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ꦱꦏꦶꦁꦔꦮꦶ꧈ꦧꦁꦏ꧀ꦥꦸꦱꦠ꧀ꦑꦼꦂꦠꦱꦤꦱꦩ꧀ꦥꦸꦤ꧀ꦔꦸꦩꦸꦩꦏꦼꦤ꧀ꦏꦭꦮꦶꦔꦶ꧈ꦲꦶꦁꦒꦶꦃꦥꦸꦤꦶꦏꦏꦁꦒꦺꦤ꧀ꦢꦺꦫꦺꦏ꧀ꦮꦶꦮꦶꦠ꧀ꦗꦸꦩꦼꦤꦼꦔꦤꦶꦥꦸꦤ꧀ꦄꦢꦶꦠꦾꦮꦂꦩꦤ꧀꧇꧓꧇꧈ꦲꦂꦠꦏꦼꦂꦠꦱ꧀ꦏꦭꦶꦃꦫꦺꦕꦺꦲꦤ꧀ꦲꦶꦁꦏꦁꦲꦺꦁꦒꦭ꧀ꦧꦝꦺꦢꦶꦥꦸꦤꦿꦶꦭꦶꦱ꧀ꦱꦗꦿꦺꦴꦤꦶꦁꦮꦪꦃꦏꦭꦶꦃꦮꦂꦱꦲꦶꦁꦏꦁꦥꦸꦤ꧀ꦢꦶꦲꦂꦠꦲꦺꦁꦒꦭ꧀ꦥꦸꦤꦶꦏꦧꦝꦺꦒꦝꦃꦒꦩ꧀ꦧꦂꦦꦚ꧀ꦗꦼꦤꦼꦔꦤꦶꦥꦸꦤ꧀꧉ ꦲꦂꦠꦏꦼꦂꦠꦱ꧀ꦲꦶꦁꦏꦁꦲꦺꦁꦒꦭ꧀ꦩꦺꦤꦶꦏꦧꦏꦭ꧀ꦭꦁꦏꦸꦁꦲꦮꦿꦠ꧀ꦢꦶꦥꦸꦤ꧀ꦥꦭ꧀ꦱꦸꦏꦏꦼꦤ꧀ꦩꦺꦂꦒꦶꦧꦝꦺꦒꦝꦃꦏꦛꦃꦱꦔꦼꦠ꧀ꦥ꦳ꦶꦠꦸꦂꦏꦲꦩꦤꦤ꧀ꦥꦭꦶꦁꦩꦸꦠꦲ꦳ꦶꦂ꧉ ꦒꦸꦧꦼꦂꦤꦸꦂꦧꦁꦏ꧀ꦥꦸꦱꦠ꧀ꦑꦼꦂꦠꦱꦤꦯꦸꦲꦗꦟꦠꦮꦪꦱꦩꦥꦤꦩꦠꦲꦠꦲꦒꦭꦩꦤꦏꦧꦝꦢꦢꦱꦥꦫꦔꦤꦱꦏꦢꦫꦠꦤꦲꦠꦏꦠꦱꦱꦗꦏꦥꦩꦧꦠꦏꦤꦧꦏꦥꦱꦠꦑꦠꦱꦤꦲꦮꦱ꧇꧑꧙꧐꧒


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Translation provided by the Kertosono Foreign Affairs Bureau:

The Central Bank of Kertosono announces on releasing new banknotes in lieu of Adityawarman III
20 Saddha 1928

Pictured above: New 500 mas banknote of Kertosono

From Ngawi: The central bank of Kertosono has announced yesterday that in lieu of the start of Adityawarman III's reign, new banknotes and coins would be released over the next two years to bear his image and style. The new banknotes would be much harder to counterfeit as they will possess a multitude of the newest and latest security features. Governor of the central bank Suharjo Notowiryono has said that these new banknotes would constitute the 11th series of banknotes since the formation of the central bank in 1902.

The new banknote announced yesterday was the 500 mas banknote which depicts the new emperor would be available in retail banks starting tomorrow, 21 Saddha 1928. The banknote was designed to be a continuation of the ongoing modernization process intended for this year bearing the previous sultan's face, however due to the early death of the late emperor, his son's face would be placed instead.

