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Q&A Zaxar


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35 minutes ago, Tagmatium Rules said:

I love the name "Zaxar" - what was the inspiration behind that?

Glad you like itย :)

Its based off of my originalย nation ns nation Zarnath which is in turn based off of my name (I'm not full of myself at all ;)). I'm sure you can guess my name by now lol.

Where did your name come from?

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21 minutes ago, Zaxar said:

Glad you like itย :)

Its based off of my originalย nation ns nation Zarnath which is in turn based off of my name (I'm not full of myself at all ;)). I'm sure you can guess my name by now lol.

Where did your name come from?

I'm not going to try to :P I don't want to break our anonymity.

My nation's name is kind of a bit more boring. I was (still am?) more than a little obsessed with the Byzantine Empire, and the more common variations were all taken. So I pretty much chose a word - in this case "tagma", which was either a guard unit attached to the imperial palace or a word for "regiment" depending on the period - and added "-tium" to it to get the right looking name.

Oh, well.

I think yours is at least more original.

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9 minutes ago, Unuecejo said:

I can tell you put more than a little thought into your nation here! Any particular sources of inspiration you had? Any areas that you're especially fond of, or that you want to pay extra attention to?


I'm not really sure what inspired my nation, I guess I just kind of took my ideal imaginary country and gave it a bunch of issues so I could try and fix it.

I am particularly interested in the economy and foreign relationsย of it although I haven't really work much on it yet as I am waiting to be on the map. This is really because I just have an interest in those topics in general so why not have fun with them in some rp ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. I also am interested to see how my culture will turn out because I have never gave it much thought or effort but it seems to be important (I wonder why lol).

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