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Delamarian Department of Foreign Affairs


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Delamarian Department of Foreign Affairs

Commonwealth Palace, Vandergart Boulevard, Labrador.

Welcome to the Delamarian Department of Foreign Affairs’ communications portal! Here you can send and receive official messages to and from the Government of Delamaria.

Bienvenue sur le portail de communication du ministère des Affaires étrangères de Delamarianné! Ici, vous pouvez envoyer et recevoir des messages officiels vers et depuis le gouvernement de Delamaria.

Where is my local embassy?

Où est mon ambassade locale?


  • Fravina, Port De Sang
  • Seylos, Selbourne
  • Iverica, Intreimor
  • Prymont, New Halsham
  • Ateenia, Atha
  • Galahinda, Cascadia
  • Transbaltia, Tavliga
  • Walneria, Tyramen
  • Ateenia, Atha
  • Mokhavia, Moshkal
  • Dolchland, Schlammburg
  • Ebrary, Ceres
  • Aurivizh, Alivezh
  • Gotneska, Læniguëuíl


  • Esonice, Maimedo
  • San Castellino, Gazalleona
  • Metztlitlaca, Altepetl Tekaken
  • Eulycea, Brisa


  • Great Xio, Phaxwe


  • Orioni, O’polis
  • Tagmatium, Tagmatika
  • Great Anglia, Godstone [CLOSED]
  • Lysia, Lyrie
  • Bashan Protectorate, En Gannim


  • Gallambria, Bromwich

Delamaria is always open to new diplomatic missions, at home or around the wurld! If you’re a head of state or government, please contact us and help us expand our diplomatic reach!



Edited by Delamaria (see edit history)
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Official response to current events in regards to @San Castellino  from President Deborah Van Roose.

I have always been an advocate for equal rights for members of the LGBTQ community, it is a cause very close to my heart, and the hearts of the millions of Delamarians who entrust me to protect their right to love and care for whoever they so please, and this is why I am writing to you, the international community, today. Every nation, whether it be a global power or a small local state, must decide, and must act upon, what is best for the wellbeing of its population, this is what I think about every day, how can I best reflect and act to preserve the wellbeing of the people of Delamaria, and their gender, creed or sexual orientation should not have any prevalence in the eyes of the state. 

Since European settlers crossed the mighty Adlantic so many centuries ago, we have learnt, first hand, that peaceful coexistence and embracing others, no matter their story, is the best and only path to the prosperity of all mankind. I would be personally heartbroken if I knew that many of my LGBTQ friends were denied the right to love one another, kind and caring people should not have boundaries forced upon their love. That is why, on behalf of the Commonwealth, I must denounce these actions against the LGBTQ community. However I do not feel that we should punish this fledgling republic, though many feel that we should impose tariffs, the economic impact could cause problems for both of our great nations. We must work not to make the lives of the people of San Castellino harder, but to help them and their government become more tolerant and exclusive of all peoples.

Should the government continue their policy against the LGBTQ community, we may feel that further action would be required. But until then I must ask the nation if the international reaction to this policy is worth its enforcement, and will the lives of the citizens, that every government must swear to protect, improve or be diminished under this.

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Open letter to the International Community regarding recent Sentist attacks.

In this age of uncertainty, we as leaders must take a stand against extremism, whether it be at home or abroad. The stability of our global society should be of the upmost priority for each and every one of us. That is why I must declare that a state of war exists and has existed between the Commonwealth of Delamaria and the Sentist terror group. I do not take this recent attack on our nation lightly, and from now on I will spare no expense in the protection of our commonwealth and its citizens.

In the past few hours the National Defence Council has activated half of the military’s reserve personnel into active duty, and set all bases to alert. Over the next few days the Second and third fleets will be deployed into the Dolch Sea, to help root out the evil of this extremist cause. And a week from now I along with Defence Secretary Ingram will christen the new fourth fleet in Bodmonton. We will not rest until we are secure in the knowledge that Sentists pose no threat to the people of Delamaria and the stability of our fragile wurld.

That is why I must call for a global offensive against these terrorists, who have attempted to destroy our fundamental right to safety. A global Coalition of sorts, of freedom loving nations must be formed to prevent any more unwarranted attacks on our nations. This reckless and indiscriminate approach taken by the Sentists put each and every one of us at risk, through no fault of our own. 


Deborah Van Roose.

President of the Commonwealth of Delamaria.

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  • 2 weeks later...



