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By decree of the Empress Kira'Karn Vlos Elemmiire, First Daughter Sa'Karn the Wise, Matriarch of House Vlos Elemmiire and Lady of Battle of the Combined Houses, First Speaker of the Kaldana Colonial Hegemony, Rightful Princess and Claimant to the Throne of the Sovereign Imperium of Machina Haruspex;

This shall be where news of the imperial court, ministries of foreign relations and others are to be found concerning governmental law and or avenues of discussion between foreign parties. Council of the Nine edicts, and or other ministries shall also be represented here. This will be the further legal approach for any concerns of other nations for any activity being or planned by the Imperium.

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From: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry)
Authorization: Duke Sias Hu'yan, Vilicus of The Third Circle
Subject: Imperial Court News

In her second address since ascending the chrysanthemum throne, Empress Kira'Karn pledged to stand by the people of the Imperium in responding to intensifying environmental and social challenges ranging from climate change to the military occupation of the Northern Territories.

She has been quoted by the Imperial Royal News Service (IRNS) “In this rapidly changing society, I am contemplating measures in our official duties that would be complementary with such societal changes,” said the empress, during a Friday news conference with local dignitaries and house leaders of three coastal city-states.

Together with Senior Councilor Jargo Vlos, she paid a visit soon after her initial address to the people, to the city-states of Perya and Asake to offer encouragement to people affected by deadly Typhoon Fehtnygan (Windraker) in mid-February. She said Friday that she plans to make another visit to Na'Kem.

I believe the imperial family bears a share of the responsibility” to address such challenges, she told reporters at her residence near the Imperial Palace.

She pointed to the climate crisis as one of the main challenges the Imperium territories has faced in recent years. Climate change is said to have contributed to stronger typhoons and major floods in the coastal city-states over the past several years.

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  • 2 months later...


From: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry)
Authorization: Duke Sias Hu'yan, Vilicus of The Third Circle
Subject: Imperial Court News

Yaris, SIMH., 1st Year of Karn (2020), 06/11 — Empress Kira'Karn, who symbolizes the unity and continuity of the Haruspex nation, today had a look around Yaris, a city-state that closely borders that of the The Greater Holy Empire of @Tagmatium Rules and that of The Imperium of Adaptus Astrates.

Visitors and residents here also had a chance to look at the Empress and her entourage, a whose who of the Imperial court. This morning, they left their hotel suite and rode in a carriage down Duke of Sulsa Street to the Ministry of Seven, a minor council that serves the city-state with representatives from the houses located within, all of which are considered minor and our newly promoted from the common line.

The Empress, who arrived from the capitol of Prathen yesterday, is pausing here before proceeding to Taganrog tomorrow, the next leg of her 15‐day goodwill trip to other city-states alongst the border of the Adaptus Astrates to promote goodwill.

As the open carriage was drawn slowly down the street by matched brown horses, past preserved 18th‐century frame houses, taverns, an apothecary, peruke‐makers and other shops, the enthusiastic crowd clapped and waved plastic imperial and house flags.

Inside the ministry building the Empress and entourage were taken to the Hall of the Seven, an austerely beautiful room with one deeply curved wall.

It was here that the city-state's history was showcased, showing its roots as a trade hub, commanding border passes from two great nations, and the goods and so forth that had lead inwards upon roads and rail that were likened to great spreading veins in every direction.

The Empress is quoted as saying, " One day, I hope to once more, resume trade with the rest of the occidental via Yaris. To this end, shall I dedicate my interest in seeking a revitalization of both our land, and those around us." 

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  • 7 months later...


From: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry)
Authorization: Duke Sias Hu'yan, Vilicus of The Third Circle
Subject: Imperial Court News

Yaris, SIMH., 2nd Year of Karn (2021), K2/02/04 — Empress Kira'Karn, who symbolizes the unity and continuity of the Haruspex nation, today had a look around Ulan-Ude, a city-state that closely borders that of the Imperium of Adaptus Astrates.

One of many places visited within the border city-state, was one of cultural significance, The 1927 memorial to Yagari Hallas Elemmiire erected just a few years after her death, and is a surprisingly well-kept secret. Despite taking up a big chunk of the very central Adewi park, it seems a touch isolated from everything else. Much like the Empress herself.

Our divine leader, Kira'Karn approached it from the second avenue side of the park, passing the Esbaneym Lnobd, to get a view down a narrow avenue embellished with flowers and topiary (with Yagari's statue at the end).

Yagari has no great ostentatious mausoleum in the style of the likes of previous monarchs. Instead, you’ll find her husband and Emperor Hakon the 4th and Yagari alongside their son, Crown Prince Neka, in a simple chamber. Paying her respects, Kira'Karn laid fresh flowers nearby and lit the incense candles.

The vast majority of Imperial monarchs find their last resting place in the Esbaneym Lnobd (Imperial Crypt).

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  • 1 month later...



