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What does your ideal story RP look like?

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Honestly I'd love an RP that has like a real global significance that we all pitch into. Series of natural disasters, a global war against a huge entity or between alliances, some spooky spy stuff, scientific progress, I mean whatever. Some sort of mass societal collapse or war would be super interesting with all the inactive nations we have lying around not doing anything.

But mainly I think the element of large cooperation would be fun.

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(OOC OOC: My ideal RP is one in which people actually reply to advance a project -> Manamana League / Manamana Mail)

What I like more than faceless bi- or multilateral diplomacy is the characters. The first ideas that come to mind is some multinational task force, searching for some criminals or terrorists or explorers exploring the Alharun jungles or something... The actions of small groups having effects on the national or international stage.

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