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Translation provided by the Kertosono Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Police station burnt by locals in Condropuro
1 Ketigo 1928

Pictured above: Condition of the police station in Condropuro after being burnt by locals


From Condropuro, a police station was burnt by locals living near the station early this morning. The incident was sparked by locals who accused police officers of not performing their duty, showing a lack of performance and capability in dealing with crime in the area. Locals say that crime has increased in the area, and that they have reported numerous crimes to the police without much sucess. The fire was able to be put out by 7.31 local time by firefighters from Candipuro, a neighboring city. There were no casualties nor injuries during the burning, but losses are estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands of mas.

Sugiyanto Sabran, a protestor who took part in the burning, has said that this is the final straw and real anger of the people of Condropuro, after years and years of neglect and unprofesionalism. "I lost my motorcycle three months ago, and I still haven't got word from the authorities. All of the people here share a similar story with me. Crime is increasing, the criminals are rich, and we, the people, are suffering. We thought that it would be the same if there wasn't any police present in the area"

The burning of the police station has attracted national attention for its ironi and portrayal of the Kertic police in general. The chief of police Rudiyanto Nagasmoro has stated that he was saddened by the events that happened in Condropuro, and has vowed to increase the performance of the national police in general, and in Condropuro in particular. The head of the Condropuro sector was sacked of his official duty, and all officers registered to the station have gone into mandatory audit.

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Senior ex-official from the ministry of finance charged with infamous 2019 corruption scandal
7 Bumbu 1928 KE

Pictured above: Setyo Noviyantono attending his final court hearing

Ngawi, the royal court of Ngawi on the 7th of Bumbu 1928 KE (3rd of July 2021 CE) has charged Setyo Noviyantono, an ex official of the ministry of finance caught for misappropriating almost 1 billion Mas between 2015 and 2018, for corruption and treason against the Kertic state and people. The court, headed by judge Haryosuseno Kromodiharjo, has sentenced Noviyantono to life in prison without possibility of parole for his actions. He has been held in Guryotomo prison in the outskirts of Ngawi since his initial arrest by federal police in late 1925 KE. A life verdict is a first for Kertosono, as the harshest punishment for corruption of any scale was given in 2007, sentencing Aryo Buditomo to 10 years in a federal prison for corruption and embezzlement.

The verdict was seen by many to be popularly motivated by many experts and analysts. Over the past two years, the Kertic people have continuously shunned and critiqued the former official and demanded the death penalty for him, even though the death penalty has been abolished since 1915 KE. With many demonstrations and protests against the government as late as early 1928 KE, the move was 'very much expected' by legal experts and case analysts alike. Many Kerts have taken onto social media to profess their approval and happiness at the judicial system of Kertosono, one that is not renowned for giving "just punishments" in the eyes of the wider Kertic people.


According to a spokesman of the royal court of Ngawi, this sentencing "is the spirit and aspiration of the whole Kertic people, and the courts are here to realize that sentiment although still within the normal boundaries of Kertic law. This may serve as a formal warning and notice to all corruptors. We will get you, and remember that the entire Kertic people is on our side."

Setyo Noviyantono was arrested by federal police in late 1925 KE after leaked documents were forwarded to police and the national tax agency. Setyo Noviyantono was accused of missapropriating more than 1 billion Mas between 2015 and 2018 from the national budget allocation for his own personal gain, including the purchase of three vacation homes scattered throughout Kertosono, a private jet, as well as capital for his son's company, which has now also been seized and closed down by the government.

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Elementary School Teacher in Wonokromodiwiryo Becomes 'Richest' Public Official in 1928 KE (2021 AD) Tax Season
16 Surya 1928 KE

Pictured above: Agus Cokroharjo Martosungkono, the 'richest' public official in Kertosono

Wonokromodiwiryo, residents of the empire have been awashed by news of Agus Cokroharjo Martosungkono's reported wealth. The 27-year-old elementary school teacher from the small village of no more than 1000 people named Wonokromodiwiryo approximately 120 km south of Purwoasih reported 4 billion Kertic Mas in his possession for the fiscal year of 1927 KE, the most out of any public official and state employee as well as several magnitudes greater than the second richest public official in the 1927 KE wealth and money reports mandatory for all public officials and state employees. His wealth exceeds several prominent Kertic politicians such as PM Sulistyono Raharjo and Minister of Defense Ali Wira Sugianto.

Principal of SDN Wonokromodiwiryo Sekarwati Puspanegoro confirmed the viral news. She has said that the teacher in question has filled out all the reports and forms correctly, and has been verified by herself, the district coordinator, and the representative of corruption eradication for the Andong municipality, and has been verified by on-site inspectors and verifiers.