From: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry)
Authorization: Duke Sias Hu'yan, Vilicus of The Third Circle
Subject: Imperial Court News

Ulan-Ude, SIMH., 2nd Year of Karn (2021), K2/03/06 — Empress Kira'Karn, who symbolizes the unity and continuity of the Haruspex nation, has travelled to a city-state that does not appear to many. Ulan-Ude is a quiet, nearly sleepy city-state that maintains a large medical research presence, and a multitude of light and medium food, synthetic fuels, and electronic industrial complexes. It is also the host of the largest temple in all of the Imperium for the demi-goddess Tyfh, a member of Tyng Sudran's Court of Pantheons that serve as guides to the Haru people.

Tyfh (Pronounced: "TEae-fe-ha"), the goddess of dawn. The first prayer of the day is given to her as a sign of a new day. She is specially important during the entrance of a new age or a new phase in a person's life. People offer her bountiful harvests and prayers during the birth of a child, the womanhood or manhood of a child, the death of a person, entrance of the planting season, beginning of the harvest season, and start of a new annual cycle. These prayers are only conducted at the break of dawn.

During this time of festivities, our fair Empress has come to Ulan-Ude, to speak before the people, while also receiving a blessing from the priestesses of the temple. A rite that has persisted since the days before the very first Emperor and for every successive ruler afterwards. Bearing a red gown, to honor Themnzji, god of fury, prowess and cunning. Our divine ruler gave thanks to Tyfh and Themnzji before her voice fell over the city itself. 

A common misconception has been summed up some under the influence of other's impressions made by others during our time concerning 'The Decline of the Lands of Occidental' Is it then really to be the end of our history and of our peoples? No! we cannot believe it. This age must be called, not the decline of the Realm, but the resurrection of the peoples of this fair land of ours! Only that which was old, decayed and evil perishes; and let it die! But new life will spring up. Faith can be found, if the will is there. Our leadership has the will, and faith is with the people....

So we have come together on this day to prove symbolically that we are more than a collection of individuals striving one against another, that none of us is too proud, none of us too high, none is too rich, and none too poor, to stand together before the face of the Gods and of the wurld in this indissoluble, sworn community. And this united nation, this Imperium, we have need of it. When was a leadership at any time faced with a heavier task than our leadership? The trials of traitors, of foul blood that has desecrated what it means to be Haru. What have we, compared with the wealth of other lands, the wealth of other kingdoms, the wealth of other peoples, with the possibilities of living that they possess? What have we? One thing only; we have our people.

Either it is everything or it is nothing. On it alone can we count. On it alone can we build. Everything that we have created up to the present we owe solely to its goodness of heart, its capacity, its loyalty, its decency, its industry, its sense of order. And if I weigh all this in the balance, it seems to me to be more than all that the rest of the wurld can offer us. So this, I believe, can be our message to the other peoples on this dawn of blessing: 'You need have no fear that we want anything of you. We are proud enough to confess that we ourselves own that treasure, which you certainly could not give us - our people.' I could, as leader, think of no more glorious, no prouder task in this wurld than to serve this people. One might give me continents, but I would rather be the poorest citizen among this people. And with this people we must and shall succeed in achieving also the tasks that are still to come.

What we want lies clear before us: not war and not strife. Just as we have established peace within our own people, so we want nothing else than peace with the wurld. For we all know that our great work can succeed only in a time of peace. But just as the leadership of the nation in the domestic sphere has never sacrificed its honor in its relations with the people, so it can never surrender the honor of the people in its dealings with the wurld.

We know what we owe to the wurld. May the wurld come to understand what she can never deny to a proud people, and above all may she comprehend one thing: the Haru of today is not the Haru of yesterday - just as little as the Haru of yesterday was the Haru of today.

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  • 1 month later...



To: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry) of the Exousiokrateia ton Gharon (@Haruspex)

From: the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion of the Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion

Honoured allies,

It seems that a conflict sparked off by the events on Korinion, Corinium, have been avoided due to the restrain shown by all of the parties involved. To that end, the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion must congratulate the government of the Exousiokrateia ton Gharon, guided as it is by her majesty, the Exousiokratorissa, Kira'Karn. It would have been all too easy to allow hotter and more short-sighted heads to prevail and allow the situation to spiral into open warfare, one that may well have dragged in other nations across the wurld.

However, it does seem that the current situation of the island is perhaps merely the least worst of the outcomes that could have happened. A people and a land are now divided. It appears that they were at least divided politically beforehand but now they are divided physically, too. And in a manner that may well become ever more entrenched as the years drag on. Due to this, the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion suggests that common ground is found between the two halves of the island sooner rather than later, so that a people might once again become whole. Perhaps there is a need for dialogue between the two sides before the situation becomes any more permanent.

However, until this common ground is found and the rifts, physical and political, are healed, the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion recognises that the Exousiokrateia is protecting the interests of the government of the northern part of Korinion. And that, whilst this is an imperfect solution to an imperfect series of events, that Gharon is the protector of what is now known as the North Korinon Protectorate. In time, perhaps it can be hoped that there would be no need for foreign powers to be protectors of either part of the island but that time is clearly not upon us yet.