To: Her Excellency, Deborah Van Roosen, President of the Commonwealth of @Delamaria

From: the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion of the Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion


Your Excellency,

The people and government of Arhomaneia have taken notice of your honoured nation's recent actions against the Sentist threat that exists on Ceris. It is clear that it is a danger to wurld peace even to the Megas Agios Basileia in Europa; I can only imagine how threatening it must be to a nation in eastern Argis, such as yours. Your nation will be in the prayers of mine, as are the poor, suffering people of Ceris.

As you are no doubt aware, there is an informal coalition of nations already active in combating the terrorists on the island, a large proportion of them from the TRIDENT alliance, or nations affiliated with that alliance. Arhomaneia falls into the latter category. Of course, my nation cannot act on the behalf of the whole that alliance, or the other nations involved in Ceris. However, please do note that Arhomaneia is certainly keen to work with Delamaria. Only by working together can we make sure that the threat of these fanatics is swiftly and cleanly brought to an end. Already, they have been able to carry on their foul acts for longer than they ought to have and have brought untold misery to the people of that island.

It would make sense to allow our armed forces in the area to be able to swiftly identify each other, so that any unfortunate incidents are kept to the absolute minimum possible. Certainly, as two of your nation's fleets are moving into the Makhaira Thalassa, the Dolch Sea, the amount of vessels now there means that accidents are becoming increasingly likely. This is, of course, before the recent events that saw the Sentists attempt to seize the ships of one of the Ceriser failed states and have a naval force of their own. As your excellency is undoubtedly aware, my nation's navy was initially deployed to help combat the rise of piracy that was interrupting the sea lanes through the Makhaira Thalassa. If the fanatics do indeed end up getting their hands on their own ships, then the threat to those trade routes would increase exponentially. Although I do not doubt that our navies would be able to deal with them quite rapidly, it could even mean that menace posed by these deluded and false zealots spreads to mainland Argis.

To this end, I have been authorised by his Aroman Majesty, Kommodos III, the monarch of Arhomaneia, to offer to open a channel of communication between the the Logothesion tou Stratiotikou (the Ministry for War) and the Epistrategaion (the High Command) with your nation's equivalents. A t their discretion, they may choose to open communications between the elements of the Basilikostrates and the Basilikoploimon, my nation's army and navy, that are in theatre and your nation's forces that are operating off of Ceris. This should aid communication between our forces and allow them to coordinate against Sentist threat and drive them to extinction.

God is on the side of the righteous,

Eugenios Goulielmos,

Megas Logothetes

of the

Logothesion of Foreign Affairs

of the

Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion

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To: the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion of the Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion.

From: President Deborah Van Roose, The Department of Defence, The Directorates of the Navy and Air Force.

Your Excellency,

Both of our nations have been touched by this conflict, many of our people have been killed, and I am sure many more to come, this terrorist insurgency shows no remorse nor discrimination in the taking of lives of all of those who oppose them, whether they be Service men and women, who have decided to take arms against them, or brave men, women and children, who refuse to give into the demands of this ruthless organisation. 

However we cannot let this Sentist force divide us, for if we are to ever achieve peace and justice in Ceris we must pose a united front against this cowardly threat, who chose to kill innocent civilians in the name of their cause. Delamaria and I’m sure your nation too, was built on principles of fair debate to choose what was best for our citizens, and any leader or government that does not care for the wellbeing of its citizens, as well as those whose lands they conqueror, is not fit nor worthy to lead.

The Department of Defence as well as the Directorates of the Navy and Air Force have informed me that they are more than welcoming of proposed open lines of communications, as though we are fighting the same threat, we must be careful not to cause any accidents, as we cannot show any division, whether intentional or not. We would also be more than willing to coordinate our activities in the Dolch Sea, to make our operations against the Sentist group more effective in the destruction of the this terrorist cause.


Deborah Van Roose,

President of the Commonwealth of Delamaria.


30 minutes ago, Tagmatium Rules said:



To: Her Excellency, Deborah Van Roosen, President of the Commonwealth of @Delamaria

From: the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion of the Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion


Your Excellency,

The people and government of Arhomaneia have taken notice of your honoured nation's recent actions against the Sentist threat that exists on Ceris. It is clear that it is a danger to wurld peace even to the Megas Agios Basileia in Europa; I can only imagine how threatening it must be to a nation in eastern Argis, such as yours. Your nation will be in the prayers of mine, as are the poor, suffering people of Ceris.

