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[OOC] Construction Efforts

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As you may or may not know by now, the Sunset Sea Islands engages in two major construction projects. Within the SSI, we're building a new city, Tenma, and outside the SSI is one of the two major contributors to the Manamana Canal. I've been posting construction updates for a while now and I was wondering how much time needs to pass or how many words have to be written for the construction efforts to end successfully.

SSI News (Manamana)
Date Words
January 21st, 2018 281
January 27th, 2018 271
February 4th, 2018 187
April 2nd, 2018 514
April 12th, 2018 162
May 20th, 2018 163
June 26th, 2018 198
June 29th, 2018 165
Sum 1941
Manamana League
Date Words
June 26th, 2018 424
July 5th, 2018 186
Sum 610
SSI News (Tenma)
Date Words
January 27th, 2018 362
February 4th, 2018 143
April 2nd, 2018 360
April 12th, 2018 162
May 20th, 2018 163
June 26th, 2018 198
June 29th, 2018 363
Sum 1750

Whilst I assume that Tenma would be an easier (and thereby quicker) project to do than Manamana, I would like to point out that the Manamana efforts should be accelerating thanks to eight nations cooperating by now. Furthermore, with the Manamana League, I expect more roleplay to accumulate for Manamana.

I'm especially interested in feedback from @Orioni, @Iverica and @Variota, which does not mean that I'd mind more diverse feedback from other members.

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I don't think large roleplays like this should be done exclusively through news posts, which is why I raised the point previously to you on Discord. Imagine me taking over The Hellenic Rus, but only posting updates now and then on my newsroom. The idea would get shut down immediately and my claim would be denied. It's fun to dedicate an entire thread to the topic and write your heart out. Get everyone involved, post some good writing, and see where it leads. 

Right now, there's no central topic for Manamana updates. You can post on your newsroom, Synturia can post on his, but it's here and there, not centralised. Again, with Project Canamo, a dedicated thread allows everyone to chip in, and is easily found. If you're constructing a sizeable canal with several other members, it needs it's own thread. 

As for Tenma, as I see it, it's a smaller project than Manamana. You're the only one working on it and it's not a global effort like Manamana. If you have the time, can you refresh us on what your aims are with Tenma? I remember it being some sort of global free trade city, but beyond that I'm a bit lost. Chances are, I'd allow Tenma to be roleplayed through your news posts anyway as, RP-wise, it's not a monumental effort like Manamana.

Anyway, I'm not a mod so we'll see what they say. 

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I think a massive, world-class project like the Manamana Canal would take a lot of time, something that even with 'passive bonuses' like eight nations helping should take some time. I'd honestly love to see some RP about the time the Canal is still under construction, regular folks dealing with the issues of the project and such, although I totally understand that that kind of roleplay is generally far more open-ended than one would want (after all, it's not like five random people could come together and fix the water rationing in place or some such). Maybe something like a unified 'letters to home' thread? Regular people writing home about how life is while constructing it. Highlighting things that have went wrong during construction, etc.

I'm not going to put any set date on it, as I'm terrible with time so take my thing with a bit of salt, but I think something like the Manamana Canal shouldn't be finished before we're near to the end of the year. Like I said, it's a massive project.

Now, Tenma. That should be done much quicker but keep in mind the thing that many other constructed cities have felt (Naypyidaw, Ordos): Construction is done quickly, getting people in is much slower. I know you claim mitigating circumstances (great location to existing businesses, overpopulation, etc.) but so did Ordos, for example. Unless you really end up forcing people to move there, the start-up will still be slow and costly as, even if there's no-one in a building, it still needs to be maintained. Tenma is difficult to analyse/discuss because I can't seem to find numbers on how big the city is planned to be and how many people moved there. That being said, so long as there's enough money and materials put into it, the basics of Tenma should be done now. The 36th strip mall? Probably not. City hall, a hospital, etc? Sure.

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36 minutes ago, Prymont said:

Right now,īģŋ there's no central topic for Manamana updates. You can post on your newsroom, Synturia can post on his, but it's here and there, not centralised. Again, with Project Canamo, a dedicated thread allows everyone to chip in, and is easily found. If you're constructing a sizeable canal with several other members, it needs it's own thīģŋreadīģŋīģŋ.

I completely agree, that's what the Manamana League is for. I finally want stuff happening down there. Once the organisation has been founded, I'll make some "slice of life in Manamana" thread. "Manamana Maladies", "Channeling your desires", something along those lines.

36 minutes ago, Prymont said:

If you have the time, can you refresh us on what your aims are with Tenma?

Industrial city, more technocratic influences from @Synturia, fostering economies, science and education, support for space port (-> ISTC), population growth buffer, etc.

35 minutes ago, Variota said:

'letters to home'

Now that's one dope-ass idea.

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I think I was guilty of just using news posts when I had my canal built - announcing the start and then some time later announcing it done.

If I did it again, properly RPing it would be the way forward. It is just a bit classier, really.

Not that adding my opinion is particularly constructive here.

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@Sunset Sea Islands You've done the right thing in asking this question here. With uncertain issues like this, consulting the RP mentors is the right reflex. And if it is an RP you yourself are involved, an independent opinion can help you find what might be missing or added.

Now, about the Manamana project. It's on the equator. You're probably dealing with the rainy season. I'd expect something of 9-12 of RP before it is finished. Is this what you had in mind at the outset? The comments of @Variota are helpful as well. Especially the "letters to home" would be lovely. I already noticed your positive reaction to this.

On Tenma I can't really comment right now because I need to read more.

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@Orioni I have kicked off both the foundation of the Manamana League and the letter thing, now I am waiting for others to jump in as well. This is a group project. If I'll have to, I can RP all of this by myself, but since so many people were interested in being affliliated with the project, I expect them to put in some work as well. I mean, if they would not, why should they even want in and then want to influence the political future of Manamana, right?

Also, congratulations on your 7000th post.

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Hey just wanted to chip in on that timescale for the canal, just so people have an idea. The "New Suez Canal"


It took Egypt by itself one year to create a 72 mile long separate canal in 2014. This time would probably have been shortened as well since they spent some of their time widening and deepening the original canal. With a group of well coordinated and funded nations contributing to a project like that, 72 miles dug could be shortened quite a bit in timescale.

Hope it helps a little.

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