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Rhavanese Troops Deployed on Northern Border 

Recently in Kidney Islands, the local authoritarian government has been having talks with Anglian officials. Rhava in early 2021 condemned the government of the islands calling them, "oppressive", "authoritarian dictators", and "not going with what the nations of Alharu should represent”. Last night the Rhavanese government deployed troops to the northern maritime border of the country, bordering with Shendao (kidney islands). Many citizens of the country were alarmed of the implications of war. Rhavanese officials then released a statement: "Rhava recognizes the actions Anglia has taken in Western Europa, and acknowledges the growing threat now on our doorstep. Rhava will not allow itself to be pushed around like the weakened western states." The citizens of Rhava in northern coastal cities like Manaw are now evacuating the cities to the capital, Rhavapura and even the southern provinces, due to the fear of a conflict including the region. Rhavanese officials also mentioned in a later statement that they still stand by their denouncement of Anglian actions in Western Europa, and will stand up to aggressors as the nation always has. Now Rhavanese and Fulgistani officials have set a meeting time, so that they can discuss the Anglian influence in the Kidney Islands.

That was all for RNN, until next time, I'm Phan Lam.

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Peaceful Protest Turned Violent 

This weekend the Bikkamic churches hosted a march from the outlying towns to of Phachao Asai to the state house in downtown. The protest was reasonably civil with little to no damages to buildings and the protestor's surroundings. When the Bikkamic protestors reached the state house they hunkered down and protested for freedom of religion. Eventually riot police arrived and through tear gas into the crowd.

We turned down Chao street, and we had just been peacefully walking down the streets, when all of a sudden I hear screams. I nearly got trampled to death, it was so frightening. 

That was Rashida Boun, who is a local politician in the Tráng state.

When the protestors did not leave they briddled with annoyance. And then they shot into the crowds multiple times, and there were screams and cries and then the protestors charged the group of police, and it became a full on brawl. 

As the journey towards a more equal country continues, RNN will document it the entire time. 

That was all for RNN, until next time, I'm Phan Lam.

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Deadly Hurricane Passes Through Rhava

This week the Hurricane named Nayasarri passed through Rhava after floating in from the Whanganui Sea. Hurricane Nayasarri was the 5th hurricane this month, destroying over 15,000 homes and killing over 1000 people. This most recent hurricane has boosted the talks of protestors on better climate awareness in the region, with protests nation wide causing an uproar in congress. On June 28th Senate Majority leader Olivia Samaha called a emergency meeting to talk about climate and various other issues. However it seemed not much came upon this meeting, with only Anglia and the hurricanes. However, one good thing proposed by our gracious president was an infrastructure bill, setting up stronger highways like the seaway 66 along the Rhavanese coastline, razing it above sea level and setting up seawalls. Also in the coming years Rhava's coastline will transform to have a common sight be windmills off the coast. The Rhavanese government also at this meeting announced its plans to join international treaties like LAANN and EOS, after the recent influence in the islands of Shendao. Rhava also has agreed to send humanitarian aid to the small state of Mandura off the coast of Rhava. Considering the acts in Shendao Rhava is glad to see that Anglia has stayed to their own, and not interfering with Rhava. Troops are now returning home for now after and escalation that had the Rhavanese citizens on the edges of their seats. It seems for now that Anglia has no reason in influencing with Rhava.

R-pop group ToxicPanda makes history

This weeks special segment if about the growing national trend of a music called Rhavanese pop, or R-pop. Though in the past decade R-pop has been growing in the country, R-pop in the past years has grown to surrounding countries like Kharai. ToxicPanda, and band of 5 people made history by winning this year's Rhava's cultural music competition in Rhavapura. ToxicPanda is the first multi-religious group, with one of the group members being Catholic, and one of them being Aludhammic. Though it certainly made a few conservatives mad, they wowed the Rhavanese country by not only having rad beats but by using Rhavanese cultural instruments like the Gamelan and the Trống Cơm. They showed a knowledge of Rhavanese Islamic culture that most "outsiders" do not have, and won over Rhava's heart. 

That was all for RNN, until next time, I'm Phan Lam.

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More Disasters strike Rhava ending all feelings of Normality

As we enter the third day of mourning for our president, Hurricane Ongan ravages the middle regions becoming the 6th Hurricane in the past two months. This hurricane struck the 'rice basket' of Rhava, leaving millions without food, after destroying a years worth of crops that feeds over 25% of the country. The acting president is now requesting aid from larger countries, for humanitarian help for the suffering people of our country. While the south and middle regions suffer the storm, the north bears witness what comes after, while paying for Rhava's lack of infrastructure. 

Famous Beach Obliterated 

North Beach in the Kings Corner region, in northeastern Rhava was completely obliterated after highwinds completely destroyed the sand dunes. Repairs have already started, and the beach should be fully repaired in a couple months. No one was harmed. 

That was all for RNN, until next time, I'm Phan Lam.

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Help comes to Central Rhava in the Onset of Demise 

During the past few months Rhava has been hit by major storms, stronger than anything seen before. After hurricane Ongan last week the Rhavanese government issued a request for help. Then, in Rhava's hour of need the Central Committee authorized 3,000 reserve military personnel, and 4,000 civilian medical personnel to the middle regions in an effort to humanitarian aid to the population of the area affected by Hurricane Ongan. Foreign Minister, Madame Po Nagar released a statement today saying; 

"Thank you Fulgistani Government, for aid [to Rhava]" 

Across the country these brave people were welcomed with cheers, cries, and tears. And especially hope for a brighter future. It seems the Rhavanese and Fulgistani meeting on Anglia may also come closer then it may appear, because Rhavanese officials reached out to Fulgistani officials to discuss a meeting date. On other news, Hurricane Penang touches down near Pukopai, completely obliterating the promenade and coating the city in 3 feet of rain. 

