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The Dominion meets the Homeland (Mitō & Kōri-Chi)

Kori Chi

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« Safe flight » would declare while bowing Mora, as he was at the end of the carpet, and Governor Aragushi was almost to climb into that small government jet.

This would amuse Aragushi, which, stopping and turning to see properly Mora, his protégé, « Safe business » he’d add with a smily face. Before turning back towards the plane, and getting in, as the door would close behind him. This was the last sight of Aragushi for a while, as his journey now led him to the Heart of the Empire.

Journey would be quite long, however fortunately it wouldn’t be undermined by the pleasant accommodations inside the plane, allowing Aragushi to still work during his flight, enjoying of the latest performances regarding telecommunications through satellites that could be offered. After a long time, an unseemingly great distance being travelled, the plane would swiftly land, to where a protocolary greeting was demonstrated, figures of the Empire were welcoming the Kōri-Chise Governor Aragushi, guards in proper uniforms, imperial flags parading, the imperial anthem being played…

Once such was put aside, the Kōri-Chise Commissioner to @Mito, who other countries would normally call Ambassador, but given the special relationship and treaties in the Empire such was slightly different, would wait at the limousine the Governor, in order to greet him, and accompany him to his hotel, where he would take a such well deserved shower, clothe-changing, before a dinner in the evening with some High Dignitaries of the Empire in order to maintain good relations with the administration.

The morning at last, after a gentle night where Aragushi would find its much needed strength and mind back, he would, after a well-deserved breakfast, pick up the limousine and be drove towards, at last, Governor Kenichi.

  • 2 weeks later...

The news of the governor’s arrival the day before reached Kenichi who at the time was sifting through various documents on his desk. The arrival would mark the beginning of the delicate dance of ceremonies and traditions associated with such a visit. For many onlookers both Mitonese and not the arrangements looked quite confusing. Broadcasts of such visits are often accompanied by some kind of expert explaining the significance or origin of a particular custom. Among the figures receiving the Kōri-Chise governor was the emperor’s daughter, a representative of the country’s Thalassan territories as well as three ministers among a few others. Though somewhat bafflingly, the Heijutsu Governor himself was not to be found among this group. “The general rule of thumb with regard to royal protocol and the governor is that where one is the other isn’t.” echoed an explanation in one of the broadcasts of the event.

Back at the governor’s office, Kenichi followed the proceedings closely through a television as each tradition and protocol was followed down to the letter. It was only him and his assistant in the office at the time. The governor looked on as her imperial highness welcomed his contemporary. Having served as the governor of the country for close to two decades already, he was quite aware of his Kōri-Chise counterpart. Aragushi struck Kenichi as quite the charismatic politician but also one with a keen and analytic mind, an imposing combination to be sure. Each quip and gesture that seemed as natural and fluid as rain itself was no doubt meticulously planned with consideration given to each outcome. This contrasts considerably with the calm and reserved conduct of Kenichi. “We just have to make sure his approval rates won’t overtake yours.” said the assistant to humorous effect with the governor cracking a smile.

To Kenichi, who had during his long term as governor grown accustomed to the roles and responsibilities of the office, the intricate proceedings were like second nature at that point. In fact, it was something he quite looked forward to. With a visit from the icy gem of the seas, there was no need for translators or interpreters. Neither was it a requirement to adjust to the customs of the other as both were bound by imperial convention. There was a reason after all that the so-called Kōri-Chise visit was treated in a certain way as a test of diplomatic prowess of new governors in the country. If one can conduct business with the Dominion, it is assumed that they possess what’s required to be an effective executive. Yet during Kenichi’s lengthy service, the visit had more or less become an easy way to boost approval ratings. 

As the evening turned to night and the next morning arrived, Kenichi sauntered around the Governor’s residence checking that all the arrangements were in order as planned. First to arrive were other Mitonese dignitaries, three ministers, two heads of committees of the Diet among others. The limousine finally arrived and as the Kōri-Chise delegation stepped out, the two governors bowed and Kenichi began, “I am pleased to at last be able to personally welcome the Governor to Kauhime.” 

  • 4 weeks later...

« Honour is, as always, mine, Governor » reiterated and thanked Aragushi, slightly bowing, letting a smile politely appear.

He went on to take a more solemn voice, « The spring rain. Talking and passing. The straw rain‐cape and umbrella » he recited as a poem, giving some glances around to the so beautiful surroundings and environment. « As to salute the great bravery and incredible talent of your Excellency, at the service of our Emperor and the Empire, please accept this gift » introduced Aragushi, as he bowed far more than usual, extending his right hand as to show a delegate holding with both hand a remarkably well decorated box and coming to Kenichi, as he too slightly bowed.

