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Changes to Rhava


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(I hope this is the right place to put this)


Could you move Rhavapura and Giang Do to the designated dots pls. And I would also like to add that river and lake, it would really help with my history. Also one last thing, I would like Chow Cho to be changed to Cho Vang pls. Thank you so much!

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  • 2 months later...


Hello everybody! It's me, I know, please save the applause. 


I am here just to share a retcon for Rhava and clarify some things.  


Oki, I would first like to clarify the cultures of Rhava, because there has been a decent amount of confusion on what my culture is. The main three cultures of Rhava, are Lao (Sichaeng), Vietnamese (Nalinese), and Arab (Kedani), and a couple others.  


Oki, so here is where I share my retcon, first and foremost I have a new flag, and though I love my old one this one fits the theme I'm going for, as well as I just adore the colors. 


Now, the major retcon : Rhava is no longer known as the Socialist Republic of Rhava, and is now known as the Republic of Rhava, and is an Islamic Theocracy. 

The Islamic Republic of Rhava


Cộng Hòa Hồi Giáo Ra Và Nam

الجمهورية الإسلامية رافانام


President Thao Abdullah Seng-Souk Al'shayi (Thao Seng-Souk) 

House Speaker Olivia Samaha


Quay Yuan is renamed to Nuoc Ngoc 

Chow Cho is renamed to Cho Vang 

Manaw is removed 

Giang Do is renamed Dinh

Phachao Asai is added slightly north east of Rhavapura 


Rhavanese War is no longer government on government but more people rebelling against the government.  

Rhavanese relations to all countries already established will remain, though slightly altered if it doesn’t make sense. 

Ferocity of Waves is no longer canon, and all things and characters that occurred in it no longer exist, except for Ponagar because I still want her around and like her name ;). 


New History and Plans for the Future: 

