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NationStates: Z-Day 8

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Wow! It seems like only yesterday that the undead began periodically rising from the grave to feast upon the flesh of the living. But no: Zombie scientists have confirmed that for the eighth time, the world is expected to undergo a horrific apocalypse.

Zombie apocalypse begins in:

You might be like, "Well if these zombie scientists can pinpoint the start time so accurately, maybe they should put a little effort into finding a permanent cure." But that's because you misunderstand the term "zombie scientists." They are literally zombies. They wear little white lab coats and sleep most of the year but once they start to get twitchy, we know the apocalypse is coming.

What You Need to Know

  • The zombie apocalypse will begin @@JGConfig::time_ago(1572465600, 1)@@ (click for local time)

  • It will run for 33 hours, ending @@JGConfig::time_ago(1572465600 + (33 * 3600), 1)@@

  • Zombies move between nations in the same region. This makes it important to be aware of what your neighbors are doing, as will be difficult for an individual nation to hold out in a heavily infected region. Each region will report its infection rate so that residents can make an informed choice about which are relatively safe and which are basically pools of pandemic-level z-virus.

  • You have three options:

    • Exterminate the zombies with military force. This converts them into dead citizens, who pose no further risk to the living. It is very effective when you have lots of survivors and few zombies, and less effective when your military forces have mostly been eaten.

    • Research a cure, which helps to lower your region's infection rate. Enough nations working together can slow or stop the spread of zombies and even begin to turn infected back into survivors. However, this takes time and is most effective with test subjects and collaboration.

    • Embrace the zombie hordes, becoming part of the problem as you spread zombies all around your region. Eventually, of course, your hordes may run out of food and starve. This option isn't for everyone. But there's always someone.

  • Your nation may also unlock superweapons over time. Once built, they can be manually deployed against targets of your choice by visiting their nation page and hitting the appropriate button.

    • Exterminating zombies develops Tactical Zombie Elimination Squads, who can enter other nations and kill zombies there.

    • Researching a cure develops Cure Missiles, which can be launched at other nations in order to convert zombies into survivors.

    • Embracing the undead develops Hordes, which can surge into other nations and infect their survivors.

    Superweapons can be deployed every 20 seconds. If you take a hit from a superweapon, the resulting chaos makes your own superweapon unavailable for a few minutes.

  • The World Census will maintain some relevant zombie-related ranking scales:

    1. survivors-100.pngThe Most Survivors

    2. zombies-100.pngThe Most Zombies

    3. dead-100.pngThe Most Dead

    4. zratio-100.pngThe Most Zombified

    (Note: Up to one hour delay is to be expected in the ordering of these scales.)

  • During Z-Day, Founders and Delegates can close their region's borders at no Influence cost, sealing themselves off the from the world, and the plaintative cries of nations seeking refuge. It seems pretty harsh. You're just sitting there watching millions of people die. But zombie apocalypses demand tough choices.

The Z-Day Tally Board will track global progress during Z-Day. Good luck!

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Good news! The undead have basically run out of live victims and begun starving to death in most regions. On the downside, 85% percent of the global population is either dead or infected. But the number of survivors has stabilized, so if you're still hanging in there, I think you're going to make it!

Unless, you know, some zombie exporter slips into your region at the last minute.

Zombie apocalypse ends in:


As I write this, the Z-Day Tally Board tells me that:

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Hey, guess what? We finally got our N-Day4 results back. Remember N-Day4? With the nuclear launches and whatnot? Well, somehow the final tally got caught up in some red tape, and anyway, the point is, you would not believe how fast rampaging zombie hordes cut through red tape.

So if you can take a moment from your current desperate struggle to survive, here's a wrap-up of what went down during N-Day4!

Final Leaderboard

Two-time reigning N-Day champs Augustin Alliance went in looking to make it three in a row, and boy, they put up a hell of a fight. It's not easy to be the champ. Everyone is looking to nuke you. And this time, the 500 or so plucky AA nations had to settle for third.

The new dominant faction was Horsemen of the Apocalypse from Hell, who pancaked all challengers en route to racking up a truly massive score of 332,564—almost double the previous record! I'm given to understand that the Horsemen maintained a solid lead throughout most of N-Day, then cemented their position by backstabbing partner faction UPPERCUTS in the most brutal, radioactive way possible.

Faction Score Nations Region
1. Horsemen of the Apocalypse 332,564 3,730 Nations Hell
2. Canopy 64,286 1,774 Nations Forest
3. Augustin Alliance 54,869 581 Nations Augustin Alliance
4. The Minotaurs 18,629 219 Nations The Labyrinth
5. Fuster Cluck Coalition 12,184 200 Nations Northern Ocean
6. IRMA Alliance 5,204 11 Nations Melayu Archipelago
7. The E Team 3,352 27 Nations Equilism
8. Mars Colonies - School Class Region 2,594 33 Nations Federation of Martian Colonies
9. Ousted Regions Against Liberals 1,313 32 Nations New Yellow Empire
10. Warschauer Pakt 1,082 38 Nations Warschauer Pakt

In global nuclear stats:

  • 574 factions were created.

  • 17,126 nations joined a faction.

  • 1,709,829 nukes were targeted.

  • 1,408,747 nukes were launched.

  • 470,754 nukes were shot down.

  • 938,148 strikes occurred for 774,901 radiation.

Most of these are new all-time records! It's good to know that nuclear warfare is healthier than ever before.

Your Permanent N-Day4 Archive

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Whew! I know I say this every year, but this was one of the most lethal zombie apocalypses yet. A mere 15.8% of the global population survived, with corpse numbers waaaay up on last year. I'm not sure what that says about the world we live in today. That there are a lot of dead people in it, I guess.


107.9 trillion



181.5 trillion



392.7 trillion


Final standings from the Z-Day Tally Board:

And on the individual scales:

Thank you for doing your part to rid/fill the world of/with zombies. Happy Halloween!

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Whew! I know I say this every year, but this was one of the most lethal zombie apocalypses yet. A mere 15.8% of the global population survived, with corpse numbers waaaay up on last year. I'm not sure what that says about the world we live in today. That there are a lot of dead people in it, I guess.


107.9 trillion



181.5 trillion



392.7 trillion


Final standings from the Z-Day Tally Board:

And on the individual scales:

Thank you for doing your part to rid/fill the world of/with zombies. Happy Halloween!

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