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Armament of Fravina

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Fravi Department of Defense and War

Armament of Fravina

Army of Fravina

To the International Community,

Fravina is seeking to rearm its military in the face of recent aggression from Anglia. We are seeking only what is necessary to act as a defense force within our nation. We are seeking rifles, machine guns, explosives, and armored vehicles. If our budget affords, we would also like to buy tanks and artillery. The budget for Army rearmament stands at USD$3.25 billion.


Grand General Wilhelm Noyer


Navy of Fravina

To @Haruspex,

Working upon our previous agreements and negotiations, Fravina would like to buy four corvettes, one multirole carrier assault ship, and a frigate from Haruspex International Armaments for USD$2.4 billion.

To @Seylos,

Fravina has heard many great things about the ships coming from the ports of Seylos. Thusly, in our quest for Fravi survival, we would like to purchase ships manufactured in Seylos for military use. The ships purchased from Seylos will never be used in aggression and only in defense. The remaining budget for Navy rearmament stands at USD$1.6 billion.


Grand Admiral Marine Pêcheur


Air Force of Fravina

To @Gallambria,

Fravina is seeking to refit our Air Force for the first time in decades. While our budget for aircraft isn't as high as our officers would like, it is more than enough to purchase effective aircraft. We are seeking to buy helicopters and multirole combat jets from Gallambria. The budget for Air Force rearmament stands at USD$1.5 billion.


Grand General Lucien Martin

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From: Haruspex International Armaments

To: The Offices of 
Limited Access Security Code for Monetary Transfer: 33FC-{KGb-L2KU-xW{g
Account: SSBT
Account#: 231-N1A-67890-B2
Subject: Military Hardware Acquisition 

Products to be Purchased:

Total Cost: $2.4 Billion USD

Your nation's finances are in order and your purchase has been reviewed by HIAPRC and has been Accepted. Shipment will take no more than six standard (NS) months for completed delivery on this processing date of 05/31/2021, with completion date of 11/25/2021 to:

We hope that you are satisfied with the products ordered and will look to us again for future endeavors.

Edited by Haruspex (see edit history)
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