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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Full Name of Nation: Republic of Taimin

Government type of nation: Unitary constitutional republic city-state.

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Based off of Cantonese culture.

Give us a short description of your nation: A city-state with extreme wealth inequality: Many people make a lot of money off the financial sector, gambling, and tourism; others live in vertical slums in extreme poverty. City politics are corrupted by the ever-present spectre of organized crime.

Do you have an IIWiki page?: No, but I would be happy to make one if need be.


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? I've had a lot of experience roleplaying, but I'm not the best at it; oftentimes I'll have trouble making very long posts. On the whole, though, I'd say I'm pretty experienced.

How would you describe yourself? I'm a pretty busy dude, so I like to use RP forums as a way to explore my writing abilities and explore areas of interest to me.

RP/Writing samples (if available already): https://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?p=36117802#p36117802   (On a different nation, Normudria. Proof can be provided that it's me upon request)

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? Not especially, but some informal help would be more than welcome.


Why do you want to join this region?: I feel that NS RP opportunities are starting to play out and I'd like to find a new place to energize my writing desires and explore unique nationbuilding opportunities.

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: Not that I can think of; I don't think I've ever talked to the moderators of the region here before.

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it. Several nations, including my most recent, Normudria.

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? I don't plan on it, but can be if need be.

Anything else?: I'd like to keep using Normudria for forum and NS RP, though I can imagine this likely won't be a problem, or so I hope.

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.

Edited by Taimin
format (see edit history)
Posted (edited)


Full Name of Nation: Republic of Avellum

Government type of nation: Republic

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Culturally Avellum is very much a hodgepodge of various European styles, however, it takes its largest influences from Spain, France and Italy (in that order of priority) which have been remixed together in an attempt to be their own thing. On a surface/visual level the people of Avellum, due to their climate, look mainly Spanish and speak Esperanto (I don't have the time or really the skill to come up with my own conlang so I simply picked a language that wasn't commonly used yet "sounded" right), while their architecture, art and music pull from a variety of European styles.  

Give us a short description of your nation: Avellum is an ancient nation, with archaeological evidence of its existence dating back as early as as the Bronze Age that has developed through a harsh series of trials ranging from warfare (civil or otherwise), to famine, to plague throughout its history, some of which even threatened the Avellians with outright extinction. Despite this, the country adapted and evolved through a turbulent feudal medieval period under an absolute monarchy, to an early modernity awash with famine and civil unrest, which eventually led to the dissolution of the royal family that under their oath to the gods were forced to make way and shift the government to a republic in the late 19th century. Despite protests and even a couple of violent terrorist incidents from those who would rather see the monarchy remain in power, the new republic laid the ground works for the nation to become the Avellum of today. 

Modern Avellum is a technologically advanced and decently wealthy first world country led by President Rene Lezkano with a high quality of life, a rich culture, a decently strong industrial base and a potent military built up to defend against the Derthalen threat as well as being capable of projecting force a decent ways in order to effectively pursue overseas interests.

Do you have an IIWiki page?: Not yet.


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? I'm decently experienced, having been RPing in various forms for over a decade now, including another (admittedly less in depth than this) nationstates RP for a couple of years beforehand.

How would you describe yourself? I'm a friendly sort I'd suppose? I'm not particularly interesting or anything special nor am I going to pretend to be, I'm just a guy who enjoys a good RP and likes writing who's been bitten by the nationbuilding roleplay bug and wants to continue doing more of it.

RP/Writing samples (if available already): Not yet available. Will complete them soon.

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? I'm getting the feeling that would be helpful.


Why do you want to join this region?: the community in the previous NationStates RP I was in turned extremely toxic over the past year or so. It essentially became a massive series of political arguments full of people who held some very extremist ideologies constantly shouting at eachother. This on the other hand seems very relaxed by comparison. 

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: One of the moderators and I on the previous NS roleplay didn't get along on a personal level, but it was simply a misunderstanding and a personality clash. (For a while it looked like he was intentionally trying to disrupt my ability to run plots by actively kneecapping them, while he thought that I was simply trying to do business dealings and wanted to compete with him in a fairly cutthroat trade war-ish manner.) It caused no real disruption to RP, and I didn't start disrespecting or ignoring their rulings. Other than that, no.

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it: Roughly two years on a RP called "Nationstates Kerbin" where I played Avellum. I was an extremely high tech medium sized world power that essentially became the region's France. I took part in many plots and made a decent crack at it all before being driven out by the community which was once very relaxed and respectful turning incredibly hostile towards one another.

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly?: Not at present.

Anything else?: Nothing I can think of.

Edited by Avellum
Missed a question (see edit history)
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Full Name of Nation: Pontifical State of Isenheim (the full title is still a WIP)

Government type of nation: Parliamentary elective ecclesiocracy

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: vaguely scandinavian with a significant indigenous circumpolar minority 

Give us a short description of your nation: Isenheim's most immediately apparent feature is its geography: bisected by the arctic circle and buried under snow and ice for much of the year, one can walk for days through both tundra and taiga and never see a living soul. It's a wonder anyone lives there at all. Besides the weather, those that settled this land faced often hostile natives (relations have hardly improved in the proceeding centuries), predatory animals, poor soils, and general isolation from civilization. It was the last factor that eventually served to attract people: criminals, outsiders, and the wretched poor. Despite appearances, things weren't so bad. A brisk trade in ivory and amber was Isenheim's lifeline to the wider world, subsistence farming was possible on the coasts, protected from the hostile interior by broad belts of mountains, and many found a living herding reindeer alongside (or in competition with) the natives. In the 12th century, Christianity arrived, and by a long series of events the Bishop of Granstad eventually seized secular power and implemented some reformist ideas condemned elsewhere to the Church in Isenheim. Today, the Church remains dominant in political and social life, though the limits of the direct authority of clerics in secular matters are also recognized. Reindeer herding remains an important part of culture and the economy, but has been joined by tourism, financial services, and the toy making industry.

Do you have an IIWiki page?: No


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying?: I'm more interested in lore and nationbuilding than roleplay. I tend to have a lot of ideas, but struggle in terms of execution and doing them justice with decent and intelligible writing. I really don't like character rp.

How would you describe yourself?: I try to be nice to everyone and would love any advice people can give on how to communicate better or on anything else really  

RP/Writing samples: N/A

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? Yes please!



Why do you want to join this region?: Seemed like a really good, professional community and a nice place to make a home and get experience.

