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Request: Faramount

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Posting here per Orioni's recommendation. I'd spent a couple hours chatting with people on discord last night about where/what I might play. I'm pretty open -- I just don't want to be European, don't want to be developed, and don't want to be neighborless.

  • Nation in Europa: Faramount (though in-game name may be Faramont, if I go with Fleur as my colonizer)
  • Flag: Three stripes -- orange, green, and light blue. Very simple.
  • Capital name: TBD (based on who colonized the country)
  • Capital location: TBD (will need to decide this once I start figuring out the history more)
  • Factbook link: None of yet
  • Newsroom link: None of yet
  • Culture: Probably a mix of several African cultures with some kind of European overlay from period of colonization (currently thinking French, as Fleur de Lys has offered to be a colonial power that ruled me, but nothing is finalized).
  • Climate: Something on the warmer end (tropical? hot desert?).
  • Location: We had talked about my being placed here last night, but I recognize that "I want that land" is not how this works. I'm open for anything.
  • History: Nation would have been drawn into existence by European colonizers in the last couple centuries, hence it being relatively sizable (though I imagine a low population density due to underdevelopment). There'd be several different ethnic groups, and a number of different tribal groups, all lumped together unhappily. This would underpin the ultimate instability that I plan to be a central plot point of my RP. Nation would start game ruled by a dictator, who seized power in a bloodless coup not long after the colonial power withdrew (maybe 50-60 years ago).
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13 minutes ago, Faramount said:

Posting here per Orioni's recommendation. I'd spent a couple hours chatting with people on discord last night about where/what I might play. I'm pretty open -- I just don't want to be European, don't want to be developed, and don't want to be neighborless.

Nation in Europa: Faramount (though in-game name may be Faramont, if I go with Fleur as my colonizer)

Flag: Three stripes -- orange, green, and light blue. Very simple.

Capital name: TBD (based on who colonized the country)

Capital location: TBD (will need to decide this once I start figuring out the history more)

Factbook link: None of yet

Newsroom link: None of yet

Culture: Probably a mix of several African cultures with some kind of European overlay from period of colonization (currently thinking French, as Fleur de Lys has offered to be a colonial power that ruled me, but nothing is finalized).

Climate: Something on the warmer end (tropical? hot desert?).

Location: We had talked about my being placed here last night, but I recognize that "I want that land" is not how this works. I'm open for anything.

History: Nation would have been drawn into existence by European colonizers in the last couple centuries, hence it being relatively sizable (though I imagine a low population density due to underdevelopment). There'd be several different ethnic groups, and a number of different tribal groups, all lumped together unhappily. This would underpin the ultimate instability that I plan to be a central plot point of my RP. Nation would start game ruled by a dictator, who seized power in a bloodless coup not long after the colonial power withdrew (maybe 50-60 years ago).

I'd be nice with another nation in Alharu, just a thought here... Perhaps having a coastline would be smart, considering you used to be a colony, and Marudiviah wasn't a colony of Fleur de Lys?

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Here is my request, remade after further worldbuilding.

  • Nation in Europa: Democratic Republic of Faramount (République Démocratique de Faramont)
  • Flag: Three stripes -- orange, green, and light blue. Very simple.
  • Capital name: Port Jacqueline
  • Capital location: Coastline of nation, ideally at mouth of a river.
  • Factbook link: Link
  • Newsroom link: 1, 2, 3
  • Culture: French, which was imposed upon an indigenous African. 
  • Climate: Something on the warmer end (tropical? hot desert?).
  • Location: I'd like to be a relatively sizable state with only a limited coastline.
  • History: Originally colonized by Limonaia, then by Fleur de Lys, before achieving independence in 1945. Military coup in 1963 established present government.
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@Faramount I've come up with a few ideas. Being next to @Mauridiviah is a good idea, although I would suggest settling east of him. Alternatively, going even more east, you could claim the largest river delta in the world.


Furthermore, you could settle next to @Shffahkia as well, as it would fit colonial lore as well. However, those lands are either continental or mediterranean climate-wise.


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These are all great proposals. I love the river delta, I really like the idea of being by Shff, and the South-facing one is interesting. But I think, above all else, I'm in love with the place right next to Mads. I know it'll mean me switching to a Native American population base, but I don't mind. It just works so perfectly.

The single change I'd want to make is for a couple of the boundary lines to be straighter, representing how this is literally a nation just drawn into existence. Where there's geography to follow, it makes sense to follow it. But where not...just big lines, sometimes hundreds of kilometers in length. Here's my initial thought -- notice the straight line for Southern border, and how on the Northern border, where there's not geography to follow, its just a straight line again.


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I definitely took great interest in the delta, and I continue to agonize over which is the better place to go. Yet I think ultimately, I am averse to the delta because its so good. My nation is a former mining colony; it was indirectly ruled for all but 40 years. But such a prosperous river delta -- it would've drawn settlers, not imperialists. I'd surely have a transplant population -- and, given the natural basis for agriculture, gravel, and sand, probably an economically successful transplant population. My nation doesn't have that same level of economic prosperity.

But I'm certainly open to input here. What makes you guys prefer it?

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Y'all have got me convinced -- I'll do the river delta. I'd like to ask for a bit of a chance, though -- I'd like to have up to the Northwards fork in the river, so I can have another city there. Red would be my capital; brown major cities. How does this seem to you guys? I estimate (from google Earth) that I'd have a total area of ~160,000 square kilometers, putting me around the same size as Tunisia or the US State of Georgia.


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Goodnight @Faramount.

  • Factbook on IIWiki looks fine. https://iiwiki.us/wiki/Faramount
  • Newsroom. I see you created two agencies. That's alright.
  • Location. Now that's I've read up on all the above, including the location switches ;) , I agree with the last screenshot you posted in southeastern Alharu. That request would match up with your description.
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Good to hear! 

I'd like one small change -- for now, no other cities besides the capital. And I'd like the capital to encompass both the red dot and the little brown dot next to it. I think, in terms of map size, that'll work out better, anyway. If possible, have the center be like right on the coast between the two rivers that end right next to each other.

Edited by Faramount
Change of request. (see edit history)
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Okay. So now that things are ironed out in terms of name of direction, I've a new map, which has labels for cities. If you would be so kind when making the next map update, I'd really appreciate it if in addition to adding in my nation, you'd add in these cities.


A. Port Jacqueline. This is the capital (red dot, if unclear).
B. Faraville. This is a port city. (Please do not place on map).
C. Orville. This is a normal city.
D. New Lyrie. This is a port city.
E. Zaleville. This is a normal city.

Edited by Faramount (see edit history)
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