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Multinational Research Vessel Provision Request


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FROM: Royal Navy Procurement Office


The Royal Navy has for some time been planning a multinational research mission with a new class of advanced ship. The first of this class, HMRS Revelation, has had the majority of its hull completed, however in the spirit of international cooperation the Royal Navy wishes for the technological research components of the ship to come from other nations so that all may benefit from peaceful testing of these devices. The following are a list of components and equipment the Royal Navy wishes to gather for this mission.

TO: Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion of the Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion @Tagmatium Rules

Due to the sensitivity of this particular piece of equipment for the Revelation, we have decided to approach the Holy Empire directly. The design of the Revelation dictates a near unlimited range and the ability to move across the globe visiting both countries participating in this mission and long term deep water research. It is with this that we would request cooperation in designing and installed a nuclear reactor design fit for the Revelation. This will come with assurances that this reactor will not be used in any other vessel but the Revelation.

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  • 4 weeks later...

From: Merton Industries AG
96 Prochnow Street, Blauhafen
Königsheim Province, Kingdom of Rhodellia

To: The Seylosian Royal Navy Procurement Office
I hope this letter finds you well.

Merton Industries AG would like to contribute to the HMRS Revelation Project and answer the Seylosian Royal Navy’s request for equipment. We can provide crewed and uncrewed submersibles capable of being launched from oceanographic research vessels. For the Revelation's missions, we should already have at least some models readily available that might fit the Royal Navy's desired technical specifications. 

One of our company's objectives is facilitating oceanographic research and making it more accessible. Our submersible vehicle division, Merton Submersibles, works alongside various clients in pursuit of that goal. Just within Rhodellia, these include but are not limited to the Department of Defence, Department of State Security, Department of Environmental Affairs, film crews, fishing companies, marine research organisations, non-profit organisations, and universities. We are looking to expand our customer base globally.

Merton Submersibles’ products, their technical specifications, and their current service histories are publicly available. Its products are listed on our company’s catalogue, which can be found on our official website at merton.rd. Our competitive product range features a variety of state-of-the-art submersibles that the Royal Navy can select from. These include Remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROUVs), Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), Deep-submergence vehicles (DSVs), and Deep-submergence rescue vehicles (DSRVs). They all come with high-resolution color cameras, fiber-optic cables, and modernised control and sensor systems as basic features. Demonstrations of each submersible model are also viewable on our company’s official Volkscast channel and Wittier page.

For general-purpose diving as far down as the bottom of the Bathypelagic Zone, our company recommends the Hillenburg-class SV and the Stanton-class ROUV. For deep-diving, we recommend the Challenger-class ROUV and the Brownson-class DSV. All four models are currently in service with the Rhodellian Navy.

In case the Royal Navy is ever interested in repeat business with Merton in the near-future, under a policy of ‘Kaizen’, our products are continuously improving. We regularly field-test our designs as far down as the Mesopelagic Zone in the Gulf of Auriel and the Bathypelagic Zone in the Thalassan Ocean and Antargic Sea. And since the start of the previous decade, scientific cooperation with the Democratic People’s Republic of Velaheria has enabled us to field-test our DSVs in the oceanic trench in the northern Qingming Sea, where they have successfully reached the Abyssopelagic zone. On paper, they should also be capable of safely withstanding the extreme pressures of the Hadopelagic zone as well. Thanks to a recent trade lithium deal with the Greater Empire of Zaxar, we are also able to practically experiment with improved lithium-polymer battery designs to further reduce our submersibles’ weight and increase their diving lengths and speeds. Improvements aimed at enhancing performance, efficiency, and safety are always in the works to stay competitive in a growing global market for submersible vehicles. Merton Industries AG would be a valuable long-time contractor and partner in any other projects the Royal Navy has in mind for the Wurld's seas and oceans.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,
Tom Fagerbakke, Merton Industries AG

Edited by Rhodellia
Some improvements and proof-reading (see edit history)
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