As you are no doubt aware, there is an informal coalition of nations already active in combating the terrorists on the island, a large proportion of them from the TRIDENT alliance, or nations affiliated with that alliance. Arhomaneia falls into the latter category. Of course, my nation cannot act on the behalf of the whole that alliance, or the other nations involved in Ceris. However, please do note that Arhomaneia is certainly keen to work with Delamaria. Only by working together can we make sure that the threat of these fanatics is swiftly and cleanly brought to an end. Already, they have been able to carry on their foul acts for longer than they ought to have and have brought untold misery to the people of that island.

It would make sense to allow our armed forces in the area to be able to swiftly identify each other, so that any unfortunate incidents are kept to the absolute minimum possible. Certainly, as two of your nation's fleets are moving into the Makhaira Thalassa, the Dolch Sea, the amount of vessels now there means that accidents are becoming increasingly likely. This is, of course, before the recent events that saw the Sentists attempt to seize the ships of one of the Ceriser failed states and have a naval force of their own. As your excellency is undoubtedly aware, my nation's navy was initially deployed to help combat the rise of piracy that was interrupting the sea lanes through the Makhaira Thalassa. If the fanatics do indeed end up getting their hands on their own ships, then the threat to those trade routes would increase exponentially. Although I do not doubt that our navies would be able to deal with them quite rapidly, it could even mean that menace posed by these deluded and false zealots spreads to mainland Argis.

To this end, I have been authorised by his Aroman Majesty, Kommodos III, the monarch of Arhomaneia, to offer to open a channel of communication between the the Logothesion tou Stratiotikou (the Ministry for War) and the Epistrategaion (the High Command) with your nation's equivalents. A t their discretion, they may choose to open communications between the elements of the Basilikostrates and the Basilikoploimon, my nation's army and navy, that are in theatre and your nation's forces that are operating off of Ceris. This should aid communication between our forces and allow them to coordinate against Sentist threat and drive them to extinction.

God is on the side of the righteous,

Eugenios Goulielmos,

Megas Logothetes

of the

Logothesion of Foreign Affairs

of the

Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion


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  • 4 weeks later...



To: the Foreign Minister of the Koinopoliteia ton Delamareia, the Commonwealth of @Delamaria

From: the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion of the Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion


Your Excellency,

There has been little in the way of formal contact between our two great nations in recent years, and it is felt by the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion, the Holy Imperial Government, of Arome and the Aroman people that this is something that needs to be addressed. Our two nations are involved in the great work of bringing peace and stability to the benighted island of Ceris, of helping the poor people of Ceris from the anarchy and chaos that they have suffered from for so long. This informal contact between our nations, which seems to be so successful, has highlighted our nations' similar goals and drives, even if our nations themselves are markedly different.

Even if our nations are different, then differences can also be the basis of a strong relationship. Your nation clearly possesses a strong drive for peace in not just Argis, but the rest of the wurld, too. This is something that Arhomaneia also deeply desires. Although the Megas Agios Basileia does not involve itself that often in the affairs of your continent, my nation hopes and prays that peace reigns across the wurld. A strong, stable relationship between our countries that aids in bringing peace between Argis and Europa would undoubtedly help this, as well as encouraging trade between the New Wurld and the Old. Trade can often be a great help in making sure that nations do not make costly war on each other.

To this end, I suggest that our nations start by opening formal relations with each other – an exchange of embassies would be ideal. I have been requested by Kommodos III, by the Grace of Christ the God, the Agios Basileos kai Autokrator, the Holy Emperor and Autocrat, to suggest such a thing to the government of the Commonwealth of Delamaria. If your government accepts, then we can move onto the next step of forwarding the credentials of a suitable candidate and preparing a list of possible locations for an chancery within the Arhomaiki capital of Tagmatika.

I pray to God that this is the start of close relations between our two great nations,

Eugenios Goulielmos

Megas Logothetes

of the

Logothesion ton Barbaron

of the

Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion

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7 hours ago, Tagmatium Rules said:



To: the Foreign Minister of the Demokrateia ton Delamareia, the Republic of @Delamaria

From: the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion of the Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion


Your Excellency,

There has been little in the way of formal contact between our two great nations in recent years, and it is felt by the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion, the Holy Imperial Government, of Arome and the Aroman people that this is something that needs to be addressed. Our two nations are involved in the great work of bringing peace and stability to the benighted island of Ceris, of helping the poor people of Ceris from the anarchy and chaos that they have suffered from for so long. This informal contact between our nations, which seems to be so successful, has highlighted our nations' similar goals and drives, even if our nations themselves are markedly different.

