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Hi! Not much to say. I'll answer from Frequently Asked Questions I saw on some other Hello topics:
1) I joined via Hoffman on the vexillology subreddit discord server
2) Idk what else to say



Glad to see you here!Β πŸ‘‹πŸ»

17 minutes ago, Metztlitlalio said:

I joined via Hoffman on the vexillology subreddit discord server

Yeah, we've been friends for a while and I can vouch for their worldbuilding proficiency (especially their maps are super sweet). When I noticed that his one and only NS nation was chilling in a feeding region I knew that I couldn't let their talents go to waste.

18 minutes ago, Metztlitlalio said:

Idk what else to say

You can use this thread to give people a quick introduction to your nation, e.g. ethnicity, government type, comparison to RL stuff.

I'm sure you'll be a great addition to the community!


Hi there and welcome to this safe space.

Take your shoes off and wear these indoor slippers.

Please leave all prior drama at the door.


Hello, there! I know from experience and new-nation wide-eyed curiosity that this place is a wonderfully accepting place. I'm excited to see what you have to offer!

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