Feluga Posted March 30, 2022 Posted March 30, 2022 PrefaceOOC 1: I would like to inform to whom it may concern that I would like to stop and leave Prawasia roleplay, thus making from a scratch and basic Iberic-based (specifically Portuguese in real life) namely FELDORA. I am hoping that this would last longer and/or forever. I understand and realise some of its lack, however, I would appreciate any constructive advice, feedback and especially support so that it can be well carried out. Thank you very much! OOC 2: To get an initial idea, assume that Feldora is located east of Qubdi and north of the Red Iberos, Amutia, South-Centre Europa where there is a river that is considered significant for the early civilisation of the Feldoriese. If somehow it is taken or might not be possible, please do kindly advise. Overview New State of Feldora (Feldoriese: Estado Novo de Feldorês) or simply known as Feldora is located in Amutia, Central-South Europa borders with Red Iberos to the southwest, Qubdi to the northwest, Kodomo Forest to the northeast and Byzantine sea to the south. Even though Feldora had been through several dark times in the past, now the state has at least some hope of growth and development. Led by collective corporation and union, Feldora enjoys more religious, political and economic freedom. The population consists dominantly Feldoriese and small number of Qubdian and others. History The basis of the history of Feldora can be divided into five major sections namely (1) Migration, (2) Foundation, (3) Recognition, (4) Restoration, and (5) Revolution. These can be summarised as below: (1) Migration Little is known about the precise origins of the Feldoriese, however most historian scholars have assumed that they might be the descendant of the Faldorii, the ancient tribe that migrated (approximately 298 - 349 CE) from Occident to Amutia near the Alven River. Initially, Faldorii was considered a backward tribe, traditionalist, pacifist and humble. The primary reason behind the migration was that they had high expectation finding new suitable fertile land for long-term survival and settlement. On the other hand, another theory assumption states (quoted from the writings of the Aroman people) that the indigenous tribes who inhabited near the Alvenos River were the first tribe, namely the Phalasta tribe. (2) Foundation This was the period approximately 406 CE that the first Kingdom was established known as the Faldorian Kingdom, which ruled by King Hendricus Octavianus (Feldoriese: Enrico Octavio). The kingdom experienced serenity not for too long, at least two-to-three generations. The second king of Orcus (Feldoriese: Orico) was actually quite well known for being expansive in terms of territory and also open policy about trade between regions. However, because of his greed, King Orcus did not hesitate to increase taxes on foreign traders to the extreme in addition to kidnapping the children and wives of these foreign traders. This was later be known by the neighboring kingdom of Qubdi at the time of Orcus's death due to his worsened health in his 40s. The death of King Orcus brought disaster and havoc to the future third king who was only ten years old and certainly inexperienced in addition to his treacherous subordinates. At the beginning of his son Cyrennus’ reign (Feldoriese: Kireno), the Faldorian Kingdom fell at the hand of Qubdi. At least the kingdom became an outcast from 585 to 868 CE. This dark period was also known as the Age of Slavery for Faldorian. (3) Recognition The history of the Feldoran's rise could be witnessed in 868 CE when the Fernando Mendez's reconquest of Al-Dura. He was trusted, named a count and given control of the region between the Poso and Sines rivers by Jaffari II of Qubdi. South of the Sines, another border county would be formed decades later when that would become the County of Luisia by Baltazar Guerrero. The leaders of the county of Feldora reached the height of their power in the late 10th century, when Count Pedro Rodriguez may have used the title ‘Grand Duke of Feldora’ and his son Rodrigo used the title ‘grand duke’. The county continued with varying degree of autonomy within the Kingdom of Qubdi. It could have been this Count Rodriguez who assassinated the heirs of the Qubdian King after inviting the Prince and his loyal subordinates to a banquet and offering a poisoned grape. The retaliation and revenge occurred between the two and concluded in 1145 when the Qubdi Kingdom finally recognised de facto independence of Feldora in the Treaty of Qaradosa. (4) RestorationThe Gran Viatge (or as known as the Grand Voyage) that occurred between 1590 and 1650 CE had brought the Feldora back to its downfall. The chaos between class systems – noble, fidalgo and commoner and the assassination of King Frederico II and Queen Isadora; had made the Kingdom became vulnerable to various external threats. The Restoration Period is famous for the barrage of wars against the colonisation of the Iberos that precisely occurred from 1640 until 1661. The war might be considered to have had three stages as below:First, (1640-1645) when major engagements demonstrated that the Feldoran could not be easily returned to submission to the Iberos - (also known as Battle of Morisca).Second, (1645-1660) of religious war in which Feldoran could not accept and submit to the corruption of