"There is no need to fuss over the reports. All procedures have been strictly followed and enforced, and there has been no evidence of fraud, corruption, or any wrongdoings in the process. Mr. Martosungkono does indeed have 4 billion Kertic Mas to his name as indicated by the tax reports for public officials as he had just recieved inheritance from a distant relative who had no living relatives, and Mr. Martosungkono was declared the sole inheritor by the high court of Ngawi months ago." added Sekarwati Puspanegoro to the flock of journalists crowding her room.


While the principal did not give out details regarding the inheritance the 'richest' public official in Kertosono attained, a quick search in the official website suggests that Mr. Martosungkono inherited a total of 30 hectares of land, 25 hectares in Ngawi, 3 hectares in Kertonyono, 2 hectares scattered elsewhere. A senior employee at the corruption eradication committe added that it should be noted that other than inheritance, Mr. Martosungkono's tax returns seem fairly normal for an elementary school teacher, possessing a singular house shared with his family, as well as a motorcycle purchased in 1923 KE (2015 AD).

Several people claiming to be relatives of the great aunt in question have been up in arms questioning the decision of the high court a few months prior, and plans for a suit have emerged, although most analysts have speculated that these will fail.

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Edited by Kertosono (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...


Outrage as Several Groups Suggest Changing the National Anthem

12 Semi 1928 KE

Pictured above: KRT Sosrodiharjo Kromodibroto, composer of the national anthem

Ngawi, several national NGOs who branded themselves as the 'future of the nation' have voiced their concerns over the national anthem yesterday, causing much outrage and disbelief among many of the empire's citiznes. The leader of an organization called the 'Youth of Wonorejo', Bayu Sugianto, expressed his and his NGO's concern about the national anthem on social media, citing the outdatedness of the lyrics and the incredible complexity of the national anthem. Other groups have urged the government to 'rethink what it means to sing the national anthem' and have pressured parliament to review the matter at hand.

The groups' posts on social media have been attacked by many outraged citizens. Some have even accused the group of plotting a coup against the legitimate government, though such accusations have been denied. Some accounts have disappeared due to the massive amounts of dislikes and reports coming from the users of various social media platforms. Although so, Bayu Sugianto has claimed that people have misunderstood their intentions on changing the national anthem. Many have questioned the groups' intentions and reasoning behind their "radical" idea. When asked why the anthem should be changed, Bayu Sugianto said that the change has to do with how a nation percieves its national anthem, and the true essence of the national anthem.

"Changing the national anthem does not mean hatred or dislike towards the current national anthem nor it is dislike for the nation it represents, it just means that the current song which we sing and regard as the national anthem is long past its due as a national anthem, and needs to be changed to reflect our changing ideals, and must be looked upon from a technical, meaning the music and lyrics themselves, and the non-technical parts, meaning its context with the greater public."


"First and foremost, the Kertic National Anthem is extremely difficult to sing, with a very difficult rhtyhm and melody. Second, the lyrics are written in a very old form of the Kertic language, which most of us don't even understand or use on a daily basis. Thirdly, the meaning of the lyrics are too poetic and detached from our current reality, and hence needs to be changed to reflect our growing and eternal love for the country. Identity-wise, I'd say we're having a 'crisis' right now."

The idea has been rebutted by several parliament members and factions. The ruling party through one of its sitting members has firmly denied giving the idea a go.

"The national anthem is the song our fathers sang, and is also the same song their fathers sang to, and changing it would remove a century-old tradition and practice just because 'it doesn't fit with our times' just doesn't make sense."

The Kertic national anthem, whose official name is "The Sacred Land", has been the national anthem of the Empire of Kertosono since its formation in 1808 KE. It was composed by KRT Sosrodiharjo Kromodibroto, a renowned composer and musician from Wonomulyo in 1806 KE during the prelude towards Kertic unification. As a token of respect towards the national anthem, below is a recording of our anthem and its lyrics.

Audio Recording of the Kertic Anthem


Devoting oneself towards the miraculous state with a long life building and constructing
In the middle of our place of strife Kertosono the heroic towards the exalted and examplified God
May you be safe and be hindered from any troubles Kertosono the beloved in our hearts
In noble times the soliders of the eternal battlefield
Always tedious in real work at the sunrise of the smiling sun as it shines bright
The love story of the role-model warrior
The state-devotees are fighting with their mgiht towards the nation while the native land greets happily
At haste, become a warrior for your country ready to bear the duties of Kertosono
A noble, rich, and well-laden country, the palace of will at His helm
The splendid times guides the wanderer towards the imperial gates of heaven
The two forms of love of God towards all of his creations
Await us, your fighters, always devoting themselves towards the miraculous state and country of Kertosono
Always faithful in devotion with full love and may happiness descend on all the peoples
A symbol of miraculous divotion towards the country, and devoting to god through Kertosono! 

