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Greetings all, I'm Aurivizh, but of-website Ofton. I'm a Dutch person inspired by the various cultures of the wurld, which has resulted in me making my third nation here, in Eurth. Aurivizh is a Breton-Inspired Authoritarian Regime, controlled by Tudig Gwernig from Alivezh. I'm really looking forward to roleplaying and wurldbuilding in Eurth, and I hope that this short introduction is enough.

On 12/18/2021 at 1:34 PM, Aurivizh said:

Greetings all, I'm Aurivizh, but of-website Ofton. I'm a Dutch person inspired by the various cultures of the wurld, which has resulted in me making my third nation here, in Eurth. Aurivizh is a Breton-Inspired Authoritarian Regime, controlled by Tudig Gwernig from Alivezh. I'm really looking forward to roleplaying and wurldbuilding in Eurth, and I hope that this short introduction is enough.

Welcome to Eurth!

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