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: No

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates?: I was on nationstates several years ago when I was in middle and high school, but became focused on other things. I can't really remember much from then, but I wasn't particularly good at RP. Since then I have written a little bit of personal lore, but nothing significant or related to any specific topic. 

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly?: Yes (the former)


Edited by Isenheim (see edit history)
  • 2 weeks later...


Full Name of Nation: Republic of Fjallshima

Government type of nation: Semi-presidential republic

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: A nation with Japanese-inspired roots heavily influenced by Nordic (mainly Swedish) culture.

Give us a short description of your nation: The Republic of Fjallshima is located on an chain of islands right off the coast of northwestern Aurelia that is south of Little Flau. The nation was isolated for a very long time and was homogenously inhabited by the Yamashiman people who worship Seinshinism, a polytheistic religion dominated by the worship of spiritual figures. There was no centralized government and the nation was dominated by competing warlords. Andallan Catholic missionaries came to the nation in the mid-1800s and with the religious, linguistic, and cultural knowledge they brought, Yamashima was renamed as Fjallshima. Fjallshima established a modernized central government that promoted Fjallshiman, an Andallan-inspired language and Catholicism. In the decades since, the nation has been become a leading force in electronics and entertainment but has also been filled with conflict between the Catholic Fjallshiman-speaking citizens and the Seinshinist Yamashiman-speaking citizens. 

Do you have an IIWiki page?: No.


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying?: I feel decent at roleplaying but I do a much better job at creating the visual aesthetic rather than actual worldbuilding of the history and culture. I was Zeefeld before, btw.

How would you describe yourself?: I feel better at roleplaying diplomatic events and present news rather than writing up lore that is supposed to date back millenniums. However, I am getting better at that as I feel more passionate about my nation's theme this time.

RP/Writing samples (if available already):

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here?: No.


Why do you want to join this region?: I was here before and I want to give it a try again.

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: If you mean community OOC moderators, no. But I did get into IC trouble once. At one point, I was in the United Kingdom of the Netherlands and I expressed concern to a fellow citizen about the King and his successor being inactive. As I was the grandson of the King, I said I would be willing to become King if they wanted me to. It was fabricated as a "plot" to overthrow the monarchy and I was banned from the region. For the record, that was way back in 2015.

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it.: I have been on NationStates since 2015. I have been in many regions such as TCB, Arda en Estel, Europeia, KGB, and Balder but I would say I have spent most of my time in Europeia. I have been a minister, Senator, and President there before. 

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly?: No. There might be an old military puppet of mine that is in the WA but I forgot which one.

Anything else?: No.

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.
Posted (edited)

Full Name of Nation: The Federation of Portamia
Government type of nation: Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy, though the monarchy is merely kept for its symbolism and appearances at large local festivals. Members of Parliament are elected via instant-runoff voting. Portamia and Pultik elect seperate governments that reside in their capital cities of Tiskin and Ronaker, with Borrian candidates belonging to the Portamian sphere. Their parliaments remain in their governing cities to debate local issues, but convene regularly to discuss nationwide issues.


Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Portamian, Pultician and Borric are the three cultures that can be found in the constituent nations. Each are loosely inspired by Finno-Ugric groups, with Pultician being mildly more inspired by Germanic cultures.

Give us a short description of your nation: Portamia is a rather small country comprised of three constituent nations: the Kingdom of Portamia, the Grand Duchy of Pultik and the semi-autonomous province of Borria. Portamians take pride in their fishing industry and regularly debate on potential developments of it. The Federation is made up of 14 provinces, 8 belonging to Portamia (Borria is governed under this Portamian sphere) and 6 belonging to Pultik. The River Tiski (the namesake of the capital city Tiskin) that flows through the center of the nation is a large source of tourism, income and religious zeal as it is a central deity in the religion of Karspii that has played a central role in Portamian society for generations. Portamia started out as what was known as a "Great Tribe" consisting of various smaller Portamian tribes, eventually leading to the adoption of an oligarchical system referred to as the Riilamuk, which was used for deciding on who would lead the people. This would assist in Portamia becoming a reasonably centralised duchy until the abolition of the Riilamuk in favour of a monarchy. After years of cooperation and bickering, the neighbouring Duchies of Portamia and Pultik became a united political entity, forming the Federation of Portamia and placing the region into a period of peace and progress that has lasted for years.

Do you have an IIWiki page?: No

How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying?: No experience, but I am willing to learn good roleplay etiquette.

How would you describe yourself?: Very interested in detailing political structures and cultural differences. Rather laid-back, though a bit shy.

RP/Writing samples (if available already): Sadly not

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? Yes, as I could definitely benefit from someone with more experience giving me some guidance and tips.

Why do you want to join this region?: I have been searching for a region with a large community, but not large enough to feel overwhelming. Worldbuilding is my main area of interest, so a region like this with a large focus on it is ideal for me.

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: No

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it.: I've been in a few regions that have never really taken off, but most of my time was spent updating factbooks.

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? Currently a member, though not very active on it.

Anything else?: Nope.

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. 

By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.

Edited by Portamia
Adding a bit more detail to the brief description (see edit history)


Full Name of Nation: Federation of Alharian Popular Republics

Government type of nation: Federal Marxist-Leninist One-Party Socialist Republic

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Russian, with a small Chinese minority (>5%)

Give us a short description of your nation: Founded in the late 40s as a union of three republics, another two joined in the early 50s, bringing the nation to it's current size. At a population of 47 million, the nation's military is composed of only 350,000 soldiers, thanks to it's demilitarization policies. 

Do you have an IIWiki page?: Not yet


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? Beginner to Intermediate. 

How would you describe yourself? I like to make maps and in general NS. I may have moments where, in my opinion, I may sound annoying, but that's about it. 

RP/Writing samples (if available already): here, this is so far, my biggest written NS factbook. 

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? No, I guess.


Why do you want to join this region?: It has a great map, and looks nice

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: No

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? Yes.

If so, give a brief accounting of it. I've been on NS for almost 4 years now, and the ruler of a region for soon 3 years, I have also participated in the governments of other regions.

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? No, I dislike the WA, it's sole purpose is for R/D.

Anything else?: No

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.

Posted (edited)


Full Name of Nation: Svāni Samrágūo Indirìhya (Heavenly Empire of Indo-Stan)

Government type of nation: Hereditary Monarchy + One party elected semi dictatorship. This is a new government type called Zìlatm Nirbhēng or Zìrbheng for short.