Even if our nations are different, then differences can also be the basis of a strong relationship. Your nation clearly possesses a strong drive for peace in not just Argis, but the rest of the wurld, too. This is something that Arhomaneia also deeply desires. Although the Megas Agios Basileia does not involve itself that often in the affairs of your continent, my nation hopes and prays that peace reigns across the wurld. A strong, stable relationship between our countries that aids in bringing peace between Argis and Europa would undoubtedly help this, as well as encouraging trade between the New Wurld and the Old. Trade can often be a great help in making sure that nations do not make costly war on each other.

To this end, I suggest that our nations start by opening formal relations with each other – an exchange of embassies would be ideal. I have been requested by Kommodos III, by the Grace of Christ the God, the Agios Basileos kai Autokrator, the Holy Emperor and Autocrat, to suggest such a thing to the government of the Republic of Delamaria. If your government accepts, then we can move onto the next step of forwarding the credentials of a suitable candidate and preparing a list of possible locations for an chancery within the Arhomaiki capital of Tagmatika.

I pray to God that this is the start of close relations between our two great nations,

Eugenios Goulielmos

Megas Logothetes

of the

Logothesion ton Barbaron

of the

Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion


To: The Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion of the Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion.(@Tagmatium Rules)

From: The Honourable David Redman, Secretary of Foreign Affairs.

Your Excellency,

It has long been the ambition of the Department of Foreign Affairs, and the nation of Delamaria itself, to expand its diplomatic reach across the glube. Our extensive embassy program has brought not only a good international reputation and standing, but also a sense of pride among the people of our nation that we, as the Commonwealth, work not to sow conflict, but to engage with the people’s of the wurld in a means that benefits each and every person on the plunet. 

Our work has seen great aid missions to far flung regions of the wurld, and the averting of conflict through diplomatic means. A great Delamarian once said, “We as Delamarians are all representatives of our nation, each of us diplomats in the wurld we share.” today that statement lives on not only in the work we do at the Department of Foreign Affairs, but the spirit of the people of Delamaria. 

The crisis in Ceris is at a breaking point, we have an opportunity now to either desert this war torn isle, and watch from afar as gross abuses of human rights grow more common, or step up, in the best interest of all the free people’s of the wurld, and fight for the freedom of an oppressed and distraught people. Already across Delamaria’s states ordinary civilians are working to provide humanitarian aid to those caught in the crossfire, and help end this destructive force that, without our intervention, is doomed to engulf the entire region. 

The Directorate for Foreign Missions is also very interested in an exchange of Embassies, several sites in Labrador’s Diplomatic District are being assessed and we are putting things in place to establish a mission in Tagmatium. The President has informed me that she is most excited at the prospect, and wishes to someday visit your great nation.

Yours sincerely,

David Redman,

Secretary of Foreign Affairs.

Commonwealth of Delamaria.

Edited by Delamaria (see edit history)
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To: the Honourable David Redman, Foreign Minister of the Koinopoliteia ton Delamareia, the Commonwealth of @Delamaria

From: the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion of the Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion


Your Excellency,

It pleases the people and state of Arome your great country has agreed to an exchange of embassies. I can only hope that this is the start of a partnership between our nations, one that spans the Adlantic Ocean and brings not just our countries and people together, but Argis and Europa as well.

I do not doubt that your comments about deserting Ceris are anything but rhetorical. I cannot see a situation where either of our nations will abandon our God-given mission to bring peace and stability to that shattered island and help save its inhabitants from the disaster that is being forced upon them. It would be a gross act of cowardice for us to do so and completely shatter our nations' standing in the eyes of the rest of the wurld community. The crisis is likely coming to a head and we cannot step back now.

To this end, I have attached the credentials of a candidate that the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion considers to be a suitable one to represent my nation within yours.This person is Manoel Iounillos, who again comes from a career in our diplomatic service, having been the consul in the Suverinian city of Tulcea, but has yet to lead one of their own. I do doubt that they will be a credit to my nation whilst they remain within Delamaria. I have also attached a suitable property within Tagmatika – whilst it further from the centre of the city than might be preferred, it should be what your nation needs.

God will smile on our relations and see that they flourish,

Eugenios Goulielmos

Megas Logothetes

of the

Logothesion ton Barbaron

of the

Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion

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  • 2 weeks later...

Official statement regarding events in Anglia and the Social Democratic Confederation.

