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Ideology Flags


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  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Here's mine. All those flags are either historical ones, or made while taking into account the Florentian culture and history (which means that all of them are more or less plausible).

Explanations :

  • The Confederate States of Florentia (Democracy) : This is the actual regime in Florentia. While a few states aren't democratic (military junta or absolute monarchy), most of them experience a democratic regime (at least regarding white-skined persons).
    The pelican feeding its children with its own blood is a christian symbol for Jesus. The twelve stars represent the twelve states while the fleur de lys represents the Imperial authority and the Senate. The white color is the purity of God and the blue one is the Florentian monarchy.
  • The Enlightened Brotherhood of Florentia (Communism) : Atheism being one of the most hated beliefs in Florentia, "traditionnal" communism can't be achieved in Florentia. To spread (some brand of) communism in Florentia, it has be linked to faith. Thus, the Enlightened Brotherhood of Florentia is an anarcho-communist society organised in small and autonomous communities where people, full of virtue, live together in fraternity, in a harmony with God.
    The Orthodox cross represents the Orthodox faith, while the hammer and the sickle represent the people. The white color above the red one symbolizes God benevolently watching over the poeple.
  • The Orange Blossom Legion (Fascism) : The Orange Blossom Legion is a white supremacist and corporatist movement in Florentia. It has been created in the 1960s, following the abolition of slavery in the Republic of Narizonia. During the dictatorship of Jeremiah Horlant, it has been used as the state militia. In may 2023, when the Narizonian dictatorship has been otherthrowned by the Imperial Army, the Oraange Blossom Legion became a terrotist organisation (inspired for example by the White League or the Ku Klux Klan). Even if they aren't genuine fascists, I decided to use their symbol because, otherwise, a genuine fascist flag would have been too close to the syndicalist one.
    The Orange Blossom Legion uses as its main symbol the Orange Blossom, which was the national symbol of the Republic of Narizonia. Indeed, orange trees have been initially imported in Narizonia by the slave aristocracy as an ornamental tree, thus becoming a symbol of white supremacism in Narizonia.
    If the Orange Blossom Legion ever come to power, they will likely exercise a harsher version of Jeremiah Horlant's dictatorship. Regarding the non-white and non-christian minorities (Cashari natives, Esonians), they will either exile them from Florentia or execute them to avoid another revolt.
  • The Most Serene Empire of Florentia (Monarchy) : The Most Serene Empire of Florentia was the regime of Florentia between the independance to the Florentian Civil War. The Emperor had most of the power and the states had little autonomy.
    The coat of arms is the one of Florentia. NB : it is different than the coat of arms of the Imperial family of Florentia, the House of Asmavie, because they are the former royal family of Lysia.
  • The Holy Demonic Order of Belleville (Theocracy) : It is based on the Orthodox Demonic Church of Belleville, which is a heretic movement emerged from the Orthodox Church of Florentia which believes that some demons regret their actions. Those demons seek forgiveness from God. Thus, God ordered them to use their power (linked to the seven sins) to benevolently help humanity.
    The background of the flag is white, representing the purity of God. On the left, the symbol of Orthodox chivalry and on the right, the sigil of Trifelis. Trifelis is, among the good demons, the lieutenant of God. Finally, the coat of arms represent Trifelis with its three sins : pride, lust and greed. "Que nos malheurs soient une renaissance" ("May our misfortunes be a rebirth") is the motto of the Church.
    Since the church was created, in the 17th century, it has been pretty peaceful. However, the legend of Trifelis being a big part of the Florentian culture, the church could have actually spread among most of the Florentians. A theocracy based on the Bellevillian Church would still keep forms of democracy, though, because the Patriarch would mostly care about the cultural aspects of society, while economy and day-to-day descisions would be handled by a mixed board of elected politicians and appointed specialists.
