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Project 1153: Supercarrier

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Minsk, Republic of Dniester

Luhansk Building, Joint Naval Headquarters

11:53 PM

Welcome, welcome! As the Supreme Admiral of the Joint Dniester-Bulgenstaz Navy, I welcome you all to this discussion. The topic for this month's meeting is Project 1153. Yes, yes I know I know. The project has been approved by the Joint Chiefs, no complaining now! We are here to discuss the mechanics and how it will work. Any questions?


Uh, yes, as the Supreme Admiral of the Dniester sector, how will the project work out in our seas when its frozen half the year? Will the ships be icebreakers or just port at the Bulgenstaz Naval Area for the winter?


The ships will dock in Bulgenstaz in the winter, just like the rest of the fleet but we will have multiple icebreaking ships. Any more questions? How about you, from the Bulgenstaz sector?







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Bulgenstazi interests remain primarily in the development of oil resources, as well as the general promotion of Bulgenstazi industry. The doubling of these corvettes as icebreakers serves a particularly... economic interest to us. The prospect of both navies taking port seasonally... How can I... I mean, we, the Bulgenstazi, not agree? Yes, Bulgenstaz will contribute to the development of these naval vessels. It will be made. I believe the economic and defense viability of the development of our fleets are well worth the resources expended.

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Project 1153 is a plan to build a massive fleet of Dniesterian Tarantul-class corvettes with support from @Fulgistan. The ships will be produced in Fulgistani shipyards with Dniesterian engineers and parts. An estimated forty or so will be produced  in 1-2 years for the Joint Navy. A flagship aircraft carrier will also be produced or bought. Multiple icebreaking ships will be employed to keep the navy sailing in the sea in the winter. 

Edited by North Dniester (see edit history)
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