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Svāni (Indirìani / Indo-Stani)- 85%, the remaining 15% is a mix of other ethnic groups. Indirìani is a mix of Chinese, Indian and Thai

Give us a short description of your nation: Indo-Stan is vast, enviromentaly mixed nation with high elevated colder mountainous lands in the North and lower more warmer river filled lands in the South. The lands of the north are rich in the ancient history of the former empires and civilisations that once settled the lands, with the Temple of the Balance being the highest built structure in the entire country and also one of the oldest. Rice, soy bean, corn, wheat, tea and sugar cane are the common found type of farms across the northern area whilst the southern area sees more rubber, coffee, potatoes, tomato, coconuts, peanuts and chillis. History is seen everywhere in Indo-Stan due to how long people have lived there, but as mentioned, the North is richer in it but so is the central part. To Indo-Stanian knowledge the oldest city found is the 'Great City of Indrì' which started at the mouth of the river Indrì and slowly made it's way to the base and turned into what is now the capital of Aurum. The nation is ruled by Emperor Kabir Mughal Khan and has been ruled by his family for the last 526 years, their royal household name is 'Khalinzí'.

Do you have an IIWiki page?: not yet. But i am working on having a firm basic idea of the nation before starting it.

WRITING EXPERIENCE How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? Well my first experince of "roleplaying" i suppose was on Club Penguin. In all seriousness i have done roleplaying activities for maybe the past 5 or so years, it has been very fun stuff.

How would you describe yourself?

A little bit egotistical but other than that valiant, some-what intelligent, logical and welcoming 

RP/Writing samples (if available already): That News post i made is an example i suppose and you can count the role playing character of Kabir Mughal Khan as one, i'm not too sure.

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here?

That would be nice.

NATIONSTATES Why do you want to join this region?: i heard about it from a friend who described it as a perfect place for my fusion nation of Ancient India and China so i wanted to experience it

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: none at all

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it.

I have not, Indo-Stan is my first.

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? 

I am a current member

Anything else?:

I just hope my nation's faith or people don't annoy people too much. Again on a serious note, i like this idea of nation roleplaying because it does allow us to be that leader we all want to be.

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.

Edited by Indo-Stan (see edit history)


Full Name of Nation: Yeosan
Government type of nation: Monarchy
Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Sino-European
Give us a short description of your nation: The lore is that a group of European-esque settlers were driven from their homeland due to persecution and they resettled in an East Asian-like culture sphere and environment. Thus, their culture, etc. is a mix of both European and East Asian influences.
Do you have an IIWiki page?: Yes, it is somewhat incomplete as of now; https://iiwiki.us/wiki/Yeosan


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying?
My experience with RP is minimal, only having participated in such things like these in an informal environment with internet friends.
How would you describe yourself?
Creative, curious, resourceful, eager, etc.
RP/Writing samples (if available already):

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here?
That wouldn't be awful. Fulgistan has helped me a lot on the Discord server and in general with developing my ideas further.


Why do you want to join this region?:  Because it is a great place to do world building and have a friendly, and creative environment.
Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: No.
Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it: I've done past nation RP informally with internet friends through Discord and NationStates, although it was more of a joke than proper RP.
Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly?: I am not, and I do not plan to be as of now.

Anything else?: I'm excited to become a member of the community and to begin with proper RP!

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.

  • 3 weeks later...


Full Name of Nation: The Republic of Westzeeland

Government type of nation: Congressional Republic

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Predominantly Black or Biracial, with a white minority.

Give us a short description of your nation:

Similar to Apartheid era South Africa, a hot tropical nation with vast plains and forests. A former colony currently in conflict with anti-apartheid groups, violence is fairly common. The white minority is currently in power, with all but two members of Congress being of ‘European’ ancestry. In short a South American South Africa, that is a bit behind the times.

Do you have an IIWiki page?: Yes, though I have just started it. https://iiwiki.us/wiki/Westzeeland


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? I have roleplayed previously in gaming and social groups, I would say that I am fairly good at it.

How would you describe yourself?

I am a Slightly Right leaning centrist, university student from England.

RP/Writing samples (if available already):

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? Yes, I do.


Why do you want to join this region?:

Though I have only started playing NationStates, I have researched deeply into finding a good group to call home.

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?:


Do you have any prior experience on NationStates?

Not much at all.

If so, give a brief accounting of it. Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? Anything else?:

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.



Full Name of Nation:
Democratic Commonwealth of Grenesia

Government type of nation:
Grenesia is a direct democracy, with the President as the head of the state, bicameral legislature, and courts as its authorities, all supervised by powerful Supreme Audit Office, elected directly by the people from the pool of judges. It also takes care for both old and new laws to be written unambiguously and enforced as such in order to prevent abuse of power. This supervising institution not only checks if the legal authorities abide constitution and their own laws they set, but also renders the government completely transparent in their actions.

Culture/ethnicity of your nation:
The citizens of Grenesia are fairly diversified in terms of race but except Grenesians there are several minor and two major ethnic minorities: Kovarians inhabit the Kovarian cultural region in northern* Grenesia and speak their own dialect of Grenesian, and Yizeres** in the autonomous province of Yizerska** - they use an entirely different language. Grenesia's varied regional folklore and cuisine are renowned within the nation and commonly seen as something to take pride in. Cultural influence from outside is adapted rather reluctantly. Grenesians tend to frown upon mainstream fashion or music and reject mass culture. They also prefer older technological solutions, which they see as more reliable: for example, they more often prefer plugging in everywhere they can to using wireless connection, or would rather their car have a stick shift than an automatic gearbox. They're generally proud of going against the flow.

*I'm not quite sure about that because I don't know where I'll be on the map. |  **I'm not fond of this name either.

Give us a short description of your nation:
Grenesia is a developed country with stable economy. For centuries both its rulers and citizens have been down-to-earth and pragmatic, and interacting with foreigners only when they had to or found it profitable. Now Grenesians glorify their ancestry and their cultural heritage. People of color are shunned because of harmful stereotypes against them and general lack of trust in them. However, no one is discriminated openly and it is believed that all should have the same rights. Voting rights, however, are based on education, occupation, or contribution to society. The industry is well developed, and mining industry is restricted to the administrative areas of the cities of Gervazno, Varshomyshl, and Horeshkovo. Because of many picturesque cities, cozy towns, mountain resorts and pristine beaches, tourism is a vital contribution to the nation's economy, as well as food exports and automobile manufacturing.