  • The Imperial Florentian State (military state) : This scenario could have happened either between the 1910s and the 1920s, or in the 1960s. The 1910s-1920s period saw the downfall of Florentia. While it already began since the end of the civil war, it is in this period that the growing weakness of the Confederation began to be heavely felt. Numerous Florentian were fleeing the country to find work elsewhere. At the time, there was very high tensions between the state militias, supported by the Senate and the aristocracy, and the Imperial Army, supported by the Imperial family. The Imperial Army could have tried to coup the Senate and install a centralized regime, dividing power between the Army and the Emperor. The state militias would likely be disbanded.
    A similar event could have happened in the 1960s, during the Tusisian War of Independance from Forentia. The Imperial Army was sick to see its prestige destroyed, accusing the weakness of the Senate and the Confederation, and the population was sick of the war in Tusis. At the time, a military coup would have been pretty popular among the proletarians and the petty bourgeoisie. A military coup supported by the Imperial family could have actually led to the abolition of slavery and segregation.
    The stars represent the grade of Marshal. The bird isn't a pelican but a kite. The Saint-Elme kite holding a Lysian sabre is the symbol of the Imperial Army. Finally, the blue color is the color of the Florentian monarchy.
  • The Most Serene People's Empire of Florentia (Syndicalism) : This is the regime which will soon arrive in Florentia. Created by Chancellor and mob leader Hugo Lysandre "Lys" Dellague, a yound man close to the Imperial family. Lys aims to "guide people to happiness". Thus, the regime organises political life around trade unions and social progress is very much valued. However, the regime could be called a "tyranny of the majority" because the leadership is very popular among the proletarians and the petty bourgeoisie. However, the reactionnary aristocracy and the liberal bourgeoisie (which respectivly disaggree with social progress and syndicalism) are usually terrorrized by the government, either direcly or by
    The flag has been designed by Lys himself. It contains two Imperial symbols : the pelican devouring the glube (symbol of Florentia's "mightness" and imperialism) and the thunderbolt, reprensenting the divine right to rule of the Emperor. I also added a mix of a sickle and a hammer to represent the people of Florentia. Finally, the black circle around the head of the pelican is a symbol of the authority. The main meaning is the benevolent authority of the Chancellor and the Emperor (black circle) caring for the people (hammer and sickle), the social progress (broken chains) and the faith (thunderbolt). However, the thunderbolt also representing the Emperor, it could also be interpreted as the Chancellor watching other everybody, including the Emperor, which isn't that far from reality.
  • The Imperial Florentian Directorate of the Stars (Technocracy) : This is a possible drift for the previous regime. Florentia developed itself enough to get into space race. Chancellor Hugo L. Dellague reacently finished to read a sci-fi novel. Inspired, he suddently dicided that the future of Florentia will be among the stars. The Empire shall bring the revolution to the stars and maybe even meet alien species !
    The regime would keep most of its organisation. However, specialists would take more and more importance to increase efficiency, so Florentia can focus on space exploration. (To be completly honest, this is possible that one day Lys tries to direct Florentia this way, but this is very likely to end poorly.)
    The pelican, symbolizing Florentia, dreamingly looks at the sky while holding a telescope and a spanner.
  • The Imperial Federal Republics of Florentia (Plutocracy) : This is likely what Florentia would have become if slavery has been abolished and the country glubolized. The most plausible turning point is the Wild North Revolution. In the 1910s, the three northern states had a revolution and became republics. If the revolution spreaded to the southern states, it is likely that Florentia becomes a model of right-wing libertarianism. The former reactionnary nobility would be replaced by the liberal bourgeoisie. While there would be a high amount of civil liberties, democracy would be very rigged and the governement would only make sure people and states don't tread on the corporations. Regarding social progress, it depends of the state. While slavery would have been abolished, segregation would likely stay in a few states like Narizonia or Abalavier. 
    The fasce represents republicanism, protected by the snake of libertarianism. The twelve stars represent the twelve federal republics of the Empire. Finally, the Florentian pelican watches around to protect the whole.



Edited by Florentia
I'm st00pid. (see edit history)
  • 1 year later...

