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Daglegu Fréttírnar


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Breaking News: Aurivizht Minister makes Distasteful Remarks about the Goutian people.

Just hours again in the early morning of 11 January, the Head Minister of Aurivizh Tudig Gwernig came on live TV to give what has become a disgusting speech by most Goutians. It was so distasteful that the Queen Sarah II has scheduled a one-on-one interview on live TV later tonight, hosted by GBC Aiden Mac Cuinneagáin.

In the meantime, a statement from the Prime Minister's office has been released to the public. Mr. Karlsson has said that this speech is the most unforgettable speech he has ever heard, calling out a single nation and wishing for its destruction can’t and will not be tortured. We Gouthians were hoping to create better relations between one another. In my eyes, they have ruined any chances of that happening anytime soon. But my/ our queen will make the call, I have trust in her to make the right decision. God help her, she’s so young but very strong will. I know she has this nation in her heart, just as her for father’s have. 

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Prime Time News, with your Host Aiden Mac Cuinneagáin


Hello and Welcome to todays show, I’m Aiden Mac Cuinneagáin and our top story for the evening is the Aurivizht Hateful speech. In the show I sit down with Her Majesty Queen Sarah II.

Aiden: Thank for taking the time to discuss this topic. I know it most of hurt you as it did all of us. Hearing a head of state speak just hate about a nation. 

Sarah: Thank you for having me, I wish I was here talking about something different but that’s life for you. 

A: So Sarah, sorry your majesty What would you say to our beloved Aurivizht Goutians?

S: you may call me Sarah, Aiden.

So first and foremost I what the wurld to know that what Gwernig said about how we treat the ethnic Aurivizht population in Gotneska is very very wrong. My father said to me when I was young treat everyone as you like to be treated, yes there have been times in our history that people have taken advantage or made hateful statements about them but that can also be said about almost any ethnic group in our nation even the native ones. 

So for all my beloved people, please don’t do anything stupid, the Aurivizht people of Gotneska are not your enemy they are one of us. Please remember this, for the goodness of god please my people listen to me. I know what Gwernig has said is painful to take in but we must stay strong. All of us, We are all Goutian.

A: Wow Sarah, that was Beautiful. So the next question I have is What are you doing about our nations relations with Aurivizh? Are you going to stop them?


S: So to answer your second question, I and my team are working on a way to keep our relations. Even though as stated before my Prime Minister would cut ties with them. But as he said it’s my choice and I’ve decided to give them a chance, I hope they can see this a sign of trust and talk to us one-on-one, preferably in a neutral nation. But that’s up to Mr. Gwernig. But sadly we must increase our taxes on Aurivizht made products with is already small but this is something we must do. I’m sorry my beloved peoples.


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  • 1 month later...

A special one on one interview with Princess Christina. 

Hey I’m your host Aiden Mac Cuinneagáin, Thank you for taking the time to watch this interview that Princess Christina has requested to have with me. All I know is that she wishes to speak out against injustice that forced here Great Grandparents to leave there homeland in Change for there safety.


Aiden: Thank you Princess Christina for coming I can’t wait to speak with you about this important subject to you and your family and maybe other Goutains out there. So my question is can you tell me about why your family left there homeland??

Christina: Thank you for having me, I know this was last minute but your one of the best and I decided I like to interview with you. So to your question why did my family leave there homeland or where exactly is your family oriented from? 

so my Great Grandparents where born in what is today  the Democratic People's Republic of Velaheria. What was the Theocracy of Dolchordenstadt. And because there homeland became communist a purge on any person with nobilty was arrested and executed but thankless my family was lucky to left and and come to just a welcoming and friendly nation. My parents have told me and my bother that we most not forgot what my family what though and sadly why thousands lost there lives.

A: I've heard about this but it's very different, when you talk to someone that family fled because of it. I'm truly sorry that your family was forced to leave, but on the bright side they can look and see what they did for you. 

Christina: Yes that is something my mother loves to tell me and my brother just who proud our great grandparents would be knowing what where doing. 

A: So what exactly do you think of the current Velaherian Gov't?

Christina: To be totally honest, I believe that gov't is and was set up by the devil him self, I know this is something very strongly to say about a nation I do not life in, But please remember my family fled because of this gov't. The only thing I can hold heartily say is I believe with my heart that Velaheria most be removed from this planet. How it treats it people is in no way how a human should be treated. People are born free, we don't ask a nation to give us our rights we are born with them but that gov't holds its citizens there freedoms. Look around we own you so you most do what we say our else will kill you. 

A: Sorry I'm speech less, I've never had a interview just so powerful and your only 22 years old, I hope that our Queen gives you a position that actively helps with common Velaherian people. So is it true if visit Velaheria they will arrest you and kill you because of your family roots to Dolchordenstadt?

Christina: Yes, sadly that is true but If i most visit and get arrested and lated killed, I know that mission from God was not lost but is only the beginning. Thank you Aiden for having me I'm sorry but I have to leave now.

A: Will thank you for your time, And your more then welcome to come again. To my honnord viewers thank you for tuning into this important one on one with Princess Christina. I hope we have all learned something new today. I know I have.

