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National map of Synturia

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Plotted the locations of Synturian cities and ports. I based the locations off of a hex grid and the locations of the cities are indicated by the black dot directly to the left of its respective name. The lines indicate transportation networks (highways, railways, tunnels, etc.). The capital Synctum is located back to the middle of the map/grid (apologies on advance for requesting to move te capital back and forth :) ). The main port city, Nauctis, is placed on lower right near the coast. Also might I request to “carve out” a small inlet/bay on the coastline near Nauctis so it rests on the coast. The two inland port cities are  Isarina (located along the river in the west) and Lumina (also requesting to extend that southern river to Lumina’s location). The rest of the cities names are Mzunex, Exedus, Renata, Vectaril, Tertron, Durmach, Gristen, Octamar, and Zyzzyx. I would very much appreciate it if the map can be updated with these additions. 

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@SynturiaI like how you aligned Gristan, Synctum and Isarina on a horizontal line connected by rivers! I'm sure that was beneficial for trade since rivers flow downwards from mountains. Having Synctum be high up with direct river connections to major cities must be very practical! 👍

As always, I just want to put out that I fully support a large @Derthalen Empire OOC. It needs procedural expansion through roleplays, sure, but I really want to see the huge blob on the map one day! :D

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