Around 5800 BCE Austroasiatic and Austronesian peoples moved to the region around the Ngọc river, in present day Northwestern Rhava. They settled around the mouth of the river, in the delta. City-states in the coming decades were settled from the river to west, towards the Ho Heak (ຫໍເຫຼັກ) mountains, and east towards Đuôi Rồng Báo (ຫາງເສືອດາວມັງກອນ) mountains. The ancient civilization eventually formed together as one entity, Sukhmeng (ສຸກສະຫວ່າງ), a majority Sichaeng nation. Sukhmeng would eventually merge with a neighboring kingdom, and switching the capital to Hueon (ເຮຶອນ) at the midpoint of both merging kingdoms. During the last king of Sukhmeng, in 1023 BCE, the Rhavanese side was sacked by southern invaders, essentially ending Sukhmeng. In the chaos of Sukhmeng, a new kingdom was created in the absence of rule, the Bồng Nga (ດອກໄມ້) kingdom ruled over much of southern Rhava. In 342 BCE king Chế Bố Để (ລຸງໂພທິ) took over the northern Austronesian kingdom of Bokur, a seafaring people who originated from somewhere near Kertosono. The Bồng Nga kingdom developed more advanced boats from the already strong models of Bokur, building a huge navy, and inserting naval influence over the entire island. Bồng Nga forces would usually raid the frontier in present dang Cam Dong and other provinces surrounding, and in 220 BCE they burned down the village of a man named Alang Kha Chue, part of the small Mueng peoples. He united the peoples, taking control of the Bồng Nga kingdom, and founding the Nhan dynasty, where he would take the name, An Nhan. He would order invasions of surrounding areas, and with his superior military tactics, he would take them. He would even launch invasions on the Yellow Empire, introducing war elephants to Alharu and founding his own Yellow dynasty and declaring himself the next emperor of the dragon throne. The Nhan dynasty was short lived, because during his son’s rule many provinces rebelled and his son was removed from power, and a new dynasty claimed the dragon throne. Rhava once again would fall under Huang rule, with a provincial governor known as the Nian lord would take power. Eventually a woman named Linh, from a powerful clan in the south defeated the Nian king, and founded the Tran dynasty, the first Nalinese dynasty. The Ly, Nguyen, and Tram dynasties would follow. In 1120 CE Kedani invaders would invade from the north, founding the first of 3 Islamic caliphates. The caliphate was named the Alawal, or “the first” in Kedani. During the caliphate science and culture would advance in Rhava, as well as Islam was introduced to the country. Islamic art thrived in Rhava, forming with the native culture and producing Islamic patterns, with vibrant colors. After the Alawal Caliphate, came the Shaeballah dynasty, and with this the caliphate expanded even further south and west, fully enveloping all of Rhava. After came the caliphate of Hanaa, and the Hanaa dynasty. This was the longest caliphate lasting until 1407 CE and was able to rival the Yellow Empire to the west, which at this point was beginning to crumble. With the fall of the last caliphate, Rhava and surrounding territories shattered into multiple Islamic states, fighting over land and conquering each other. In 1410 King Channarong Ismail Phatsakon Saeh Araya (Channarong Araya), founded the kingdom of Araya. The kingdom of Araya was the last great empire of Rhava, being a thalassocratic empire, that stretched across the island, and surrounding ones. Araya also had a strong Islamic population and influence, thought not as much growth like during the caliphate. In the early 1600s Salvian traders established port cities in King’s Corner Rhava. By 1623, they began landing in the Rhavanese Song delta but were forced to leave because of Rhavanese persistence to keep these "strange" people off their land. The Salvians had less interest in the territory than they did of the Kidney Islands, which might have been another reason they did not pose much of a threat. After having successfully settled the northern island of the Kidney islands they set their eyes on the southernmost island, however it was owned by the Rhavanese kingdom of Araya. Realizing this the Salvians started a campaign on Rhava, taking Thannam, and then moving on to mainland Rhava, which Salvia called Nalin (Nhà Linh). The Salvian quickly overtook the Rhavanese military, annexing Rhava in under two months pushing the previous monarchy past the Rhavanese border into the dense jungles south of Chó Vàng to regroup.The Salvian empire ruled in absentia, a governor was put in charge, and his name was Angelo Rawiri. With the colonization of Rhava, it brought new religions to the country including Catholicism. Catholic churches were raised in most cities, with Steeple Hijos de Dios in Chó Vàng. The city had a massive revamp, with Salvian culture and catholicism updating the city to a modern version. To this day it is seen as a mini Salvia in Rhava. In 1782 Lady Nayasarri led the People's Revolt, where the nation took control of colonial outposts, eventually declaring the nation independent. Nayasarri sadly passed away during a battle somewhere in southern Rhava, and is still honored as a hero to this day. Rhava formed a union with surrounding colonized states, named the Naga Kingdom. It’s democracy however was very corrupt, because of the nonexistent court system, and the corrupt senate, which was filled with bribes. Regardless, the Naga Kingdom industrialized Rhava, bringing it into the modern era, with the kingdom participating in multiple international conflicts, such as the Voltan Civil War. In 1940, during the Great Alharun War, Salvia tried to invade the Naga Kingdom. Fulgistan seeing this stepped in and took control of the crumbling Naga Kingdom.War ensued for many years with no country ending up on top, eventually Fulgistani and North Rhavanese troops were able to beat the Salvians at the battle of Thuyền Gặp, which was the bloodiest battle in the war. At the end of the war, Rhava was under the control of Fulgistan. Peace was relative, so the Rhavanese economy suffered greatly from the new communist reforms, as well as religious freedoms dropped. In 1951 there was an extreme backlash towards foreign powers, in Rhavanese affairs and politics. Siang Jabour Khamla Me Malouf led multiple revolts in cities, hailing from the Mê clan, he had the resources to quickly take the already rebelling north, and lead a full on invasion into the south. In 1956 Fulgistan and international intervention was removed from Rhava, with the country becoming and Islamic Republic in 1957, and entering economic isolation. In 2007 the economy was reopened, and Rhava is now one of the largest Alharun powers, population wise, and has much influence over its neighbors. 


Rhava still must overcome a couple issues, including the right to practice any religion, and to stop the ethnic and religious purge of the Bikammic religion, the second most practiced religion. 


Thank you for reading, and I will hope to get into the RP soon


Edited by Rhava (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Just an easier place to find my map changes for the retcon:

Quay Yuan is renamed to Nuoc Ngoc 

Chow Cho is renamed to Cho Vang 

Manaw is removed 

Giang Do is renamed Dinh

Phachao Asai is added slightly north east of Rhavapura 

Flag is changed to :IMG_0095.png


^^new city placement

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