Do you have an IIWiki page?:
Not yet.


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? How would you describe yourself? RP/Writing samples (if available already):
I have no practical roleplaying experience, especially in English (it's not my native language, so I often get stuck when trying to express my thoughts). I usually have to re-read my work in search of language errors. At this moment I have a blurry image of what I want my RP nation to be, I need to write down some notes and set its facts. I'm kind of feeling lost, don't know where to start, what to get down to at first...

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here?
Yes, please.


Why do you want to join this region?:
Mainly to try out and develop my English writing and storytelling skills and check of roleplaying. This region seems to be tight-knit and well managed, as I can see, and it's large enough for me to feel comfortable. Plus the site itself looks visually appealing.

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?:
Can't recall any.

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates?
Yes, I'm on NS since February 2018.

If so, give a brief accounting of it. Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? Anything else?:
At first I joined a roleplay region that died just as quickly as it sprouted, due to lack of administration, unclear rules, and overall chaos. After that, I became a member of World Assembly but got bored quickly and stopped to care about its problems. For the next year I've been just solving the 6-hour issues.

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.



Full Name of Nation: The Republic of Vikarbyn

Government type of nation: Parliamentary Republic

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: RL combination of Cornish and Scots.

Give us a short description of your nation:  A deeply superstitious rural community that dominate the nation with a blossoming urban population beginning to modify ancient traditions towards urban life. The nation is one that holds very closely to its traditions and a kind of growing unease is beginning to creep in between the rural communities and the urban ones.  

Do you have an IIWiki page?: No


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? Lengthy. Been RPing in various places both NS and none NS for about seven years. I've been most active in the Independent Order but wanted to try a new nation idea and had several people suggest here. 

How would you describe yourself? Character driven writer with a broad range of interests. 

RP/Writing samples (if available already): RobertAgira - A tale of a diplomatic meeting between my nation Mountjoy and several others, my first RP in TIO https://independentorder.net/index.php?topic=369.msg2192#msg2192

The First Knight - A tale of Vikarbyn's first Republican heroes.

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? Think I'll be OK 


Why do you want to join this region?: Encouraged to join by DaveIronside (Morheim) and LIbby (Kaitaine) as RP'd with them in other regions. Was looking for a chance to try out my ideas for Vikarbyn and a fresh region seemed a good place. 

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: No

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? Yes, I have been in TIO, Audax, Wintereath

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly No.

Anything else?: No

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

YOUR RP NATION Full Name of Nation: The Republic of Antreior

Government type of nation: Federal Autocracy 

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Afrikaners

Give us a short description of your nation: A small, isolationist nation that has seen empires try to conquer it. Yet, it has always regained independence. The Afrikaners pushed forward, and now hold a top tier manufacturing and aviation sector for the economy. The government allows most things as long as it does not danger the public. The government also takes a strict non-interventionist stance in conflict, opting to defend itself and commit to trade wars instead of normal ones. 

Do you have an IIWiki page?: No, but planning on making one. 

WRITING EXPERIENCE How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? Beginner

How would you describe yourself? RP/Writing samples (if available already): Nothing to show, never really started RP'ing.

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? Yes

NATIONSTATES Why do you want to join this region?: I want to join a region that will get my RP skills up to par with the best out there. I also want to join a fun and active community. 

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: N/A

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it. N/A

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? I plan to be in it.

Anything else?: N/A

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.

Edited by Antreior (see edit history)
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest New Iredale


Full Name of Nation: Greater Republic of New Iredale

Government type of nation: Unitary Constitutional Semi-Presidential Republic

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: New Iredalan (Swedish-American)

Give us a short description of your nation: New Iredale is a unitary republic that holds the political and civil liberties of its citizens sacrosanct. The nation adheres to free market capitalism and is abundant in resources, and as such many major corporations call New Iredale home.

Do you have an IIWiki page?: No


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? Seven on a scale of one to ten. I mainly roleplay for the fun of it.

How would you describe yourself? I am an American male in my mid-twenties. I have minor autism and interested in history from any era.

RP/Writing samples (if available already): An rp I wrote for another region. https://www.nationstates.net/page=rmb/postid=37121785

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? No


Why do you want to join this region?: I enjoy roleplay and I found this region, and saw it looked well put together.

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: In other regions, yes I have come into conflict with 2 or 3. I try to be respectful with everyone however.

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? Yes

If so, give a brief accounting of it. I have been on NS for about 6 years now and have been in many roleplay regions, most of which died in months.. This is my second oldest nation, my oldest being NewZion.

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? No, I have another nation, Hispaniolaa, in the WA. Even though I don't like the WA.

Anything else?:

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



Full Name of Nation: The Serene Kingdom of Esonice


Government type of nation: Constitutional democratic monarchy


Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Esonians are Caucasian in appearance with light skin similar to that of many Europeans, Esonians also have the genetic ability to have different coloured hair and eyes. But Esonians also do have a few Asian characteristics such as variation in eye shape and facial structure depending on what region of Esonice you're in. On average Esonian men are up to 5'9 while Esonian women on average are 5'6.

Esonice is made up of many former similar cultures that made up the lands centuries before the unification of the nation. After the unification of Esonice many of those cultures melted into each other and established on national identity, but still retain their own regional unique cultural traditions and identities. Only a few cultures have not yet became part of Esonice's wider cultural identity. All Esonians share the same language and religion (Arikaism) with some dialects in different regions being present. 


Give us a short description of your nation: Esonice for many centuries was confined to itself before unification with many different clans and rulers competing for power and often developing separately from their neighbours Esonians considered barbaric. After unification Esonice went through multiple phases of isolation, prosperity and civil wars and often wanted to competed for the title of being recognised as a power.  Before modern times Esonice has went into a massive civil war that has changed the nation and a dictatorship was established, but after it being defeated Esonice became once again a monarchy, this time with a democratic system placed for the first time and Esonice went on to redefine itself and build itself up becoming a rich nation focused on cultural development and the economy.


Do you have an IIWiki page?: Not yet



How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying?: I have participated in many roleplays in the past but have gone off for a year without much roleplaying, but I consider myself pretty experienced from my past roleplays with different communities in and off Nationstates. 


