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Council of Deopolis

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Hey All!

This has been a thing I’ve been thinking about and sometimes briefly mentioning in the Discord server.  The Council of Deopolis, in my mind, would serve two things.  Firstly, IC, it would establish a Christian alliance sort of thing, or even just something as mild as a declaration of non-aggression.  

Secondly, OOC, I’d like this to be a time for thinking about the origins of Christianity.  I know, I’ve brought this up a lot and it’s probably getting annoying for those who see me on DIscord, but I think it’s necessary for not just individual’s history but the whole region’s.

Those who have shown interest (I believe, sorry if this isn’t correct): @Derthalen, @Ahrana, @Tagmatium Rules

Let me know what you guys think!


-The Divine Imperium of Sanctum Imperium Catholicum

Through the Trinity we Flourish 

Edited by Sancti Imperii Catholico (see edit history)
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On 10/27/2018 at 12:53 PM, Prymont said:

I'd be happy to participate if allowed. Prymont aren't an overly religious country, but it'd be nice to participate in the dialogue as a learning experience.

Anyone is allowed really, preferably those with a Christian state religion or majority Christian populace.


Also, @Tagmatium Rules, are you participating? 

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1 minute ago, Prymont said:

@Sancti Imperii Catholico Prymont doesn't particularly enforce religion, but the official state religion is whatever our IC version of Protestantism is, and there's certainly a large portion of citizens who are religious. I don't mind not attending, but it'd be fun to do so regardless.

You can participate

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18 hours ago, Sancti Imperii Catholico said:

Anyone is allowed really, preferably those with a Christian state religion or majority Christian populace.

Also, @Tagmatium Rules, are you participating? 

I suppose people could send observers?

This is already something of a ecumenical meeting.

I will, since my nation is likely the biggest single Christian nation.

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Sorry for the inactivity all, lots of schoolwork.  I’m back now


On 10/30/2018 at 3:04 AM, Tagmatium Rules said:

I suppose people could send observers?

This is already something of a ecumenical meeting.

I will, since my nation is likely the biggest single Christian nation.

Yes, we could have both observers such as important clergy members of whichever church to attend meetings and such.  Then, diplomats or whoever would also meet and they would do the actual negotiating bit, albeit not in the spotlight.



On 10/29/2018 at 2:43 PM, Ahrana said:

so @Sancti Imperii Catholico what has exactly been figured out on what will the RP consist of exactly?

I don’t think we’ve decided anything.  What I’ve thought is that we just have asome minor posts, mainly detailing who is coming.  I was also thinking I’d be the one posting about the meeetings and such, with you guys filling me in on what you want and ill put it in.  We can discuss.


@Aluxia@Neo-enclave thank you for your willingness to participate.  As well as everyone else, of course.


I will try and get more people on board with this so its not like two of us.  Thanks everybody!

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@Neo-enclave@Aluxia, @Tagmatium Rules, @Ahrana, @Prymont, a final date has been set.


RPing will begin on December 8th however IC it will take place from Christmas Eve to around the 28th.  The RP will consist of a series of discussion about topics pertinent to Christianity and come to a consensus as well as governmental delegates getting together in a different place to discuss actual foreign relations, although that will be one thing i assume.  OOC, we should discuss the origin of Christianity through the birth of Jesus (or equivalent), where the Holy Land is, and which churches branch off from whom/what.


I would love to hear suggestions on which topics we would discuss and how we could discuss them.


Thank you for your patience!

Edited by Sancti Imperii Catholico (see edit history)
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Alright I will be sure to be part of the RP when it begins. The former Queen will be the main representative as she is the leader of the Faith's, plus the secondary heads of the Faith's will be present as well. As the Federation has no official religion no Government personel will attend. However the Former Queen will be in a position as mediator for the Ahranaian Government, unofficially.

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