Thats all we have time for, I am Tang Chen and this is RNN 

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In another act of Muslim Rhavan hate crimes, a bomb blew up in downtown  killing over 200 people, and leaving hundreds without limbs. This weekend, was the annual Bokur marathon, where people run 47 miles from Manaw to Tasik Merah . In the final stretches of the run, a bomb blew up hidden in a speaker, sending a shockwave out, that was heard for miles. 

"Me and my husband, and my two kids were at a park 7.5 miles away from the city, and we were like, what was that. We found out later, and were absolutely shocked." - anonymous 

"It was incredibly scary, my mother worked in the proximity of the bomb, and she would not pick up the phone when we called. Thankfully she was alright, though a little spooked." 

Mistress Dodaraphon and President Thao Seng-Souk both released public appearances denoucing the  Bikkamic-Aludhammic terrorists, and telling the Rhavanese people justice goes to those deserving. Madame Secretary Po Nagar on a diplomatic mission to Keserwan, left the meeting room supposedly and got on a direct flight back to Manaw. She released a statement today, saying that hate was totally unacceptable in our country, and that she grieves for all the families who lost family members on that fateful day.  

That was all for RNN, until next time, I'm Phan Lam.

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(Tasik Merah City)

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Mid Summer Festival Swings into Motion 

Today the Mid Summer Festival swung into motion, with celebrations sweeping the nation. Millions of Rhavanese people swept the transportation system, with the train system having to close down because of too many people. The “motorcycle migration” also took place, as large amounts of people used this cheap way of travel to get to families. The first day of the festival entailed many beach parties, with the 20th showing gratefulness to the ocean and marine animals. Ambassadors across the wurld returned home, and most political people traveled to Hai Bọt Biển, as this city is the center place of the first days festivals. House Speaker Olivia Samaha was seen participating in the famous water fight that takes place through most streets of the city. We will update you as the festival continues. 

That was all for RNN, until next time, I'm Phan Lam.

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Edited by Rhava (see edit history)
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Mid Summer Festival continues with a Bang 

In the city of Chaohong, Phong Neeb province, the fire works festival has begun, with then city in constant light. The second two days of the festival, are about partying all out through day and night. It is common for many young folk, to take the trains into major cities from all over the country to party all day. No province celebrates the traditions more, then Phong Neeb. In the city Chaohong, the city is known for being especially cold, and nothing is more cold then the ice touch contest. Where thousands of people compete to see who can touch a block of cold fresh ice the longest. The 21st is also an ode to bisexuals, on this day many pride parades take place as well. Updates will continue as the festival continues. 

That was all for RNN, until next time, I'm Phan Lam.

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(Ice touching contest, Chaohong City)

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Final Day of the Celebration 

Yesterday, the signature Banh Cám made an appearance nationwide, with these delicate greasy balls filled with cold bean paste selling out in all places, on the day celebrating not only the Rhavanese history and culture, but also a celebration of Huang culture and the Nian dynasty. Today, the final day of the Mid-Summer festival ended, with many families taking the tradition of eating Xanh soup, or soup of green broth. It is said that this soup, grants people the energy of the Eurth and nature, and can extend life. It is also common, for it to be a couples soup, with many couples seen in shops all over the nation enjoying broths of soup. The mid-summer festival in short, is a tradition centuries old, that holds meaning towards all Rhavanese regardless of ethnicity or religion. The festival symbolizes welcomeness, and the feeling of inclusion. All should feel happy, letting your lanterns fly in the wind, or sipping the spicy broth flavored with scallions and peppers. 

summer is something to be cherished, but most of all to be shared with a friend

- Minh Vui Quyen 

Happy mid-summer festival Everyone!

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Rhavanese Animated R-Drama makes headlines

The long running 'trời giấu trời mang đi' anime ended last year in its 11 season making it the longest running Rhavanese anime to date. This left fans asking the question, will it continue? Early April it was announced on the 26th, the anniversary date of the first episode a streaming service by the name of 'Cameo' would be buying the show, and rebooting it with a whole new cast and story. Releasing last week in only Rhavanese, it not only got immediate attention in Rhava, but also in foreign countries such as Rhodellia, a country in Aurelia for all our viewers who do not know. 'Cameo' has announced that the animated r-drama will be released internationally in Huang, Dolch, and Anglish later this month along with other announcements for their streaming service including a live action 'trời giấu trời mang đi' because of the increased popularity. It is estimated to be released in 2022 in Huang, Dolch, Anlgish, and Rhavanese. 


[poster for upcoming movie] 

That was all for RNN, until next time, I'm Phan Lam.

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Happy Linh-Chi Day! 

Lihn-Chi day is a celebration of Rhavanese pride, regardless of your skin colour. This day celebrates the independence from Huang imperialism and the Yellow Empire, and the forging of our own path. And it seems Rhava recognizes this, as across the country rioting has ended for the time being. Across all provinces Rhavanese peoples celebrated the tradition of eating Lan Mee, to preserve and increase life expectancy. Linh-Chi was known as a powerful woman, and a hero for many across the country symbolizing Rhavanese pride in heritage and strength in driving out aggressors out of our homeland. Happy Linh-Chi day everyone! 

That was all for RNN, until next time, I'm Phan Lam.

This show is brought to you by viewers like you 

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