How would you describe yourself?: I consider myself pretty friendly and positive, I try to avoid conflict with people as I don’t like causing drama and I do try to keep an open mind to everything but sometimes you mind find me stubborn depending on what it is. But I do have to admit I am pretty socially awkward so sorry for any confusion or weird moments, I also might procrastinate. I really enjoy being creative and sharing the things I create with different people! Though I understand that can get very annoying very quickly so I apologise for that too, i'll be trying to keep my obsessions to a minimum. I aspire to be an animator and artist making my own stories and worlds!


RP/Writing samples (if available already):

A light in the dark - (Esonian story extract)

Sanomi was heading down towards the Maimedo district over the Kamagewa river to satisfy his starving stomach, craving food. The Maimedo district had the only fully functioning commercial area in Esonyaveli; it was just partially devastated by the war that raged over Esonice. The district itself was very fortunate to only be partially destroyed because of its close proximity to the capital’s beating heart and residence of the nation’s royalty and government. It broke Sanomi’s heart every time he had to cross the Kamagewa river. He dreaded crossing it. The reason being was that of his tear-inciting memory of the once breathtaking Botanical bridge that stood upon the sparkling waters of the river. The botanical bridges of the capital were architectural and colourful marvels to gaze upon that stood on south and north of the city’s centre; from their once blinding golden railings and mouth-jarring tall towers. The artistic patterns and botanical gardens on the bridge weren’t a laughing matter either. But the mesmerizing glory of the ancient bridges that protected the heart of the metropolis, were now nothing, but a distant memory.

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here?: I definitely will be asking for help whenever I need to!



Why do you want to join this region?: It looked so immersive and cool to me! I utterly love the concept and the community looked so friendly and supportive!

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: Nope


Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it.I have been on nationstates: since 2015, for a long time I have been in the region Avadam Inn that I rather not talk about as that has been a horrible experience for me, from there I have gone around various different regions never really being able to fit in and felt like I wasn’t being accepted or part of the community. NS has been an off and on thing for me and I hope with Eurth I am finally able to find a community that accepts me and I feel a part of. 


Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly?: I am already a member


Anything else?: Theres both an NS Esonice and a none NS Esonice, the Esonice outside of NS has its own universe and lore around it that has existed for far longer than nationstates Esonice. Anything done in the Esonice outside NS might be reflected in NS Esonice if appropriate.

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.


Edited by Esonice (see edit history)
  • 2 weeks later...


Full name :Commonwealth of Komonsfolk 

Government type: Elective-Unitary

Culture/ethnicity of your nation:

Baltic Central/European 

Give us a short description of your nation: Commonwealth is a small nation that is ruled by Chancellor who has near full power and is elected evry 10 years.is mostly atheistic. Nearly fully demilitarized and neutral. 

Do you have IWiki page?:

no I dont think so


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? How would you describe yourself? RP/Writing samples (if available already): Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here?: 

I'm not the greatest role player. I like more doing more global worldbuilding like nations

No, thank you

NATIONSTATES Why do you want to join this region?: Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it. Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly?:

I was looking through few regions and this one had the best community and worldbuilding.

No never 

No I'm new :)

I'm not sure, maybe 

Anything else?:


Sorry for my engrish 🙂

Guest Kingston-Westco


Full Name of Nation: The Republic of the Kingston Islands

Government type of nation: Republic

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Mostly White Caribbean (European Settlers), with smaller groups such as island natives and black Caribbean.

Give us a short description of your nation: The Republic of the Kingston Islands is a collection of tropical islands famous for its white sandy beaches, resorts and the bustling city of Georgetown, home of the Kingston-Westco Corporation, the Kingston islands’ most famous export. The Republic was founded in 1965, following a hundred and fifty years of colonial rule. The islands are commonly thought of as a corporate tax haven in an economic sense.

Do you have an IIWiki page?: I have started one for the Kingston-Westco Company, but I have yet to start one for the Kingston islands. Here is the page for the company, https://iiwiki.us/wiki/Kingston-Westco


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? Fairly good.

How would you describe yourself? I am a Finance major, I’m also taking politics classes. I’m a fairly private person, I’m not very trusting. I can be quite optimistic.

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? Sure


Why do you want to join this region?: I got bored of my old nation and decided to start a new one with new people, and this place seemed like a challenge

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: nope

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates?  Yes

If so, give a brief accounting of it. : I was a large defence contractor for governments. Basically a nation based on profit

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? No

Anything else?: not really

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Full Name of Nation: The United Provinces of Rhodennir
Government type of nation: Federal presidential constitutional republic
Culture/ethnicity of your nation: a mix of Dutch, German, some English influences.
Give us a short description of your nation: A primarily Dutch/Germanic new world nation that got heavily Americanized
Do you have an IIWiki page?: No



How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying?

Perhaps a little bit rusty as this region is a little bit more Roleplay focused (Last region I was part of was heavily worldbuilding focused). But since roleplay writing is essentially just creative writing, i'd say intermediate?

How would you describe yourself?

I'm quite shy, so I may be more quiet. I also have autism. So that may influence it. But I am friendly, it just takes time to get there. Some people do note that I can be very direct at times, it's something I work on. I am not a native English speaker, so I'm excusing myself from any grammar mistakes that may slip from my self editing process. My activity level is like a rolercoaster and really depends, at the moment of writing, due to COVID-19 I have more time on my hands, but in a couple of months the situation could be entirely different.

RP/Writing samples (if available already):

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here?




Why do you want to join this region?: In all honesty, i'm really looking for a new home. My last region booted me (and others) over what I assume are disagreements and soured feelings. I've been on a break since November last year, I tried to get back in but the owner wont budge. So I'm just now at the point of moving on, and I really miss the MT Experience. It will also be interesting to join a region that's more focused on the RP side of things and not just the Worldbuilding side of things. 

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: On NS? Yes, a long, long time ago. Somewhere in the early 2010s. I said something about raiders and was banned.

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it. Oh boy, I'm kinda an old rot.
Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? No

Anything else?: Not that I know of.

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. 

By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.

Edited by Rhodennir (see edit history)
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Full Name of Nation: Federation of Anatea

Government type of nation: Constitutional Monarchy

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Anatean (a sort of italian alike culture with a mix of anglo-saxon elements)

Give us a short description of your nation: A peaceful federation governed by the Lucet party (left-wing) and Set Party (right-wing) togheter with princess Sofia Soleri, that aims to give stability to itself and the regions around the nation. After a recent war with Ruthenia, Anatea is trying to be part of peacekeeping operations where it can for avoid unecessary bloodsheds.