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Kertic lyrics:

Angabdi ingsung mring prajasakti kelawan ayu dirga ambangun ngesti
Madyaning palagan Kertasana wira mring ngarso dalem Gusti sinudarsana
Widadaa kalis sakehing rubeda Kertasana kasihanipun ningtyas
Nirkala pamarta prayudhaning palagan abadi
Lana rame ing gawe nyata arundya aditya satya suminar
Asmaradana senopati wigatos
Pangembating praja alabuh bangsa mandala pertiwi anawung gumirah
Bhawaa ksatriya saksana mring praja siyap angemban dharmaning Kertasana
Nagari sakti minulya mahadhana astana deya Panjenenganipun
Artumulyar humiring sang bandhyaga mring uruking swarga
Dwimurti kinasihan Gusti dumugi sarastanipun sagala
Antusana prayudha nityasewakaning praja nagari sakti Kertasana
Satya bhakti tansah tresna srirastu wathi prajabhyah
Prastya sakti bakti nagri abdi Gusti Kertosono!

Edited by Kertosono (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...


BREAKING: Imperial Palace Announces Coronation of Adityawarman III

26 Gugur 1928 KE

Pictured above: Poster announcing the coronation of Adityawarman III

Ngawi, the Imperial Palace of Kertosono and Ngawi has announced the coronation of Emperor Adityawarman III, who has ascended to the throne of the empire earlier this year after the sudden death of the late Emperor Mulawarman VII. The coronation would be the second coronation event in 10 years, and would mark the great start of Adityawarman III's reign. Through a spokesperson of the Imperial Palace, the coronation event is set to take place on the 14th of Bumbu 1929 KE in the imperial palace grounds of Ngawi. The coronation ceremony would see the young emperor wear the jeweled crown of Singhasari for the first time, and would see the emperor take his personal oath to God in serving his country.

Preparations for the coronation event have begun to take place. Massive socialization campaigns and advertisements have been installed in almost all public spaces throughout Kertosono, and online socialization efforts have also been undertaken by the Imperial Palace's cyber team. Invitations to a multitude of foreign dignitaries and other persons of interest have been sent out, and are awaiting for confirmation. Meanwhile, contests and other events regarding the coronation would be held starting next week and would last until the coronation day.

"We are expecting this coronation event to be one of the most grandiose and extravagant coronations in the history of Kertosono, because we will include all elements of society and everyone to participate in the event, both ceremonially and publically." said K.R.T. Tumenggung Singhadiwiryo, chief organizer of emperor Adityawarman III's coronation. It is indeed the first time in which a coronation of a Kertic Emperor would be accompanied by festivities and contests of the sort for the wider population of Kertosono, and would be a great way of bolstering the young monarch's support, according to Singhadiwiryo.

Previously, the 18 year old son of late Emperor Mulawarman VII, Aditya Sanjaya, ascended to the throne of Kertosono to become Emperor of the Kertic People and the Kertic Realms. A bill changing the rules of succession of the Kertic Emperor from agnatic primogeniture to absolute primogeniture was on its way to be ratified by the upper house after being passed with a supermajority of votes in the lower house in early Saddha of 1928 KE. Under absolute primogeniture, Mulawarman VII's firstborn child, Princess Mangkuretno, would become Kertosono's first empress since the formation of the country.

To everyone's surprise, Mulawarman VII died suddenly before the bill could be passed by the upper house, thus making current Emperor Adityawarman III the monarch of Ngawi and Kertosono. The bill was passed shortly after Adityawarman III ascended to the throne, but would now would only apply to the current emperor's offspring. Only if the emperor chooses to abdicate would the crown go to his elder sister Mangkuretno. Although so, Adityawarman III has proven to be a very popular monarch, continuing in his gradnfather and father's footsteps. With an approval rating of almost 80% after his first year as emperor, it is highly unlikely that the emperor would abdicate soon. 

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  • 2 months later...


