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NationStates: N-Day 3

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You know the terrifying thing about nuclear war. It can happen without any warning.

Nuclear apocalypse begins in:

Click/tap here for your local time: @@JGConfig::time_ago(1537995600)@@

That's why we give you a heads-up before a nuclear apocalypse. It's just more friendly.

N-Day3 will run for 24 hours, after which time no further nuclear launches will be accepted.

Here's a handy primer! @@JGConfig::parse_nscode("https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=874170", 2)@@

As usual, if you don't wish to participate in an unforgiving all-out nuclear exchange, you can simply ignore it. Nations can only be nuked out of existence once they join a Faction (and even then, only for the duration of N-Day).

All Factions from previous N-Days will be wiped shortly before the start of N-Day3, so you will need to recreate/rejoin them.

You are permitted to use multiple nations, but the more you use, the more annoying the anti-bot checks will become.

Good luck!

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That concludes our third annual N-Day! Please hand in your nuclear launch capabilities to the steward.

Final Leaderboard

Reigning N-Day champions Augustin Alliance were a hot target early on, literally. More like RAINING HOT NUCLEAR FIRE champions, you might say.

That left the path clear for N-Day2 runners-up UPPERCUT to deliver a knockout blow! And it really was a nuclear blowout, with the new champs winning by over 100,000 points.

Thank you for participating in N-Day3! And remember: nuclear exchanges are much more fun when they're simulated.

More stats to come! This post will be updated shortly.

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