Do you have an IIWiki page?:  Yes, HERE. (still WIP after having changed region)


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying?

> I roleplay from May 2013, beginning as player and then becoming a master. I rped mostly in survival rpgs but in 2018 i focused more on political rpgs by joining NationStates. I was part of a region for more than 1 year, for then change region after the rp died. During the stay in the previous region i was capable of beginning several rpgs, like sports events like Formula 1 or even war rps.

How would you describe yourself?

> A cheerful guy that is extremely open and extrovert on the internet and in real life. I always try to be nice with people and i like to socialize :D I'm super interested in history or fictional history of cinematic or games/books universes, other than love to travel and explore the world.

RP/Writing samples (if available already):

> My other wiki page on NS, a little more updatedRPs i had with some members of my ex region, a little rp i had with some members about peacekeeping operations during a civil war, War rules n°1War rules n°2

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here?

> For now nope, thanks :D but i'd like to be warned in case i'm ruining an rp or destroying and already existing and canon lore :D


Why do you want to join this region?

Because i like high quality rpgs and i was in a region where the rpg was literally dead or just relegated to news articles of a few lines, other than being repetitive with newspapers, meaningless civil wars and godmodding. In Eurth i found a well organized rpg with a rare lore well mantained and documented.

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?

For now nope .o.

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it.

I joined NS in october 2018 by joining Anteria, where i stayed for 1 year, and by then joining and rp for a brief period in The Fallout Wasteland. In 2020 i joined Eurth.

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly?

Of course :D

Anything else?

Glad to be here and can't wait to begin to rp here! :D

Providing any falsified or deliberately misleading information will result in your application being rejected and your access to the forum revoked. By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.

Edited by Anatea (see edit history)
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)


Full Name of Nation: The Independent Frontier of Eskeocha

Government type of nation: Independent Confederated Republic

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Even Blend of First Nation and Western European Immigrants (Scandanavian)

Give us a short description of your nation: Eskeocha is a very small in population, but large in land nation where everyone is independent and set in their ways.  Quite conservative, the people of Eskeocha prefer their small government and separated towns and cities, though that does not stop them from getting to know all their neighbors, old and new, and showing respect to those with differing beliefs.  If a person's opinion is different, there's probably a reason why, any Eskeochan will tell you.  The land, largely uninhabited, is occupied by vast mountain ranges, sprawling forests, and beautiful, world-renowned glaciers.  It is home to all kinds of species of animal, from the most feeble of prey to the fiercest of predators, as well as the mighty and terrifying moose.  It takes a lot to survive in Eskeocha, but in the end, it is always worth it.  Take an Eskeochan, if you want beauty and adventure not 100 feet from your door, come to Eskeocha.

Do you have an IIWiki page?: I do, though it is currently full of information from the old region I was a part of.  As I spend more time here, I will change it to fit the nation as it becomes more invested in Eurth.  https://iiwiki.us/wiki/Eskeocha


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? I have been an active roleplayer and contributor to my old region for just under two years.  I have a ton of roleplaying experience, from national news articles to government dispatches to hot and steamy romances between world leaders to scenes played out between members of my governing body.  I have done solo and partnered RP.  I even hosted an 8 day role-play event akin to the G8 summit in the real world that was a great success in my old region, including keynote speeches by several nations.

How would you describe yourself?  I am an avid writer, having studied both English and Theater in my college education.  It has helped me become a strong writer and creator, and I have found ways to exercise my skills in the craft, from writing plays to role playing games online.  I am very open minded and imaginative, having been designing fake worlds in my head since age 12, and plan to continue doing so wherever and whenever I can.
I am also a huge fan of Broadway and American football, so outside of RP, people are always welcome to talk to me about those.

RP/Writing samples (if available already): This link will take you to the four Dispatches I posted with this nation in my old region.  https://www.nationstates.net/page=rmb_search?rmbsearch-text=Eskeocha&rmbsearch-author=&rmbsearch-region=Anteria&rmbsearch-sort=new
This link will take you to my other nation, to the many dispatches I have posted on NS.  It includes informational pieces, charters/accords, and even my successful campaign to run the region for a 3 month term.  https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatches/nation=wolfgalia
I do not intend for any of these pieces to be canon to my nation in Eurth.  I intend to start fresh.  These samples are purely to get to know the basics of my style.

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? I feel I do not need one, I have a lot of role-playing experience.


Why do you want to join this region?: After hearing high praise for this region from a friend who recently joined I have decided I want to give my old nation Eskeocha another shot here.  I wanted a place that promotes good, strong role-play and is moderated fairly, not on crazy whims of the nations without regard for others.  This seems like exactly that, perfect for my nation.

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: Nope.  I even was a moderator for some time in my old region, elected for a 3 month term as regional minister.

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it. I have just under 2 years of experience in NationStates.  For 9 months of that, I served on a region's Ministry to run the region, its role-play, and it's moderation, going up in position every three months.  I was even the head of the ministry for my final 3 month stint.

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? I do not.  Eskeocha is small in population and not very government oriented, so it would be entirely out of character.

Anything else?:  I look forward to having a great time and RPing with everyone!  Please let me know if there is anything I should or can do for a better overall experience!


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Edited by Eskeocha (see edit history)
Guest Alethkhar


Full Name of Nation: The Confederation of Alethkhar


Government type of nation: Multi-Presidential Confederation (Every one of the 6 States gets to elect their President to the Union Council, and the nation as a whole elects a High President who Chairs that Council. The Council together acts as one President.


Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Alethi


Give us a short description of your nation:

Alethkhar, as I envision it, is a nation with a lot of islands having the same ethnolinguistic groups inhabit the islands, all together in a loosely bound Union. Owing to a very strong sense of loyalty that the people have towards their own Island (State), the centuries of rivalry among the various states and the lack of strong communication between the various islands until rather recently has lead to a very loose Confederation held together by pragmatism and tradition. All six States of Alethkhar function as separate countries and the Union Government is constantly fighting for power and relevance and succeeding slowly. This is Alethkhar, a fairly wealthy, very self-involved nation embroiled in constant silent conflict, between the different States, between the States and the Union, between the older Loyalists who prefer the Union be dismantled and the younger Unionists who wish to strengthen the Union.


Do you have an IIWiki page?: Yes (https://iiwiki.us/wiki/Alethkhar), but it needs a LOT of work.






How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying?

I wouldn't be so bold as to say I am very good, but I am fairly experienced in terms of writing in general and in terms of roleplay. I have been active in RPing regions for the past 2 years.