May God see to it that these divisions between a people are healed,

Eugenios Goulielmos,

Megas Logothetes

of the

Logothesion ton Barbaron

of the

Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion

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From: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry)
Authorization: Duke Sias Hu'yan, Vilicus of The Third Circle
Subject: Imperial Court News

Prathen, SIMH., 2nd Year of Karn (2021), K2/04/21 — Empress Kira'Karn, who symbolizes the unity and continuity of the Haruspex nation, is set to make a visit to North Korinon. This is a tremendous occasion and shall be apart of her itinerary for visiting the colonial holding of Kaldana as well. The Empress has decreed that visiting our newest protectorate, is to boost morale not only for those stationed therein, but to welcome the citizens of the North Korinon Protectorate, into the Imperium itself, following a decree that all those of North Korinon, are as brothers and sisters. Guarateened the same rights as all who are of Haru linage. This has been done to allievate any concerns that those within the Protectorate would be treated unfairly.

As it is indeed the divine ruler of the Imperium, she shall be escorted by the 1st Grand Ranke Fleet under the command of Grand Admiral Tiyu Vasai Elemmiire, one of the four cornerstone officers of the Imperial Navy, and current head of the Vasai Elemmiire House, a powerful entity based within the Perya City-State region.

As of this notification of travel, the Empress has already left Chel'de Yorn and is upon the sea itself. The Council of Nine and Advocate of the Empress, Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos shall remain as the official governing body during this trip beyond the homeland's borders, should our erstwhile allies the Tagmatine @Tagmatium Rulesrequire anything of the Imperium, and or any other power that be.

The 1st Grand Ranke Fleet will be on high alert as it transports the Empress to North Korinon and eventually to Kaldana.

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From: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry)
Authorization: Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos, Advocate of the Empress, Head of the Zero Circle
Subject: Imperial News

Prathen, SIMH., 2nd Year of Karn (2021), K2/04/22 — By the hand that holds the pen to Empress Kira'Karn, who symbolizes the unity and continuity of the Haruspex nation, Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos, Advocate of the Empress, Head of the Zero Circle, has been authorized by the Divine Authority to make the following statement concerning the activities of the SSI nation-state and it's new transitional government.

As of this hour, vessels that once carried soldiers and technicians to North Korinon, are being directed towards the once proud economic powerhouse island that was the Radiant Republic of the @Sunset Sea Islands

These vessels are of the six Uqah (Oxen) Class troop transports and each vessel is capable of ferrying up to two-thousand-six hundred individuals per. The Empress is appalled by the current state of affairs within the domain what was once the Radiant Republic, and has agreed that for the purposes of lessening a growing tragedy, that aid that can be sent, be sent.

The troop transports will have minimal escort and ferry all who wish to board to whatever destination is best. The vessels have already departed from holding berths within the North Korinon territorial waters and are steaming towards the republic with two escort vessels from the 1st NKP Defense Fleet, they are identified as the 205 Ymekydun Class corvettes Cay Fumv (Sea Wolf) and Nyjah (Raven).

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  • 3 weeks later...



To: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry) of the Exousiokrateia ton Gharon, the Sovereign Imperium of Machina @Haruspex

From: the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion of the Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion

Honoured allies,

As you are undoubtedly aware, the Regaseia tes Megas Angleias, the Kingdom of @Great Anglia has caused significant waves in the southern Occident, firstly by invading the Sosialdemokratikí Synomospondeia, the Social Democratic Confederation and conquering that nation. And then by undertaking a military alliance with your former allies, the Souberinioi, the Suverinians, which appears to have been coerced, to some extent. Due to the imbalance of power in the area, the Demokrateia tou Kyptou, the Republic of Qubdi, then invaded the disputed provinces on the Raga Sea, which are owned by Souberina but claimed by the Kyptoi. This invasion is now being fought against by both Angleiki and Souberiniki forces.

Whilst I am not going to tell the great Haru to take any particular course of action, it may well be for the best of both of our nations if we acted in concert in this crisis. Again, you are likely aware that Arhomaneia has placed trade embargoes against all three nations involved on certain goods and resources that would likely be used for warfare. It is hoped that this might then reduce their capabilities to wage aggressive war against one another. I appreciate that the Haru, with your people's keen business sense, may well see an opportunity for profit due to this – after all, if none of the nations are buying from Arhomaneia, the Haru could step in to fill that void.

Although this may well help in the short term, bringing in more revenue and increasing trade, it would mean that the situation in the south will continue to spiral and therefore cause more chaos and loss in the mid to long term. Especially since the Raga and Amnalos Seas could well end up as a heart of the conflict. I know that these areas are as key to the Exousiokrateia for trade as they are to my nation. To this end, I would then ask if the Sovereign Imperium could follow the example of the Megas Agios Basileia and institute a similar embargo, in order to halt the conflict before it becomes even more widespread. If need be, our governments could discuss fair and equitable compensation for those businesses that are losing out, if her majesty, Kira'Karn, elects to take on board this suggestion.