Bored on a Saturday night, I might as well practice my rusty vexillology skill, and this seems like a good task to do. Here is my interpretation of my country what-ifs.

  • Democratic Republics of Caerlannach (Democratic Path): After the failed assassination attempt on Emperor Patrick XIII, Ronan Luathach was captured and sentenced to death, prompting the outlawing of the Caerlanni Separatist Group. Independence for Caerlannach was achieved not through armed conflict but through a series of diplomatic talks and large-scale demonstrations. This ultimately led to the establishment of a representative democracy, with Caerlannach functioning as a parliamentary republic.
  • All-Caerlanni Socialist Republics (Communist Path): During his time in Fulgistan, Ronan Luathach was heavily influenced by Fulgistani communist ideology, abandoning his original anarchist ideals in favor of a centralized government model. Following the War for Independence, Ronan collaborated with left-leaning organizations to form a federal one-party state under the “Caerlanni Peasant Union”. The government was organized into autonomous socialist republics, each led by tribal leaders, reflecting a unique blend of centralization and regionalism.
  • Unitary Caerlannach (Fascist Path): The successful assassination of Emperor Patrick XIII by Ronan Luathach in 1965 triggered an early and prolonged War for Independence. By the war’s end in the early 1970s, Caerlannach had not only secured independence but also annexed significant territories beyond OTL borders. However, internal power struggles led to the rise of Aodhán Ghearóid, a far-right military general, who ousted Luathach. Under Ghearóid’s leadership, Caerlannach established a “guided democracy” with authoritarian policies aimed at “liberating all of eastern Argis from Gotneskan influence.”
  • High Kingdom of Caerlannach (Monarchist Path): In this scenario, the High Kingdom successfully repelled the Gotneskan invasion during the 10th century, allowing more time for the competing Caerlanni kingdoms to unify. The House of Ghearóid emerged victorious, establishing a powerful High Kingdom of Caerlannach. This kingdom became a prominent rival to the Goutian Empire and maintained its sovereignty through a blend of military strength and diplomatic alliances. In modern times, the High Kingdom would have evolved into a constitutional monarchy with a largely ceremonial monarch, overseeing a stable parliamentary system.
  • Caerlanni-Druidic Restorationist League (Theocratic Path): During the War for Independence, the High Druid Order, traditionally a religious and cultural movement, gained significant political influence. Its supporters rallied around the concept of restoring Caerlanni traditions rooted in Druidic practices. The resulting government established a semi-theocratic state, blending modern governance with spiritual leadership guided by the druids.
  • Caerlanni National Brotherhood (Militaristic Path): Following the Deconstructional Period, nationalist factions within Caerlannach opposed the dismantling of centralized state structures. These factions orchestrated a coup against Ronan Luathach’s government, establishing a military junta under the leadership of nationalist generals. The regime pursued aggressive policies of militarization, aiming to strengthen Caerlannach’s regional influence through forceful means.
  • Caerlanni Labour Collectives (Syndicalist Path): Under this system, the government was organized as a confederation of labor collectives, where industries and tribal communities were directly managed by workers' councils. This decentralized and egalitarian model prioritized economic cooperation and local autonomy. (I see no possible alt-history scenario for this path, tbh.)
  • Caerlanni Advancement Federation (Technocratic Path): Ronan Luathach's ideology evolved to incorporate elements of Luathachism, futurist tribalism, resulting in the establishment of a technocratic state. The nomadic tribes of Caerlannach were reorganized into “moving industrial complexes,” blending traditional ways of life with advanced technological systems.
  • Caerlanni-Chonnachta Directorate (Plutocratic Path): During the Deconstructional Period, the Chonnachta tribe emerged as the dominant economic power within Caerlannach, leveraging their wealth to exert disproportionate influence over the nation’s development. The result was a highly stratified society where economic control rested in the hands of Chonnachta elites. This imbalance led to significant regional disparities and widespread dissatisfaction among other tribes, marking Caerlannach as a plutocratic state.


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