people there Tamäj, are you fucking kidding me? We've got a war going on and you pull this shit?"

More of the the vague voice on the phone.

"Oh of course, you have nothing to do with it. We both know it's a bunch of bullshit. This is a violation of the treaty, I swear to god..."

More silence as Aidan listens on the phone.

"Oh fuck off, you expect me to believe that? Right now? Why we are driving the fucking Dolch from Iwenland? You want us to just fucking stop? Maybe let the rest of them fall back to Dolchland, so you and the Velaharians can deal with them?"

Tatum watches as Aidan listen again, giving him faces of frustration.

"This is how it's going to go Tamäj, we're taking the political refugees and we're taking the fucking President..." Aidan pauses listening on the phone, "No it isn't a fucking negotiation you asshole, I don't think you understand. We've beaten the fucking Anglians and we'll beat you. I'll have another fucking fleet at Gadutea in a week."

More silence as Aidan listens.

"Then fucking make it happen Tamäj, there won't be another conversation about it." Aidan said, ending the call, almost slamming the phone as he put it on the desk, "There Geoffrey, is that what you wanted?"

  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

11:50 | July 2nd, 2022 (02.07.2023)
Chief-Consul's Office, Residence of the Chief Consul
Sizen District, Kapojvar, Stedoria

          Tamäj put down the phone after his… eventful, conversation with Aidan Redmond, the Seylosian King. Aidan had, as predicted, been furious at the actions of Gadutea's coupists, to the point that threats were made.

          “Quite the charming individual.” Tamäj quipped dryly and sarcastically to his chief of Stedoria's secret police, Tädrik Fogl.

          “What did he ask for?” Tädrik asked, not being privy to the conversation between the King and the Chief Consul.

          “Ask for? Nothing. Rather, he made demands and threats: we release Isenhour, his staff, their politicians and whatnot, and allow them to leave the island. If we don't, he says they'll invade the island.” replied Tamäj, filling in Tädrik on the details.

          “Typical Seylosians. Call their bluff. They're not going to invade; we'll come out even better if we can keep them all; remove the opposition in one fell swoop. They're likely still too busy with Anglia and what remains of Dolchland.”

          Tamäj pondered for a moment, thinking of the viable options. While Seylos was undoubtedly much more powerful than Stedoria, the war had also undoubtedly benefitted Stedoria. However, he'd already essentially achieved what he wanted; the island was virtually entirely under the coupists' control, Tagmatium was willing to recognise Gadutea's new pro-Stedorian administration in return for essentially a status quo in relations between the island and Tagmatium. Getting Isenhour and his allies would only be an added bonus. Sometimes it was better to quit while one was ahead, lest it backfire.

          “No, we've already achieved enough. Would I have liked to have captured Isenhour and his clique? Yes. However, I don't want to risk an invasion yet, nor the ire of Seylos too much yet. Our government is already going to be massively popular in our country once we retake Gadutea formally. Let Isenhour escape and act as the opposition, it'll probably cause a bit more trouble and opposition on the island of Gadutea itself, but that's nothing our military and secret police can't handle. Get in touch with Mangold; let him know that Isenhour and opposition politicians currently detained are to be immediately released into the custody of Seylosian soldiers, being escorted back to their ships.”

          “Very well, I'll get on it now.” Tädrik replied. While he disagreed with Tamäj's decision, he still saw the reasoning behind and couldn't disagree that it made reasonable sense.


State-President's Residence
Outskirts, Päskär-on-Morthal, Gadutea

          The air was quiet, yet there was a siege going on: that of State-President Isenhour's residence. The moments between now and Grünbelan's demand that Isenhour surrender himself had, for the most part, stayed quiet. Most surprising, however, was the distinct lack of any gunshots; it seems that everyone, even the more rag-tag SDL militants, knew that once a single gunshot went off, all hell would break loose. The most noise was in the early morning. Some SDL militants and even a few soldiers gathering, forming a small “ensemble”. With some home-brought instruments, they played celebratory folk music in pre-emptive celebration of the coup's success, though this was much to some officers' chagrin.

          “Colonel Grünbelan! Colonel!” The static of the radio came to life, alerting Grünbelan out of his semi-sleeping state; it'd been a long night. He slowly reached for his radio, before pushing the button and starting to speak.