Indeed, it could well be a useful idea for our governments' representatives to meet, so that our nations would be able to coordinate and present a united front if this crisis does become significantly worse. The alliance between the Haru and the Arhomaioi brought peace and stability to the northern Occident – cooperation and unity in action could well mean that our alliance can also bring that same peacefulness to the southern Occident, too.

It has also been noticed by the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion that our noble Haru allies have moved a significant military force to our shared border. Because of this, and due to the situation in the southern Occident, I would like to ask for assurances that this force is not on the cusp of taking any action that we would all find very regrettable.

In this spirit of cooperation and unity of action, I have attached a copy of a personal message that his majesty, King Creighton of Megas Angleia, sent to his Aroman Majesty, Kommodos III, by the Grace of Christ the God, Holy Emperor, Autocrat and Equal-to-the-Apostles. My nation's intelligence services do think that it is a genuine communication and not something spread by any malicious third party. In it, King Creighton asks for the Agios Basileos to consider an alliance between Arhomaneia and Megas Angleia, and also he makes uncharitable references to the Haru – thoughts which have never crossed the minds of the Arhomaioi. I can assure you, and her Majesty Kira'Karn in turn, that his Aroman Majesty is not considering an alliance at this point. It is not currently thought to be worth spurning our alliance for one with a country that seems to be determined on creating conflict.

May God grant the Occident, Europa and Eurth many years of peace and prosperity.

Eugenios Goulielmos,

Megas Logothetes

of the

Logothesion ton Barbaron

of the

Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion


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From: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry), and The Offices of the Zero Circle (Haru Intelligence Security Services)
Authorization: Duke Sias Hu'yan, Vilicus of The Third Circle
Authorization: Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos, Advocate of the Empress, Head of the Zero Circle

Honored Allies, I speak with authorization of the Empress, her divine authority, and command of the imperial throne of the Sovereign Imperium. 

The forces upon the border to the Greater Holy Empire are to reinforce it and or push through the fallen Adapton territories to engage the Angelian forces should they encroach upon the home territories of your rule. 

It is doubtful this should happen, but the Empress made the option to appease the military command, and so this precaution was authorized to deploy legionnaires to the border defense line, to bring it to a fully manned state with reserves available. 

On the subject of the actions in the southern Occidental, the Council of Nine agree with the proposal and the case has been made to the throne. With regards to the former territory of the Social Democratic Confederation, and to what was once our allies, fallen to darkness, the Suverinians, the Sovereign Imperium shall stand with The Greater Holy Empire, our esteemed allies, in this embargo against these now claimed Angelian territories, as well as the sovereign kingdom itself.

When the Empress returns from North Korinon, the throne will be available for a meet, so as to better discuss the affairs of the Occidental and what should be the goal concerning Angelian presence within our shared realm.

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  • 1 month later...

From: Her Majesty, Ena Kalinka

To: Her Majesty, Kira'Karn Elemmiire


Your honoured Empress,

I would like to send you an invitation to the Kingdom of Ateenia for a feast and to celebrate our upcoming Miðnóttleysa festival that I wish you to be apart of. As my distant relative through the blood of our great ancestor Jorling Kalinka, I would be honoured to have you and your family visit Ateenia and partake in one of our most important national holiday. There will be food, drinking, dancing and fighting, all the good stuff. As such we will reserve a spot for you and your family in hopes that you shall attend our festival.

It will begin in 22nd of June in your calender and will last for 2 days so we suggest that if you do attend, you make it here in the 21st of June of your calender. You will of course be permitted to visit earlier if you so wish and our doors will be open.

I hope to see you at the festival and as always, Iwish you a safe travel.


Ena Kalinka

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From: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry), and The Offices of the Zero Circle (Haru Intelligence Security Services)
Authorization: Duke Sias Hu'yan, Vilicus of The Third Circle
Authorization: Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos, Advocate of the Empress, Head of the Zero Circle

Honored kin of the Ateenian people, I speak with authorization of the Empress, her divine authority, and command of the imperial throne of the Sovereign Imperium. As of current the Empress is within the territorial holding of North Korninon, however, she has expressed attending this festival with that of her wife and Ix-ajaw of House Karn Elemmiire, the Autokráteira Ayn Gende Elemmiire.

The escort fleet that would have taken the Imperial ruling pair and the elite of her entourage, will now be re-directed towards that of Kingdom of @Ateenia. We have informed the colonial holding of Kaldana that she will arrive a bit later, and as such this allows freedom of movement within an otherwise busy schedule. 

The fleet will arrive off of Ateenian waters by the 19th of this month. 

With the blessings of Tyfh (Pronounced: "TEae-fe-ha"), the goddess of dawn, just a few months prior, perhaps this is a sign from the gods of a time of merry and meet with those whom brought forth the bloodline of Jorling Kalinka. To appreciate our linked histories, even if we have developed alongst differing paths. 

Edited by Haruspex (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...