I look forward to seeing you my viewers in the my next interview. Until then God bless our Queen, And have a wonderful week.


Edited by Gotneska (see edit history)
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Breaking News Queen appoints Princess Christina  to Minister of Human Rights & Services

Just in Queen Sarah II has officially made her cousin Princess Christina, Minister of Gotneskan Human Rights & Services. This is a massive step forward for the Princess who has been openly criticizing foreign governments of there poor human rights treatment of there people.

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  • 2 months later...

Breaking News: Queen is Reportedly spotted with young handsome Gentlemen.

For the first time since becoming queen, Sarah II has not been seen or talking about her love life, until this evening when a reported so happen to see her walk in a fine restaurant with a tall, young, gentlemen. Some people believe the reported may have confused him with one of the Queen's brothers, but this is highly unlikely. No one knows who is unknown gentlemen is. All we can say is everyone in the nation now knows he's dating one of the most popular female in the nation.


For more information please check out our Newscast about all things Royalty. Every week night 6:30 pm. and Weekends 7:00

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  • 1 month later...

Queen made 1st trip to far northern Gotneska:


In what seems like a shock the queen has officially made her first official appearance in far northern Gotneska. The locals where very pleased and delighted to see her.

One gentleman said “I haven’t seen a monarch come this far north since I was 12, and with this young lady coming that ends 82 yrs of not seeing the our leader. I’m delighted to she her, I believe she will bring greatness back to our nation. I maybe gone by that time but my children and there children will see it, and I’m happy for them. May God Bless our Great Queen Sorcha II”.

Sarah would also take some time seeing some of the areas natural beauty. 

below is a image of her standing on a road in front of what is  Mt. Skadi when looking South.euCJcZM.jpg


While on her visit she was informed of the coming Fire Season. The Northern Gotneskan Fire Season lasts from Mid June to Late September on average. But unfortunately this year looks like a above active fire season. Weather reports from 1st January to 24th May 2022 have shown that the region is down generally 5 to 8 mm of precpation. For a area that normally only gets between 19 to 25 mm. Just shows how bad this coming fire season could be.


On a happier note, the Queen officially named the newest Gouthian National Park. We will talk about this in our next post. As the details on it are still very limited.

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  • 1 month later...

Breaking News: Large fire is reported to have been spotted in Greater Argic National Park

Reports are coming in that large fire has started within the Greater Argic National Park. The exact location of the fire hasn’t been officially made public yet. Our live coverage on the meeting starts now.


Good evening. I am the Head Park Ranger of Greater Argic. My name is Eyðun Jallgrímsson. Tuesday 27 June 2022 at 16:30 local time my department was notified by the parks fire department that they had received a message stating that a large fire was burn in remote northern part of the park. At around 17:00 local time a jump team had arrived with limited supply in hopes of finding the frontline of the fire. We later received a message that they successfully made camp about 2km west of the active fire line. As of today Wednesday 28 June, the fire is estimated to be at 0% containment and has burn about 25,000 acres. The conditions for rapid fire growth is extremely high. Luckily the area affected is mostly just wilderness to my knowledge the area doesn’t have any building as Greater Argic is one of a very few to ban any and all building of roads or trails within the park. Because of this the amount of manpower and resources will the severity limited. We have asked for help from 15 fire departments in northern Gotneska. Fortunately they are all trained jump style firefighting. For those that don’t know. Jump means parachuting from a airplane, generally because the region is either very remote or is just to hard to get conventional firefighting equipment to the area. Hopefully in our next meeting we can have our lead firefighter here to discuss more about the fire but at this time we have a very limited amount of knowledge as communications with the ground personnel is difficult because of the remote location.

Thank you and I will hand it back over to your local newscast.

Below is a image sent by one of the firefighters. Source is unknown.


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  • 1 year later...

Ladies and Gentlemen of Gotneska, I interrupt our usual programming to share solemn news. Tonight, the esteemed former Queen and spouse of Emperor Patrick XIII have departed this wurld to find solace in the embrace of our Almighty Father. I urge you to hold the royal family in your thoughts and prayers during this challenging period.

Late Queen Magdalene for her last official photoshoot last September.


Magdalene was 89 years of age when she past.

At this moment funeral service and wake have not yet been announced we will be sure to keep y’all posted on the matter once more information is released.


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  • 5 months later...


Good evening folks, I'm Saoirse Björnsdóttir and alongside me is Finn Ólafsson. Today's top story is Queen Sarah II has postponed her wedding with Prince Aldric of Eladorhenge due to a major health issue that her older sister Crown Princess Sophie has been dealing with. 


On the screen: 



News Reporter from standing just outside Langueuil Palace.

“Hello guys, I just got out from a press briefing that was originally going over the events of the Queen's Wedding, but then we shocked to her as she had delayed it, but now it all makes sense. But from the little I know, Crown Princess Sophie has dealt with this illness since she was 14, and it seems that her recent pregnancy hasn't helped but has worsened it for her.  I just hope that God allows for speedy recovery.

Back to you in the studio.”


(Finn) Yes, our prayers are with Queen Sarah and her whole family. May god protect them. And allow for a speedy recovery.

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