          “This is Colonel Grünbelan.”

          “Ah, Colonel. It's Brigadier General Vongut. We've received new orders.”

          “New orders sir?”

          “Yes, from General Mangold. We're letting Isenhour and the Seylosians go. We've still won, but they're leaving the island. Inform Isenhour and his lot that they are now under the protection of his foreign Seylosi guard. Isenhour, his politicians, and the Seylosi guards will be escorted to their ships by you. As a sign of goodwill, inform those SDL fools to leave, only professional soldiers or police are permitted to escort them.”

          “But sir… They're completely surrounded.-”

          “Enough, Grünbelan. It doesn't matter. The faster we get them off the island, the faster we can return everything to normal. Just get it done.”

          Grünbelan sighed, he knew it was the end of the conversation. He was inclined to agree with Vongut when he put it that way, however. He simply wanted to get this over with, and he knew that the longer the soldiers and militants continued the siege, the less disciplined they would become. Grünbelan slowly got up, grabbed the megaphone from his hastily assembled officers' tent, and walked over to the residence's gate.

          “Isenhour! Seylosians! This is Colonel Grünbelan. I have been informed that you are free to leave in accordance with our guidelines. All armed Gadutean guards will disarm their weapons, removing all magazines, clips, or bullets from their firearms and leave them on the floor at the residence's entrance. For any Seylosian guards, you are to do the same, but to leave your weapons within the residence's kitchen. These weapons will be collected and returned to you when you arrive at your respective vessels. You will all be searched upon exit, anybody still found with a weapon will be subject to immediate summary execution. You will all have 1 hour to do this. If you do not finish within one hour, we will enter forcibly. Your time begins now.” Grünbelan turned around to face his own men and spok into the megaphone once again. “All SDL militants, you have bravely and patriotically performed your duty in the revolution to save the nation. You have served this nation and the Gemotam's Renaissance well. It is now time for military to step in and perform the final steps of this revolution. Do not fret, however, your valiant effort shall live forever in both the history of our great Party and our great Island!”

          After a cheer from the soldiers and militants, the latter started to gather, singing Gemotamist tunes such as Sog Panätüköl (lyrics, melody) and Maleküm Dönulifükama (lyrics, melody), walking back down the road. With his binoculars, he looked into Isenhour's residence, seeing scurrying about by both bodyguards and politicians alike. It appeared the coup was now finally going to be a success, and somehow, not a single shot fired.

Edited by Stedoria
spelling (see edit history)
Posted (edited)

July 5 2023 (01.07.2023)


Citizens and inhabitants of the fair yet humble island of Gadutea. For the past year, your leaders, those who you have placed your utmost faith and trust into, to lead you, your families, and your children into a better, more prosperous future, have committed a grave and unrepentable act of treason against not only the Free State of Gadutea, but also against the very people of Gadutea itself. State-President Isenhour, his government, his cabinet, his party, and his cronies have, nearly daily, lied to your faces. They have mislead you, and have implanted into you false promises for their own personal benefit, to sabotage the nation, and to profit off the suffering of our people. Rather than doing what they swore to the Gadutean people, to unite the nation, and to sow peace, the government has instead done exactly the opposite. They have sown discord and discontent, and forced us to turn our arms against our own people simply expressing their disatisfaction, as is their natural-born and inalieable right. They have attempted to sell out our nation to foreign interests, acting as renegades and compradors.

This treason has finally reached a boiling point in which decisive action was required in order to prevent the fragmenting of our nation, and to prevent the outbreak of a potential civil war on our island. Thusly, in order to prevent chaos, and to ensure that peace reigns among our people, the Security Forces of Gadutea have, legitimately and with the people's backing, launched a revolution to remove State-President Isenhour from his post in order to prevent further abuses against our nation and people. The State-President's cabinet and the National Assembly have equally been temporarily dissolved for the time being. All governing institutions will temporarily and provisionally be handled by the Revolutionary Military Committee until proper democratic institutions can be sufficiently restored. During this period, martial law will be enacted to ensure the Gadutean people's safety.