From: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry), and The Offices of the Zero Circle (Haru Intelligence Security Services)
Authorization: Duke Sias Hu'yan, Vilicus of The Third Circle
Authorization: Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos, Advocate of the Empress, Head of the Zero Circle

With the Empress safely having returned to the Homeland, Prathen, SIMH., 2nd Year of Karn (2021), K2/07/10 — By the hand that holds the pen to Empress Kira'Karn, who symbolizes the unity and continuity of the Haruspex nation, the Ministries of the Third and Zero Circle are authorized to deliver this teletype.

As of now, the North Korinon Protectorate is apart of the greater Imperial Co-Prosperity Sphere, of which the Kaldana Autonomous Colony is also apart of. 

With the threat of Anglian aggression near the Kaldana territories, we will begin reinforcing that area while maintaining a naval presence within North Korinon Protectorate territorial and shipping lane waters.

The barrier between the shared city of Cunetio has been removed, the remainder of the barrier is and will be upheld. Passports and ID must be scanned at checkpoints to allow travel. 

North Korinon Protectorate officers have been assigned this role, under the NKPSD. You may direct requests to their headquarters within Cunetio should it be needed.

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  • 1 month later...


From: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry)
Authorization: Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos, Advocate of the Empress, Head of the Zero Circle
Subject: Imperial Court News of Recent Visit

Prathen, SIMH., 2nd Year of Karn (2021), K2/08/21 Events that Occurred — By the hand that holds the pen to Empress Kira'Karn, who symbolizes the unity and continuity of the Haruspex nation, Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos, Advocate of the Empress, Head of the Zero Circle, has been authorized by the Divine Authority to make the following statement concerning the recent visit by our distant relatives and Her entourage, the Queen of the @Ateenian Kingdom, through the shared bloodline of our great and noble ancestor Jorling Kalinka. 

Her majesty was the guest of our Divinity Elect Kira'Karn and her wife Autokráteira Ayn Gende Elemmiire. 

Though the Queen made several public appearances, onlookers remained at a distance behind security barriers most of the time. On the final day of her visit, she greeted members of the public on a short walkabout on a street in Prathen. Earlier, she met with some members of the public.

For the three nights of her visit, the Queen stayed within the royal quarter, as a guest of the Empress.

Day 1 (August 21st)
The Queen arrived in Prathen, SIMH, flying into Prathen International Aerodrome landing on schedule and with fighter escort having been deployed earlier around noon. Kaorin Vlos Advocate of the Empress, and Duke Sias Hu'yan, Minister for Foreign Affairs greeted the Ateenian Queen and her party when they got off the plane.

Following her arrival, she was driven to the nearest Vjoldinist Temple was located, where she was welcomed by Thei'de Kantra Velven, Minister of Religious Affairs and Applications. The Queen signed the guestbook of the Temple. While there, she also inspected a guard of honour of the Eighth Circle Defence Forces accompanied by guard commander Prata Khan Elias Valis Zun (5th Infantry Legionary, 3rd Royal Imperial Guard Army). A 21-gun salute was fired in the background. 

After changing clothes, she travelled to the Garden of Remembrance where she was greeted by the Minister Ria Mel'Ana Velven for the Seventh Circle [ECC - Imperium Security Services], and Minister Aria Hallas Zun of the Fourth Circle [MTSM - Medical Technology Services Ministry]. She laid a wreath, and the Queen bowed to honour those who died for liberty of the Northern Territories and staving off the civil war that loomed of recent.

She then retired for the day, settling in within the imperial ward for the evening.

Day 2 (August 22nd)
The Queen visited the National War Memorial Gardens, where she also laid a wreath, before having a private lunch with the Empress and the Autokráteira. Among those who were invited to attend the National War Memorial ceremony were several powerful individuals of the major houses, and those of rising bloodlines that currently exist.

Joining the Empress and Autokráteira, the Ateenian Queen was greeted by a military parade of House aligned imperial legionary about to be deployed to Kaldana. Several thousand from splinter bloodlines were on display as they methodically goose-stepped past the viewing stand within the core wards of Prathen, so as to publicize it to the people.

She then retired for the day, settling in within the imperial ward for the evening of festivities of a closed event within the royal ward.

Day 3 (August 23rd)
While in Orkhon Ward, the Queen visited the city's International Market on Main Street after which she made unscheduled walkabout along the Grand Bypass Hall, greeting members of the public in the street, before going to Svantha Technological Institute, a research centre which is part of the Imperial Military Research and Development complex. 

She left the country from Prathen International Aerodome in the late afternoon.

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  • 2 months later...



From: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry), and The Offices of the Fifth Circle [NCAC - Naval Command and Control]
Authorization: Tihun Xun - Fifth Circle
Authorization: Field Marshal Agir Valmet - North Korinon Protectorate Aero Services

In a weeks time, four aerocraft will leave North Korinon's NKPAS airbase and bypass the Anglian nation while maintaining a flight path alongst the main sea-route to the imperial colonial holding of Kaldana.

