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21st February 2022

Oldest man in the wurld dies aged 117

The previous title holder for the wurlds oldest man, Mahanan citizen Rohit Karn, passes away peacefully aged 117. Karn was born on the 13th August 1905 in Ghobari, Mahana. Throughout his life he watched the rise and fall of many different countries, including three changes in government in his home country of Mahana. He lived through the Byzantine Flu, multiple economic crisis including 1927 and 1958, the First Argic War and the Mahanan Civil War.

His long life is one of the longest in history, being honoured with a statue in his home city of Ghobari by the Paranani Council.



  • 1 month later...

5th April 2022

Avalanche in the Sadheshi Province leaves three injured.

An avalanche hit the village of Kishu in the Sadheshi Province of Mahana, injuring three residents and one hospitalised with serious injury. The avalanche was caused by a build up of snow that was disturbed by a small-scale earthquake that hit the region at 13:00, 5th April 2022. This caused the avalanche which fell, damaging buildings in the village and injuring three, with one being hospitalised with a 'serious injury'.

  • 1 month later...

26th May 2022

Breaking isolationism?

Since Ranju Bastola's appointment as Head of Government, he has made his primary goal to break Mahana's renowned isolationism and to make closer, stronger relationships with nations and to use that to help build the nation's economy. Before his time in office, Mahana were only a member of one organisation, a regional forum known as the Central Oriental Forum (Later the Oriental Association for Regional Cooperation). Since then, Bastola has made great strides in building relationships with Mahana's neighbours, notably with Kotowari but also with Tamur, Mekabiri and Orioni.

The largest step forward for Mahana in breaking the historic isolationism and loner mentality was the entering as an observer state of the Entente of Oriental States (EOS) in 2017, as soon as the option came available. It is known publicly that Ranju Bastola and Bina Sharma both have positive views of the Entente, with Bastola publicly showing interest of a future Mahanan enterance into the entente in 2020. Since then, however, no further steps had been taken, until the last week. A national referendum has been called by the Federal Parliament which will last three weeks. The vote is "For or Against the joining of the Entente of Oriental States", which if passed will mean the beginning of the Mahanan bid to enter the Entente.spacer.png


  • 2 weeks later...

5th June 2022

102 Years Free

The 5th of June marks the date of the last recorded case of the Byzantine Flu in Mahana, in 1920. Mahana was a nation heavily affected by the flu in the early 20th century, losing an estimated 250,000 people due to it. The flu spread to Mahana through trade routes into the Bay of Bhuram that came directly from the Byzantine Sea, which was the spreading place of the flu. The government at the time struggled to control the flu, being fairly poor and with the people living in poverty and poor hygiene. Furthermore, when it arrived in Mahana the nation hadn't had any significant historic pandemics and so the government became unsure of how to deal with the outbreak. The flu became so common in Mahana that even a member of the royal family, the king's daughter, caught the flu and passed away from it.

As the flu became international, Mahana heard of the ways other nations dealt with the flu using quarantining and social distancing as well as closing many public areas. They spread the word in national newspaper and by 1920 the last ever case was reported in Veydu, before fading out as it did in the rest of the wurld. 

(Pictured below is a quarantining of some infected with the flu in Jutpandi, 1918.)


  • 4 weeks later...

30th June 2022

Step 1: Complete

Step one of Mahana and Bastola's  $3.2 billion highway restoral and building project has been completed today as the official opening of the "BG1" highway connecting Jutpandi and Battagara, two of Mahana's major cities. This connects, for the first time, the "Eastern Highway" system to the "Western Highway System", making time to travel across the country reduced by up to 3 hours on average as before the building of the BG1 a trip from Jutpandi to Veydu would take up to 5 hours, with it now at an estimated 2 hours. This project took a total of a year and cost an estimated $18 million, being only the beginning of Bastola's plans for the improvement of the road system which has held Mahana back for years.spacer.png

  • 1 month later...

7th August 2022

Rising Ideological Changes

Recent events in Mahana have lead to a steady rise in support for Mahana's popular left-wing party, the Mahanan People's Party (MPP). This has come due to the feeling of a lack of representation of the people in the countries politics, feeling a lot of what they vote for is useless. The feeling has began to highten in recent weeks as the MPP have begun advertising their party by showing the faults of the ruling party of Mahana, the Mahanan Congress.

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