Owing to the threat of Dolchland and its hostile actions, the Revolutionary Military Committee will still remain committed to assisting the naval capabilities of the respective nations within the temporary Argic Defence Coalition, not only to ensure the safety of our island, but also to ensure that this regrettable conflict may end within the quickest timeframe possible. However, in order to ensure our nation's continued sovereignty throughout this conflict, all foreign soldiers within Gadutea will be confined to their respective military vessels and ships. Interactions with these vessels, along with any interaction between Gadutean citizens and foreign soldiers within these vessels, is, without express government permission, strictly forbidden. Any citizens who violate this will face the full yet fair and just extent of the law.

This decisive action by our Committee, however, has also opened up questions regarding the future of Gadutea, both as an island and a very nation. It is clear based upon the compradorist actions of Isenhour that the very foundations of our nation are unjust. The so-called "Treaty of Tenby", forced upon this island, is a perversion of popular will and sovereignty. It is what allowed Isenhour and his Seylosi handlers to act so impunitively against the Gadutean people. It is clear that for any semblance of sovereignty and independence, our island must unilaterally discard this treaty with haste.

Equally, it is clear that the Treaty of Tenby unjustly established this "Free State". It is clear to all Gaduteans that in order to have any semblance of a future, our nation must discard the bastardised identity of "Free" Gaduteans forced on us by the Treaty. It is clear, from a political and economic standpoint, that the future of our island and people lies with our original roots in Stedoria. It is clear that not only is this the historical trend of our island, but also the popular trend. The Treaty has prevented Gadutea from returning to its original home as an equal member within Stedoria. With the possible throwing off of this Treaty, our island's future can be guaranteed.

As such, in the official power vested in the Revolutionary Military Committee, a referendum shall be held on the first day of October regarding Gadutea's future: this referendum, vested in popular will, shall determine if the Gadutean people, in all their sovereignty, desire the revocation of the Treaty and the reunification of our island with Stedoria. Participation in this referendum shall be voluntary. Acting in good faith in conducting this referendum, electoral observers from all nations shall be welcome to supervise the conduct of this referendum on our island. Irregardless of the result, the Military Committee will ensure that this referendum shall be held fairly, and its results respected.

The Military Commitee would finally like to make clear that the deposal of Isenhour is not a military coup. This is not a military take over, and Gadutea will not be a military junta. Rather, this is a temporary action to prevent the breakout of further violence throughout the island. Former State-President Isenhour has not been harmed; he has voluntarily renounced his citizenship and has voluntarily left Gadutea. We request that citizens remain calm in the coming weeks, individual rights shall be respected; there is nothing to fear, a better future awaits our people and our island.

Edited by Stedoria (see edit history)
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

11:50 | July 2nd, 2022 (02.07.2023)
Cabinet's Chamber, National Assembly of Gadutea
Saint Mark's Square, Päskär-on-Morthal, Gadutea

          Following the Revolutionary Commitee's announcement of their intention to hold a referendum regarding the reunification of Gadutea with Stedoria, the political atmosphere had remained mixed at best. Immediately following the announcement, pro-democracy protests began throughout the island's capital and largest city, Päskar-on-Morthal. These were quickly supressed, however, by both the junta-aligned Security Forces and by pro-Gemotamist Self-Defence League militants, often times with violence. Following this, however, political violence and protests had largely subsided, replaced instead by a tense albeit calm atmosphere throughout the island. This didn't stop the junta from exercising its power however: martial law had been declared, and soldiers and militants were largely patrolling the streets throughout the island's capital and many smaller towns. The Revolutionary Committee had also made the decision to refuse to allow live vote counting following the referendum, only pledging to release the results the following day after the referendum.

          Campaigning for the referendum had been completely absent, at the behest of the Revolutionary Committee, particularly for those advocating against reunification with Stedoria. As such, although the political atmosphere up to the day of the referendum remained tense, political polarisation hadn't been heightened through campaigning. However, political apathy towards the referendum had also become commonplace not only due to the absence of campaigning, but also due to the general public's desire to return to a sense of normalcy and to get on with their lives. At the same time, democratic opposition politicians, groups, and parties, both within the island and in exile, fervently encouraged citizens throughout the island to boycott the referendum and refuse to recognise the legitmacy of the Revolutionary Committee.

