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The Free Land Of Bergistan

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The Free Land Of Bergistan




The name Bergistan comes from the name of the first king of Bergistan Dik Van Der Berg


Bergistan is a country that is filled with rivers and forests, but most of the forests were cut down in the past to make room for urban development leaving mostly flatlands filled with grass and small shrubs.

Brief History(To Be Edited)

Bergistan was founded in 1425AD when settlers from Variota came and settled the land. It was led by Bergistan’s first king Dik Van Der Berg. Under his rule Bergistan entered a golden age; Bergistan was a prosperous trading hub and importing exotic goods to their ports. This golden age ended around the year 1590AD. In 1757AD a revolution occurred because of the high amount of poor in cities starving. This revolution ended in 1544 when the revolutionists won. The government was replaced with the democratic government that Bergistan still has today


Bergistan is currently a Presidential Unitary Republic. Bergistans president is Michiel Ronhaar and the Consul of Representatives currently has 47 people. Bergistan also has 23 districts.

There are 3 branches of government: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial

          Executive Branch

          This branch includes the military, police, and departments for regulating goods and departments for state security.

          This branch is led by the President, which is the leader of the departments mentioned above. The President may make temporary laws or military actions without the legislative branch, but they may only last for five months. The President may also veto any laws made by the            legislative branch. This veto may be overridden by a popular vote from the citizens of Bergistan.

         The President is elected every 5 years. No foreign born person may run for President.

        Legislative Branch

         The legislative branch includes the Consul of Representatives.

         The Consul of Representatives is comprised of two representatives from all districts and additional representative from the most populated district if the amount of representative amount to an even number.

         A Representative may propose a law to the Consul of Representatives and then the Consul of Representatives will vote on the proposal and if there is a majority vote then the proposal will become law.

        These representatives are elected by their home districts every 2 years. No foreign born person may run for representative.

      Judicial Branch

       The Judicial Branch includes the Supreme Court, Regional Courts, and District Courts.

       The Courts are used to handle criminal and domestic cases in terms of the law. The Courts may also give punishments or court orders for these criminal and domestic cases depending on the alleged crime.

       Criminal or Domestic cases will start in their local District Court. This court is comprised of one judge and an unbiased randomly selected 18 person jury. In this court after the evidence and reasoning is presented by both the prosecutor and defense the jury will determine the          guilt or innocence of the said defendant. If the Defendant is found guilty the Judge will determine the punishment based on the crime

       If the Defense believes that a Districts court’s decision is wrong then they may apply to have the trial redone in the Regional Court. Its structure is the same of the District Court. All High Crimes (Murder, Spying, Crimes against Humanity) trials start in the Regional Courts. If the        Defense believes that the decision of the Regional Court is wrong, then they may apply to have their case reviewed in the Supreme Court.

       The Supreme Court is comprised of 7 Judges; these Judges are elected by the citizens of 7 areas of districts. These Judges will determine the guilt or innocence of the defense after hearing the evidence from both sides and administer a punishment depending on the crime if        the defense is found guilty.

Requirements For Voting

·        Is a Citizen Of Bergistan

·        At least 18 in age

·        Is not in prison

·        Has not been found guilty of a High Crime

Ways to Apply for Citizenship


     1.   Establish Residency by applying for a resident permit and live in Bergistan for a total time of 3 years

     2.   Prove that you have enough of an income to support yourself (Around $19,523 Per Year)

     3.   Take the Bergistan Citizen Test

         Jus sanguinis

    1.   Be born of a Bergistanian Parent

    2.   Prove that you have enough of an income to support yourself (Around $18,523 Per Year) If 21 years or older

    3.   Fill out the Jus Sangunis forums


1.   Be Married to a Bergistanian Citizen

2.   Present a valid marriage license

3.   Fill out the Marriage Citizenship Forum  


Bergistan’s armed forces are a modern force of 134,000 active duty soldiers and 366,000 in reserves. The pride of the armed forces is Dark Orange the highly skilled Special Forces unit of the armed forces.


The Bergistanian economy is highly industrialized and heavily led by consumer electronics, machinery, textile products, minerals, arms manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism.


84% Bergistanian

16% other Minorities


Bergistanians are an optimistic people who are very patriotic. Bergistanians prefer to use alternative ways of transportation (bikes, trains, bus) and can be usually seen enjoying or watching the national pastime soccer.

Edited by Bergistan (see edit history)
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