Most 'Unpleased' by Extremely Huge Size of Ballot Paper

18 Bumbu 1929 KE

Pictured above: Comparison between the ballot paper and a human being

Ngawi, the announcement of the ballot paper that would be used in the upcoming 1929 elections have recieved heavy negative feedback and response from the wider Kertic public. Most are unpleased by the extremely huge size of the ballot paper that would be used, which measures at around 68,9 x 97,57 cm large. Many cite that the unusual size of the ballot paper would make it harder for some voters to cast their vote, as they would have to deal with the paper first before even thinking of voting. Others claim that ballot papers as large as the one used in the upcoming elections are just burdening the already tight budget of the empire, with an astounding 40% increase in allocation for the printing and manufacture of the ballot papers when compared to 1924. 

Sudimoro Wicaksono, an analyst of Kertic politics and elections, is a vocal critic of the newly unveiled ballot papers released by the electoral commission just today. He claims that no other nation in the wurld has ballot papers as huge as the ones about to be used in Kertosono, as it is never practical to have ballot papers that huge in the first place. He has even argued that the size of the ballot papers might hinder some people to vote just because of how much of a hassle it is to deal with the ballot paper. Wicaksono has created a comparison between a human being and the ballot paper to give voters a sense of scale of how massive the ballot papers really are. Wicaksono used a 1,8 m tall human figure as a comparison.

"This is unthinkable, and I even used a figure which is 1,8 m tall in the comparison which has gone viral. Most adults aren't even that tall or big, and the older generations barely clock in at 1,6 m tall. Imagine your grandmother or elderly relatives having to hold a paper that big. It isn't ethical nor does it respect our elders." Wicaksono commented after his comparison post went viral on Kertic social media.


"The electoral commission could've just shrunk the text and remove the graphics on the top of the page which contributes to the extremely large size of the ballot paper. Clearly, there are a thousand ways to avoid having a ballot paper this large, and the electoral commission have not chosen to follow one, just one!"

Wicaksono's post and comments have prompted other voters to voice their concerns. Many have begun mocking the huge size of the ballot papers, with some claiming that parents of newborn babies would not need to buy kain jarik anymore to wrap their babies as the ballot paper is already big enough to completely engulf a newborn. Others have stated that Kertosono would be the leading contributor of deforestation this year due to size of the ballot papers. 

Nevertheless, the electoral commission has stood firm with their decision on ballot papers after having ordered the manufacture of the ballot papers.

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  • 1 year later...


Kertic People's Ministry of Health "on High Alert" as Obesity Rates Near 2%

1 Kasrepen 1930 KE

Pictured above: Photo of a Burger, one of the nation's increasingly popular meals

Ngawi, The Kertic People's Ministry of Health issued a health risk warning yesterday on the growing proportion of overweight and obese individuals in Kertosono. The warning and precautions were televised live during the annual national health report given by the minister of health himself Dr. Budiwarmandoyo S.P., highlighting several important factors over the state of national health, with obesity parameters being one of the highlights of yesterday's press conference. In a statement given out by dr. Budiwarmandoyo, he extolled the nation's increasing life expectancy thanks to an increase in the overall quality of health services and providers but reiterated that the impending crisis due to an increase in overweight and obese citizens might just undo those habits.  

According to data released by the Ministry of Health, the obesity rate in Kertosono stood at 1.92% for adults. The rate of overweight individuals was much higher at 4.25%. While the ministry acknowledges that these are some of the lowest numbers in the wurld, the rate of increase is what has been ringing alarm bells. Just 10 years ago in 1920 KE, these numbers stood at 1.06% and 2.39%, meaning that over the course of a decade, these proportions have almost doubled. 

The ministry blames the rise of obesity on unhealthy eating and snacking habits brought on by the introduction and popularization of foreign fast-food chains, which serve high-caloric meals at a so-called reasonable price. With the advent of home delivery services, many more, especially in the cities, opt for these selections instead of cooking themselves or purchasing at a local restaurant or shop. The lack of activity caused by these life choices over the past few years has been reflected in the latest government study on obesity.


Dr. Budiwarmandoyo has suggested and advised people to lessen their fast-food and junk-food intake, as well as cutting on sugars, carbs, and increasing the amount of vegetables and fruit in their daily diet. He has also suggested increasing physical activity, such as biking or walking to work. Indeed, it is among the 65+ range which obesity is most prevalent in, in which he suggested routine walks and light physical activity to supplement the body's needs.

On a more legal level, some have lobbied the government to impose certain kinds of taxes towards all kinds of restauratnss which sell food deemed high-caloric and unhealthy at the same time, thus reducing the demand for such. Others have also insisted a tax on all sorts of sugary drinks, and even rebates and discounts on fruits and vegetables, especially locally grown ones. Although so, there have been no initiatives that has been brought to the floor regarding the issue as of today. 

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