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Request: 'Rocky' coast

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Hello again, i would like to request an update to my topography. I have taken some inspiration from the western canadian coast in wurldbuilding my culture so i think having a 'rocky coast' might help with the realism of some things, so i've decided on pushing my hight to the sea in the region pictured below, with the red (50-500m) color going to the coast (the map i drew has it neer the coast, but it like the bigger red spot to reach the coast itself, while the smaller one, to the east, be more back, like in the map), the blue (500-2000m) color is also pulled towards the coast a bit. Thanks in advanced!

Map (note: please dont mind that sploch of greenish-blue, i messed upand forgot that area was part of the river delta):



Here are some pictures of what i generally want that region to resemble:


Edited by Mokhavia (see edit history)
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