On behalf of the Delamarian government, I must condemn this recent act of aggression on the part of Anglia. Recently Anglia attacked and invaded the Social Democratic Confederation, though unprovoked and without just cause, Anglian forces are overwhelming the nation’s military, and brutalising it’s people. As Delamarians we always try to find a peaceful resolution, without unnecessary bloodshed. However Anglia has not heeded any calls internationally to stop such conquest. I must confess that I am concerned at where this recent act will lead, as a glubal power, Anglia has the ability to exert influence around the wurld, and in that position it must lead with example, however if the wurld is to look at it’s leaders and see such an atrocious act, then we are in danger, as independent nations, and as a collective civilisation. I hope that in the coming months a peaceful solution can be agreed upon, to prevent further Anglian expansionism, and free a people that is all but oppressed. 

My dearest thanks,

Deborah Van Roose,

President of the Commonwealth of Delamaria.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Official statement regarding recent events in The @Sunset Sea Islands.

On behalf of the President, the Cabinet and the Government of Delamaria, the Department of Foreign Affairs must express my concern over the recent ousting of the government by Colonel Ishijima. Though Delamaria currently has no permanent foreign mission to the Sunset Sea Islands, and trade between the nations isn’t significant, this recent act does pose a threat to the general peace and stability of our wurld, and as I am sure all wurld leaders will agree, a peaceful and stable Eurth is one in which we prosper. The government of Delamaria wont yet impose any restriction nor sanction upon the Sunset Sea Islands until a reliable and clear picture of the current state of the nation can be acquired. Despite this we will not put these off the table, though I am sure that no harm will come to the people of the Sunset Sea Islands, nor the glubal peace we are working hard to maintain, if this understanding is broken, another course of action may be required. I am appealing now to Colonel Ishijima and the Transitional Government to give us and the International community the access necessary to put our minds at ease, and ensure us that our great glubal stability and community will be maintained.


David Redman,

Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...


To: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Stedorian People’s Republic ( @Stedoria )

From: David Redman, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of Delamaria

RE: The Establishing of Cordial Foreign Relations Between the Stedorian People's Republic and the Commonwealth of Delamaria

It is with great pleasure that I, on behalf of the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Commonwealth of Delamaria, accept your most enticing invitation of establishing cordial relations between our nations. The establishing and maintaining of good relations with nations around the wurld is a hallmark of Delamarian policy, for almost three quarters of a century, the Commonwealth has maintained this doctrine, to secure Delamaria through peaceful means and ensure a lasting global peace.

We in Labrador are excited to soon welcome a Stedorian mission in our capital, in which delegations of people’s from across the globe come to exchange and ensure good relations and work so that a lasting peace can be achieved around the wurld.

We must recognise that emerging forces are causing upheaval in the wurld today, and though they are far from our shores they pose an ever looming threat to our security and the safety of our people, but I am sure you will agree that our nations must stand up to those who want to put our way of life at risk, and endanger global stability.

David Redman.

Secretary of Foreign Affairs

Edited by Delamaria (see edit history)
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Statement regarding new Sanctions on @Great Anglia.

It is with great shame that I must enforce these sanctions upon the Anglian regime and its people. We, along with many other members of the international community have worked tirelessly to halt Anglian aggression through diplomatic means, however they have disregarded this and have furthered their expansionist approach in the Occident. I am personally shocked at the revelations that the Anglian government pressured the smaller nations of Southern Azania into their coalition, and the implication that a fellow head of government was removed from power to secure Anglian interests in the region.

This lack of any regard for the preservation of global stability, and the infringement of sovereignty upon several nations, leaves me no choice but to enforce the following sanctions upon the Kingdom of Great Anglia. All assets of persons employed or associated with the Anglian regime in Delamaria will be frozen with immediate effect. All preexisting economic agreements with the the Kingdom of Great Anglia will be revoked. All Anglian diplomats will be expelled. All Anglian flagged or Anglian registered vessels or aircraft within Delamarian waters or airspace will be intercepted and searched before being expelled. Furthermore no Anglian produced or sourced products will be allowed to be bought or sold in the Commonwealth.

Other members of the Occidental-Azanian Pact will not share the same fate as Anglia does, however all products or services sourced from Suverina, Jilderen, Bulungi, Afropa, Sa Hara, Mahdah, Hakenium, and Alshamal will be subject to tariffs. In addition no materials or products that could aid in the war efforts of these nations will be allowed to be sold to their governments, armed forces or associated groups or persons. Similarly to Anglia, the assets of Suverinan persons or organisations, employed or associated with the government or armed forces will be frozen, however release or these assets can be negotiated on a case by case basis.