How would you describe yourself?

I am a queer woman studying medicine in South Asia. I write for my college newspaper, run a queer support group at college for college Kids and organize student protests against the tyrannical regime in my nation. I love studing social sciences and poltics and making nations I would want to live in (unlike my current nation, death to it).




RP/Writing samples (if available already):


*The Wozermahn Palace, Seruf*


The sun had barely risen over the hills of Seruf but a busy day for Rielsa Marsef had already started. Just a few weeks into her second term in the office of Prime Minister and two nations she had spent the last three years building peace between broke into war. And it didn’t help that the narrative surrounding the war did include Azillian policies from 50 years ago as an instigator. Marsef, being the strong anti-imperialist as she was, couldn’t vocally admit to the very right allegations that were levelled against her nation’s notorious past. Yay for her, she thought.


But the more concerning matter was the fact that tomorrow would be Samaeroh’s 53rd Representative Day. That wasn’t good. Rielsa Marsef rolled her eyes, in her head of course and cursed Aziallis for her imperial history. The Grand Monarch of Aziallis was the Head of State of Samaeroh and their Representative Day meant the Samaeh would be expecting this lady to be there in the tomorrow in “her” Parliament to give her Annual Address for “her” subjects.

The thought of a twenty-five year old addressing a room full of silver-moustached men about policy would have been very funny and a tad bit empowering, but it didn’t feel like it cause it was certain political suicide for Aziallis, this address.


Apart from the concerns of the Empress stepping into a war-zone to give a speech, there was also the very big concern of this looking very much like a side Aziallis is choosing. And that really wasn’t the case. Marsef in the last five years had worked tirelessly to project an image of Aziallis as a neutral peace broker and that image had a big part to play in the signing of the Orine Treaty. But boy was she not fully prepared for a meltdown of big baby-men drunk on nationalism. “You had seen it coming”, she told herself. “As hopeful as you were a large part of you knew that little document wasn’t going to do away with years of ethnic tensions and scars left over from colonial times.”


She entered the Warhbern Hall where the Empress was sitting along with her new Minister of Foreign Affairs. News from within the party was that this young Kid with an air of a ‘boy-scout-on-a-field-trip” about him would most probably be succeeding her as the the party’s Prime Minister Candidate in the next election cycle. As much as she may find him charming, she’d have preferred Lady Furhens. “Huff”, her head complained. “My party ain’t better than the film industry. An older woman can’t become Prime Minister either”, she laughed sadly on the inside.


“What is the update from Samaehroh, Dagger?”, she asked.

“Well, at least we’re giving children of immigrants a chance to be Prime Minister”, she though to herself. She really wanted to get this though of Dagger as her successor out. She couldn’t let this eat her away.

“Sir Kefesar, the Azillian Ambassador to Samaeroh, has written to us assuring that Balarey is not in any danger and is very well prepared in case danger does arise.

“Very well.”, she replied turning to the Empress, who was staring at her breakfast. “Of course she’d be nervous. She’s practically a child being sent into a warzone for the sake of tradition!” her inner voice howled.


Marsef turned off her mental screaming and went to talk with the Empress.

But she had to make it quick. She herself would be leaving for Brihems today. It is more of a compensatory “Oh, our Monarch in your sworn enemy’s territory but don’t worry we’re still not taking sides, so let us continue to help you negotiate” gesture. But she knew it’s really important for Aziallis to remain neutral. It was getting harder, with pressure mounting from Dokodo Union and other CIN, but she knew she wouldn’t budge. She had been using Albithican bureaucracy as a shield and would continue to do so.


“Huff”, she sighed in her head again.


She would be visiting Brihems this evening, and would speak with the Primary Executive Baniki Aboon. She was hopeful she’d be able to persuade him to withdraw troops from that narrow stretch of water the two belligerent nations shared. That one move would go a long way. Dagger would be going along with the Empress to persuade the Sameh to do the same. She was hoping demilitarisation of the Daaravi was the way to go.


As for the international community, things were a mess. She had arranged for an emergency meeting of the Parthonian Social and Economic Council to discuss the conflict. Both Samaeroh and Vamsier had refused to attend, but that was expected. The others had been more positive about their attendance. The meeting was scheduled to be next week, and she had a lot of work to do before that meeting. She would be visiting Prernask, Sulbi and then also be going to Goldfluss. It was extremely important that the Azillian Commonwealth support her, and her plans for de-escalation.


She sighed once more, and then sat at the table with the Empress, helping her prepare and trying to assure her of her safety. The girl knew how important this was. She’d handle it, she said to herself.


She recited to herself her grandfather’s poetry to calm herself down, as her prepared the young Empress, and helped Scout-boy Dagger.

“… And with sunshine the meadow gleamed…” rang in her head.




Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here?

I would really like to have one. Would be nice to get feedback, and some help setting my nation and culture up.






Why do you want to join this region?

A dear friend of mine told me how wonderful this region is, and I am very interested in RPing here. I have been developing my nation Aziallis for more than 2 years now and I felt like working on a new project.


Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?



Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it.

I started three years ago.

I created a nation, but didn't RP with it much because I was in a not-so-nice region. I then made Aziallis and joined Anteria two and a half years ago. Fell in love with the region and the concept of worldbuilding and RPing. Have been active in the region since. My activity did take dips every now and then because of work and Uni, but I manage, mostly.


Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly?

Aziallis is. Alethkhar would soon be.


Anything else?





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By submitting this form, you are indicating that you agree to abide by the community and RP rules of this community. Any breach thereof may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revoking of forum posting rights, banning from the forum, removal of regional citizenship, and ejection from the region.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Cennara

Full Name of Nation: Sultanate of Cennara (سلطنة سنار; Salṭanat Sannār)
Government type of nation: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy with 
Culture/ethnicity of your nation: 

  • Ethnic breakdown: Sudanese Arabs (82%), Beja (10%), Nubian (4%), Dinka (2%), Nuer (1.5%), Other (.5%) 
  • Language: Sharabic is the only language with a status that is legally recognized, all other languages are not recognized by the national or devolved governments

Give us a short description of your nation: Cennara is a constitutional monarchy with a weak democratic tradition and a strong military. The military often intervenes in politics, and has done so as recently as 2015. King Irabhim I has been an important national figure since the 1960s and attempts to reduce the power of the monarchy have been opposed by the miltiary. The government has faced an insurgency in some non-Sharabic regions since the early 2000s. The country is friendly to liberal world powers, making itself a place for investment. 
Do you have an IIWiki page?: https://aeia.miraheze.org/wiki/Cennara (Note, this will be moved to iiwiki upon acceptance - necessary changes will of course be made).

