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Solutions to Asgeirria

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I realise many want to weigh on this as they have on Discord so I've put this up for more productive Discussion.

Courtesy tag [Aurelia Users]: @Metztlitlaca, @Shffahkia, @Oyus@Fjallshima, @Anatea, @Kirvina, @Eulycea


Object: Procedure dictates that Asgeirria is reduced in size to an area around the capital--this is the default outcome if nothing can be agreed on.

Context: Asgeirria is involved in a few RPs that affect the histories of @Ahrana, TRIDENT members. The notable ones are:

Issue: Some want Asgeirria expunged; but that creates a gap in history. All the RP and wiki relating to that would have to be nullified if Asgeirria is removed.

Some Points:

  • So far nobody I have talked to actually needs an Asgeirrian state as an active player. Should he be edited and modified into a city-state sized NPC, he would be inconsequential to foreign affairs apart from what space he occupies--and even then, can be annexed by any proximal nation.
    • It remains that his only importance is to have existed. As long as there's some indiciation that at one point, a weird autocracy existed there and did X and Y--then that is all that matters to the historical issue.
  • Aurelians can/should do whatever they want with him. The only historical requisite being mentioned above.


  • Relocate: an NPC will be created mimicing all the essential elements of Asgeirria.  People bring up that dead nations are taking up valuable space--this solution puts it in substantially less valuable space where the NPC can be safely ignored. Remember that the NPCs attitude can simply be set so that it is a hermit nation that bothers no one since its clear that most on Aurelia have no actual stake on Asgeirria's relevance.
    • image.png
    • The island west of Asgeirria's borders can be one such spot.
  • Reduce (default): an even simpler solution is to just reduce his claim to the area around the capital and make than an NPC. This saved the trouble of picking and agreeing on new location. This also offers new players that might settle nearby a chance to expand or justify certain RPs should it be desired. 
    • what if the new player does not want them there?-- See "Relocate".

Should I be concerned if...?

  • If I am an Aurelian- not really. Unless there is something very specific you have in mind/want with the region in and around Asgeirria. The chances any of this affect your bottom line are next to nil.
  • If I am a new player- did you want that spot? If so please contact staff @iverica on discord and we can talk about whether this is an issue or not.
  • If I am historically linked to Asgeirria's actions- If this post missed anything else he was involved in, please mention it below.
  • If I currently have RP in that area- no. Nothing changes.


If anyone from Aurelia has any concerns or questions--please to make them known below.


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As far as Manamana goes, it likely is going to be incredibly meaningless as it has already been slated that the entire canal and its development will be reworked and probably resemble little of its original form, only enough to honor key proponents of it (SSI and Synturia - this was discussed among those in Aurelia and Mesothalassa). Beyond that, it certainly is open for discussion. Personally, I know we had plans to have sensibly and reworked NPCs on Aurelia and we could have one of them fulfill the role Asgeirra did - I will look more closely into his imprint so I can further post on my stance with them.

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1 hour ago, Oyus said:

As far as Manamana goes, it likely is going to be incredibly meaningless as it has already been slated that the entire canal and its development will be reworked and probably resemble little of its original form, only enough to honor key proponents of it (SSI and Synturia - this was discussed among those in Aurelia and Mesothalassa). Beyond that, it certainly is open for discussion. Personally, I know we had plans to have sensibly and reworked NPCs on Aurelia and we could have one of them fulfill the role Asgeirra did - I will look more closely into his imprint so I can further post on my stance with them.

Thanks Oyus. Alright. Let's disregard the Manamana point. Though the other instances and the main point still holds.

Good to hear that NPC ideas are abound. There isn't a whole lot that the NPC would need to fulfil in terms of criteria but all the same I look forward to seeing how Aurelia will develop these--hopefully resembling Asgeirria enough to be easily recognisable!

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3 hours ago, Iverica said:

Good to hear that NPC ideas are abound. There isn't a whole lot that the NPC would need to fulfil in terms of criteria but all the same I look forward to seeing how Aurelia will develop these--hopefully resembling Asgeirria enough to be easily recognisable!

After having skim read a good bit of the threads, I think a wipe and NPC substitution would be ideal for sure. Total erasure certainly wouldn't be fitting, not without a substitute. An Aurelian NPC could probably be molded to something needed to take the role Asgeirria had in these posts without actually retaining the prime location or IP of Asgeirria. It would certainly allow Team Aurelia proceed as it would like to and give it something to do with its NPCs, something to add in. I know a couple I'd like to mold could potentially fit the bill, but a conversation only needed if none other believes there are better NPCs suited in Aurelia, or perhaps Alharu for that matter. It may be more sensible to be of Alharu or even Argis as opposed to Aurelia given that Asgeirria's desired power projection is realistic for a very limited amount of nations as it stands. A regional partner seems more sensible to me to fill the role left behind by Asgeirria.

Edited by Oyus (see edit history)
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