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The Holy Empire of Abyssio

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The Holy Empire of Abyssio

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His Sacred Imperial Highness and Protector of Man, Emperor Theosidious I


The Holy Empire of Abyssio is an Empire that follows Fascist and Nationalist policies and allows no sign of democracy (For democracy is a weakness). Our great leader, Emperor Theosidious I, holds all power and rules his people benevolently with the best interests of the nation in mind. We look down upon the leftists, freemasons, and all who question absolute authority and the great state.


We are open for trade with any nation, especially in industrial machinery and electronics, and will ally only with nations with view similar to ours. However, let it be known: Europa is our home and any nation or region that seeks to destroy it will have to face Abyssioan steel!

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Evenin', Abyssio, and welcome to Europa as one of the growing number of new-ish states that has joined.


The Holy Empire of Tagmatium welcomes you, even if we are Democratic Socialists. And an Empire. Who's current ruler is called Theodosius.


But welcome, and enjoy your times in this great region, the usual crowd will be along soon.

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Hey there you. Welcome to our region and to our great forum. I noticed your comment on the messageboard. ("Nice forums.") We try to do our best. ;)


Europa is very nice place to stay. We are quite active but not too much so you won't be able to follow. We enjoy playing RP's and games, and chatting with each other of course.


You are free to stay as long as you like. We can only promise you that you will have a good time here. ;)





Your delegates

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King PHil IV welcomes you to Europa, our nation is also governed by Myselfs, the King, but we do have an elected parlement who i must listen to before making any decisions. The system works well, and the parlement can always rule to overturn any of my decisions if they so feel. (as if they would adare!)

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A country cannot be run by one man alone, Phil. Several men working together for the good of the country is the only way forward. We do condone the emergency appointment of a Dictator, but only in times of war and civil unrest. Autocracy only works in the short term. Or so we have found. We can only try to impose our politics on you.

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