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The Proclamation of Incorporation

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We, the people of the newly Incorporated States of Cashar, on this day of the 12th of December in 1968, hereby express the right of corporate rule in order to promote the efficiency of government, the economic growth, and the public interests of Cashar. It is through the agreement and wisdom of each of the twelve self-governing states of Cashar that every Cashari corporation have voice and be able to guide the rule of law for a more prosperous nation. It is held self-evident by the people of Cashar represented by the Head of the Republic and the Parliament, that corporations are created by people, for people, and are operated by and in the interests of those people. Thusly, corporations are able to fulfill the will of the people.

Section 1

1. This proclamation seeks not to override or replace the Constitution of the Establishment of the Republic of Cashar but to improve upon it. All matters not discussed here within should be referred to the Constitution of the Establishment of the Republic of Cashar.

2. The Republic of Cashar is hereby named the Incorporated States of Cashar to reflect each state's participation in the incorporation process.

3. It is recognized that national sovereignty belongs to the people henceforth represented by the corporations they are a part of.

4. The political form of the Incorporated States of Cashar remains a parliamentary republic but under a constitutional corporatocracy as expressed within this, the Proclamation of Incorporation.

Section 2

The Proclamation of Incorporation is based on the collective agreement of the twelve self-governing states, the Head of the Republic, the Parliament, and a conglomerate of Cashari corporations that a free and prosperous nation necessitates the guidance of Cashari-based economic entities (corporations) in order to remain free and prosperous.

Section 3

Political parties must be represented by the public relations departments of their associated corporations.

Section 4

Citizens and public authorities are first bound by the Proclamation of Incorporation and then the Constitution of the Establishment of the Republic of Cashar.

Section 5

Corporations shall be bound according to their respective economic interests except in matters concerning the Cashari environment and the collective safety of the Cashari people.

Part I: Rights and Duties

1. Corporations have the duty and responsibility to sponsor the education of children from age four to fourteen.

2. Corporations are permitted to advertise to children and youth in school.

3. Corporations have the duty and responsibility to train the Cashari workforce as they see fit.

4. Corporations have the right to an interest in the social welfare.

5. Corporations have the right of ownership of the press in order to more easily disseminate pertinent information to the public.

6. Corporations have the right to freedom of speech.

7. Corporations have the right to freedom from punishment for protecting their economic interests.

Part II: The Government

Chapter 1: The Conglomerate

1. The Conglomerate shall oversee government activities and ensure their efficiency.

2. The Conglomerate will have one representative from each major Cashari corporation and shall always consist of an odd number.

3. The Conglomerate shall be responsible for organizing government administration.

4. The Conglomerate shall be responsible for the final interpretation of the law.

Chapter 2: The Executive Head of State

1. The Head of the Republic shall henceforth be the Executive Head of State.

2. The Executive Head of State must have current or prior experience as a CEO of a corporation, major or minor.

3. The Executive Head of State will be the face of Cashar and will represent themselves favorably to the nation and to the nations of Eurth.

4. For the purposes of freedom from taxation, the Executive Head of State will no longer receive a salary and will instead rely on their own assets.

Chapter 3: The Board and Bureau

1. Members of the Board must have current or prior experience as a CEO of a major corporation. They are to remain democratically elected and only one from each state may hold office.

2. Board members may remain in office if they are re-elected at the end of a six-year term.

3. Members of the Board are not eligible to receive a salary.

4. The Board has veto and approval power over drafted legislation by the Bureau.

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