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[Special Forces of the Commonwealth] Classified Document

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The Pelecinian  Guard

Active: Classified
Strength: Classified
Training: Classified 

Motto:  "We are the ones who will never be broken
             With our final breath
             We'll fight to the death
            We are soldiers, we are soldiers"
Brief History:
Formed in the Civil War of the Commonwealth the Guard was the last Unit to Surrender. While Holding a Warehouse they  Defended it for 15 day´s Allowing the Rebelling Nations to reform and Strike the Nyantastanian Army  unprepared. The Siege of the Warehouse did cost the Nyantastan  Army over 1000 man. It was Guarded by 300 Man. After the Commonwealth was Formed the Pelecinian Guard became integrated into the Special Forces of the Commonwealth. The Guard excels in High Difficult Terrain and is Specialized in Unconventional warfare and Special Guerrilla Tactics. These Troops are here to Guard the Commonwealth like a Warehouse. No Foe shall pass them without going trough hell. 

The Viking Division
Active: Classified
Strength: Classified
Training: Classified 
"Breaking their lines
Thousands of soldiers
Run for their lives
Legends arise"

Brief History:
The Viking Division is the Shock Troop you call if you cant get past something. Used by the Valerians to great affect in the War against Nyantastan and in the Civil War. These Vikings would break your line no matter what. Capable of Operating behind Enemy lines and Proficient with high Explosives. These Troops are willing to put everything on the line to get past a Defense. 

Lions of the North

Active: Classified
Strength: Classified
Training: Classified 
Motto: Silent service
Brief History:
The Pried of Nyantastan Military Competence. Skilled not only on Land but also in the Air and Sea. Founded 1914 to be able to deal with Special Operations that are not mend for the public. These Forces can deal with it all. Hostage Situation? Infiltration? Espionage? They got you covered. You can only join this Division after Serving in Another Special Force Unit for 5 years and be recommended by the Leader of set Unit. These are the all around Special Forces Capable of Handling every Situation. 

Eagles from the North
Active: Classified
Strength: Classified
Training: Classified 
Motto: Rain from Above 
Brief History:
Part of new Warfare Tactics the Eagles where formed as a Aviation Regiment of Highly Trained Paratrooper units capable of Operation´s far behind enemy lines and deep in enemy territory.  These Units are the Proud of the Entire Commonwealth build up with only the best of each country´s army men. Capable to neutralize threats before the Ground forces show up. They are an Essential Asset for Commonwealth warfare outside of its Comfy borders.

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