          "Turnout was the main problem with our efforts. Pro-'democracy' activists, fifth columnists, and saboteurs spent great efforts in encouraging citizens to boycott our referendum, coupled with the manner in which we came to power, current results show our total turnout of voters to be around 47%. However, this also means that the only people who bothered to vote were those in favour of reunification; as such, 96% of those who cast their ballot voted in favour of reunification. Thus, we can exaggerate turnout numbers in order to air some legitimacy into the referendum's results, both for Gadutea's people and for the wider international community." said Hinrich Kröger, junta-appointed head of Gadutea's election commission, finally ending his long monologue about the referendum, the time leading up to it, its implications, and its results.

          "Excellent. Inform the rest of the Committee that we will officially and personally announce the referendum's results on television throughout Gadutea. Tell them to inform all media outlets that we will be beginning our announcement in 4 hours. Additionally, tell them to alert the rest of the Security Forces and prepare for incoming civil disobedience. This will be a big announcement, and without a doubt, there's going to be riots and protests following our announcement by so-called 'democrats', likely riots and protests even more extreme than the ones that occurred under Isenhour. I'll prepare to 'officially' inform the Stedorian government of the referendum's results and make a formal request for reunification." said Antonin Mangold "All we need to do in the meantime is wait for reunification in wake of the incoming protests and riots. Once we officially join Stedoria, they'll be able to easily send military and police reinforcements to the island to help us quell these traitors."

          "A suitable plan. I'll go alert the Committe" replied Kröger, walking out of the room whilst taking out his phone to make some calls to some important people. Mangold sat down, starting to write a draft of his speech to the people of Gadutea, announcing the referendum's results:


          "Citizens and inhabitants of the Free State of Gadutea. The last few months have been some of the most tumultuous yet significant in our island's history. Our island and its people, for decades, have been illegally forced by foreign powers to remain in a state of injust seperation from the nation from which we originated and from which we have always held a fraternal bond towards. As such, the Revolutionary Committee of the Free State of Gadutea deemed it necessary and in the best interests of the people on the island to hold a democratic and free referendum regarding not only the very future of this island, but also the very future of thise nation.

          Yesterday, the entire eligble population of Gadutea expressed their democratic rights and desires through this referendum, and as such, not only their own futures, but also the futures of their friends and families. The people of Gadutea have not made this decision easily, but rather with significant thought for their and society's interests. I would like to express my gratitude to the people of Gadutea who took part in this process; future generations will look upon you with not along pride, but also gratitude in your decisions.

          As such, the results of the referendum, having been fully counted, shall hereby be officially released: according to the final tally of ballots, the people of Gadutea, acting in their free and democratic will, have voted 96% in favour of the revocation of the Treaty of Tenby, the dissolution of the Free State of Gadutea, and the reunification of the island of Gadutea with the Stedorian People's Republic. The Revolutionary Committee will, later today, submit a formal request to the government and legislature of the Stedorian People's Republic to request to officially be admitted into Stedoria as an autonomous republic. Following this, all state institutions will be gradually integrated in acordance with the constitution and laws of Stedoria.

          Additionally, a transitional phase of one year will be granted for citizens to make official applications for Stedorian documents to replace obselete Gadutean documents, along with the opportunity to covert savings to Stedorian currency. Following the termination of this one year transitional phase, regional elections will take place under the framework of Stedorian electoral laws. While some economic panic may be present due to societal rabble rousers, I can assure with full confidence that the island of Gadutea will remain friendly both for Gadutean-owned business and entreprises, along wiht foreign-owned entreprises.

          I urge all to remain calm throughout the island in this crucial time, especially those who may have voted against the referendum or who may disagree with the referendum's results. Violence has, as our island has seen, achieved nothing but death, suffering, and economic turmoil. Our island and our people need unity, this unity will be present in the framework of Stedoria. I, along with the Revolutionary Committee, pledge that we will always work in the interests of this island and its people. Long live peace, long live unity, and long live our prosperous future."

          Mangold set his pen down, re-reading the speech once more. He smiled, deeming it suitable and acceptable to present to the island. Unity was near; the key question was as always, however, what was to come next.