These aerocraft will be LRADO-8 Strategic Bombers that are being moved to Kaldana for security of the region. This is following our recent deployment of forces to the colonial territories and the region of Kambarria.

This is to let our neighboring nation and to others in the area of effect, that this is happening as a notice that it is not of ill intent.


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  • 2 months later...



From: The House Lords of Be'la Kyorl, and Jargo Vlos
Authorization: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry), and The Offices of the Fifth Circle [NCAC - Naval Command and Control]

By decree of the Empress Kira'Karn Vlos Elemmiire, First Daughter Sa'Karn the Wise, Matriarch of House Vlos Elemmiire and Lady of Battle of the Combined Houses, First Speaker of the Kaldana Colonial Hegemony, Rightful Princess and Claimant to the Throne of the Sovereign Imperium of Machina Haruspex;

Concerning activity by Anglian naval forces within the Amnalos Thalassa, and their illegal shadowing of a @Gallambrian vessel, the Council of the Nine and the seafaring major houses of Be'la Kyorl and Jargo Vlos are deeply concerned.

Thus it with notice that the 7th Ranke Submarine Squadron will be officially deployed to the waters of the Amnalos Thalassa, as well as the 2nd Strike Fleet under operational command of Admiral Sekari Kyorl.

In conjunction with our colonial naval partners, the Kaldanan Colonial Navy shall be upping its patrols and will be made available to powers within the region concerning Anglian aggression.

Furthermore, we shall now be stopping any Anglian or allied OCA transport. Since a joint embargo with the GHET @Tagmatium Rules has not worked, the only option left is deny them access to the Amnalos Thalassa, and halt their advancement here in Europa and into the New Wurld by removing them from the seas themselves.

It is the belief of the council, that if they cannot transport goods and services via sea-lane routes, that they will grind to a halt in their efforts to re-write the social order of the wurld.

Whilst the Haru people have no particular love of the Gallambrian people or its government, we will not allow the OCA to continue to have their way. If Bashan comes to conflict, it will only be a matter of time before our interests are affected.

Edited by Haruspex (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...



From: The House Lords of Be'la Kyorl, Hallas Elemmire, and Renor Vlos
Authorization: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry), The Fifth Circle [NCAC - Naval Command and Control], and The Eighth Circle [MRAA - Ministry of Religious Affairs and Applications]

By decree of the Empress Kira'Karn Vlos Elemmiire, First Daughter Sa'Karn the Wise, Matriarch of House Vlos Elemmiire and Lady of Battle of the Combined Houses, First Speaker of the Kaldana Colonial Hegemony, Rightful Princess and Claimant to the Throne of the Sovereign Imperium of Machina Haruspex;

This move is done out of the alarm of what is happening near our kin, the spread of the communist belief and the allowance of its degeneracy to continue. 

At the start, let us make it clear that in our opinion no special credit is due those nations who are making an all-out fight against this Gods-less force, a force which seeks to destroy all the honesty and decency that every individual has been taught at their mother’s knee. 

It is a task for which we can claim no special credit for doing. It is one which we are obligated to perform. It is one of the tasks for which we were brought into this wurld-for which we were born. If we fail to use all the powers of mind and body which the Gods gave us, then we are sure our mothers, wherever they are tonight, may well sorrow for the day of our births…

To that end, the Council of Nine has authorized the deployment of the three House Legions to be sent to @Ateeniaian military holdings. These houses will be supplemented with standing Imperial Army legionary as well as naval forces included above. 

Whilst Anglia is a very real threat, it can only conquer our lands. The communists would take our souls from the gods. To combat communism is to commit oneself to holy war, in the name of the gods, must we purge this threat to our existence and our way of life, for all who come after.

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From: Her Excellency, Torvi Helgidóttir, Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Ateenia

To:  The House Lords of Be'la Kyorl, Hallas Elemmire, and Renor Vlos, and The Offices of The Third Circle

The Kingdom of Ateenia is glad that Haruspex has begun to show more interest in the affairs of Argis and that your country understand the threat communism poses for the whole wurld. Our kingdom has suffered the evil that this communist plague inflicts on those that fall for its false promises and it is for that reason, that we must fight this evil every way possible.

While we are grateful for your offered aid, we must unfortunately ask that only one legion be sent to Ateenia instead of three, for we feel like our great kingdom, despite being so great, cannot sustain the presence of such a large foreign force. That is why only a single legion will be accepted to be stationed in the Ateenian military bases. This does bring up another problem our kingdom has with this action. We lack the facilities to house this many troops, which is why we must admit that these troops will be housed in temporary buildings, which shall be set up in our bases. While only temporary, these buildings will still offer quality housing for the Haru troops and will be enough to protect said troops from the environment, so that the troops can rest. These temporary buildings will be set up in only 3 days and will lack modern utilities like plumbing and will only be warmed by electric heaters.


Torvi Helgidóttir
Ena Kalinka
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ateenia

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  • 5 months later...