The box being in front of Kenichi, letting him open it with both hands, would let him unveil its content. Aragushi had thought of many things for potential gifts. Food or beverage, given Kenichi seniority he knew all about it from each corner of the Empire in Eurth. Katana or another weapon, he probably already had a great collection. Jewelries, Kenichi’s wife probably was tired of those after all those years and such collection. That is why, a small arm, a pistol at his name, from Yoshi Light Arms Manufacture, sounded like the best of options, as for such a senior official of the Empire who had known so much, and still had much to serve for the Emperor.

The box would be transmitted to their mitonese counterparts, as greetings would end, and be all invited into a large room as to let both delegations face in proper manners around a long table, as mitoneses, head and home of the Empire, were to first introduce the matter.

  • 2 months later...

The Mitonese delegation lead by Governor Kenichi began "First on the agenda, we have the economic relations between Mitō and Kōri-Chi. Close economic ties remain as important as ever in upholding the integrity of the Empire and its people. The movement of goods from Kōri-Chi to Mitō and vice versa is crucial in ensuring the vibrancy of the Homeland and the Dominion. This is why the delegation would like to suggest the further removal of economic impediments such as tariffs in order to promote healthy competition between these two economies. Through this, Kōri-Chise goods can not only find their way to Mitō proper but to the wider Aurelian market."

"In addition, the movement of capital between the two is also a pertinent part of these relations and it goes to reason that with the movement of goods the movement of capital should follow. With the freedom to move capital, it is expected that Mitonese and private persons will be able to invest in the markets of Kōri-Chi."

"Finally, to cement the economic incentive of cooperation, we suggest granting the freedom of establishing and providing services in both the Homeland and the Dominion. This last step will serve as the final incentive for Mitonese companies to establish offshoots in Kōri-Chi which will certainly increase the Dominion's manufacturing sector alongside bringing expertise from the mainland there which will serve as ground for yet further innovations. Before going on more, we would like to hear from the Kōri-Chise delegation about their impressions and ideas." Kenichi said as he handed the turn to the opposite side of the table. 

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Aragushi slightly bowed down as to honour his colleague’s words, those of Governor Kenichi. « Competition is a strong word, we are part of the same culture, of the same Empire » reflected and noticed Aragushi, « Our land propose a cheaper labour for the ambitions of the government of the Emperor, the Homeland propose most refined technological advancements. We are all here, at his service » he went on, meaning at the service of the Emperor, « And therefore, it would be a great honour to reaffirm publicly those ties » stated Aragushi as he bowed slightly again to his colleague.

Governor Aragushi would give glances both ways on his side of his table to see if any of his fellow delegate representing the Dominion had anything to say. At the silence, he’d further pursue, « Full economic cooperation through lack of restrictions between us is something we wish, as to make the Empire more powerful, and demonstrate such power to the rest of Eurth » he precised, meaning he was all for cutting down legal barriers that would prevent a company from doing business. « If such is fine for you, I wish to address cooperation regarding the Imperial Army and Navy, with the Dominion’s Imperial Army and Navy » he suggested, « Officers exchange programs, alongside regular trainings, and movements of assets between our respective military installations as to ensure that our militaries are fully aligned and can work together without restriction, is a first point I’d like to talk about. With as second point, being, in the past common armament program, and we consider it important to continue using the same equipment and therefore develop weapons of the future together ».

« To sum it up, in parallel of such discussions, I think any agreement we do, for the benefits of the Empire, shall be all ruled into a common organization supervised by the Emperor of course, so that all Dominions may enjoy of such integrations and this would ensure that the Empire retains control over the Dominions and stay strong, and united » suggested Aragushi, worried that it’d only be a bilateral deal, that would undermine the other dominions and may result in a generally weakening of the Empire, and the Emperor’s powers over his lands.

Edited by Kori Chi (see edit history)
  • 3 months later...

Kenichi took a small sip of water before beginning to speak: “We are both of the same Realm in service to His Majesty the Emperor be it homeland or dominion so it is only natural that cooperation be sought in every possible sector. The defence of imperial territories remains ever more crucial especially in these trying times of global instability. It is no surprise then that I wholeheartedly agree that smooth cooperation between our armed forces is of the utmost pertinence to the security of the realm. Regular training and exchange programmes, the movement of assets between our respective parts of the realm and a renewed common armaments programme are all certainly welcome.” A small seed of doubt crept up Kenichi’s neck as he new agreeing to such would throw a bone to the Militarists back home, however, at the time cooperation between the two countries outweighed any worries over domestic affairs. 

It is an excellent point you raised that the freedoms and responsibilities agreed upon here today ought not to remain a bilateral deal but to be extended to every corner of the Realm by the Emperor’s authority and judgement. Upon the termination of this meeting, we shall contact the imperial residence and request the Emperor’s participation as head of this organisation.” 

Continuing, he shuffled through the small stack of papers for a short moment. With much of the core issues being addressed, Kenichi thought to insert some lesser items to be discussed to end on a light note: “With freedom of trade and movement being agreed upon alongside military affairs, I’d like to propose here at the end a few state-sponsored programmes to encourage further cultural interaction. Scholastic and cultural exchange programmes and the like will ensure that not only do the pragmatic industries of our lands remain interconnected but that the heart of Empire itself, its people, also be unified through shared experiences.

