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[Academy Submission] Anatea Newspost


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Sarah Mezzani

<< Welcome to the morning edition of Solisea News, with Sarah Mezzani!
Let's start with news about the Anatean GDP's recovery after the end of the conflict in Delstev. I pass the line to Jack Lini about his report. >>


Jack Lini

<< It is with constancy and many sacrifices that Anatea has managed to improve its GDP by +0.3 in recent weeks. The secret? A cut on the armament funds of the army to divert them towards the incentives for the companies that were going in clear crisis. Along with the good news of the recovery, unemployment is also falling, but the army is more worried than ever about the interruption of supplies or the focus for new experimental projects that have given a serious halt to surveillance operations in the vicinity of Delstev. Prime Minister Fulvio Silani has promised that once a stable GDP level is regained he will return to support the army to keep it updated with the latest technological innovations. That's all, I pass the line back to the study. >>


Sarah Mezzani

<< Thanks Jack. With the GDP rapidly recovering, we also have good news from Delstev about humanitarian aid associations. I pass the line to Carlo Iaconni. >>


Carlo Iaconni

<< Thanks Sarah! Yes, humanitarian aids from Senza Frontiere has been able to help rebuild a part of the Ickras district, the capital of Delstev, today. The reconstruction works had already started immediately after the end of the conflict but thanks to donations from other nations and from Anatea, the local population managed to continue the works, making the first area almost completely rebuilt for now. It is expected that for now it will take more than ten years to rebuild most of the island, but if the donations and support remain unchanged, they may also be reduced to 4 years, which would help the region to rise economically once and for all.
That's all, I pass the line back to Sarah. >>


Sarah Mezzani

<< Thank you so much Carlo. These were the news for this morning edition of Solisea News! Thanks for following us and stay tuned! Have a good day! >>

Edited by Anatea (see edit history)

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