To: Their Excellencies, The House Lord of Renor Elemmiire, The Office of The Third Circle of the Exousiokrateia ton Gharon (@Haruspex)

From: the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion of the Megas Agios Basileia Arhomanion


Your excellency,

In light of the recent extraordinarily heavy rains that have lashed the Exousiokrateia ton Gharon, I have been requested by his Aroman Majesty, Kommodos III, by the Grace of Christ the God, Agios Basileos kai Autokrator ton Arhomaioi kai Isapostolos, to offer the any aid to your nation at this time. It is appreciated that this unusually high amount of rain has not met anything approaching a humanitarian disaster at this point, nor is the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion expecting that your nation's government and emergency services cannot handle the situation as it stands.

However, were the situation to worsen, then the Arhomaioi would be willing to offer what aid that they could. After all, it is a Christian act to lend aid and charity to those in need. Although our nations are no longer allies, we can yet remain friends. The Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion would not be willing to sit idly by, out of spite due to our nations' alliance breaking down, were the Gharoi suffering through a natural disaster. It would not be right to let any deterioration in our nations' relations be an excuse to let our peoples suffer.

The Arhomaiki protectorate of Akbiseia, known in Anglish as Akwisia, is suffering from the same extremely heavy rains, as are north-western parts of Arhomaneia, although it appears that Gharon is suffering from the brunt of it. If need be, my nation could extend any rescue and relief operations in Arhomaneia and Akbiseia across our shared border and into those parts of Gharon that are heavily affected. This, of course, is not to imply that your nation cannot respond adequately. It could mean that the lives and livelihoods of Gharoi are protected.

The Agios Basileos, the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion and the Arhomaioi are at your service.

May the friendship between the Gharoi and the Arhomaioi please God through its lasting nature.

Eugenios Goulielmos,

Megas Logothetes

of the

Logothesion ton Barbaron

of the

Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion

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To: The Office of Eugenios Goulielmos, Megas Logothetes, Representative of the Logothesion ton Barbaron, Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion

From: The Offices of The Third Circle (Foreign Affairs Ministry)
Authorization: Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos, Advocate of the Empress, Head of the Zero Circle

Prathen, SIMH., 3rd Year of Karn (2022), K3/22/09/06 — By the hand that holds the pen to Empress Kira'Karn, who symbolizes the unity and continuity of the Haruspex nation, Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos, Advocate of the Empress, Head of the Zero Circle, has been authorized by the Divine Authority to make the following statement concerning the recent adverse and harsh weather conditions.

The Northern Territories council has officially requested aid of the central government. As the northern territories are not as resilient as of yet as the central lands, the infrastructure has taken a blow to the tempest that has delivered such copious amounts of rain. 

Therefore, we accept the friendly gesture, and authorize the usage of Ulusk and Perya port city-states respectively to Arhomaioi relief and aid workers. Perhaps this will give her majesty, Empress Kira'Karn a moment of reflection, to better stability and progress of two nations within the Occident that have seen, a tumultuous time of late.

Currently deployed is the entirety of House Mzil Velven to the relief effort, they stand ready to receive additional support. Her grace's voice shall come through the Lord of the North, Kaorin Renor Vlos Elemmiire, and that of the Lord of Perya city-state, Tarte Yars. 

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  • 5 weeks later...



To: The @Tagmatium Rules Office of Eugenios Goulielmos, Megas Logothetes, Representative of the Logothesion ton Barbaron, Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion

From: The Offices of The Fifth Circle [NCAC - Naval Command and Control], and The Second Circle [SCMCC - Military Command and Control]
Authorization: Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos, Advocate of the Empress, Head of the Zero Circle

Prathen, SIMH., 3rd Year of Karn (2022), K3/22/10/07 — By the hand that holds the pen to Empress Kira'Karn, who symbolizes the unity and continuity of the Haruspex nation, Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos, Advocate of the Empress, Head of the Zero Circle, has been authorized by the Divine Authority to make the following statement concerning naval movements of the Haru Imperial Navy assets.

The HIN will be moving a large part of its 2nd 'Ranke' Fleet through the Ranke Sea out of Perya. Its destination will be the Greater Kaldana territories. During this movement phase, there will be a changing of the columns stationed upon our shared border, the contractual obligation of Houses Mzil Velven, Tagnik Zun, and Vek Elemmiire have come to pass and the Houses Olath Orn, Jargo Vlos, and Hallas Zun shall assume their positions.

The current HIL regulars deployed to the border, shall remain, though there will be column changes. 

Given the nature of affairs currently with the Anglian presence constituting a security risk, there will be no change in deployed strategic rocketry, aeroforce wings, and or defensive units on the border and surrounding over-watch points.


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To: The Offices of the National Armaments Corporation Hrafn Hf, and those of the National Defense Ministry of @Ateenia

From: The Offices of The Fifth Circle [NCAC - Naval Command and Control], and The Second Circle [SCMCC - Military Command and Control]
Authorization: Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos, Advocate of the Empress, Head of the Zero Circle

Prathen, SIMH., 3rd Year of Karn (2022), K3/22/10/14 — By the hand that holds the pen to Empress Kira'Karn, who symbolizes the unity and continuity of the Haruspex nation, Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos, Advocate of the Empress, Head of the Zero Circle, has been authorized by the Divine Authority to make the following statement concerning the creation of a proxy with the Ateenian corporation Hrafn Hf, utilizing deliveries by HIA.