  • 4 months later...

« I am delighted Governor » saluted Aragushi over Governor Kenichi’s words, that reflected well his stance on the matter, « And naturally follow your lead over the goal of interconnections ».

« Concerning the military, the way we perceive this, as for the benefit of the Emperor, is to have your part design, and us build. We after all, have much cheaper wages, alongside are right on maritime trade routes leading to imports of materials to be relatively cheap, while all the high expertise, including upgrades, alongside all research and development with also verification of the quality of materials produced shall be in your task, what do you think? It would allow deep integration, while allowing a clear leader in each field, all at the service of the Emperor, while reducing drastically costs » proposed Aragushi coming back a bit on the matter of military programs, which after all had been a great why as to why foreign investors have been attracted by the Dominion.

  • 8 months later...
Posted (edited)

[no longer canon due to major RP restructuration]

Months later...

The Empire was growing weak. That was how Aragushi felt the wind turning over.

Negotiations in the homeland were left stranded. The Emperor himself kept his power in the silver tower that rose above his subjects.

Ultimately, the Dominion felt alone, as it effectively was.

Foreign investments poured in following the initiative he led. 6 major joint ventures with gaikos, that represented more investments the Empire ever felt worthy to lay down in the ice gem of the Emperor.

Loyalty, abides oneself to a standing. Specially, in a culture where honour was predominant. As such, per mitonese education, one turning his coat over, was one who’d only know disrespect and shame, alongside a providential death that would bear consequences beyond the mere person, but well to its community, its entourage.

A decision to seek an opportunity, one which involved grand risks, in such a context where bravery outside established traditions and rules was more than deadly, remained a soft balance.

The greatest Empires knew no equals, such was the fate of grandness, the price to pay, with no enemy to match you. The Empire of Mitō had known wars in almost all its shapes, even the most terrific one. Yet, the rifts always were emanated from within. Turmoil at home, was the threat.

If only, one, push a bit further, to tip over, the balance.

A gamble, that required wise calculus. As, one’s life, but more importantly, honor’s, was in the balance.

« Get me Mora » ordered Aragushi over the phone.

A simple « Ee » would be thrown on the other side.

The two dozens seconds that would pass, allowed Aragushi to dive deeper into his thoughts.

At last, with a tap on the other, and with his blessing, Mora would enter the room.

« Take a seat » said in a rather surprising faster than usual Aragushi, to his protégé Mora, as this one would bow swiftly.

« Provide me a list with all the subalterns who’s ambitions to take on further duties is only exceeded by their eccentricity » demanded oddly Aragushi. Mora, silent, would execute himself by noting down his mentor’s requests.

« Demand to my personal secretary to put you in relation with the Captain of the Honour Guard, as to convey the duty I shall entrust you with » Aragushi would continue, as he would put on paper written instructions. Taking his time, the Governor’s writing with his rich and proper feather, conveyed the only sound in the room. « Proceed to read, and burn afterwards this letter » he’d at last comment after a couple minutes, sharing with Mora the letter he wrote and delicately bent.

« You’ll then, order the arrests of Minister Nosha and Minister Dontaki, recall with immediate effect Ambassador Hisoka from Gadutea, and summon Atashita (Minister of Home Affairs) here » he unleashed to his protégé, which couldn’t prevent himself from having his pupils dilated at the surprising order. He’d only nod, as to confirm he duly noted.

Aragushi rose up, as to take more prestance, « Sigo (Minister of Justice) have already been notified he informed, as if it was a trivial matter. He stopped walking, marking a pause, as he smiled and expressed « He shall take care of the Dentō (Dentō Party, the opposition) and clean the Party (Kaiji Party, from which Sang Aragushi is the head) as to ensure loyalty and compliance, the Liberals (Liberal Party, allied with the Kaiji Party) shall be kept in line. The fear would be too grand, even for those who pretend remotely to have honour such as those capitalists » he thought out loud, sharing his thought process for Mora to learn.

It sounds like the process, of what effectively can be described as a coup, have been in Aragushi’s mind for a certain time, only gestating as to be unleashed upon the Dominion.

« But, the Emperor..? Governor Kenichi..? » questioned hesitantly Mora, at last using his vocal cords.

Aragushi proceed to turn back his watch over him, approaching, using his position of standing up, towards his protégé being sat at his request. « Disappointments, it is all that they are ».

As it seems much more had happened during the bilateral meeting than met the eyes. But that, would only be learnt during a debrief eventually.

Aragushi gave a glance at Mora, as he seems to be sinking in his thoughts. The Governor’s look upon himself, made him come back to his sense and understand that he may dispose, rising up, « Ee! » he affirmed, bowing in the direction of his mentor, before leaving the room.

Edited by Kori Chi
Change in overall RP. (see edit history)
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