Edited by Stedoria (see edit history)
  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

12:00 | March 1st, 2024 (01.03.2024)
TV-1 Broadcasting Set, Radio-Television Stedoria Headquarters
Rodan District, Kapojvar, Stedoria

          Gadutea's final reunification of Stedoria had intially, and rather conveniently, been planned for January 1st of 2024: New Years' Day. However, like many government plans, there were complications. Orioni's meddling in Velaheria's affairs and the former's subsequent take over of the country's government had sent the Stedorian government into political crisis mode. Stedorian military forces needed to be redeployed to the Velaherian border in preparation for any possible incidents. Additionally, the Stedorian government had planned for Gadutea's reunification to be a grand political spectacle; it was to dominate headlines and public political rhetoric within Stedoria and Gadutea. Instead, the Velaherian Crisis had taken away the scheme. The Stedorian government was, essentially, forced to postpone the reunification until such times that it could be better used for media and propaganda value.

          It, however, was finally the day. The Velaherian Crisis had finally started to slip from most people's daily minds, Stedorians included. Now was finally time for the Stedorian government to exhibit its great victory in foreign policy. Whilst this unification may not be entirely popular within Gadutea, it was certainly popular within Stedoria. The island's split from Stedoria during the Second Argis War had always been viewed as, rather dialectically, a necessary sacrifice, but also a great injustice. For Stedorians, this reunification would have arrived sooner or later; luckily for them, it was sooner.

          Chief Consul Tamäj Köseg sat in the centre desk in a Kapojvar television studio. Facing him were the cameras; the eyes for Stedoria's media and people. Behind him was a bland, light-brown paneled wall. Attached to the wall nearly vertically, perhaps a 30 to 40 degree angle, was a small sized flagpole. Attached to the flag was the official flag of the Chief Consul. It was a square flag, with a golden fringe. It contained the Stedorian tricolour, and a monogram in the centre bearing the letters TK. On the top bar read KONSULAL- Chief Consul. On the bottom bar read LEBÜDAL- Commander-in-Chief.


          Tamäj flattened his hair with his hands for a final time.

          "Are the cameras in the correct position? Are we suitable to begin?"

          "Yes, citizen Chief-Consul. Starting... Now!" The lights were on Tamäj. The nation was watching. Tamäj glanced his eyes down to look at the first part of his speech.

          "Dearest citizens of the Stedorian People's Republic, and of the Free State of Gadutea. It is my most honoured privilege to address you on this day of celebration for our two peoples. For many decades, and without the consent of its own people, the island of Gadutea has been seperated from its ancestral and fraternal homeland of Stedoria. This was the work of glubal capitalistic imperialism, seeking to exploit and eventually destroy both of our proud peoples. Today finally represents a rejection of injustice imposed upon our two peoples. It represents the supreme and sacred will of the people, and it represnts that imperialism can be and will be resolutely eliminated from Argis and the face of the Eurth. Despite all the challenges faced: foreign compradors and saboteurs in Gadutea, and foreign interference in Stedoria's neighbour, our peoples have triumphed." He paused to once again look down briefly.

          "Today, the will of the people will finally be obeyed. Both National Assembly of Popular Power and the Revolutionary Military Committee of Stedoria and Gadutea respectively have both approved the results of the people's referendum in Gadutea for the island's reunification of Stedoria. Gadutea has ratified the referendum, now, it is the time for it to be ratified in Stedoria. In front of me is the official resolution of the results of the referndum passed by the National Assembly, to be ratified." Tamäj picked up his fountain pen, silver in colour.

          "Today, our two peoples will share a common goal, a common fate, and a common destiny." He signed the document, putting his pen back down once he was finished. "The Free State of Gadutea has ceased to exist. In its place rises the Autonomous Republic of Gadutea within the Stedorian federal entity. To the people of Stedoria; welcome our new partners of the nation in peace and fraternity. Support them, and let them feel proud to live in Stedoria. To the people of Gadutea; let me be the first to welcome you back to our nation. We will all work together, and we will all build a prosperous nation for our children. A new era in the history of the Stedorian People's Republic has emerged, and we will continue the path towards greatness." He made a brief pause, finally finishing with the slogan of the Gemotam Party. "Societal resurrection. Economic revolution."

          As Tamäj finished his speech. Already were agents of the Committee of Public Safety and members of the Stedorian Defence Forces rushing to reinforce the island and take care of any remain dissidents. They were to be taken and disappeared within Stedoria's correctional system, to be forgotten about by all whilst a new society was built on the island. A new era within both Stedoria and Gadutea was certainly emerging. If this was a newer, brighter era for the two peoples, the beginning had indeed sure started off darkly. The reunification was complete.

Edited by Stedoria (see edit history)
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