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[Vision Statement] Kingdom of Gotneska


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The Kingdom of Gotneska (Götaish: Konungsríki Gotneska), is a Constitutional Monarchy that consists of 8 counties, followed by provinces, and smaller local districts. The main cultures are Götaish, more based on Nordic Culture with some Irish in it, and Meallángan purely Irish based. The capital is Læniguëuíl. It's located on the coast. Other important cities/ towns include but not limited to: Peatáin, Dunshaughlin, Saint Áine, Sionainn, 


History of Gotneska

The Kingdom of Gotneska was founded in 790 AD when legendary Queen Deirde of The Kingdom of Mealláig. At this point, the nation was still mostly pagan, i.e. followed the Cordic Pagan Religion. Christianity had a small hold on parts of what make up present day Gotneska. Around the  770s AD a young lady by the name Áine of Láneü was speaking the word of God in parts of Gotneska. Today she is one of three Parton Saints and the most famous. She was martyred in the spring of 788 by stoning some believe she may have been Keelhauling, but sources are limited, as being a Christian was still very unpopular at this time. By 842 AD a war staring between the Kingdoms of East Gothia and West Gothia, this conflict at the time was known as the War of Two Kingdoms, Today it's The Gothic War. The war ended in 907 with really no clear winner and would lead both nations into a state of debt and loss, Then in 917 the Treaty of Láneü  was signed by both Gothic Kingdoms and Mealláig this would form the First Kingdom of Gotneska. Its first King was Fionn I, his reign lasted from 917 until his death at the Battle of Cíaírr Field, in 933 AD his son Pádraig II, would become the first Christian Monarch in the nation's history, He was baptized in 944 at the age of 29, After this he would rage a Religious War against the Pagan peoples that lived in the mountains and highlands of none Christian Kingdoms that are now part of Gotneska. His Kingdom would slowly gain on the Pagan Kingdoms, by the year 1288 AD about 80% of the population belonged to the Catholic Church. Because of this a law was passed that let everyday common Gotneskan Men to be able to read but writing was something still mainly keep to the Nobility and Church officials. During this period of time women had some rights but most were forbidden to married women, so around the 1340s the first Women's Right March took place outside the then Magnus III castle. The event would be recorded by Church Historian Bishop Brendan Ó Cuinn. As the Women's Revolt of 1344. 43 yrs later a much more deadly event would take place, it would last some 20 yrs. The Great Famine of 1387, the famine would claim about 1/3 of the population at the time. Even the royal family would be affected by this great shortage of food.

Recent History

In September 1845, a group of Nobel and the Royal family meet at what was called the annual meeting between nobility. The name is the Máeve Conference. Named after Queen Máeve she ruled from 1560 to 1609. At this meeting the two sides would agree upon turning Gotneska from an absolute Monarchy to a Constitutional Monarchy. The following year 1845 is the first official year the Kingdom held elections for membership in the new Riksdag. The period of time from 1956 to 1987 is often called the “Great Democratic Awakening” during this time the Democratic Party’s of the Riksdag keep control of the Prime Ministership. But by the 1990s the party’s agenda was becoming more and less power and the Conservatives stepped back in power. By 2017 with a new Election on the way, no one thought what was about to happen would happen. In October 2017 then King Jóhann II (John II),  Would die from unknown health problems. With no Heir apparent picked it was left to the Riksdag to decide a first in the nation's history. After 3 days of hard work the Riksdag announced on 10th of October 2017, the new monarch to be is Sorcha II (Sarah II), she is currently still one of the youngest Heads of States in Eurth, in 2021 only being 22 years old.

The Gotneskan Civil War (1976-1994)

Is a war fought wholly within Gotneska the war was mostly about ethnic tensions and poor leadership in the Riksdag. 


The Parliamentarians don’t support the recreation of the office of Deputy Prime Minster. And there side is more hostile towards the Meallán people

The Royalist on the other hand support the recreation of the office of Deputy Prime Minister, as they see that the riksdag has moved way beyond what they where created to do. And this side supports the Meallán peoples as most Monarchs have had some type of Meallán ancestry.

After the civil war is over and the signing of treaty’s the Then current monarch stated to the riksdag that the monarchy most be given power as the office of Prime Minister has created a dark time for the people!!


This year Gotneska is getting ready for a new election with the Deputy Prime Minister up for vote staring in May 2022 and ending in October 2022.

As of 2021 the nation is dealing with a referendum in the Mahoney and Eimear Countys. Support is low, but it’s still a big deal and headache for the Queen.

In April 2021 the Riksdag passed the Bill "Make Gotneska Cleaner". This bill was put forth as in recent decades the nation had turned away for how it used to care and protect the environment. This bill has layout the problem the nation faces and how to fix it once said project in bill start.

On 8th January 2022 will be the Queens 23rd birthday, later that month the first of six debates for the DPM will take place. The following are running for that spot, all are part of the royal/ nobel family. First is Mrs. Elisabeth Ólafursson (Andersdottír) aged 33, Second Ms. Sága Andersdottír aged 26, and lastly Mr. Patrick Andersson aged 26. They are not called by there royal Title as because of a law passed in the early 1900's. In May of 2022 the first election for the DPM will take place candidates most get 60% in order to move onto the final election in October. May 13 will be the date the referendum is schedule to take place. Results of this election will be post the next day or when ever the official count has been reached. 

As of December 2021, Gotneska is on pace to reach 100% renewable energy by the year 2041. This could be sooner with the passing of the "Lets Make Goneska Cleaner Again". As of today the nation is at about 45% but in regions of Gotneka its a lot lower.



Current People in Power

  • Queen: Sarah II. She has ruled since 2017. She was only 18 yrs old and 1st Queen since the 1890s.
  • Prime Minster: Askur Karlsson. He was elected in 2018, He's a member of the Conservative Party
  • Deputy Prime Minster: Olf Andersson. He was elected in 2016, and is not going for reelection.
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The economy of Gotneska

Queen Sarah looks to invest in Made in Gotneska, rebuilding the nations highways and road system, and if funds allow maybe rail and aerospace. Investing in cleaner energy to help control the on going climate crisis the wurld is facing.

Major exports include;

 Seafood/ fishing gear, Minerals, wood, agricultural products. Are a few

Major industries include;

Fishing*, Lumber*, Mining*, renewals, agricultural, tourism 

* means that it is heavy restricted


Because Gotneska isn’t a super rich nation means that her citizens a not rich either. The average citizen will make amount 5k a year but the cost of living is about 2.5k a year leaving about 3.5k for them to spend. This has been a problem since the early 70’s, most believe this decline in money making comes from the passing of the Læni Bill which doubled the amount of money the government spent, leading to a northern war of independence that would fail in turn leaving the nation in a state of caouse. 

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Languages of Gotneska

The main language is Götaish, Its the official language spoken by 95% of the people either as native or second. Then there's Meallángan a national language and spoken by about 55% of the population this one has a lower second language speakers then Götaish dose.

Now what In Real Life languages are they based on!

Götaish: Is mostly icelandic there will be some irish words here and there. U can say this language is closer to old norse then to any other nordic languages besides icelandic.

Meallángan: Purly Irish based, but has a  few germanic words included.

Ruaish: Purly Irish based, unlike Meallángan includes no Germanic words. This is by  far the smallest in terms of Native Speakers.

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