Make no mistake however about who in particular these sanctions are aimed for, these sanctions are designed to help slow Anglian expansionism, and prevent further escalation of the war.


Deborah Van Roose,

President of the Commonwealth of Delamaria.

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  • 5 months later...


Statement regarding the Sentist-@Stedorian affair

The Commonwealth takes great interest in the happenings on the continent, and the recent intervention in Ceris against Sentist forces was seen as a victory not only in Delamaria and the Coalition countries but also as a victory for the international community. The Sentist ideology poses a threat to every single person around the Wurld, it fuels hatred towards one another and at a turbulent time it is a destabilising force.

For this such reason we must express our concern at the uncomfortably supportive position of the Stedorian government towards the Sentist state and associated groups, which have brought devastation to Ceris and its peoples. One fails to understand how a government established to serve a people can have anything but negative views on not only an organisation such as the Sentists but the idea of Sentism itself. 

Now it is time for us to make several demands of the Stedorian government.

  1. Release all non-public government information about the Sentists and any relations between Stedoria and the Sentists that may have occurred.
  2. Release a statement denouncing Sentism, as every responsible government should.
  3. Assure its neighbours and the international community that Stedoria will not provide Sentism with any support, whether it be material or diplomatic.

It is imperative that the Stedorian government fulfills these objectives, should they not be willing to repercussions could be discussed, both diplomatic and economic.


Deborah Van Roose

President of the Commonwealth of Delamaria

Edited by Delamaria (see edit history)
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Begesag Foginänadinasdiläde Kobäläna Delamaräna

Response å Dèpårtèmint ds Afwaires Etrindjires del Kiminålté d'Delamaria

Response to the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of Delamaria





Edited by Stedoria
Broken link/images. (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...



To: The Republican Armed Service and Government of the Republic of @Iverica

From: The Department of Defence of the Commonwealth of Delamaria

Re: Mutual Exchange of Military Installations

Following informal talks with your government, the Commonwealth is happy to proceed with official negotiations regarding the establishment of two small scale Iverican military installations in Delamaria, and Delamarian military installations within Iverica. As expressed in the intrest of your government, the Blackport Naval Station in Bodmonton, and the Vangoer Naval and Air Station near Yorkerdam are ready for Iverican military tenants, and protections for Iverican personell and vessels are being prepared. 

I trust in time such facilities will be available in Iverica for Delamarian usage, and soon our nations will be able to exert their influences further in the cause of glubal security. For such time until these preperations are completed I request that these processes remain confidential to a certain degree. 

Thank you and I look forward to your reply,

Charles Ingram,

Secretary of Defence.



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Statement regarding incidents involving Great Anglia, and subsequent measures.

Delamaria looks upon the recent events that have unfolded in the Southern Adlantic and Azania with great concern, we sympathise with our friends in @Gallambria and are appalled at the actions taken by the Great Anglian Navy against a peaceful mission, and the unwillingness of the Great Anglian Government to make any amends. Any such actions are unacceptable from any nation, and must be dealt with by swift and decisive action. Therefore the expulsion of near all of Great Anglia’s diplomats stationed in Delamaria will be undertaken, the Embassy in Labrador will be stripped to a small workforce, and the Consulate in Alberta will be closed entirely. Some consular services will still be available for Anglian citizens until their Visas expire. The Delamarian Embassy in Godstone will also be reduced to its consular service staff and the ambassadorial staff, and Delamarian citizens located in Great Anglia will be advised to immediately leave the country on account of fears of harassment by Great Anglian authorities.

Furthermore Anglian diplomats who are believed by the Department of National Security to be Intelligence officers will be expelled and in some cases prosecuted under the National Security and Counterintelligence Act of 1998. By Executive Order of my office the sanctions imposed on July 13th of Last year will be renewed.

Though we always hope to make peace with our diplomatic adversaries, these acts cannot go unpunished and the international community must make a stand against aggression.


Deborah Van Roose,

President of the Commonwealth of Delamaria.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...



TO: The Supreme Leader of the @DPR Velaheria

FROM: The President of the Commonwealth of Delamaria


RE: Velaherian deployments to @Baltica

The recent developments in Baltica and the recent decisions made by the Velaherian government in response are of grave concern to the Delamarian government and armed forces. The recent decision to implement a larger scale presence in the country is especially worrying to us. As you know Delamaria, along with @Ahrana and @Seylos have deployed peacekeepers to Baltica to help bring about a restoration of order, and to avert any crimes against the population by the factions of the civil conflict. Therefore with Velaherian troops actively partaking in conflict on behalf of the Dolch combatants could pose a serious threat to peace as it would be a likelihood that should Dolch forces make their way to regions in which Delamarian and other nations’ peacekeepers are operating within, conflict could arise between our respective forces which would warrant an immediate response from our forces in Baltica and the region. 