HIA will direct shipments of TELS and Tajem rocketry systems to destinations designated by Hfrafn Hf, for re-direction to clientele serving the Ateenian defense interests. These shipments will be sent from the Northern military command, re-directed from North Korinon and finally arrive to designated port or other offload points.

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  • 2 months later...


From: NCAC - [Haru Naval Command and Control] Headquarters

Authorization: Grand Admiral Tihun Xun, Lord of the Haru Imperial Naval (HIN) Forces

On this date, the 4th Year of Karn (2023), K4/23/08/02 — By the hand that holds the pen to Empress Kira'Karn, who symbolizes the unity and continuity of the Haruspex nation, Grand Admiral Xun has been authorized by the Divine Authority to make the following statement concerning the movement of HIN assets.

Following recent deployments to the Geltic Sea, the following assets have resumed operations within areas of the deep Adlantic Ocean, tertiary elements of the Whanganui Sea, Qingming Sea, and once more, into the deeps of the vastness that is the Adisi Ocean.

* 1st Squadron - SSBN
* 2nd Squadron - SSN
* 8th Squadron - SSBN

While we are not interested in divulging our tactical interests nor goals of these deployments, we can say for certainty, that the HIN has not been authorized for combat, and these deployments are for research and developmental study of new designs and technology experiments.

By the sending of this diplomatic message to interested parties who may divulge at their discretion, our forces are already underway, sailing from North Korinon harbors.

Edited by Haruspex (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...


Addressing: The People and Governments of the Nations of the Occidental-Azanian Alliance @Seylos

From: Sovereign Imperium of Machina Haruspex

Authorization: Royal Council of Nine

On this date, the 4th Year of Karn (2023), K4/23/02/02 — By the hand that holds the pen to Empress Kira'Karn, who symbolizes the unity and continuity of the Haruspex nation, Advocate of the Empress, Head of the Zero Circle, Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos has been authorized by the Divine Authority to make the following statement concerning the following response to the OCA and matters concerning it on behalf of the Imperium.

The Governments and those nations of the OCA have on the Kingdom of Anglia, subverted a once proud and fair people, seen the rise of usurpers within the Cij'aney (Suverina), the eradication of the true noble line that has led them up until this dark chapter of history.  

Having violated in the most flagrant manner and in ever increasing measure been guilty of the most severe provocations towards other nations of the Occidental who refused to bend the knee in the face of the OCA's bid for conquest, committing many military acts of aggression within the southern Occidental nations and the New Wurld.

The Imperial Government therefore establishes the following facts:

Although the Imperium on her part has remained aloof of combat with the OCA, and even lessened its embargoes, unbeknownst at the time of the seriousness to which the their sworn kin the Cij'aney (Suverina) had truly been led astray.

The Kingdom of Anglia enables unstable regimes to make conquest, such as the Dolch Empire, and amongst others, yet does not take the field of war itself, rather letting a proxy war envelope the Eurth.

The Imperial Government, consequently, discontinues whatever diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Anglia, the greater OCA and that of the false Cij'aney and declares that under these circumstances brought about by this state of affairs and actions taken, as from today, considers herself as being in a state of war with the The People and Governments of the Nations of the Occidental-Azanian Alliance.

To that end, our forces will aid any battered foe of the OCA outright as well engage any flag flying OCA vessel, as a hostile force.

From @GallambriaBashan to @Gaellicia, to the Khil'tine @Tagmatium Rules, the Haru answer the call of battle.

Edited by Haruspex (see edit history)
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FROM: The Office of Secretary General Zuberi Uhuru, Occidental-Azanian Pact

TO: Sovereign Imperium of Machina Haruspex


The government of Haruspex has truly crossed a line nobody was capable of thinking they were able to.

In the interest of peace the nations of the Occidental-Azananian Pact had allowed Haruspex to continue its quiet war in what the Haru call "Kaldana". The time for peace is clearly now over.

There are many things this pact could be accused of, but none so heinous as the crimes of the Haru. It's dedication to the eradication of peoples and its crimes towards its own Europan brethren.

Haruspex talks of proxy wars yet it builds a small state for the sole purpose of antagonism towards the weak North Adlantic Union. Haruspex prides itself on its military supremacy, yet must use its own proxy to face down a group of self proclaimed pacifists.

Haruspex decries the Dolch Empire in its righteous attempt to unify its own ethnic people, but continues on its misguided attempts to conquer the lands of people's who have absolutely no connection to its own.

Then the Haru shall reap what they have sown. The people have Cabarria have cried out for help against their Haru invaders and it will please this Pact to no end to crush this invasion. Despite what the rest of the world refuses to see, we know what you are doing.

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