How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? Seasoned for lack of a better term. I've been roleplaying and writing factbooks since 2014. 
How would you describe yourself? Laid back and outgoing. 
RP/Writing samples (if available already):

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here?

Why do you want to join this region?: As a community, Eurth is vibrant and diverse in its membership. I have long hoped to find such a community for this nation and have struggled with many other NS regions. 
Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: None since 2015. 
Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it. Yes, I started years ago and made my way to the Portal to the Mutliverse. Since then, I've been roleplaying in Kylaris and other NS regions.
Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? I am not and do not intend to be one. 

Anything else?:

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  • 4 weeks later...


Full Name of Nation: Kingdom of Arkedonia

Government type of nation: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy

Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Arkedonian (Similar to in real life Roman-Greek Culture)

Give us a short description of your nation: Used to be advanced in sailing during the Middle Ages, explored vast oceans fearless and discovered several uninhibited islands, Arkedonia currently is ruled with caring and loving monarch based on Protestant teaching. 

Do you have an IIWiki page?: Not yet


How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? I have been roleplaying NationStates since early 2019 and made several attempts to roleplay political and personal in previous region. Because of English is not my mother tongue, I am limited to roleplay in such a great extent of detail and expression, which could be somewhat dull and flavourless. 

How would you describe yourself? I am myself young entrepreneur especially in culinary. I love food, coffee and tea. I used to open and run a small coffee shop in my hometown. Personally, I would love to enjoy scenic and quiet village rather than crowded bustling cities. At first, I could be introvert, but after getting to know and getting along, I would be extrovert. 

RP/Writing samples (if available already): So far, I haven't yet written any official Wiki documentation. But I used to roleplay with one of my friend here, Anatea (you could ask personally) in previous region.

Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? Sure thing, but please kindly bear in mind with me because of my limited in English language.


Why do you want to join this region?: I heard Eurth from my friend, Anatea and besides, I would like to feel the different environment roleplaying in different region. 

Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: So far, I have not yet, and hopefully would rather no trouble with any moderators

Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it. I have played NationStates since early 2019 with different nation in different region. Since then I have been interested in roleplaying in political and personal. We (Anatea and I) used to discuss NationStates in Discord.

Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? Right now, my nation has not yet become World Assembly, and I would love to join in the near future.

Anything else?: I can't wait to start roleplaying as soon as possible in this region. If you have anymore question about me or my nation, please kindly do not hesitate to contact me, especially through private message either in here or Discord. 

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Posted (edited)

Full Name of Nation: The United Federation of Novanar
Government type of nation: Federal parliamentary semi-constitutional monarchy
Culture/ethnicity of your nation: Novan (Germanic & French w/ Greco-Roman & immigrant influence)
Give us a short description of your nation: The United Federation of Novanar is a large nation populated by many peoples united under the common Novan identity. Over the past two decades, inadequate rule and corrupt politicians have put the nation in a precarious situation, and signs of revolution are becoming more pronounced by the hour.
Do you have an IIWiki page?: No.

How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? I'm quite skilled at creating character concepts, but I lack experience when it comes to roleplaying in modern tech. Up until about a year ago, all I involved myself in on NS was sci-fi roleplay. I've been writing characters since... 2017? I think. Only in the past year have a really written any characters I enjoy the thought of.
How would you describe yourself? A lot of people see me as an extrovert, but I'm definitely more of an ambivert leaning towards being an introvert. I can enjoy a good conversation (especially the insightful kind), but sometimes I just want to be alone, and sometimes I long for the touch of another human being.
RP/Writing samples (if available already):  There isn't anything good I'd be able to give you since I have tendency to keep my ideas to myself.
Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? Most definitely.

Why do you want to join this region?:
 A friend of mine referred me, and wanted to roleplay here with him.
Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: A few years ago, yes, but that was mostly due to me being an asshole. I was going through a lot, and still am. I just got better at not taking out my feelings on other people.
Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it. I've had 6 or 7 nations before my current one, which is the longest lasting of them all. I played around in the East Pacific in my early years before moving on to The Glorious Nations of Iwaku, then the Galactic Federation & few other sci-fi places. Then I went on to join World of Nationstates until I arrived in Anteria. Now, I'm here.
Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? I'm currently a member
Anything else?: Not really.

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Edited by reaganexcalibur (see edit history)
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Full Name of Nation: Democratic States of Toin
Government type of nation: Federal presidential constitutional republic
Culture/ethnicity of your nation: North American culture, with a small indigenous culture. Ethnicity is mostly caucasian/European or indigenous.
Give us a short description of your nation: Toin is based on the Cascadia bioregion of the United States and Canada (read: Pacific Northwest). It is a Star Trek take on my own political views. Before you reject me for future tech, by that, I mean Toin is more of a realistic modern-day utopia, not unlike Star Trek. Politicians don't deepen their pockets (usually) and they think about the long term. But there are built in flaws to keep Toin balanced and realistic.
Do you have an IIWiki page?: No, not presently. I'm thinking about it, but until then most of Toin's knowledge comes from the NationStates factbooks.

How would you describe your level of experience in regards to roleplaying? Definitely a new comer, but I feel like I'd be a quick study.
How would you describe yourself? Well, I'm autistic, and a quirk of that is my special interests which are "intense hobbies" - one of which is the political simulation setting that NationStates and Eurth provides.
RP/Writing samples (if available already): Yes.
Do you wish to have a mentor assigned to you to help guide you through the start of your time here? Yes, if possible.

Why do you want to join this region?: It's been getting pretty lonely without a true region. And with the way that Toin was/is set up currently, it's in a slightly different version of the real world and I only really "roleplay" with the nations that already exist there. But joining a region like this would be a nice change of pace with a lot more to do in terms of roleplay, which I've been looking forward too for a while now as well.
Have you ever had trouble with any moderators?: No. I'm usually quite good about the rules.
Do you have any prior experience on NationStates? If so, give a brief accounting of it. I think I might've signed up for like a week at some point in the past and lost interest, but there's nothing other than that that I remember.
Are you currently or do you plan to be a member of the NationStates World Assembly? Yes.

Anything else?: I shouldn't think so.
- - -
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Edited by Toin (see edit history)

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