Delamarian peacekeepers in the region have been directed to best avoid confrontation with troops of other state actors, however they are instructed above all else to protect civilians and prevent war crimes from taking place. Within the coming days Delamarian Air Force aircraft will arrive in the region to begin aerial monitoring, enforcement of the no-fly zone, and should it be necessary, conduct air strikes against ground forces. We heavily advise you and your armed forces not to interfere with Delamarian aircraft and their missions, lest it not lead to unneeded escalation of this conflict.

I sincerely hope that despite the less than good relations between our nations that Velaherian forces will use restraint and ensure that this civil war does not spiral into a wider conflict.

Yours sincerely

Deborah Van Roose

President of the Commonwealth of Delamaria

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Statement on the change of designation for Delamarian forces in Baltica

Following recent escalation of the conflict in Baltica, Pritchett House has decided to no longer designate Delamarian forces in Baltica as peacekeepers, rather Intervening and Stabilising Forces. Following attacks on Kauni, forces will work to re establish Kauni neutrality, as well as maintaining law and order, and ensuring that safe zones are established for civilians, foreigners and humanitarian organisations. 

Delamarian forces will continue to cooperate with our partners on the ground and to enforce the no-fly zone.


Edited by Delamaria (see edit history)
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  • 4 months later...




FROM: DSS Argic Security Desk

TO: The President, Vice President and Secretaries of Foreign Affairs, National Security and Defence

In the past months Stedorian government officials and state media have increased rhetoric criticising liberal democracies such as Delamaria. Though criticism of liberal democracies is not new from the Stedorian government or the Gemotam party, anti-delamarian rhetoric has increased and extremist wings of the party have become more prevalent such as the fascists, who actively support the downfall of liberal democracies and refer to Stedoria as an ‘illiberal democracy’. 

Stedoria remains high on the service’s radar and analysis points to Stedoria becoming more aligned with Velaheria. Though the two states have some ideological and political differences, the two states are united in their wurld views. This was seen in the Baltican Civil War, whereby Velaheria and Stedoria both supported the same faction against our and our allies’ forces in Baltica. We can hope that disagreements between the two occur to loosen the relationship, as combined they form a large military entity. The Stedorian and Velaherian militaries are larger than the Delamarian Armed Forces in number, however they lack the funding and technological advancement to be able to succeed swiftly.

Initial analysis worried the service as it was believed that Anglia could have supported the two in order to cause chaos in Argis and distract nations from Anglia’s advances. However with Anglian support for Dolchland we can see Anglian support for Velaheria and Stedoria to be unlikely due to tensions between Dolchland and the two. Should a large scale conflict begin with Anglia we believe that Velaheria and Stedoria would likely side against Anglia or remain neutral until any conflict arises with Dolchland. However in the aftermath of a conflict it is imperative that Delamarian and allied forces take control of Dolchland, as we have reason to believe that Velaheria and Stedoria intend to bring a post-war Dolchland into their control, possibly through annexations or establishing a satellite state. 

We have no doubt that Velaheria and Stedoria have large ambitions in the coming years to expand their influence across the continent, and the service, government and armed forces should be prepared for further Velaherian-Stedorian activities, whether they be sending interventionary forces as seen in Baltica, or through clandestine means. The DSS estimates that Velaherian and Stedorian foreign intelligence operations have expanded and are now a rival to the DSS and allied agencies. We can only hope that our secret partnerships with foreign agencies can work to contain and deter the Velaherian and Stedorian threat.


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TO: @Delamarian Security Service and Government of @Walneria

FROM: Seylosian Office of Foreign Intelligence (OFI)



In reference to the message sent by the Delamarian Security Service around the issues of Velaharia and Stedoria, the Kingdom of Seylos finds itself in a delicate position. While we are of course happy to work with our partners in Delamaria and Walneria, we have serious concerns about the security implications of dealing with Ateenia at this stage. As you are most aware, Seylos has only just finished imposing economic sanctions on the country, and Ateenia has found itself in alliance with the Haruspex, which both Seylos and the North Adlantic Union as a whole are at odds with. We don't believe that a deep cooperative relationship regarding the Dolch region involving Ateenia would be beneficial to both Seylos or any nation in the region in the moment. Such an invitation would no doubt invite Haru meddling, which could prove dangerous to an unstable situation.