the Archbishop of Iberos and former traditional Catholicism especially in the Feldoran territory.Third, (1660-1661) the period which the Iberos Queen, Filipa II, unsuccessfully to take over Sintra thus would bring an end to hostilities - (also known as Battle of Byzantine). (5) Revolution At the beginning of the 20th century, Corporatism grew in numbers and support in Sintra and Braga among progressive politicans and the influential press. Nevertheless a minority with regard to the rest of the state, this height of corporatism would benefit politically from the Braga Regicide on 27 March 1908. After the assassination of the King and the heirs, the leader of the opposition group, Manuel de Souza overthrew the monarchy system and replaced it with the New State; which will be led in such democratic manner. The first President was Manuel Gusmão together with the Board of Commissioners to oversee the transparency of the government which initially was led by the first presidentially appointed Chief Executive Roberto Sarmiento to take in day-to-day governance. Government The current Feldoran government’s structure is determined by the Constitution of the Reformed State. The State Assembly or locally known as Assembléia Estadual comprises two houses – Chamber of Commissioners acts as Upper House and Chamber of Deputies acts as Lower House. Like many democratic states, Feldora has a government divided into three branches: executive, judicial and legislative. The executive and legislative branches operate primarily at the national level, although various ministries in the executive branch also carry out local functions. Local governments are semi-autonomous, and contain executive and legislative bodies of their own. The judicial branch operates at both the national and local levels. The government is headed by the presidentially appointed Chief Executive, also including Chief Secretary. The Council of Ministers under the presidency of the Chief Executive and the Ministers acts as the cabinet. The government is both the organ of sovereignty that conducts the general politics of the country and the superior body of the public administration. It has essentially executive powers, but has also limited legislative powers. Economy Feldora's economy is driven by two main sectors: the primary sector includes agriculture & viticulture, forestry, fisheries and mineral producers, and the secondary sector includes aerospace, automotive, bicycles, textiles, food, cement and wood pulp. Future The current government can be said to be quite democratic compared to the previous government regime. Nonetheless, it is never inevitable that no matter how good the type of government is, it will always have weak loopholes, and this happened to the Feldoran government. The present government consists majority of politician that has been supported by Clãricos[1] though insignificant number of public and independent also play a part. Primary issue is that the present number of Clãricos that ‘haunted’ in Feldora society have caused havoc, such as abusing the legal authorities, money laundering and discriminating against disadvantaged and/or minorities. Even in several local communities, it has been believed by the traditional views “money solve all problems”. On the other hand, Feldoran faces complicated environmental issues such as large part of deforestation, forest man-made fire and illegal logging especially near and within Kodomo National Park, southeast of the capital Sintra. In addition, most of Feldorans are not aware enough about environmental cleanliness. Plastic waste, apart from damaging the aesthetics of rivers and beaches, also has a bad long-term impact. Although there are several prevention methods and other alternatives from the local and national government such as collecting fines for littering, most of those who are subject to fines still do things repeatedly and do not give up on administrative penalties. Apart from that, according to the Minister of Finance and most residents feel that they are charged with so many different physical cards with uses that could have been simplified into one card. It is very difficult to apply for a new card, extension and still use a very ancient process – paper based, in addition to cumbersome bureaucracy. Although it has been discussed in the State Assembly, it seems that there is still no middle ground for now. Hoping that in the near future Feldora can implement a one card with multiple functionalities such as national identification, tax identification, government insurance, and financial record for loan purposes with a simplified and simplified bureaucracy for every Feldora citizen. Rumors of the presence of 'one gateway card' made some of the Feldora community afraid because of the barcoded/QRIS presence tracking which could be disseminated to unwanted third parties, essentially violating privacy. [1]Clãrico is a large industrial conglomerate that is run and controlled by a person or a family in Feldora. Clãrico often consists of many diversified affiliates, controlled by a person or group of persons whose power over the group often exceeds legal authority. Several large Feldoran family-controlled corporate fall under this definition. StatsPopulation: 27,113,795 (1)GDP per capita: $19,608 (2)Land area: 241,211 square km (1) 2
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