Regarding the nation of Velaharia, the OFI believes for the moment they pose little risk. It appears that the threat of economic sanctions before actually imposing them managed to sway Velaharian policy in Baltica, showing that economic pressures against them are still useable and valuable tactics. The country's recent drive towards economic expansion also leaves them further open to NAU influence, which contains the investment capital they desperately seek as they expand. It should be worth noting that Seylos does not wish for Velaharia to be economically suppressed. In fact we believe for the entire Dolch region, economic prosperity and stability is essential for ensuring the continued security of Eastern Argis. With the Dolch Empire now in the picture, it is possible that Velaharia may end in conflict with the Empire whether they want to or not. Securing Velharian alignment to our own cause may be easier if our countries were able to provide certain security arrangements in the case of Dolch aggression into Velaharia. This compounded with our own economic stimulation of the Velaharian markets and exposure to our countries free markets could eliminate future Velaharian problems with little diplomatic conflict.

In the case of Stedoria, things have become much more complicated. Stedoria has shown significant antagonist tendencies towards both Seylos and the NAU. In the past they have attempted several diplomatic reprimands for NAU peacekeeping and rebuilding efforts within war stricken Ceris. In fact their latest attempt at gaining more power in the Dolch Region has been attempting to spread their ideology of 'Pan-Dolchism' which unfortunately also targets Ceriser countries within the NAU and out. Stedoria has also deeply involved itself in attempting what we believe is a "democratic coup" in the small country of Gadutea, an island to the south of Stedoria. Up until now, Seylos has been assisting in ensuring election interference does not occur in country, but it seems Stedoria has gone too far this time with their connection to the terrorist bombing on inauguration day.

We look forward to continued cooperation on these matters.

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  • 1 month later...


Statement regarding Anglian invasion of Anatea, and war in Aurelia

The Commonwealth of Delamaria condemns the actions of Great Anglia and its aligned states in its unprovoked acts of aggression against the independent nations of Aurelia. These are unacceptable steps for a nation to take and must be punished.

In the coming days Delamarian arms, supplies and fuel shipments will begin to @Anatea, @Louvier and @Zaxar, to bolster their defence, and protect their people. We must also warn the Great Anglian government and their aligned regimes, that any attack on Delamarian vessels or aircraft will be treated as an attack on Delamarian soil, and met with severe punishment.

We call on our allies across the Wurld to take a similar stance, to protect the free peoples of the Wurld from an aggressive and tyrannical power.


Deborah Van Roose


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Statement on the Quarantine of the Dolch Sea and Iwenland

At the order of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Delamaria President Deborah van Roose, the Delamarian Navy and Air Force will enforce a quarantine of arms, munitions and supplies intended to support Dolch and Anglian aggressive activities in the Dolch Sea and around Iwenland. Delamarian naval forces will be on high alert and have been ordered to capture or destroy any vessels not complying with the quarantine. We hope to work closely with our @Seylosian allies in order to put an end to the illegal invasion of our Iwenish friends.

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  • 7 months later...

FROM: North Adlantic Union Office of Foreign Affairs, Prime Minister Mariah Steube

TO: The United Kingdom of @Delamaria



The people of the North Adlantic Union are shocked and dismayed at the developments that have occurred within Delamaria. As the wurld has fallen into chaos, to see one of this Union's closest allies fall into a state of emergency such as this is deeply disturbing. We understand that the complexities of this situation are immense, and that may make matters worse by directly attempting to intercede between your government and the Lysian peoples of the north. Let it be known however that the North Adlantic Union will uphold its international commitments and continue to ensure that Delamaria has a strong partner to prevent any outside forces from attempting to take advantage of this situation. Within the Union there are many civilian organizations, such as the Seylosian Foreign Humanitarian Corps and partnered public safety offices that are willing and able to assist in any efforts that require their services to help ease the suffering of peoples caught in the violence.

It is with this in mind as well that the Union is also willing to offer any diplomatic services possible to help broach the divide in Delamaria and bring peace back as quickly as possible. King Aidan Redmond of Seylos has also offered to speak to the Lysian government in exile currently residing in Seylos in order to open up another possible avenue of communication between the two sides if necessary. We hope that anything the Union can bring to the table can be used successfully to put this crisis to an end and restore peace to Delamaria.

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